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《史记》虽记载了许许多多的悲剧英雄人物,但作为一部史学著作,这是一种历史的必然,是一种必然之下的偶合.从司马迁的著述目的、司马迁的思想及其历史观等方面考察分析可知,"《史记》的悲剧性"这一提法是不科学和不严肃的.  相似文献   

Australian Training and Asian Living. Mary C. Hodgkin. (Nedlands, Western Australia: University of Western Australia Press, 1966. Pp. 221. $3.50.)

The Changing School Curriculum. John I. Goodlad and others. (New York: The Fund for the Advancement of Education, 1966. Pp. 122.)

The Cost of Education Index 1965–1966. Prepared by the editors of School Management. (New York: Pitman Publishing Corporation, 1966. Pp. 72. $1.50.)

Man‐Machine Systems in Education. John W. Loughary. (New York: Harper &; Row, 1966. Pp. 242. $4.50.)

Mass Media and Communication. Charles S. Steinberg, editor. (New York: Hastings House, 1966. 530 Pp. $11.50; also in paperback, $5.95.)

The Ordeal of Desegregations The First Decade. Reed Sarratt. (New York: Harper and Row, 1966. 374 Pp. $7.50.)

The Public School and the Private Vision, A Search for America in Education and Literature. Maxine Greene. (New York: Random House, 1965. Pp. 185. $1.95.)

The School and The Economic System. Charles S. Benson. (Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc., 1966. Pp. 117. $1.95, paper.)

Student's Rorschach Manual. Robert M. Allen. (New York: International Universities Press, Inc., 1966. Pp. 280. $7.00.)

Teaching in a World of Change. Robert H. Anderson. (New York: Harcourt, Brace, &; World, Inc., 1966. Pp. 180. $1.95)

The Teaching of Language in Our Schools. Miriam B. Goldstein. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966. Pp. 192. $1.95, paper.)  相似文献   

In this short piece Stephanie Klein, a final‐year teacher trainee at a college in the USA, talks about dyslexia as seen through the context of her family experience. She provides a highly personal and uplifting account, which accentuates that there is a range of straightforward strategies which students can invoke to address their learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Within-trial contrast occurs when a discriminative stimulus that is preceded by a relatively aversive event is preferred over another that is preceded by a less aversive event. Recent failures to replicate (Arantes & Grace, 2008; Vasconcelos, Urcuioli, á Lionello-DeNolf, 2007) may allow us to identify factors that may be responsible. In the case of Vasconcelos et al., it is likely that insufficient training was provided (often 35–65 sessions are required). In the case of Arantes and Grace (Experiment 2), these pigeons had been involved in prior experiments involving lean schedules of reinforcement, and we find that prior experience with lean (relatively aversive) schedules appears to reduce the presumed aversiveness of the many-peck requirement, thus obviating the contrast effect. Finally, in the case of Vasconcelos and Urcuioli (2008), although the contrast effect with a simultaneous discrimination was not reliable, it was not reliably smaller than with a successive discrimination that did show a reliable effect, and the contrast effect was also similar in magnitude to a reliable effect reported by Kacelnik and Marsh (2002). Thus, although there have been several failures to replicate the original effects reported by Clement, Feltus, Kaiser, and Zentall (2000), insufficient training, prior history with lean schedules of reinforcement, and low statistical power may have been responsible for those failures.  相似文献   

以转化型抢劫为例看转化犯未遂的认定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转化型犯罪由于其犯罪构成的特殊性,对于何种刑法规定属于转化犯理论界尚有不同认识,由此产生了对转化犯的未遂状态如何认定的争议,本文拟通过对转化犯中比较常见的转化型抢劫行为未遂状态的分析,结合对转化犯范围的考查及实务中的案例,进一步厘清转化犯未遂的认定问题.  相似文献   

上课时,我还入迷地看《科幻世界》,被物理老师发现了。同学们的目光全部集中在我的身上,我低着头站起来。物理老师问:"你在干什么?"我说:"我……我在看《科幻世界》。"只见物理老师的目光一闪:"那你说我们现在在哪里?""地球上。"我说。  相似文献   

In this article, taking three selected works by the Danish artist Julie Nord as my point of departure, I will analyse and discuss the role of art in educational theory and practice. In this analysis and discussion I present two concepts, ‘resistance’ and ‘undecidability’, which are rooted in the theories of Dutch professor of education and director of research Gert Biesta and the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, respectively. The two concepts are used to analyse the three works of art and then come to grips with the empirical part of the study. The empirical part explores how a Danish fifth‐grade class (ages 11–12) interacts with works of art characterised by these very things, resistance and undecidability. The point the article makes is that it is not always what is easy and unambiguous that offers the best conditions for learning and gives school pupils a desire to learn. Rather it is often what is full of resistance and is difficult to decipher and understand.  相似文献   

In the context of renewed interest in teachers' identities as writers and the writers as artist‐educators, this paper reports upon the findings of “Teachers as Writers” (2015–2017). A collaborative partnership between two universities and a creative writing foundation, the study sought to determine the impact of writers' engagement with teachers on changing teachers' classroom practices in the teaching of writing and, as a consequence, in improving outcomes for students. The project afforded opportunities for writers and teachers to work together as learners in order to improve student outcomes. The study involved two complementary datasets: a qualitative dataset of observations, interviews, audio‐capture (of workshops, tutorials and co‐mentoring reflections) and audio‐diaries from 16 teachers; and a randomised controlled trial (RCT) involving 32 primary and secondary classes. The findings reveal that the teachers' identities and assurance as writers shifted significantly. The Arvon experience also led to pedagogic shifts which the students reported impacted positively upon their motivation, confidence and sense of ownership and skills as writers. However, these salient dispositional shifts did not impact upon the young people's attainment. The professional writers gained new understandings which substantially altered their conceptions of writers' potential contribution in schools.  相似文献   

Theory of mind may be contagious, but you don't catch it from your twin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The theory-of-mind abilities of twins, children with nontwin siblings, and only children were compared to investigate further the link between number and type of siblings and theory-of-mind abilities. Three- to 5-year-old children with nontwin siblings outperformed both only children and twins with no other siblings, twins who also had other siblings outperformed twins who did not, and children with at least 1 opposite-sex sibling outperformed children with only same-sex siblings. Twins performed significantly better when asked about the false beliefs of their twins than they did when asked about the false beliefs of their friends. Results are discussed in terms of potential mechanisms that may account for the twin and sibling effects.  相似文献   

大学教学:应然、实然与当然   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学是大学的首要职能,大学教学具有学术性,教学与科研是大学人才培养的共同载体,这本应是大学教学的应然形态。但大学教学地位与教学职能符合度、教师教学水平与学术水平符合度、教师教学与科研结合度存在问题却是当下大学教学的实然状况。使大学教学由实然回到应然,提高教学质量的当然策略是:认识大学教学学术性,形成大学教师多元学术评价机制,建立大学教师教学专业发展制度,构建大学生学术教育教学体系,增强大学教师教学责任意识。  相似文献   

[1]在英国生活20年后,我和妻子决定搬回美国.我们想住在一个小城镇里,小到可以步行去商业区,最后我们定居在新罕布什尔州汉诺威市,一个典型的新英格兰城镇,舒适、安静、布局紧凑.市中心有一块大草坪,四周环绕着达特姆斯大学的古老建筑,一条古色古香的大街和绿树成荫的住宅区.  相似文献   

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