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International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling - With over 80 million persons around the world forcibly displaced from their homes, 26.3 of whom are refugees, recent estimates...  相似文献   

Science & Education - Our purpose in this article is to discuss the roles for HPSS in Science Education considering the crisis of COVID-19, as well as to think what Science Education could look...  相似文献   

2020年春季学期全国高校实行在线教学。这次全程、全员的在线教学具有突发性、社会性、主动性和阶段持续性,促使教学理念转向以学生为中心,以能力培养为评价目标,通过"互联网+"拓展教和学的空间。在线教学促使高校教师积极建设在线课程,师生之间有了极大的自主空间,能够形成更科学、客观、个性化的教学评价,从而有助于针对不同学生情况因材施教。在线教学将成为未来常规教学不可缺少的补充手段,成为高校教育创新和改革的重要内容。  相似文献   

将中西诗学中的想象观进行比较后发现,中国诗学对想象的追求多是着眼于形式、技巧方面的内容,而西方诗学对想象的探讨更多的是专注于对人性的解放这一角度来进行的.中西诗学想象观的差异,也折射出中西文化背景的不同.  相似文献   

将中西诗学中的想象观进行比较后发现,中国诗学对想象的追求多是着眼于形式、技巧方面的内容,而西方诗学对想象的探讨更多的是专注于对人性的解放这一角度来进行的。中西诗学想象观的差异,也折射出中西文化背景的不同。  相似文献   

Science & Education - The paper reports a study aimed at investigating tertiary education students’ engagement and interactions in the traditional face-to-face learning environment and...  相似文献   

This paper problematises the current conception and purview of environmental education (EE), seeing it as part and parcel of the modernist western worldview that normalises and valorises human domination and exploitation of nature in the name of progress. Using the COVID-19 pandemic as a lens through which to examine and expose the modernist western blueprint of EE, this paper suggests another way of reconsidering EE: the Zen way of ‘becoming one with ten thousand things’. Paradoxically, the Zen way, to be true to itself, must transcend itself, and this paper invites the reader to see EE in the same light. To go further than just arguing for a Zen-inspired EE, this paper includes a section that offers three practices for the reader to try.  相似文献   

试论如何加强高校财务管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的发展,高校资金筹措方式向多元化方向发展,而目前的财务管理制度已难以适应新形势的要求。财务人员要通过转变思想观念、加强预算收支管理等措施,对财务管理制度进行改革,进一步提高高校财务管理水平。  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - Worldwide, millions of children have missed out on early childhood education and care (ECEC) due to the closure of their settings during the COVID-19 pandemic....  相似文献   

There is no denying the impact that the coronravirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has had on many aspects of our lives. This article looks at the potential impact of COVID-19 on student learning as schools abruptly morphed into virtual learning environments using data from several instructional, practice, and assessment solutions offered by Renaissance. First, three hypothetical learning scenarios are considered using normative data from Star assessments to explore the potential impact on reading and math test performace. Next, data on Focus Skills are used to highlight which grades may have missed the most foundational math and reading content if instruction was stopped or reduced. Last, data from two of Renaissance's practice tools are used to evaluate whether students were practicing key skills following school closures. The article concludes that academic decline will likely occur but may be tempered by the increased use of practice tools; effects may look different for math and reading; and may impact grades and schools differently. As such, schools may need to leverage decision-making frameworks, such as the Multi-tiered Systems of Support/Response-to-Intervention (MTSS/RTI) framework, more than ever to identify needs and target instruction where it matters most when school begins in fall 2020.  相似文献   

积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,是中国共产党科学宗教观的具体体现,是我党三代领导集体在管理宗教事务中一以贯之的思想,它既符合宗教发展的客观规律,又是对马克思主义宗教观的进一步丰富和发展。引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,对于在新阶段全面贯彻党的宗教信仰自由政策,依法管理好宗教事务具有重要意义。  相似文献   


