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儿童真正需要计算机吗?他们是否能在使用计算机的过程中获益?很多家长对这些问题给出了肯定的答案。但有关的专家对此并不认同,他们认为需要放缓将电脑等高科技产品置于幼儿与学龄前儿童学习生活的进程,需要进行一次广泛的公开讨论,探讨先进技术在幼儿生活中的作用与地位。他们认为,儿童真正需要的技能是在和他人直接交流和接触中获得的。1.幼儿的发展无需助推启动。未发育成熟的大脑既不需要也不能从“助推启动”(jum p-start)设备中获益,成功地向幼儿销售产品的事实表明我们对儿童早期发展的忽视。早期儿童教育正在经历一个激变过程。这种…  相似文献   

戴丽 《教育导刊》2007,(4):45-45
将计算机网络引入到幼儿素质教育领域,已成为幼儿教育改革与发展的新趋势。据美国教育部统计数字显示,在美国所有学龄前儿童中有23%的幼  相似文献   

游戏是一种符合幼儿身心发展要求的活动,它可以促进幼儿对新知识产生兴趣,帮助幼儿增长知识,放松心情,开阔视野,培养审美意识和高尚的情操。所以,游戏对幼儿的发展起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

爱游戏是每个幼儿的天性,游戏一直以它独特的魅力吸引着无数的儿童,人们对游戏的认识越来越深,对游戏的利用也越来越充分。游戏对幼儿一生发展及良好个性的养成起着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

张倩 《生活教育》2012,(8):84-86
一、课题的提出现代儿童观认为:每个健康的幼儿都拥有巨大的科技发展潜能,幼儿阶段接受的现代科技信息的数量与质量,基本决定了幼儿未来科技学习和发展的程度。因此,我们要在国际竞争中立于不败之地,必须引导幼儿进入科技教育的领域,这是  相似文献   

随着对幼儿园游戏的重视,自主游戏越来越成为幼儿园的重要活动之一,也成为幼儿最喜欢的活动之一。因“停车杂乱”而决定建设一个停车场开始,每一个孩子都认真思考、积极探索,像一个真正的设计师一样设计着幼儿园的小停车场。在此过程中,幼儿享受着游戏过程中的起伏和成功所赋予的快乐,发展着思维、发现和解决问题,提升了多方面的综合能力,真正地在游戏中学习,在游戏中发展,在游戏中成长。  相似文献   

箱庭游戏是儿童游戏疗法的一种,也是幼儿园心理健康教育的有效途径之一。箱庭游戏的神奇在于它能真实地反映人的内心世界,唤醒人的自我治愈能力。它用一种视觉投射的表现方式,从某种程度上可以将难以言语化的、无形的东西有形化。从而让我们可以凭借箱庭作品来走进幼儿的内心世界,解读幼儿的情绪情感,为他们提供所需要的环境,促进其心理健康发展。  相似文献   

试论游戏在幼儿成长的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游戏是儿童的本能,是幼儿生活的基本活动.这是由幼儿身心发展规律、特点决定的.《幼儿园工作规程》中明确提出了"幼儿园应以游戏为基本活动,应根据幼儿的年龄特点选择和指导游戏,应因地制宜地为幼儿创设游戏环境……游戏是对幼儿进行全面教育的重要重要组成部分",因此,对游戏的利用也越来越充分.根据幼儿科学教育的要求,游戏应该成为学龄前儿童的主导活动.那么游戏究竟具有哪些特点,在幼儿成长中起到哪些作用呢?  相似文献   

喜好游戏是幼儿的天性使然。幼儿的游戏对幼儿的身体、认知、社会性和情绪情感等的发展均具有特别重要的意义。幼儿的游戏需要能否得到满足,游戏能否真正成为幼儿的基本活动,取决于成人社会的支持与保障,但目前学前教育中有一种忽视游戏的倾向。承认游戏是幼儿身心发展的需要并保证这种需要能得到满足,要求我们树立科学的幼儿观和教育观,要求我们要恰当地运用教师的指导和成人干预的手段,要求我们要保障幼儿能有愉快而有益的自由活动,并使非游戏活动游戏化。  相似文献   

正幼儿早期游戏看似是玩耍,实则也是有规则存在的。正如维果茨基所说,规则就是游戏的本质特征。在儿童游戏中,都存在着一定的规则,只不过其表现的程度不同,有内隐性和外在虚拟性。没有游戏的情境性和秩序感,幼儿游戏就不能获得纪律性的保证,也就无法顺利开展。那么如何看待幼儿的规则游戏呢?这些规则游戏对幼儿发  相似文献   

