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1. Freedom worry is one of the secrets of long life. A. off B. of C. from D. with 2. The farmers in China are greatly excited and encouraged by the news of our country agricultural tax from the first day of 2006. A. to have abolished B. to abolish C. abolished D. having abolished 3. We all stood on the top of the high building, a wonderful view came into sight. A. where B. from where C. there was D. there being 4. The teacher praised me, for what I did was better than of the top student …  相似文献   

1.—W illyou be able to finish the job this week? — ,butI m notskilled enough,you know. A.Ican tsay so B.Iexpectso C.I m sure to D.Idon tknow so 2.There is no in going to the park now as the sun is setting. A.reason B.cause C.need D.point 3.Ifa baby bird stays fortwo orthree weeks afterleaving the nest ithas a fairchance ofbecom ing an adult. A.living B.lively C.alive D.live 4.A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket fire t the hotel. A.m ade B.set C.caused D.caught 5.…  相似文献   

1.—H ave you ever visited the m useum?—Y es,Ive visited it tim es.A.few B.several C.m uch D.any2.—M ay I speak to M iss G ao?—Im sorry,she isn t here.A.a m om ent ago B.just a m om entC.at that m om ent D.atthe m om ent3.There a big tree in front of the house.A.used to have B.used to beC.is used to have D.is used to being4.Please the new pictures and take dow n the old ones,becauseN ew Y ear is com ing.A.putup B.put dow n C.putoff D.putaway5.—Li Lei likes doing eye exercise ever…  相似文献   

1.The new bike cost me 500 yuan, ____he paid 700 yuanforhis. A.while B.whether C.what D.which 2.We missed the first bus this morning, ____we were late. A.but B.when C.so D.however 3.You should have passed the exam, ____you always sleptinclass. A.but B.so …  相似文献   

n 1.The people love peace. A .allthe world B.allthe over world C.whole the world D .allover the world 2.She read English in the m orning,but now she does m orning exercise. A .is used to B .w as used C.used to D .use to 3.M y parents often encourage m e .…  相似文献   

1.一Have you had_breakfast yet?一No,not yet·A.x B.a C.the D.an 2.玩t,5 fook at theb鳃.Can you see_“s”on the eomerof_ bag? A .a,a B.a,the C.an,a D.an,the 3 .They spend half_hour 6nishing doing_work. A .a,a B.The,an C.an,the D.the,a 4.Our teaeher rold us that_moon moves around_earth,and earth eircles sun. A .a,a,a,a B.an,an,an,an .西雷旬200冲51食印拿密旧圆酗C .the,the,the,the D.x,x,x,x 5 .At thar time,he was studying in_university.Andi*was afa-】】10US one. A …  相似文献   

1.In winter the weather in Beijing is colder than.A.G uangzhou B.itin G uangzhouC.that in G uangzhou D.one in G uangzhou2.O fthe tw o pencil-boxes,the boy chose one.A.less expensive B.the least expensiveC.the less expensive D.the m ost expensive3.Tokyo is larger than in India.A.any other city B.any cityC.another D.other city4.Id like to say he is the third boy in the class.oldenA.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest5.A tthe news,Tom could hardly say a word,he?A.did B.didn t C.could…  相似文献   

1. —What can I do for you? —I3d like two . A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple 2. Help yourself to . A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chicken D. any chicken 3. it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 4. Which is the way to the ? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe3s factory D. shoes3 factory 5. This class now. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying…  相似文献   

第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:英语知识运用Ⅱ.单项填空:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21.—Dear me!I’ve been in America for amonth.—you have settled,why don’t youtake up some serious study?A.If B.Now that C.When D.Even if22.It was great shock to the worldthat  相似文献   

1.The tallgirl pink works hard atEnglish.A.having on B.dressed in C.is wearing D .putting on2.H ow long does ittake you to yourself?A.dress B.puton C.wear D .have on3.—W ho is the girl in a red skirt?—She s .A.dressed;H elen B.worn;m y sisterC.to be;a student D .having on;a nurse4.In whatcolour is yoursisterusually ?A.wore B.dressed C.had on D .puton5.The girlis underfour butshe can .A.puton herself B.wear herselfC.have on herclothes D .dress herself6.Afterthe bath,M r Sm ith him …  相似文献   

一、非谓语动词 1. Don't you think that we should try to prevent the pollution __ our country more and more beautiful?  相似文献   

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—There is a garden in the picture and a mountain in____distance.—Yes.It is even more beautiful when you look at it at____distance.A.the;a B.a;the C.不填;the D.the;不填2.—Thank you for helping me carry such a big box up-stairs.—____.A.Afterall,IamyoungerthanyouB.WithpleasureC.It’smypleasureandI’mgladtobeofhelpD.It’snotworthytomention3.WhenIenteredtheoffice,Ifoundher____atadesk,withherattention____onamagazine.A.sitting;fixing…  相似文献   

1.You should’t trytoget a good night sleep_____muchworkyouhavetodo.A.however B.nomatter C.although D.whatever2.Mrs.Taylor has_____8-year-old daughter who has_____giftforpainting—shehaswontwonationalprizes.A.a;a B.an;a C.an;the D.the;a3.—Dad,whenshallwegotovisitmygrandpa?—Grandpa is verybusyat present.We’ll go to see himwhenever_____.A.heisconvenient B.hewillbeconvenientC.itisconvenienttohim D.itwillbeconvenienttohim4.As far as I know,he pulled through all kinds ofhard-ships_____leng…  相似文献   

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