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《送报伕》和《四世同堂》是中华抗战文学史上不可多得的小说佳作,其中郁积着两位作家同一种情结:守望情结。忧患意识是守望情结的核心内容,它是国难当头民族自卫、自尊、自强心理的内隐和外显。“清肌”意识是守望情结的重要构成元素,它体现了作家对民族肌体、民族血脉是否健全的深层探索和关注。以爱国主义为基础的守望情结,因和国际主义精神相融合而更显其正义光芒。为人生而艺术的大写实风格与平民化的视角,主题的明约性与复义性,结构的平实性与宏阔气度,分别显示了《送报伕》和《四世同堂》的艺术共性和个性。  相似文献   

蒋一平 《中学文科》2007,(11):103-104
一、说教材:本课内容在模块学习中的地位和作用 监督权作为公民的政治权利,学生在第1课第2框已初步接触。这节课是对监督权的具体展开和深入。也是对前面学习的民主选举、民主决策、民主管理的承接。通过对公民如何参与民主监督进行概说,启示我们正确处理权利与义务的关系,也是整体上把握我国公民有序政治参与的不可缺少的重要内容。[第一段]  相似文献   

在牧野作家群中,王春花、尚新娇、张卫红三位女散文家的作品是一道别样的风景。王春花的《最后的守望》隽永大气,尚新娇的《空的那些》婉约清新,张卫红的《红袖添香》绚丽优美。女性意识的自觉和独特的女性视角是她们创作文本的共同特征,本文试图运用女性主义文学批评方法对之进行审视和探讨。  相似文献   

《四世同堂》是老舍小说的力作之一,百万字的鸿篇巨制使老舍在选取全知视角的同时,通过对中国民间说书技艺和西方叙事技巧的吸收运用,完成了视角在人物外部和内心的双向流动。这种视角的跳跃实际上为语言的使用和人物的刻画提供了便利,老舍在视角流动切换中对叙述和人物语言的京味儿语言进行糅合处理,以人带事,从而通过人物形象的塑造将纷繁复杂的事件和线索有条不紊地进行下去,并从中显示出老舍在抗战时期对文化和社会人生的思考。  相似文献   

从性别叙事学角度分析英国当代女作家詹妮特·温特森的小说《守望灯塔》的叙事策略。《守望灯塔》采用框式叙述结构讲述了女孩银儿和灯塔建造者巴比·达克两个不同故事。温特森以女性视角叙述银儿自身的故事,以男性宏大视角和女性私密视角交替讲述达克的故事,从而形成两个性别不同的叙述声音,最终女性叙述声音超越了男性叙述声音,实现了性别化的叙事策略。  相似文献   

中国报告文学的发展历经波折,经历了徘徊后的蜕变,蜕变后的成熟,在21世纪逐渐走向辉煌。党益民的《守望天山》作为这一时期的产物,因其独特的潜质引起社会各界广泛关注。通过对文本的细读,从题材选择、叙事策略、人物刻画、语言描写四个方面探讨了《守望天山》的艺术成就,旨在剖析这部作品获得成功的主要原因,以求对当代报告文学创作具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

《麦田里的守望者》是美国当代文学中的经典作品之一。虽然写的是一个16岁的少年的故事,但具有极大的普遍性:随着物质生活的丰富,人们的精神世界却出现了危机。主人公霍尔顿复杂而又矛盾的心态,他对冷酷现实无声的抗议,以及他对纯洁世界的守望的形象将永远唤醒人们去寻找人性中已失落的最宝贵的东西,使人获得重生。  相似文献   

在文学创作中,艺术视角的选择具有重要的意义。同是描写农业合作化运动的《山乡巨变》、《三里湾》和《创业史》,因为作家采用了不同的艺术视角,所以这三部作品也就具有了不同的思想意蕴,它们的意义和价值也就不同。文学作品的最大意义和价值是在文化上,而不是在政治上。纵观中外的文学史可以发现,艺术视角既具有个人性,也具有时代性和作家个人的反叛性。  相似文献   

沙漠令人心驰神往,沙漠处处有奇景:狂沙蔽天,大漠孤烟,长河落日,驼铃声碎……沙漠历来被称为生命的禁区,沙漠中的一棵小草、一只虫蚁,都值得我们发出由衷的生命的礼赞!本文恰恰选取了沙漠中的最典型的植物——胡杨,巨笔如椽,浓墨重彩地加以描写,文气沉郁凝重,慷慨顿挫,如泣如诉,一唱三叹。  相似文献   

