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为人师表是对教师的基本道德要求。在新的历史时期,为人师表的理念表现为继承与创新的统一;为人师表的职责是教书与育人的统一;为人师表的方法是言传与身教的统一。教师要重视为人师表,自觉率先垂范。  相似文献   

为人师表的传统理念主要表现为:敢为人师的抗俗勇气;诲人不倦的奉献精神;平易博爱的仁者胸怀;教学相长的谦虚品格;宽厚精湛的学识技能。现代教师为人师表应该确立学生师表与社会师表相统一的师表观念;弘扬师范精神与时代精神相统一的师表精神;坚持先进性与大众性相统一的师表内涵;运用言转与身教相统一的师表艺术。  相似文献   

教师形象是指教师在教育教学过程中,能引起学生的感情等心理活动的姿态和内在的精神世界。是外在形象与内在形象的完美统一。仪表端庄、风度高雅是塑造教师良好形象的基础;品行卓越,为人师表是重要保证;学识渊博,思想深遂是核心;甘为人梯,乐于奉献是塑教师良好形象的灵魂。  相似文献   

小议以身作则、为人师表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨薇 《教育探索》2003,(5):93-94
以身作则、为人师表是教师必须遵循的道德规范。本从三个方面阐述了这一主题,即以身作则、为人师表是教师职业道德的优良传统;以身作则、为人师表是由教师职业的特殊性决定的;以身作别、为人师表是教师重要的教育手段。  相似文献   

谈教师素质与师爱的作用王秋芬教师是教育者.肩负着教授文化科学知识和培育人才的重任;教师处于为人师表的地位,其言行直接影响着学生。一位好的教师应是德、才、学、识兼备,又红又专;应是热爱教育事业、热爱学生的典范;应是行为正派,作风民主,以身作则,为人师表...  相似文献   

对“教书育人”、“为人师表”、“爱岗敬业”三个核心师德规范作了个人的理解,提出教师应该以全面的人参与教育活动,既包括知识素质,也包括情意素质和人格素质;对为人师表也要作全面的理解,为人师表的德性应该是内在的、灵活的和适度的;不推崇那种充满悲壮色彩的爱岗敬业,认为爱岗敬业的师德修养不只是为了束缚教师,更是为了发展教师,不只是为了别人,更是为了教师自己。  相似文献   

教师职业道德是教师从事教育工作必须遵循的行为规范。热爱祖国,献身教育;遵循规律,教书育人;精通业务,博学广识;热爱学生,诲人不倦;以身做则,为人师表;关心集体,团结协作是教师职业道德的基本要求  相似文献   

也谈成人院校教师的为人师表王敏慧孔子指出:“其身正,不令则行;其身不正,虽令不从。”苏联老一辈领导、教育家加里宁更是重视教师的表率作用,他指出:“如果教师很有威信,那么这个教师的影响就会在某些学生身上留下痕迹。”为人师表是教师职业道德的基本要求,也是...  相似文献   

为人师表“五必须”东南大学周正言“万古师表”是中国历代对孔夫子的尊号;“为人师表”,则是中国人历来对教师的尊称,也是对教师职业道德的规范。教师要在各个方面做学生的榜样和表率。在建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势下,我们不能不清醒地看到,道德失范的问题正...  相似文献   

从献身教育与义利统一、育人为本与开拓创新、爱国守法与为人师表、团结协作与公平竞争等几个方面,探讨了市场经济条件下的教师职业道德特点。  相似文献   

在经济全球化背景下,部分高校教师受市场经济负面效应影响,不同程度地存在着如重科研、轻教学,重功利、轻敬业,重教书、轻育人,自由主义严重、师表意识淡薄等现象,为此,加强师德建设势在必行。在具体实施过程中,需牢牢把握:尊师重教是加强师德建设的基本前提,开展丰富多彩的师德主题教育活动是加强师德建设的主要手段,强化师德激励监督机制是加强师德建设的重要保证。  相似文献   

贯彻"育人为本,德育为先"的教育方针,培养德才兼备的优秀人才是大学生德行教育的根本目的,是广大教育工作者义不容辞的责任,是高校教师既教书又育人的本质体现。通过参加社会实践,从做中学、学中做,体验生活,领悟人生。根据德行教育的内容和学生的特点,合理运用恰当的方法开展德行教育:知行统一的方法;学思并重的方法;省察克己的方法;慎独自律的方法;积善成德的方法。通过学习,每一个人都树立"学为人师,行为世范"的人生理念,做一个身心灵和谐的人,为创建和谐家园、和谐团体、和谐社会、和谐世界做贡献。  相似文献   

