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The study assessed the effects of achievement standards, and choice of such standards, on mathematics performance in conditions where no tangible rewards were presented for reaching such standards. Elementary, junior high, and high school students performed a multiplication task in conditions where they chose standards, had standards imposed by an experimenter, or had no standards. Results demonstrated that high school students worked more multiplication problems when they chose standards than when identical standards were imposed by an experimenter or when no standards were present. Moreover, male students who chose standards worked more problems than did male students who had no standards; this effect was not found for female students.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of perfectionism with measures of achievement and achievement motivation and mental health aspects of depression and self‐esteem in high school students. Participants were 123 tenth‐ through twelfth‐grade students. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that students' personal standards were significant predictors of academic achievement. Students' personal standards also significantly predicted achievement motivation. Analyses of the relationship between perfectionism and depression and self‐esteem found that as students' personal standards increased, their levels of depression decreased and self‐esteem increased. Furthermore, when students experienced a discrepancy between their personal standards and actual performance, their depression levels increased and self‐esteem decreased. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

论心理健康与心理素质:概念、标准、评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理健康是一个人心理的认知、情感、意志等各种机能能够适应生存的需要,并在适应中不断发展的协调状态。心理卫生就是利用人类已经发现的身体和心理规律,运用预防、锻炼、治疗等手段,维护健康、保护生命为人类的正常工作、学习、生活提供基本条件的工作过程。心理素质就是人的认知、情感、意志等心理机能在社会实践中所表现出来的个性行为品质。心理教育是利用教育的各种途径和方法,提高和塑造学生的各类认知、情感、意志品质的活动过程。心理健康标准应当是卫生学角度的标准,心理素质标准应当是教育学角度的标准,心理学可以分别制定心理健康标准和心理素质标准。在心理健康标准和心理素质标准测验的编制和具体测量中,要以心理健康标准和心理素质标准为依据,分别编制心理健康测验和心理素质测验。在心理健康卫生和心理素质教育工作中,要分别建立工作体系。  相似文献   

教师专业标准应该是一种具有综合性、整体性、动态性、层次性、具体性、文化性的标准,也是一种底线的、有遗憾的标准。教师专业标准由内部标准与外部标准、体制标准与机制标准、微观标准与宏观标准、纵向标准和横向标准几个方面构成。教师专业标准不能过高、过于抽象、过于泛化、过于笼统,也不能模糊不清。  相似文献   

美、英、德、日专业学位研究生教育质量评估维度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美、英、德、日等国对专业学位研究生教育质量的评估采取了多种不同的维度,包括学术声誉-求职就业成功率-招生标准、行业用人标准、毕业生学习产出、通用标准和专业标准、教育构成要素、教育服务质量等,为我国的专业学位研究生教育质量评估提供了参考。  相似文献   

魏晋南北朝时期考课标准发生重大变化,而年劳标准的确立是其重要表现。年劳标准虽与政绩、品行标准有一定的矛盾性,但因能够适应官僚政治的运转,三者逐渐融合,对唐代考课标准的形成产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

There are few empirical investigations of the consequences of using widely recommended data collection procedures in conjunction with a specific standardsetting method such as the Angoff (1971) procedure. Such recommendations include the use of several types of judges, the provision of normative information on examinees' test performance, and the opportunity to discuss and reconsider initial recommendations in an iterative standard-setting procedure. This study of 236 expert judges investigated the effects of using these recommended procedures on (a) average recommended test standards, (b) the variability of recommended test standards, and (c) the reliability of recommended standards for seven subtests of the National Teacher Examinations Communication Skills and General Knowledge Tests. Small, but sometimes statistically significant, changes in mean recommended test standards were observed when judges were allowed to reconsider their initial recommendations following review of normative information and discussion. Means for public school judges changed more than did those for college or university judges. In addition, there was a significant reduction in the within-group variability of standards recommended for several subtests. Methods for estimating the reliability of recommended test standards proposed by Kane and Wilson (1984) were applied, and their hypothesis of positive covariation between empirical item difficulties and mean recommended standards was confirmed. The data collection procedures examined in this study resulted in substantial increases in the reliability of recommended test standards.  相似文献   

