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科学概念教学作为科学教育的重点和难点,尚存学情认识不足,分析过程僵化;教学情境固化,迁移应用匮乏;强化概念识记,应试倾向凸显等实践困境。产生困境的根源是学生学习起点认识的偏差、传统概念转变理论的局限和缺少科学的评价体系引导教学。为实现科学概念教学的育人价值,应当从审视概念转向聚焦前概念,面向人文主义重新定义教学,构建评价体系科学引导教学等路径予以突破。  相似文献   

概念转变模型:理论基础、主要内容、发展与修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概念转变是科学概念学习的关键。Posner等人提出了概念转变模型,推动了概念转变的研究与教学。本论述了概念转变模型的理论基础,主要内容.以及发展与修正。  相似文献   

概念转变学习:一种基于建构主义的科学教学模式   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
建构主义认为,科学概念的学习就是学生由前概念向科学概念的转变过程。西方学者对此做了大量的研究。本文着重分析了概念转变学习的内涵、支持条件、途径和模式,以及促进前概念转变为科学概念的教学策略。  相似文献   

在建构主义学习理论影响下,Posner等提出了科学教育中的概念转变理论.该理论认为学生的原有概念常常是难以改变的,进行科学学习的目的就是使原有概念得到发展或转变,“学习就是概念转变”.依据概念转变理论,我们在牛顿力学的教学中注重运用概念转变教学策略,比如以认知冲突和解决冲突为基础的教学策略和以发展学生与科学观点相一致的认识为基础的教学策略,  相似文献   

所谓概念转变,是指学生原有概念改变、发展和重建,由前概念向科学概念的转变过程。有关概念转变学习理论大都来自建构主义思想。近年来,以促进学生概念转变为目标的科学教学探索,成为科学教育研究和实践中最重要的领域之一。然而,从当前情况看,概念转变  相似文献   

当代认知建构主义认为,学习是学习者通过原有认知结构与从环境中接受的感觉信息间的相互作用主动建构信息意义的过程.在科学教学中,学生认知结构中的错误概念不但会妨碍对新知识的理解和认识,而且会导致产生新的错误概念.根据建构主义的观点,学生的错误概念不可能通过传统的知识传授的方法由科学概念代替学生的错误概念,而必须依靠学生自己通过概念转变学习,实现由错误概念向科学概念的转变.因此,加强对学生的前概念尤其是错误概念向科学概念的转变的研究就成为科学教学一项新的、重要的任务,同时也是当前科学教学改革的一个新的视域.  相似文献   

李宇泓 《教师》2012,(35):84-84
概念转变学习理论认为,学习就是学生原有观念的改变、发展和重建,是学生由前科学概念向科学概念的转变过程。基于概念转变学习理论,科学教学的有效策略是要高度重视学生已有的知识经验;善于引发认知冲突;要关注学生构建的概念网络结构;注重情境创设,激发学习动机。  相似文献   

当代认知建构主义认为,学习是学习者通过原有认知结构与从环境中接受的感觉信息间的相互作用主动建构信息意义的过程。在科学教学中,学生认知结构中的错误概念不但会妨碍对新知识的理解和认识,而且会导致产生新的错误概念。根据建构主义的观点,学生的错误概念不可能通过传统的知识传授的方法由科学概念代替学生的错误概念,而必须依靠学生自己通过概念转变学习,实现由错误概念向科学概念的转变。因此,加强对学生的前概念尤其是错误概念向科学概念的转变的研究就成为科学教学一项新的、重要的任务,同时也是当前科学教学改革的一个新的视域。  相似文献   

胡卫平  刘建伟 《教育学报》2004,199(12):34-38
概念转变是科学概念学习的关键。Posner等人提出了概念转变模型 ,推动了概念转变的研究与教学。本文论述了概念转变模型的理论基础 ,主要内容 ,以及发展与修正  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to assess college students’ efficacy beliefs for conceptual change and to examine the psychometric properties of the instrument. Participants were 692 students. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis supported the hypothesized single factor structure of Efficacy Beliefs for Conceptual Change Learning Questionnaire providing evidence for the construct validity. Evidence for concurrent validity also is provided. On the basis of the evidence provided in this study, the questionnaire appears to produce valid and reliable scores for college students. With the use of the questionnaire, conceptual change researchers might be able to better assess the relationship between students’ efficacy beliefs and the change in their conceptual understandings of various science concepts.  相似文献   

模型是对目标系统的简化的表征.模型建构是一种基于模型的建构性学习活动.根据认知心理学的观点,概念转变是学生朴素模型向科学模型转变与建构的过程.模型建构过程包括四个阶段的循环:激活原有朴素模型中的错误概念;对模型中的元素产生不满(产生认知冲突);建构新模型;使用新模型.基于模型建构的教学模式能促进概念转变,这一模式包括聚焦学生朴素模型中的错误概念;引发学生的认知冲突;通过类比推理,建构新模型;使用新模型,进行科学推理.  相似文献   

