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Impaired communication due to a disabling illness can lead to reduced participation in community life. Online health communities can provide a substitute community for the purpose of social support and information sharing. This study examines communication between participants in an online community for patients and carers affected by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a degenerative neurological disease affecting communication and mobility. The study finds community members engaged in a dynamic interchange of information and social support. The results contribute to understanding of communication and social support needs of people with high levels of disability.  相似文献   

This article investigates how informal positions of power emerge within a community of practice and how positions of power influence communication and understanding about key issues. Findings from a study of one community of practice reveal Janusian leadership within the group and the effects of emergent, informal power roles on group goals, adding to theoretical knowledge about small groups, academic peer groups, and communities of practice.  相似文献   

教育科研信息化:网络教师共同体案例研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
伴随着教育资源网络化、教育研究信息化和研究方式协同化等理念和应用的不断深入,网络教师共同体作为一种新的基于互联网的交互、协作的教育科研形式开始发挥强有力的作用.本文从教育科研信息化角度入手,选取了三个多方合作、功能较为完备的国内外教师共同体案例,对其设计方案、协作学习模式、技术支持手段、经验与挑战等方面进行了剖析.网络教师共同体逐渐成为教师专业发展、教师教育科研的基本形式,成为教育科研信息化的典型应用和充分体现.  相似文献   

Current reform in science education calls for teachers to understand student thinking within a lesson to effectively address students’ needs (NRC in A framework for K-12 science education: practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2012; NRC in Guide to implementing the Next Generation Science Standards. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2015). This study investigates how to scaffold preservice teachers with learning to attend to students’ thinking for the purpose of guiding curricular decisions. The study focuses on one team teaching a science unit during their early field experience. We sought to understand how participants’ thoughts and abilities changed through participation in a moderated community of practice using video of their own teaching as a reflective tool. We examined how these changes affected both their classroom practice and their decision-making for future lessons. Evidence shows growth in participants’ ability to identify opportunities to elicit, assess, and use students’ thinking to guide instructional decisions. Implications for use of the approach used in this study to begin developing novice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for teaching science are discussed.  相似文献   

网络环境下的非正式学习是当前终身学习社会的战略主题,网络实践共同体是其重要载体和组织形式,它是非正式学习的典型形式。它具有高效的信息分享、知识创造、平台稳定、资源重用等学习特征。非正式学习通常经历萌芽期、发展期、成熟期和管理期四个循环发展阶段。  相似文献   

一个理想辅导技能的框架,与学生学习的成果相关。这些学生需要掌握各类知识和技能,这些知识技能包括认知领域以及其他四个领域。辅导工作(行为)帮助学生掌握各种技能(如判断内涵的技能、批判性思考的技能等等),而许多教师本身可能就缺乏这些技能。这种学习和学习技能涵盖了所有这五个学习领域:环境、认知、元认知、情感和管理领域。辅导教师在学生作业中通过批改评阅的方式留下的辅导反馈,可以而且应该尽可能合理地涵盖所有五个领域。文章回顾了开放式学习中在线辅导的环境、认知、元认知、情感与管理五种领域的功能,来探索通过建立辅导教师在线共同体的积极作用。  相似文献   

As online enrollments escalate, so does concern about student attrition rates. There is an abundance of literature addressing student success in online courses, particularly using constructivist learning theories to create engaging learning experiences. Also emerging from the literature is the Seven principles of good instructional practice by Checkering and Gamson as an accepted rubric for evaluating effective online instruction. This study focused on whether the use of instructional strategies as measured by the seven principles had an effect on student attrition rates in online courses. Full and part-time faculty at three community colleges in Virginia who taught online course(s) in the last three semesters completed an online survey to determine the extent to which they used instructional strategies reflecting the constructivist-based seven principles in their online courses. Scores from the survey were then compared to the attrition rates in their courses. Results indicated both groups strongly used instructional strategies reflecting the seven principles of good practice in their online courses with full-time faculty scores ranging a bit higher. When the results for the principles were examined individually rather than as a set, both groups scored lower on principles reflecting innovative instructional strategies. No relation between the extent to which faculty reported using those instructional strategies and student success as measured by attrition rates were found. However, a moderate relation was found with the third principle, “encourage active learning.” This indicated that faculty who made strides toward actively engaging students found some success in reducing student attrition.  相似文献   

在线实践共同体的学习已成为非正式学习的一种崭新方式,对它的研究也已成为网络教育应用的热点之一。但是,人们为何热衷参与这种学习方式,其主要动机和缘由是什么却鲜有研究涉及。基于“Sybace在线”网络共同体的实证研究显示:在线实践共同体的基本成员角色包含发起者、协调者、核心成员、技术支持人员和一般成员;成人是否选择参与在线实践共同体主要由内在动机决定,成员参与动机是理智、有选择、有目标的,各个动机因素之间并不独立无关,而是相互影响,共同作用的,激发和维持成员参与动机非常重要。  相似文献   

对基于网络支持的教育实习共同体(简称"在线教育实习共同体")的概念框架的讨论,内含对"在线教育实习共同体"的本质目标、构成要素、基本特征与培育规划等四个方面的分析."在线教育实习共同体"本质上是指向教育实习过程中显隐性知识的转化;包含了成员、领域、实践及网络等四个构成要素;具有情境性、结构性、分布性与整合性等四个基本特征.所建议的"在线教育实习共同体"培育规划包括分析培育需求、制定培育计划、提供适宜的支持以及培育效果评价等四个关键环节.  相似文献   