Evidencing student achievement of standards is a growing imperative worldwide. Key stakeholders (including current and prospective students, government, regulators and employers) want confidence that threshold learning standards in an accounting degree have been assured. Australia’s new higher education regulatory environment requires that student achievements are benchmarked against intended programme learning outcomes, guided by published disciplinary standards and a national qualifications framework, and against other higher education providers. Here, we report on a process involving academics from 10 universities, aided by professional practitioners, to establish and equip assessors to reliably assure threshold learning standards in accounting that are nationally comparable. Importantly, we are learning more about how standards are interpreted. Based on the premise that meaning is constructed from tacit experiences, social interactions and intentional reflection on explicit information, we report outcomes of three multi-part calibration interventions, situated around judgements of the quality of the written communication skills exhibited in student work and their related assessment tasks. Qualitative data from 30 participants in the calibration process suggest that they perceive that the process both assists them both in developing a shared understanding of the accounting threshold learning standards and in the redesign of assessment tasks to more validly assess the threshold learning standards.  相似文献   

中英美三国的课程标准之比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中英美三国的课程标准有相似之处,但也有显著的不同之处,如美、英两国的课程标准主要是关于认知和技能结果的规定,而我国的课程标准是关于知识与技能、过程与方法、情感,态度和价值观目标的规定,这些不同之处体现了具体国情的不同。  相似文献   

以中国、澳大利亚维多利亚州、芬兰官方数学课程标准为研究对象,通过对三国数学课程标准的内容数量、结构框架、详略程度、要求程度、内容分布、内容变化方面进行比较发现:中国数学课程标准内容条目最多、最详细,其次是澳大利亚维州数量居中,芬兰最少、概括性强;三个国家数学课程标准中数与运算、几何内容都较其他内容所占比重更大、强调更多;中国数学课程标准在不同学段上所侧重的内容不同,呈动态变化趋势,而澳大利亚维州各学段各部分内容比重相当,随学段增长,不同内容所占比重无明显变化,芬兰不同学段内容设置不固定,内容所占比重也不固定,不受统一模式限制。  相似文献   

Conclusion Validity theory, together with currently available and emerging standards for performance assessments, provides guidance for the developers of high-stakes performance assessments. It is imperative, however, that important aspects of validity and standards for quality and fairness of performance assessments be built into such assessments from their very inception. Specifying the target performance in terms legitimate to all of the assessment participants and creating an explicit methodology for integrating diverse points of view provide the foundation for defensible assessments. It is only through painstaking analyses and field work, however, that many validity-related aspects of the assessments can be satisfactorily resolved. Perhaps, with the passage of time, a cycle can be established in which these experiences from the field can inform further development of standards of performance assessment, which can then be used to raise the standard of assessment development practice. Only then can the full promise of modern validity theory be fulfilled.  相似文献   

会计准则国际协调的必要性和可能性以及中国会计的国家特色都可以从会计环境对会计准则的影响中找到根据。我国的会计准则应是在坚持中国特色的前提下尽可能与国际会计惯例相协调。  相似文献   

Credits, Qualifications and the Fluttering Standard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary function of credit is to help assess the equivalence of learning and to facilitate student transfer within and between institutions. Recently, attention has focused on the role credit may have in defining the academic standards of qualifications. Some recently proposed qualifications frameworks are one-dimensional in that they have levels as the only measurable parameter. Such 'frameworks' are not true frameworks because there is no basis for differentiating the qualifications at each level. Other frameworks are two-dimensional, using credits and levels as the two parameters. Where the award of credit for a module reflects the satisfactory completion of all the designated learning outcomes at a specified level, there is a clear basis for relating credit to academic standards. In this situation, plotting the credit requirements for qualifications onto a framework that comprises levels and credits makes an important contribution towards understanding the relative standards of the qualifications.  相似文献   