The devastating COVID-19 pandemic has cast a light on the question of why trust in scientists is important. This mixed-method study aimed to explore the study participants’ trust in scientists about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. It also aimed to reveal which key sources of information participants followed about the pandemic. Participants’ health-related behaviors and justifications for their behaviors as a response to the pandemic were also explored to understand how trust in scientists and sources of information played a role in the fight against COVID-19. The responses of 1233 participants across Turkey were analyzed. The findings indicated that trust in scientists and compliance with the scientists’ suggested behaviors among the participants were quite high. It was also revealed that, for both trust and non-trust groups, participants questioned the reliability of information and the sources. Participants justified their behaviors mainly by referring to policies, e.g., masks, distance, and hygiene, developed and implemented with the collaboration of government, scientists, and the World Health Organization. Moreover, trust issues regarding scientists, government authorities, or other citizens were mentioned in participants’ justifications. The current study also shed light on the importance of building trust through an open and healthy dialogue among scientists, government authorities, and the public to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. The study highlighted the need for scientifically informed citizens to deal with the problems, i.e., misinformation and disinformation, in the post-truth era such as not jeopardizing effective solutions to eliminate the pandemic, e.g., taking the vaccine.


对浙江省20余所高中3 453份高三考生的问卷调查发现,2020年初开始的新冠肺炎疫情对高校招生宣传工作产生不利影响,表现在目前采用的线上招生宣传的平台、内容和方式与考生的实际需求有差距,特别是招生宣传的媒介、精度、频度难以适应新要求。据此,建议围绕强化高校招生宣传服务,从招生宣传平台立体化、内容精准化、服务常态化等方面入手,全面提升招生宣传的系统性、针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

重大疫情爆发容易引发大学生焦虑、愤怒与应激等心理。做好重大疫情下大学生的心理防护应该开展心理教育,优化大学生认知结构;开展心理训练,稳定大学生情绪心态;开展心理疏导,完善大学生内心追求;开展心理危机干预,提高大学生心理应激水平。通过四位一体的心理防护模式,帮助大学生形成良好的行为应对方式,打赢疫情防控阻击战。  相似文献   

2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的爆发,使我国教育系统面临的突出矛盾表现为社会期盼教育系统不影响学生发展能尽量组织教学与师生不能到校之间的矛盾。发挥教育技术学科优势、主动介入解决矛盾是教育技术学科和教育技术人应有的责任和担当。教育技术特有的学科积淀和丰富的网络教学实践成果为解决当前教育的突出矛盾提供了可行性和可能性。疫情状态下一线教师开展网络教学应该注意转变教学观念、做好教学设计、设计好教学交互、实施分段分层教学、重视学生自主学习能力培养等五个方面的问题。从系统科学的视角,教育技术对促进教学变革也有其发挥作用的限度,理性认识教育技术的定位并解决好其擅长解决的问题是应该持有的立场。未来教育技术学科应当加快与教育学其他二级学科"深度融合",聚焦育人本位,共同推动智能时代的教育变革。  相似文献   

新冠疫情后高等教育国际化发展趋势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新冠疫情在全球范围内爆发影响了各国之间的教育文化交流,也对高等教育国际化的发展趋势带来了影响。新冠疫情在以下几个方面对高等教育国际化造成了影响:加剧了“逆全球化”的趋势,影响了跨国留学和教育的意愿;教育方式转为线上会缩小高等教育国际化的规模;各个国家对于国际学生的签证和居留等政策会影响到国际学生对于留学目标国家的选择,进而导致高等教育国际化格局的洗牌。而新冠疫情结束后,疫情对高等教育国际化的影响也不会完全消失,主要表现在“逆全球化”趋势的加剧影响跨国留学的愿望与动机,高等教育国际化的发展趋势会与各国重振经济的关系更加紧密,线上教学会成为高等教育国际化的一个模块继续保留。  相似文献   

化解公办高校债务风险问题迫在眉睫,为此论证了公办高校破产清算的可能性,在识别高校债务偿还主体的基础上,厘清了高校偿债资金的来源,总结了缓解公办高校债务危机的短期方法,并提出治理高校债务危机的长效机制。  相似文献   

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