师德是教师在教书育人过程中必须遵守的道德规范和行为准则。在当今社会大环境下,由于社会上各种不良思潮和市场经济的负面影响,少数高校教师放松了自身的思想道德修养,出现种种师德失范的现象,引发了一系列新矛盾和新问题。这对高校师生关系造成了不良影响,使和谐的师生关系受到严峻挑战。在分析师德失范对高校师生关系造成不良影响的基础上,提出通过加强高校师德建设,使高尚的师德成为构建和谐师生关系的内力。  相似文献   

Conclusion This study points to the fact that it would be practical to compare and assess the instructional strategies of exemplary and novice elementary science teachers using a set of criteria derived from published teacher effectiveness studies. According to this study there are differences ranging from significant to null between the instructional behaviors of exemplary and novice teachers, and it indicates that it may not be appropriate to rely entirely upon the findings of individual teacher effectiveness studies to prepare effective preservice teachers. Science teacher educators need to focus more directly on the differences in instructional strategies between the exemplary and novice teachers and inquire further into determining the causes for the differences. Hurd (1982) reported that about half of the elementary teachers studied believe that their preservice education failed to prepare them to teach science in real classrooms. If what separates exemplary teachers from novices can be clearly identified, then the science teacher educator’s task of preparing effective preservice teachers will be an easier one. Then it would be also possible to develop effective preservice science teacher education programs more congruent with exemplary science teaching practices and augment the existing science teacher education knowledge base through further research.  相似文献   

This study reports on teaching practices in science classrooms of Indonesian lower secondary schools in rural areas. Using six schools from three districts in the province of Kalimantan Selatan as the sample, this study found that most teaching practices in science classrooms in rural schools were teacher-centred with students copying notes. However, the study also found unique teaching practices of an exemplary science teacher whose teaching style can be described as both student-centred and teacher-centred, with students encouraged to be active learners. Four features of exemplary teaching practices were identified: The teacher managed the classroom effectively; used a variety of questioning techniques; employed various teaching approaches instead of traditional methods; and created a favourable learning environment. Data from classroom observations, interviews with teachers, and students responses to a questionnaire were used to compare the exemplary teacher and his colleagues. This study identified internal factors that may affect teaching practices such as a teachers content knowledge and beliefs about teaching. Compared to the other teachers, the exemplary teacher possessed more content knowledge and had a relatively stronger belief in his ability to teach.  相似文献   

尊师重道、师道尊严是中国的文化教育传统。尊严的师道主要表现为"学高"和"身正",要求教师"德才兼备,以德为首"。无"道"即无"德",没有"师道"就没有"师德"。中国古代师道传统为我们提供的凝道成德的理想坐标和参照系统。师德的形成是一种将社会对教师职业道德规定由外在于个体的文化特质转化为内在于主体的获得性品质的过程,即"凝道成德"的过程。有德之师将会出于理智上的自觉和意志上的自愿遵循为师的当然之则。  相似文献   

从教者有三重境界,即教者、教育者和教育家。教者,主要是教书,有能教和善教两层次。教育者,是体现教育性的教者,需要更多优秀的个人品质。教育家,是具备教育精神和教育智慧的教育者,是从教者的最高境界。  相似文献   

陆象山作为一个学派开创者所从事的教育活动及其所彰显的理论特色,值得我们研究和借鉴。他在教育实践中,坚持以“辨志”为先导,以“立心”为根本,以“做人”为归宿,三位一体,相辅相成,比较典型地反映了其心学的个性,以及他为人为师的风格。  相似文献   

Pedagogy is an important aspect of teacher education, and the teacher educator's pedagogy can help the preservice teacher understand the complexities inherent in teaching. This study examined one elementary literacy course in a master's level teacher education program. Data collection involved classroom observation and interviews with the professor and two students. In this course, the professor models good teaching and designs valuable projects and experiences for her students. Her thoughtful and continual consideration of pedagogy serves to make this an exemplary teacher education course and highlights the powerful role that pedagogy can play in teacher education.  相似文献   

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