新课改以后,探究式教学受到了广大科学教育者的重视,但实施效果却不尽人意。针对教师在实施探究式教学中存在的问题,研究者纷纷对探究式教学策略展开研究。为促进学生在科学探究的同时理解科学知识、形成科学概念,教师在实施探究式教学中应了解学生的理论基础并给予正确的理论指导、引发认知冲突、关注学生的情意领域、灵活实施科学探究活动、重视同伴间的交流和讨论。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new way to integrate history of science in science education to promote conceptual change by introducing the notion of historical microworld, which is a computer-based interactive learning environment respecting historic conceptions. In this definition, “interactive” means that the user can act upon the virtual environment by changing some parameters to see what ensues. “Environment respecting historic conceptions” means that the “world” has been programmed to respect the conceptions of past scientists or philosophers. Three historical microworlds in the field of mechanics are presented in this article: an Aristotelian microworld respecting Aristotle’s conceptions about movement, a Buridanian microworld respecting the theory of impetus and, finally, a Newtonian microworld respecting Galileo’s conceptions and Newton’s laws of movement.  相似文献   

基于建构主义的数学概念转变学习   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
概念转变学习是学生原有概念的改变、发展和重建,是学生的前概念向科学概念的转变.日常概念、概念意象、迁移等因素是数学概念转变学习中产生错误概念的主要原因.根据概念转变的途径、机制和条件理论,概念转变学习的教学策略:(1)了解学生已有知识经验,促进日常概念向科学的数学概念转变;(2)引发认知冲突,辨清新旧界限以实现数学概念转变学习;(3)重视概念生成的凝聚,构建概念网络.  相似文献   

当前幼儿园教学实践中存在的"知识虚化"现象凸显着幼儿园概念转变教学的必要性。关注幼儿在日常生活中形成的用以认识和解释世界的前概念,并采用适宜的策略促进其向科学概念转变,能在一定程度上克服幼儿园教学脱离知识的传授和学习,片面强调态度、情感和价值观的培养,片面强调教学方式的改革的弊端。  相似文献   

"促进概念性理解"的科学课教学是以帮助学生获得对科学概念的真正理解、发展学生的思维和科学理解力为目标的课程设计理念与实施模式,它有助于激发学生积极的思维,真正实现学生对科学概念的建构。  相似文献   

Components of Conceptual Ecologies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The theory of conceptual change is criticized because it focuses only on supposed underlying logical structures and rational process processes, and lacks attention to affective aspects as well as motivational constructs in students’ learning science. This is a vast underestimation of the complexity and diversity of one’s change of conceptions. The notion of conceptual ecology provides a context for understanding individuals’ conceptual change learning, as it is the environment through which all information is interpreted. This research investigated how high school students’ statements, made in answering questions, reflect selected components of their conceptual ecologies. Data for this study was collected from six interviews in which seven students took part. The data also include the science teacher’s profiles of each student, the students’ personal journals, their assignments, and their examinations and answers in class. The analysis presented will here include only those components that were represented in the discourse of the seven high school students who were interviewed. When students were asked questions, there was evidence of the engagement of the various components of conceptual ecologies. These components include: epistemological commitments, metaphysical beliefs, the affective domain and emotional aspects, the nature of knowledge, the nature of learning, the nature of conceptions, and past experience. Evidence from this study suggests that these components might function as constraints to learning. This study contributes to the field by expanding our knowledge of the components of high school students’ conceptual ecologies through its definition of the categories and themes associated with those components. In examining across the range of components, the study illustrates the variety and sources of science conceptions within high school students’ conceptual ecologies.  相似文献   

Recent research in chemistry education has shown an increasing interest in the facilitation of conceptual change in student understanding of chemical concepts. Most of the studies have tried to show the difference in student performance on algorithmic and conceptual problems. The objective of this study is to go beyond and design a teaching strategy based on two teaching experiments that could facilitate students' conceptual understanding of electrochemistry. The study is based on two sections (control, n = 29; experimental, n = 28) of 10th grade high school students at a public school in Venezuela. Experimental group participated in two teaching experiments designed to generate situations/experiences in which students are forced to grapple with alternative responses leading to cognitive conflicts/contradictions. Results obtained show that learning electrochemistry involves both algorithmic and conceptual problems. On Posttest 1, 93% of the experimental group students responded correctly, in contrast to 39% of the control group. On Posttest 2, 39% of the experimental group responded correctly, in contrast to 0% of the Control group. The difference in performance on both posttests is statistically significant (p < 0.001). It is concluded that the teaching experiments facilitated students' understanding (progressive transitions) of electrochemistry.  相似文献   

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