人不能没有理想和目标,失去了理想和目标,就失去了前进的方向和生命的动力,如同船帆失去了海岸,雄鹰失去了蓝天。理想和目标必须要坚守,并且矢志不渝地去奋争,去拼搏,才能实现自己的宏大抱负。  相似文献   

David Gardner 《Compare》2019,49(2):192-210
Internationalisation of higher education greatly facilitates cross-border student mobility, which has been extensively researched. This comparative study focuses on the relatively under-explored field of intra-regional educational mobility. It compares attitudes towards learning and using English of M ainland Chinese students and Hong Kong Chinese students while studying side-by-side at an English-medium university in Hong Kong. Using a mixed methodology the study found that the two groups expressed a similarly strong need for, and acceptance of, English as an academic lingua franca but expressed significantly different attitudes, needs and desires in relation to the use of English for social intercourse. The weaker presence of a social lingua franca was accompanied by perceptions of a lack of inclusivity. If, as is suggested in the literature, both social and academic integration are integral to the university experience, the findings reveal a lacuna in the learning environment of this and potentially other similarly internationalised universities.  相似文献   

在宗教人类学的研究中,通常用表层和基层来把握复杂的宗教现象,日本宗教的表层和基层这两个词中却包含着时间、结构、价值的内容.日本民俗宗教主要包括精灵信仰及基于这种观念的祖先崇拜和巫术性的宗教现象.哈尼族以信仰万物有灵的原始宗教为主并保留了长期培养出来的宗教传统,形成了复杂的宗教形态.作者从表层和基层出发,对日本和云南哈尼族民俗宗教进行了深入的对比研究.  相似文献   

BackgroundLittle evidence exists regarding outcomes of therapeutic interventions for maltreated children who are removed from their birth families and then adopted. This study follows on from a previous evaluation of the Neuro-Physiological Psychotherapy (NPP) model, which found significant, positive and sustained post-treatment change.ObjectiveTo compare the outcomes for the NPP intervention group to those of a control group.Participants and settingParticipants were families who received the NPP intervention and families who, following assessment, did not receive the NPP intervention as recommended.MethodsGroups were matched in terms of demographics and presentation at assessment. A comparison of outcomes took place using ANCOVA.ResultsSignificant differences were found between group measures of Behavioral Regulation Index (moderate effect size, Cohen’s d = .435; F(1, 1505) = 14.476, p = .000) and Global Executive Functioning (BRIEF) (small effect size, Cohen’s d = .147; F(1, 3506) = 7.771, p = .008); mental health difficulties common in maltreated children (ACC/ACA) (small effect size, Cohen’s D = .212; F(1, 1100) = 6.197, p = .020) and externalizing behavior (CBCL) (small effect size, Cohen’s D = .025; F(1, 686) = 5.420, p = .025). A comparison of parent responses on quantitative aspects of a structured interview using chi-square analysis revealed significant differences between the groups on relationship quality (x2 (2, N = 53) = 10.453, p = .005 with a medium effect size, Cramer’s V = .444), disruption (x2 (1, N = 54) = 4.998, p = .025. The effect size was medium with Cramer’s V = .304), parental separation rates (x2 (1, N = 45) = 9.474, p = .002. The effect size was moderate with Cramer’s V = .459) and several indicators for longer-term social inclusion. The results are discussed in the light of the model’s neurodevelopmental and sequential approach, which focuses on sensory integration, affect regulation and therapeutic life story work alongside parent and school support.ConclusionsImplications regarding current treatment guidelines for this population are discussed; and a call is made for interventions which actively consider and address the neurodevelopmental impact of maltreatment.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(12):2044-2052
Childhood maltreatment represents an important public health concern, as it is often associated with a host of negative outcomes across development. In recent years, researchers have begun to examine the link between negative health-related behaviors and history of childhood maltreatment. The current study considers the relationship between history of childhood maltreatment and sleep disturbances in adolescence. Further, the role of psychological distress is considered as an explanatory link between childhood maltreatment and adolescent sleep disturbances. The current study is a secondary analysis using a subsample (N = 73) of child welfare-involved youth who participated in the initial and 2-year time-point of the Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathways (MAP) Longitudinal Study on the variables of interest. Youth reported on lifetime maltreatment experiences, psychological distress, and sleep disturbances, in addition to the other measures administered as part of the larger MAP study protocol. More severe childhood maltreatment was related to increased sleep disturbances during adolescence, and psychological distress was a significant mediator of the childhood maltreatment-adolescent sleep disturbance association. The results demonstrate that a history of childhood maltreatment represents a risk factor for sleep disturbances in adolescence. The findings highlight the importance of inquiring about health-related behaviors in child welfare youth and the need to promote psychological well-being within this population.  相似文献   

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