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最近一次对霍老的采访,还是两年多以前。一个夏日的午后,我捧着一大束灿烂的康乃馨,来到了霍老的家。霍老拉着我坐下,沏茶、切瓜,笑眯眯的,不住地说着:“年轻,真好呀!真好呀!”看着霍老硬朗的身体,充足的精气神儿,我的心也跟着灿烂起来……  相似文献   

近六年的朝夕相处,我忘情地付出了自己全部的爱,他们也回馈给我全部的爱,我们的师生情好像是一种亲情了!毕业在即,心中真的不舍!就让心中的幸福流淌为暖暖的文字……  相似文献   

哥斯达黎加是世界上少数几个废除军队的国家之一,它也是世界上极少数几个最幸福的国家之一。你认为这是一种巧合吗?衡量一个国家的国民是否幸福有几种方法,不管哪种,中美洲的哥斯达黎加这颗明珠确实令人震惊。根据盖洛普公司  相似文献   

我们聆听了全国优秀教师师德报告团五位老师的事迹报告.深受感动,深受启发。五位老师是育人的模范、师德的楷模;他们崇高的人生追求、高尚的师德情操、无私的奉献精神.感人至深.催人奋进,老师们的报告平凡之中见伟大,简朴之中见激情,使我们受到了一次心灵的震撼.受到了一次生动而深刻的师德教育。  相似文献   

法国巴黎凯旋门:位于巴黎市中心星星广场,1836年为纪念拿破仑在奥斯特尔茨战役中打败俄、奥联军而建。门高49.54米,宽44.82米,外刻法国18、19世纪著名战史浮雕。  相似文献   

正职场新人们都曾梦想找到一份理想工作,做喜欢的事,享受那份喜悦。这里为你盘点了八种最幸福的工作。Psychologists:Psychologists may or may not be able to solve other people’s problems,but it seems that they have managed to solve their own.心理学家:心理学家不一定能解决他人的问题,但是似乎他们已经解决了自己的问题  相似文献   

一直有一个梦想——梦想做小朋友眼里的天使,用情感去交流,用心灵去对话,如今梦想变为现实,我的心里犹如捧着魔幻水晶般的幸福。从事幼教工作已经整整六年了,从一个对幼教只了解皮毛的实习生到今天成为有一定  相似文献   

在夜晚进入绵阳,周围是黑暗寂静的。车窗玻璃突然被水雾弥漫。原以为下雨了,细看才知道是戴着口罩的工作人员站在远处,用喷枪向车身扫射着喷洒药水。每一辆车都要在此沐浴一番,然后无  相似文献   

<正>有人说他傻,一辈子都从自己身上往外掏。掏了力,掏了钱,掏了血,连百年后的遗体也掏了,却不求半点回报。郭明义——一个来自矿山的名字,如今已传遍大江南北,也让千千万万的人重新思考一个人生话题:  相似文献   

如果你在寻找幸福,就去丹麦生活吧。丹麦是世界上最幸福的国家,而非洲的布隆迪则是最不幸福的国家。艾德里安·怀特是来自英格兰中部地区的莱斯特大学的一名社会分析心里学家。  相似文献   

尽管正值全球经济危机之时,游乐园的生意却不见清淡,也许大家觉得花大钱去旅游已经有些划不来了,所以都选择近的游乐园去度过周末,很多人都能够支付得起,因为游乐园给出的价码还算公平。既然这样,就让我们来看看世界上最值得参观游玩的游乐园吧!  相似文献   

目标:学习描述城市各处的实用英语单词和表达。想一想:你上次去图书馆是什么时候,为什么去?你通常多久去一次剧院,你喜欢看什么戏剧?你上次去电影院是什么时候.看了什么?你多久游一次泳?  相似文献   

典故词语作为词汇的民族性符号体现者,蕴含着深厚的历史文化底蕴,在物质文化、制度文化、精神文化以及人名、地名中都可以发现典故词语的灵动,通过它们,可以加深理解语言与文化水乳交融的关系.  相似文献   

The starting point for a medium‐term policy on higher education is the future demand for study places. This problem constitutes one of the main issues of the Third Report on the Development of Higher Education in Switzerland.

We give below the main findings concerning this issue as presented in the report.  相似文献   

Learning environment studies acknowledge that learning takes place within the social realm and that social conditions contribute to the quality of both learning and experience. This can be said to be especially true for environmental learning programs. To access information about students?? perceptions of their learning environment, a robust instrument for describing and measuring student perceptions of environmental education in place-based educational settings was developed and validated. Focus groups with environmental educators were formed to explore (from teachers?? perspective) the factors viewed as most important to environmental learning and as most likely to influence the unique type of learning environments fostered in place-based or community-based environmental education programs. Analysis of qualitative work resulted in the inclusion of eight scales developed/adapted from previous learning environment surveys for use in the new Place-Based Learning and Constructivist Environment Survey for use in secondary settings. In this article, validity and reliability data for this instrument are presented and the implications of these data for future research within environmental education, place-based education and teacher education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

A bstract .  Discourse pertaining to the erotic is absent in our current educational culture. In this essay Shaireen Rasheed elucidates how Luce Irigaray, through her discussion of the erotic, has challenged the conception of language and otherness that underpins modern education. In undertaking a comparative analysis of Irigaray's work on the erotic and Emmanuel Levinas's account of Eros, Rasheed emphasizes that the implications of Irigaray's critique suggest not only a reevaluation of Levinas's "Phenomenology of Eros," but a revaluation of the role of the sexualized body in philosophy. Rasheed concludes by urging educators to think ethically about what discourses of difference mean in the classroom. A pedagogy contextualized within an ethics of the erotic attempts to develop pedagogies to link ideas, practices, and values in order to create discursive spaces where the unutterable could be articulated, where so-called marginalized images could be represented, and where efforts could be made to rethink forms of subjectivity and relations within the oppressive confines of the always heterosexualized classroom.  相似文献   

The relationship between the need for human resources in Nigeria and the availability of places in Nigerian higher education in the 1980's is critically examined. Data were collected, with the aid of a special instrument, on the intake of new entrants into humanities and science programmes. The analysis of the data showed that despite the quantitative expansion of universities in the 1980's, the supply of university places was not related to the real needs of Nigeria in terms of human resources. To redress this unharmonious relationship, in particular as education is trapped in a web of turmoil in the middle of an educational crossroad, the article makes a case for the vigorous pursuit of a rational comprehensive policy with built‐in but continuous planning and implementation strategies based on relations of “equity”.  相似文献   

经济的发展和消费结构的升级,旅游转型上升为国家层面的发展战略,也为区域旅游发展提供了机遇。文章在梳理相关文献的基础上,分析了合肥旅游转型的初始条件,探讨了旅游资源、市场状况、旅游产业以及制度因素对合肥旅游转型路径选择的影响,进而提出合肥休闲度假旅游地发展的路径,为合肥休闲度假旅游地以及相关的旅游地转型发展提供理论借鉴,对区域旅游转型有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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