Teacher standards are used in many countries, but it has been argued that there is a disconnection between the standards and teachers’ everyday practices. Mega-narratives about teachers’ practices have been recognised as powerful for educational change and when implementing and legitimising standards. In this comparative study, the standards for newly qualified teachers in Australia, Scotland and Sweden are analysed in order to determine the extent to which they contain human elements, here framed as contextual professionalism, and/or paradigmatic knowledge (Olson and Craig in Teach Coll Rec 111(2):547–572, 2009a). This comparison facilitates an exploration of how teachers’ work is envisaged in the respective countries and what is expected or required from newly qualified teachers. The results indicate that the Australian and Scottish standards emphasise paradigmatic knowledge in teaching, whereas the now abandoned Swedish standards emphasise contextual professionalism in teaching.  相似文献   

课程标准的整体框架结构既是课程标准内容的展现形式,又制约着课程标准内容的展现程度,同时还是课程理论选择、运用、发展、完善的重要标志之一。目前,世界各国各地区对此还没有达成统一的认识。从共性元素、独创性元素、所属的结构类型及其整体性与阶段性四个方面比较两岸四地语文课程标准的框架结构,分析异同,从中发现对汉语文课程标准的基本结构规律四地是有共识的,但两岸四地语文课程标准在框架结构的完整性、关联性方面仍需加强。  相似文献   

我国职业培训、评估、考试与发证体系有其基本特性,如针对特定岗位需求、关注最终获得的工作能力、考核方式重岗位表现等。适任培训是适任体系的基础,需选择合适的培训教员,设定弹性培训标准,建立严格的质量监控体系。职业适任考试与评估应遵循标准参照原则,选择多样化评测方法,考试要坚持内容、标准、试题的有效性和考试的可靠性。同时,在适任体系的授权、加强课程务实性、关注体系运作经济性、完善试题质量等方面应出台相应措施。  相似文献   

The release in early 2001 of a study of Australian social science academics perceptions of the impact of commercialisation on academic freedom (Kayrooz, Kinnear & Preston, 2001) led to sustained public debate over the issue of academic standards and the internationalisation of higher education in Australia. This debate gave expression to growing disaffection amongst Australian academics with the pressures for increased com mercialisation and entrepreneurialism in their work. In this paper I use the tools provided through the work of Michel Foucault to critically examine the terms of the debate as it was conducted in the public arena. The purpose of this analysis is to explore the ways in which international students were represented in the discourses of academic standards, and the conflation of the alleged decline in academic standards with the internationalisation of higher education, and in particular, with the presence of international students on Australian campuses.  相似文献   

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36是国际标准组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)共建的联合技术委员会(JTC1)下的第36分技术委员会(以下简称SC36),专门负责学习、教育和培训领域信息技术(Information Tech-nology for Learning,Education,Training,简称ITLET)标准的研制、发布和推广工作,该委员会以国家为参与单位,目前包括23个正式参与成员国和21个观察成员国。第24届学习、教育和培训中的信息技术国际标准化组织全会、工作组会议及开放论坛于2011年9月9-17日在中国上海成功举办。本文介绍了本次全会和工作组会议情况;阐述了国际标准发展现状;并重点对本次开放论坛中的论文和报告进行了综述,分析了论文和报告中的特点和问题;希望能对相关领域的后续研究提供思路和指导,推进中国教育信息化及技术标准的发展。  相似文献   

通过对中、英、美三国教师专业标准的比较与分析可发现,规范与引领教师专业发展是我国教师专业标准的目标定位,师德为先是我国教师专业标准的特色追求,提升教师专业能力是我国教师专业标准的核心价值诉求。相对而言,我国教师专业标准具备一定程度的先进性和后发优势,以此为契机,进一步深化教师教育改革,将有助于实现我国教师教育的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

建筑施工是一门理论性和实践性均很强的课程,具有内容多、综合性、独立性和理论跨度大的特点,目前大多数高等院校的土木工程本科专业的建筑施工课程在教学内容上与工程实际存在较大的差距,应从提高教师教学水平、采用多媒体教学手段、重视施工规范、增加实践教学环节等几方面进行教学改革。  相似文献   

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