Active living: Physical activities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Active Living is an approach that encourages people to be physically active every day. By targeting infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, early childhood educators will contribute to their lifestyles as Active Living Children. This article is designed as a framework for early childhood educators to support an active lifestyle among very young children. Various activities are described to promote active play for very young children and all of its associated benefits.  相似文献   

A multiple case‐study design was used to explore the spontaneous play of three toddlers with disabilities as it emerged in the course of everyday activity in the home. Children were observed at home playing independently and with their mothers. Data consist of videotaped naturalistic observations in the children’s homes and mothers’ perspectives of their child’s play obtained in semi‐structured interviews. There was a great deal of similarity in the playful behaviour of toddlers and their mothers. Toddlers were active players throughout all daily routines and their play reflected their developmental level. Mothers actively supported their children’s initiative and engagement in play and they spoke of play as a highly valued behaviour. Some qualitative differences were noted in child and mother–child play, which seemed to relate to the nature of the child’s disability and developmental level. Further study of the play of young children with disabilities in naturalistic settings and ways that mothers and other caregivers value and support child play is recommended.  相似文献   

The role of play in young children's learning has always been considered to be of primary importance. Thus, early childhood programs have been characterized by curricula that provide plenty of opportunity for young children to play and interact with materials, ideas, and people. As we approach the new millennium, the impact of the new information technologies on play and as play, for young children need to be conceptualized and discussed. This article begins that discussion. The view that there are opportunities for young children to play in technological environments as well as with traditional materials and contexts is presented.  相似文献   

The role of block play in the development of reading and writing is presented and discussed. A literacy-enriched block-play center is described, and accompanying tables identify books and additional literacy materials suggested for integration into a block-play area. Additionally, children's use of literacy props in a block-play area is presented through observations made in two preschool classrooms. Samples of children's writing produced during spontaneous block-play sessions are included to support examples given in the text.  相似文献   

Many children lack adequate exposure to environments that promote emergent literacy. This limits brain stimulation and can have a life-long negative impact on one's knowledge and skills. Salient points relate to the healthy development of literacy, including practical information and applications. Emphasis is placed on strategies for motivating infants, toddlers, and preschoolers as they slowly and steadily build the competences that serve as the groundwork for reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and listening.  相似文献   

Funds of knowledge displayed by young children during sociodramatic play in a two-way bilingual preschool classroom are identified. Twelve preschoolers participated in a microethnographic study of children's language and culture in a small rural community of South Texas. The study sought to identify cultural elements or traits of Mexican American children exhibited during sociodramatic play. The cultural traits identified as funds of knowledge include language, values and beliefs, ways of discipline, and the value of education, among others. It is suggested for teachers to use sociodramatic play as a tool to observe children and learn about their funds of knowledge in order to implement a culturally reflective curriculum.  相似文献   

近年来,游戏治疗作为一种利用游戏的手段来矫正儿童心理行为异常的治疗方法,开始越来越多地运用于特殊教育领域。其中,自闭症儿童的游戏治疗也越来越受到研究者的关注。文章系统地进行了自闭症儿童游戏疗法的发展概述,得出其发展呈现以下特点与趋势:逐渐聚焦核心障碍;注重多种方法的综合灵活运用;逐步出现生态化倾向;以短程化的游戏治疗为主。以期为自闭症儿童游戏治疗的进一步研究及其在实践方面的合理应用提供参考。  相似文献   

针对英语听力考试对试题播放质量的要求,在对英语听力考试几种播放方式进行分析的基础上,就苏州市关于英语听力考试的装备与技术保障展开讨论。  相似文献   

Research on children’s television suggests that preschool programs can facilitate literacy and language development. In 1998 Whitehurst and Lonigan described two interdependent sets of skills involved in literacy acquisition: ‘outside‐in’ or oral language skills and ‘inside‐out’ or code‐related skills. Outside‐in skills support children’s interpretation or understanding of print by placing written language into context through oral language. Inside‐out skills focus on those skills involved in the translation of print into sounds and sounds into print. This study describes the production techniques of Between the Lions that contributed to preschooler’s observed behaviors from the outside‐in and the inside‐out.  相似文献   

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