教师同伴互助活动的可视化有助于设计者对在线实践社区功能的反思和更精致设计的决策,对于参与在线实践社区同伴互助活动的教师而言,有利于识别教师同伴互助的行为模式、增加社区感、增强社会存在感、吸引教师的专注力和个人行为的反思与行动。对于研究的本身,为进一步的教师同伴互助行为的预测和挖掘奠定了基础。本文的目标是探究教师同伴互助活动可视化的思路、技术和方法。  相似文献   

网上授课在全球各教育机构尤其是开放和远程学习机构呈迅猛发展的态势。网上学习为远程学习者提供了大量的师生互动、生生互动的机会。他们分享感受,共同协作。通过学习者之间的交互学习,网上学习较独立学习能产生更好的学习效果。斯里兰卡开放大学教育系利用Moodle学习系统开设了“作为教育技术人员的教师教育者”网上课程。课程设计使用协作学习模式,为远程学习者提供了大量积极参与学习过程的机会。学习者借助学习资源和教师的引导完成学习和评估任务,通过讨论会的方式进行协作学习并共同分享感受。本文采用个案研究的方法,对设计者、教师以及学生在网上学习环境中共同加强社区构建所实施的具体策略和技术进行了调查,并进一步探索了社区建设对远程学习者即网上学习的初学者的影响。本文同时讨论了建构网上学习社区的发展进程并强调了设计者、教师和学习者在成功创建网上学习社区中所起的作用。  相似文献   

"东城区教师在线实践社区COP项目"第一批共有8所项目学校。该研究对这些学校的98名研修教师一个学期的研修数据进行分析,运用内容分析法、课堂观察法、统计分析法等研究方法,从实践性知识的六个维度进行对比,探寻变化规律和原因。通过研究发现,教师在线实践社区对于区域教师整体实践性知识的提升具有促进作用,其中胜任教师的提升效果最为显著。由此,教师在线实践社区也为探索区域教师专业发展提供了新思路和新模式。  相似文献   

本文针对古生物学具有的历史性、综合性、实践性的学科特点及传统课程教学面临的困惑与难题,探讨并阐释了新型数字显微互动教学系统在古生物实验教学中的应用实践。通过具体案例,论证了古生物实验教学环节创新性应用数字显微互动教学系统的优势。新型的数字显微互动教学系统对实行高效的古生物实验教学,提高教学效率和教学质量具有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

对高师学生的见习状况进行了深入分析,指出其存在低效、无监督、缺乏指导等弊端,提出了相应的解决方案,即构建"在线教育见习共同体"实现教育资源共享,以老带新的见习模式,从而提高学生的见习效果,真正达到教育见习的目的。  相似文献   

地史学与古生物学创新人才培养模式研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以古生物学与地层学学科建设和地球生物学系(原地史古生物教研室)教学与科研团队建设为基础,以地质学专业地史学与古生物学方向教学改革和人才培养为研究对象,从理论与实践、宏观与微观的结合上,探索、实践并提出了高等学校创新人才培育的要素和途径,揭示出构建高素质教师队伍、高层次科学研究、高水平系列课程教材和高档次系列支撑平台基地以及高质量创新人才培养“4合1”要素之间的有机联系和方法途径。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,教师网络研修由于其时空分离、开放灵活的特征,受到各国教育行政部门和一线教师的青睐。然而目前的教师网络研修存在研修方式单一、参与者少、交流内容浮于表面、持续性差等问题。基于活动理论和现代远程教育理论构建的教师网络实践共同体研修活动设计模型,纵向结构上以规范、统一的教师基本网络研修活动为基本构件,通过活动调用接口,形成多层次的教师网络研修活动流;横向结构上按对活动任务起直接或间接作用的因素进行区分,以完成活动设计过程中的主次问题,最终解决教师网络研修活动设计复杂、重用与共享难、实践性弱等问题。  相似文献   

教师在线实践社区(TOPIC)中教师策略性知识的发展与变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过以教师在线实践社区(TOPIC)中的15名新手教师、15名成熟教师及15名骨干教师,共45名三种教师群体为研究对象,以教师在线实践社区中教师策略性知识的发展与变化为研究问题,运用内容分析法、视频案例分析法和统计分析方法,对间隔半年按照项目初期、中期和后期三阶段的两次采样数据进行了综合分析,得出了不同教师群体的教学策略性知识水平发展与变化的趋势,及不同教师群体的教学策略性知识水平的整体分布特征.研究发现:教师在线实践社区(TOPIC)改变了教师的专业学习模式,对教师的策略性知识发展具有持续促进作用,对不同教师群体的策略性知识均具有正向影响.  相似文献   

Technology has been quickly changing human interactions, traditional practices, and almost every aspect of our lives. It is important to maintain effective face-to-face communication and interactions between teachers and families. Nonetheless, technology and its tools can also extend and enhance family–teacher relationships and partnerships. This paper reviews definitions for online teacher and family community in early childhood programs and closely examines the literature associated with several key elements that comprise the community as recognized by the authors. Key elements that emerged were common or shared goals, interactivity, collaboration, trusting relationships, and sense of belonging or connectedness for a working online community, especially among teachers working with families of children with disabilities. Additionally, practical suggestions for teachers and family members are provided for developing and collaborating on an online community.  相似文献   

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