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Understanding the distribution of achievement levels of students' performance in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is aided through the use of the trilinear chart. In this article, this chart is described and its use illustrated with data from the 1992 state NAEP mathematics assessment. It is shown that one can see readily the trends in performance for different demographic groups for all of the 44 participating jurisdictions simultaneously. It is suggested that this graphical form may be useful in other contexts, as well.  相似文献   

为了规范注册会计师的执业行为,提高执业质量,维护社会公共利益,促进社会主义市场经济的规范发展,加速与国际审计准则接轨,财政部于2003年4月发布了新的审计报告准则,他是在原《独立审计具体准则第7号——审计报告》的基础上新修订而成的。与原准则比较.这次修订变化比较大,对注册会计师执业行为将产生极为重大的影响。  相似文献   

Five diswlays, chosen from the NAEP 1994 Reading: A First Look , were redesigned. The redesign was informed by the principles developed and enunciated in Wainer's 1997 popular text Visual Revelations. After the redesign was completed a survey of educational policymakers was done in which substantive questions were asked about the content of the various displays. Each redesign was paired with the original and were assigned randomly to one of two survey forms. We found that, on average, the redesigns yielded both more accurate and faster answers to the questions asked. The more difficult the question the greater the disparity between the original format and the redesigned one.  相似文献   

Data from the North Carolina End-of-Grade test of eighth-grade mathematics are used to estimate the achievement results on the scale of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Trial State Assessment. Linear regression models are used to develop projection equations to predict state NAEP results in the future, and the results of such predictions are compared with those obtained in the 1996 administration of NAEP Standard errors of the parameter estimates are obtained using a bootstrap resampling technique.  相似文献   

What are the state and district policies on reporting test results to parents? How well do local districts follow state policies?  相似文献   

针对在处理数据的过程中,思路不是很清晰,采用的方法不恰当,导致结果出现较大误差,现以分光光度法测定蒸馏酒及配置酒中的甲醇含量为载体,探讨光谱分析中的数据处理及结果报告的正确方法。  相似文献   

In this analysis of promising practice, we demonstrate how social studies methods instructors can incorporate data analysis of the 2010 United States History National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP–USH) to facilitate pedagogical aims, engage teacher candidates in critical discourse, and investigate the contexts of teaching and learning. The NAEP data explorer application is a valuable tool for examining social studies theory and practice in relation to student learning outcomes. Our assessment of teacher candidates' responses to the activity leads to the recommendation that NAEP data analysis and results encourage self-evaluation of instructional practices while simultaneously supporting critical interpretations of the NAEP exam.  相似文献   

The reading data from the 1983–84 National Assessment of Educational Progress survey were scaled using a unidimensional item response theory model. To determine whether the responses to the reading items were consistent with unidimensionality, the full-information factor analysis method developed by Bock and associates (1985) and Rosenbaum's (1984) test of unidimensionality, conditional (local) independence, and monotonicity were applied. Full-information factor analysis involves the assumption of a particular item response function; the number of latent variables required to obtain a reasonable fit to the data is then determined. The Rosenbaum method provides a test of the more general hypothesis that the data can be represented by a model characterized by unidimensionality, conditional independence, and monotonicity. Results of both methods indicated that the reading items could be regarded as measures of a single dimension. Simulation studies were conducted to investigate the impact of balanced incomplete block (BIB) spiraling, used in NAEP to assign items to students, on methods of dimensionality assessment. In general, conclusions about dimensionality were the same for BIB-spiraled data as for complete data.  相似文献   

What are some of the ways that the NAEP scales have been interpreted? Are such interpretations valid? What conditions are necessary before valid criterion-referenced interpretations can be made for the NAEP Proficiency Scales? Does the NAEP test development process meet these conditions?  相似文献   

基础教育质量监测对于教育发展有着重要意义.文章分析了美国唯一的全国性、持续性的基础教育质量评估项目“国家教育进步评估”的缘起和发展;对评估项目的三种类型、评估结果报告及其影响进行了分析.美国的经验启示我国基础教育质量监测:不同评价目的应通过多种评价项目实现;相关基础研究应成为监测制度发展的重要保障;由评估向问责的功能转变应循序渐进;应高度重视监测结果的应用.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,美国全国教育进展评价体系(NAEP)经历了萌芽与起步(1963-1969)、尝试与摸索(1969-1983)、变革与发展(1983-1988)、蜕变与成型(1988至今)四个阶段的发展历程.回顾NAEP 40年的发展可以看出,NAEP的产生和发展是一个充满争议的过程,并对美国教育产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

地理学科一直是美国教育进展评估的主要学科之一,属于主评价中的全美NAEP评价。美国NAEP地理评价围绕一个设计严密的评价框架进行,具有组织实施严密、联系教学实际、题型设计多样、评价内容规范、认知维度标准、成绩报告清晰等特征。美国通过重视对国民的地理素养评价来重视地理教育,值得我国反思和借鉴。  相似文献   

A challenge that language teachers face is meeting state and national standards while implementing sound methods and techniques. The authors addressed this challenge in a qualitative study of an eighth-grade exploratory French class where students were engaged in a variety of projects to enhance the learning of francophone language and culture. This article addresses how the projects helped students meet the five core national standards established by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.  相似文献   

Analysis of Differential Item Functioning in the NAEP History Assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Mantel-Haenszel approach for investigating differential item functioning was applied to U.S. history items that were administered as part o f the National Assessment o f Educational Progress, On some items, blacks, Hispanics, and females performed more poorly than other students, conditional on number-right score. It was hypothesized that this resulted, in part, from the fact that ethnic and gender groups differed in their exposure to the material included in the assessment. Supplementary Mantel-Haenszel analyses were undertaken in which the number o f historical periods studied, as well as score. was used as a conditioning variable. Contrary to expectation, the additional conditioning did not lead to a reduction in the number o f DIF items. Both methodological and substantive explanations for this unexpected result were explored.  相似文献   

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