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学校教育对学生个体的性别社会化以及人格的形成具有重要的影响,高中阶段的教育是学生社会化发展的关键阶段.我们以高中课程改革新编语文教材为调研对象,对教材中不同性别人物出现频次、课文中男女人物职业形象、不同性别的性格特征描述3个方面进行了统计、调查,并用性别平等的观念对调查结果进行了分析;对新、旧教材中人物的性别角色状况进行了比较,并对教材编写、教材审查、教材使用等提出思考和建议.  相似文献   

女性主义认为现代学校教育成功地“再制”了性别意识形态,无论是在学校管理、具体的教育教学活动中性别分化和歧视的现象都普遍存在。这在教材的内容上表现得尤为突出。以女性主义的视角观察变革中的语文教材,可以发现语文教材角色分配的不平等、教材中男性化语言现象、教材中产生性别偏见的原因,从而引发对教材编制的思考。女性主义者对教材的研究主张,从不同方面提示教材编制者对性别公平必须保持高度敏感。  相似文献   

教材作为一种基础读物,是小学生认识世界的重要途径,对其成长有很大的影响。在中国小学语文教材插图中,几十年来一直存在性别刻板印象。通过对新课改后的人教版、苏教版和北师大版的小学语文教材插图进行研究,分析插图中男性与女性出现的次数、从事的职业类型、男女的性格特征的差异等.发现小学语文教材插图中依然存在性别刻板印象的问题。指明现行教材中存在性别刻板印象的问题.以便为今后修订小学语文教材提出参考。  相似文献   

现行教材文本中存在着明显的性别刻板印象,对儿童和学生的社会化过程影响极大。本文运用批评话语分析的理论,对教材在性别方面的呈现方式进行分析,以促使性别视角进入课程和教材编写的主流。  相似文献   

教材是学校教育的核心要素之一,对于提高人的文化素养有着巨大作用,也是形成人的性别认同的重要载体,对学生的性别认同有着潜移默化的影响.以人教版高中语文教科书中的人物形象为研究对象,通过分析教材中的性别偏见与刻板化现象及影响,思考如何在教材编写和教学中帮助学生形成正确的性别观.  相似文献   

实现性别公平是我国中小学教材改革的目标之一。通过对造成教材性别不公平的原因——我国传统文化的影响、政治原因、教材原因进行分析,从政策层面上、教材编写和审定层面、教材的选用层面、课堂教学提出几点消除中小学教材中性别不公平现象的建议。  相似文献   

教材图像在英语教学中发挥着重要作用。基于视觉设计语法的理论视角,从再现功能、互动功能和构图功能角度对人教版高中英语两本教材中的303幅视觉图像进行分析,探究高中英语教材中图像的性别表征问题,以期提高教师和学生对教材中隐藏的意识形态和性别认同的认识,为教师引导学生正确识读图像资源、帮助教材编写者选用适当的图像提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

课程是一种复合文化,教材则是课程文化中重要的文化要素。本文从性别文化的视角,对高中语文教材进行文本分析,挖掘文本隐含的性别信息,以揭示语文教材所展现的社会文化传统和性别文化理念,并提出科学性别化的构建。  相似文献   

大学英语教材中的性别形象会潜移默化的影响处于人生转折期的大学生的性别意识,因此本文用内容分析的方法对《21世纪大学英语》教材中的性别角色进行研究,发现教材中存在性别性别差异和性别刻板印象。  相似文献   

受西方女权主义思想理论的影响,笔者发现国内外的各种教材中普遍存在着性别倾向问题,当下,新课程改革正在我国如火如荼地进行,为了了解新课改是否关注性别偏见问题,本文以中外教育专家合作编成的《仁爱版英语》教材为实例,通过统计教材中男女两性出现的频次,分析带有性别色彩的教材内容,发现新课改下编写的教材依旧存在着性别偏见问题,以此提出消除性别偏见的若干建议。  相似文献   

Available evidence suggests that changes in the funding of UK higher education in recent years have been accompanied by an increased student presence in the sex industry, ostensibly for financial reasons and to make ends meet. The current study comprises a sample of students (N = 200) drawn from several universities in the UK. Data were gathered on financial and employment circumstances, a range of measures of psychological well-being, attitudes to sex work, whether respondents were currently engaged in different types of sex work and whether they had participated in utilising a range of sexual services or forms of adult entertainment. Results indicated that around 6% (2.7%–9.3%) of the sample was currently working in the sex industry – in erotic dancing, stripping or escorting, with significant numbers of both male and female students also involved in purchasing and using sexual services. Little evidence was found to link these activities to prior experiences of psychological adversity. The implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The growth in numbers of Business Masters higher degrees in the United Kingdom is examined. Numbers are analysed by sex, by first destination in the home employment market and by whether the student is sponsored by his or her employer or not. Reasons for differences in trends in these several groups are considered, and their implications for the future development of the MBA market discussed.  相似文献   

