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作业是学生巩固知识,形成学力的重要手段。也是培养学生良好的学习习惯,促进个性发展的重要途径。我们在落实新课程、新课标、新教材、新理念过程中,对作业的设计与布置,积极进行反思、探讨、实践,不断拓展作业练习的空间,努力使学生自主自愿地接受作业,尽情尽兴地享受作业,下面以语为例谈谈作业设计的理念和方法。  相似文献   

马银秋 《小学生》2023,(9):115-117
在“双减”政策的大背景之下,教师设计作业需要从更加合理、更加人性化的角度出发,使学生在课堂之外拥有更多的成长空间和独立锻炼的空间,实现学业与身体的双重发展。为了将“双减”政策落到实处,促进学生全面发展,数学教师需要对小学生的课后作业进行相应的设计探究。  相似文献   

优化作业设计能提高学习效率。教师设计作业要具有针对性,巩固课文重点知识;作业形式要多样,让学生全面提升智能;作业设计要有区分度,要满足不同层次学生的学习需求;要在作业方法、空间等方面全方位开放,促进学生核心素养的提升。  相似文献   

作业设计,是老师备课的重要一环,原来的作业,压抑了学生的兴趣,僵化了学生思维,遏制了学生创造力的产生,能力的培养便成了空中楼阁。语文教学过程中对于作业的优化设计,可以最大限度地拓展学生的空间。  相似文献   

作业教学作为教学过程中的一个重要环节.在现代教育建构自主学习模式中具有特殊意义,本文主要从大学英语教学的角度对延展性作业的内涵,设计原则,设计方法做了分析思考。  相似文献   

语文作业是语文教学的一个重要组成部分。当前,语文作业设计普遍存在一些问题:作业设计的随意性大,知识结构不合理,呆板单调。语文作业设计时应考虑以下几点:难易层次合理;精心挑选;充分考虑学习习惯的养成和学习方法的指导;形式多样;富有趣味性和开放性;贴近生活。  相似文献   

新教育理念下的体育作业设计的主要特征是有着崭新的学习形式和丰富的空间类型。在体育学习中注重学生的主动权和学习权,使体育练习转变为生活化和实用化的作业,为学生提供广阔的空间,从而培养其终身体育的理念和行为。初中体育教师要努力提高学生的身体素质,而学生身体素质的提高离不开体育教学中的实际锻炼和体育作业,体育作业的设计是体育教学必不可少的一部分。  相似文献   

语文教学的重要组成部分——家庭作业,应是成为充分发展学生个性,进行真正因材施教的重要环节.给孩子综合运用知识.发展和表现个人天赋提供机会,使教学的影响延续到全部的生活之中。让作业成为学生学习、创造、成长的乐园,使作业成为学生发展个性的舞台。因此,我认为在热热闹闹进行语文课堂教学改革的同时,不妨也腾出一点空间.设计一些语文个性化作业,拓展语文学习的空间,充分挖掘学生的创新潜能,使学生的个性得以充分张扬。  相似文献   

小学科学"四维三层"作业设计模式,依据学科核心素养设计三个层次的作业:指向科学概念建构的基础性保底作业,指向科学探究和科学思维的趣味性实践作业,指向科学精神的创新性项目化作业。设计作业时,应根据不同的学生,基于教学目标、学生水平、学科思维、价值取向四条路径设计不同的作业内容。针对三个层次的作业分别采取不同的实践操作、信息收集、小组合作等方法进行设计,以此克服传统教学中死记硬背知识点的弊端,给学生留有自主选择的空间,真正为学生的精神松绑、学业减负,培养其学习科学的兴趣。  相似文献   

为助力“双减”政策的深化落实,减轻学生的学习负担,提高教学效率和质量,小学英语教学应尽量避免重复性、机械化的作业设计,通过优化作业设计的方法和对策,全面提高英语作业设计水平。文章简要分析了“双减”政策的内涵以及基本要求,探究了小学英语作业设计存在的主要问题,基于“双减”环境下小学英语作业设计的优化原则,提出了针对小学英语作业设计的具体策略,以期为学生自主学习和成长提供充足的空间,助力教育事业不断发展。  相似文献   

针对一种平面冗余2-DOF并联机器人,分析了其运动学正解和反解,并在运动学反解的基础上讨论了该机构工作空间的约束条件;提出了运用Matcom将Matlab和VC++结合起来进行混合编程的方法,探讨了并联机构工作空间的形状,并得到基于VC++开发的该并联机器人控制系统;仿真结果表明,该机构具有较好的工作空间,可广泛应用于工业装配机器人、虚拟轴并联机床和多维减振平台等领域。  相似文献   

To determine workspace and relationship between the workspace and geometry of parallel manipulator is important for optimum design of parallel manipulators. In this paper, the workspace and the relationship between the workspace and the geometry of 3-UPU parallel manipulators with pure translation axe investigated. Geometric and non-geometric constraints are defined and taken account of in determining the workspace of the translation 3-UPU manipulators. A direct average condition number is used as the global performance index of the workspace. This research shows that there exists an optimal value of the direct average condition number favorable for a good design of parallel mechanisms. The results presented in this paper are useful for the optimum design of 3-UPU parallel manipulators.  相似文献   