Disagreements between school-aged children were examined as a function of friendship status. 66 same-sex dyads were selected, including equal numbers of "best friends" and nonfriends, who were then observed while playing a board game (a closed-field situation). Conflicts occurred more frequently among friends than among nonfriends and lasted longer. Friends did not talk more during their conflicts than nonfriends, but assertions were used selectively according to friendship and sex: With friends, girls used assertions accompanied by rationales more frequently than boys whereas boys used assertions without rationales more frequently than girls. These sex differences were not evident during conflicts between nonfriends. Results are discussed in relation to the social constraints intrinsic to closed-field competitive conditions as these apply to friendship relations in middle childhood.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲农田黄毛鼠种群动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1987~1990年和1992~1993年虎门镇农田调查的数据为依据.全面系统地研究和分析了黄毛鼠种群动态的基本特征,包括性比、年龄组成、繁殖强度等.同时,研究了种群季节迁移和季节变化.研究表明.黄毛鼠种群每年有两个繁殖高峰期和一个数量高峰期.  相似文献   


Male and female students in equal numbers from first and second grade were selected without bias from control and experimental classes. The experimental classes consisted of instructional groups arranged homogeneously by sex. The duration of the study was one year, Reading vocabulary and comprehension were examined by analysis of covariance with IQ as the covariate. Personal, social and total adjustment scores were examined in a 2x2x2 factorial, repeated measures design using analysis of variance procedures. Auditory discrimination scores also were examined using the analysis of variance. Teacher reports were made in an unstructured manner. General lack of significant differences and generally unfavorable reactions of teachers to homogeneous grouping by sex lead to the conclusion that boys and girls can profitably remain together for instruction at the first and second grade.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine sex differences in children's preferences for dyadic and group interaction in early childhood. In Study 1, a professional puppeteer interacted with 21 females and 20 males 4 and 5 years of age using 1 (dyad) and 3 (group) puppets in a within-subjects design. Enjoyment of the 2 conditions was assessed through frequency of smiling and eye contact. In addition, sociometric techniques were used to measure the size of children's play networks, and observations of naturally occurring dyadic and group interaction were conducted. Study 2 was a replication of the puppet play procedure used in Study 1 with 38 females and 37 males 3 and 4 years of age. In both studies, females were found to enjoy dyadic interaction more than males. In addition, some evidence suggests that males may enjoy group interaction more than females. Results are discussed in terms of theoretical explanations for sex differences in preferences for interaction with differing numbers of peers.  相似文献   

女性审美与李清照词的情感取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生于两宋之交的女性作家李清照,以其词作独特的艺术魅力在词家辈出的宋代词坛独树一帜,“不徒俯视巾帼,直欲压倒须眉”。李清照词一方面呈现出显著的时代特征,另一方面又镌刻着鲜明的个性色彩,尤其是“女性”这一典型的审美性别角色,直接决定了李清照词情感取向的独特性。  相似文献   

湖南共青团的自然构成是指团员的地域分布、年龄、性别、婚姻状况。社会构成是指团员的知识结构、教育程度、职业分布等因素。1920—1927年的湖南共青团,从自然构成上来讲,它经由了团员年龄逐渐减小、女性团员逐渐增多的一个转变过程,团员的地域分布存在着严重的不平衡性。就其社会构成而言,又是以学生和工人为主,农民和其他职业人员占的比例始终都很小。湖南早年共青团的自然构成和社会构成对其组织的建设和工作走向产生了诸多影响。  相似文献   

A 50-item questionnaire designed to assess information on attitudes about women and work was mailed to a sample of ACES members. Responses from 128 males and 64 females were analyzed. On the basis of an earlier survey of school counselors, it was expected that females would be better informed and express more positive attitudes than males. It was also expected that younger members would express more positive attitudes than older ones. It was found that, in general, ACES members are well informed and express positive attitudes. However, substantial numbers of members made incorrect or unfavorable responses to at least 25 percent of the items. Such responses appeared as likely to occur for either sex and irrespective of age, but men appeared to be misinformed about more fundamental matters than women.  相似文献   


The study investigates relationships among pupil reading behaviors and teacher responses with a sample of 106 primary grade readers. With student background traits such as sex and prior reading achievement controlled, seven different reading behaviors and pupil responses accounted for significant increases in the prediction of teacher behaviors. Pupil reading behaviors had the greatest effect on teacher corrections and word pronunciations. Conversely, pupil background factors had the greatest association with the length of reading assigned and the numbers of grapho- phonemic and prereading cues teachers provided. In view of the findings, the authors suggest that future study of classroom interaction examine the notion that teacher expectations may be at least partially due to then- responses to specific aspects of pupil behavior.  相似文献   

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