本文主要以现代标志设计中的意象表现特征为中心对象,并就其对现代标志设计中的意象艺术、意象关系以及意象表现特征等内容进行分析和探讨。现代标志设计表现过程中的虚拟性、联想性、情感性等特征对当前标志创意具有深刻影响,把握这种特征,有助于在现代标志设计中,创造出超越传统物化表相的全新的视觉形态,传达现代标志的意象之美。  相似文献   

结合教育游戏开发的需求,提出了基于角色扮演游戏的职业行为训练仿真系统的设计方案。系统总体结构设计采用三层式C/S体系结构,功能的实现与开发采用3D游戏引擎。系统从基本职业规范的要求出发,实现在虚拟现实环境中针对学生的职业道德、职业态度和职业形象的行为优化训练。  相似文献   

数字时代的虚拟影像艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字影像一方面具有虚拟性,这种虚拟性可以是“外在生活”的反映,也可以是主观心造的景象;另一方面,虚拟影像必须通过一定的意境和物象来建构场景,并赋予场景一定的观念形态,使之具有一种新的活力。此外,虚拟影像要将“虚拟性”与“真实性”完美统一,虚实相生,才能生成令人信服并使人神往的虚拟之境。  相似文献   

A recent powerful idea in the design of Web-based learning environments is the usage of virtual places. The employment of interface metaphors is one of the approaches enabling inexperienced users to feel comfortable in such virtual environments. We have designed a Virtual Environment for Distance Education and Training (VEDET), which provides basic virtual spaces, resources, and services. In this paper we discuss the user interface of two Web-based distance learning courses Business on the Internet and Business English, developed on the basis of VEDET. A web-based learning environment has been implemented to support the delivery of these courses. Two examples of interface metaphors have been developed and adopted, each presenting a coherent image of the environment. © IFIP, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

This study investigated to what extent virtual internships in teacher education were able to reduce Preservice Teachers’ (PSTs) professional anxiety. Simultaneously, this study investigated how virtual internships in blended learning environments were evaluated by PSTs in terms of technological, social and educational affordances. PSTs followed virtual internships during two different Educational Pedagogy Master’s courses (27 and 16 participants) in a teacher education programme. A mixed methods design was employed, consisting of pre- and post-test questionnaires, a focus group interview and individual interviews. A significant decrease was found in PSTs’ professional anxiety after having followed Virtual Internship 2. PSTs reported they obtained a more realistic image of teaching and felt better prepared for teaching in practice. Furthermore, regarding technological affordances, system usability was considered between acceptable and good. Concerning social affordances, PSTs appreciated collaboration within the virtual internships. As an educational affordance, it appeared that learning from videos with authentic classroom events is a good preparation for the professional teaching context. According to the PSTs, the scenarios within virtual internships could be improved in terms of authenticity and personalisation by offering more details and background information. The results of this study imply that virtual internships can be useful assets for teacher education.  相似文献   

论社会资本的运作空间   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在竞争空前激烈、信息爆炸的现代社会,社会资本的运作空间非常之大,因而使作为一种事实存在的社会资本运作空间被学术界所忽视,但作为一种理论工具的社会资本运作空间的存在是不能被忽视的,因为它是一个非常有解释能力的概念工具,本文在对社会资本的本质特征分析的基础上,提出了社会资本运作空间这一概念,并针对社会资本功能发挥和工具性使用的特点,构建了社会资本运作的空间模型,最后,文章运用社会资本的运作空间这一理论工具分析了当前中国社会的就业机制。  相似文献   

This is a paper about knowledge, learning and the idea of community in what we call “hybrid workspaces”. Hybrid workspaces “bring together physical place and cyber place” in communication networks (Castells, 2001, p. 131). Many people work in various kinds of hybrid workspaces. A person working on a production line might have real-time co-workers in their own town, just as a colleague might work in a hybrid workspace and rely upon others who communicate asynchronously via a website to help them solve problems. Hybrid workspaces, like most workspaces, are centrally concerned with the global production and diffusion of certain kinds of routine and innovative working knowledge. In this paper we think about knowledge as social action that is generated, mediated, negotiated and traded among people in the politically charged dynamic of hybrid workspace communities. We consider the ways people adopt, modify and are changed by the technologies they implement in these workspaces. We are especially interested in what people have to learn to know, and to be, to operate effectively in these hybrid communities, and what role formal, informal and non-formal education has to play in negotiating what counts as knowledge, and who can say so, in virtual workspaces.  相似文献   

吴平  彭晓南  蒋莉 《现代教育技术》2009,19(12):102-105
虚拟光电三维成像利用相干光和衍射光等技术以及激光、全息照相等其它相关技术可实现光的空间三维成像,达到虚拟现实所需"真实"图像的目的。虚拟现实可以适应虚拟课堂教学的特点,满足教学的需求。将光技术应用于虚拟现实,有可能使教育技术仿真产生一个飞跃。  相似文献   

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