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亲爱的韩寒兄弟:先给你讲两个故事。其一,老经典了,《伤仲永》,初中语文课本里头的文章,不管你如何鄙夷现行语文教育体制,如何把你的语文老师贬得一文不值,估计初中的时候,你胆子还比较小,上语文课还能听讲。这一课文里面的内容,相信你已经读过,这里不再赘述。这里仅套套它的中  相似文献   

À Annie, Virginie et Nadine, N'Jilan, Yeleen et Aliyah, la gent féminine de la famille!

The most widespread opinion about the education of the Congolese woman and her participation in modern life throughout the colonial era is a fairly negative one. In this article the author would like to grasp the philosophy and mechanisms of schooling and education for indigenous women. In the evolutions that are highlighted he would also like to distinguish between the elements that remained constant on the one hand and the really significant progress on the other.

The colonisation of Congolese society marginalised women. The specificity of female schooling was situated in the cultivation of this marginalisation and its maintenance enabled by use of ideology. At the same time, schooling also claimed to integrate women into modernity as it was defined by the civilisation project of colonisation. The weakness of the results in this domain was a consequence of two converging factors: the inherent logic of colonialism and the Belgian model of conservative Catholicism. In fact, Belgian colonisation installed a structure that could not but smother female development. It sustained a fundamental contradiction, at the same time wanting to reach a certain goal but creating the conditions for its opposite. Nevertheless, during the last decade of colonisation a proper dynamic was introduced that wouldprogressively free Congolese girls from the entirely utilitarian concept of education and schooling in which they were trapped, and that would open up new educational and social perspectives.  相似文献   

Autour du thème de l'éducation aux images, cet article tente d'articuler une approche généraliste et une évaluation de dispositifs d'auto-apprentissage de l'image par les images. La première partie interroge les résistances du système éducatif À l'implantation d'une éducation iconique et médiatique explicite et volontaire. La seconde partie compare et évalue les performances de trois modes d'accès aux images dans des situations proches de l'auto-apprentissage. À cette occasion, l'étude montre les faiblesses d'un dispositif audiovisuel et propose une e remédiation f par les fonctionnalités des multimédias interactifs. Around the topic of visual education, this article tries to describe a generalist approach and an evaluation of schemes of self-training in images by the use of images. The first part questions resistance of the education system to the establishment of an explicit and voluntary iconic and mediated education. The second part compares and evaluates the performance of three access modes to images in situations close to the self-training. On this point, the study shows the weaknesses of an audiovisual scheme and proposes "remédiation" by the management of interactive multimedia. Dieser Artikel versucht eine allgemeine Methode, die die Autodidaktik durch Bilder zum Thema hat, und deren Bewertung zu beschreiben. Der erste Teil analysiert den Widerstand- ausgehend vom Bildungssystems- eine illustrative, explizit mediatische, freiwillige Ausbildungsform einzuführen. Der zweite Teil vergleicht und bewertet die Leistungsfähigkeit von drei Methoden, die nahe der Autodidaktik angesiedelt sind. Zu dieser Gelegenheit zeigt die Studie die Schwächen der audiovisuellen Konzepte auf, und schlägt eine Aufarbeitung mittels der Funktionalität von interaktiven Multimedien vor.  相似文献   

On aura donc à résoudre, par divers moyens, cette difficulté centrale qui consiste à parler d’une discipline qui n’existe pas encore, mais qui va exister, et pour laquelle il faut bien qu’il y ait, dans les temps de sa genèse, des éléments qui soient en train d’en préparer le surgissement. (Pierre Favre, Naissances de la science politique en France, 1870–1914 (Paris, 1989), p. 14)  相似文献   

INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION LAW: A NEW DISCIPLINE? – Education is one of the most highly regarded “human rights” and one which has been developed most extensively within the International Human Rights Law, so that its normative corpus already forms a very International Education Law. The right to education means a new right to a new education that, in the Rule of Law, may be qualified as Rightful Education. Such an expression is an operating concept for a human rights-based approach to education; that is, for an education no longer envisaged as a right of man over man. It amounts to a new paradigm. It is therefore high time to systematize the International Education Law in order to promote its study and the introduction of a legal dimension into pedagogic culture.  相似文献   

INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION LAW: A NEW DISCIPLINE? – Education is one of the most highly regarded “human rights” and one which has been developed most extensively within the International Human Rights Law, so that its normative corpus already forms a very International Education Law. The right to education means a new right to a new education that, in the Rule of Law, may be qualified as Rightful Education. Such an expression is an operating concept for a human rights-based approach to education; that is, for an education no longer envisaged as a right of man over man. It amounts to a new paradigm. It is therefore high time to systematize the International Education Law in order to promote its study and the introduction of a legal dimension into pedagogic culture.  相似文献   

Training the trainers: its role in high-quality adult education ?C This article is about the crucial role of instructor training; it discusses the implications for the quality of adult learning and education. The documents arising out of CONFINTEA V and VI, the Hamburg Declaration, the Agenda for the Future and the Belém Framework for Action all recognise the critical role played by facilitators and adult instructors in the quality of adult learning and education. However, all over the world, they are undertrained and poorly paid by comparison with their counterparts in the formal education sector. In West Africa, where the average literacy rate is 20%, the situation of these facilitators and instructors and the conditions in which they work are becoming alarming, particularly since actors?? expectations of them are constantly increasing. This article aims to clarify the most important reasons for this marginalisation and then provides some key pieces of guidance on how to move forward in terms of the political context, the literate environment, skills and languages, curricula, teaching methods and learner needs, materials, monitoring and evaluation and research.  相似文献   

We provide an assessment of the French ZEP (Zones d’Education Prioritaire), a program started in 1982 that channels additional resources to schools in disadvantaged areas and encourages the development of new teaching projects. Focusing on middle-schools, we first evaluate the impact of the ZEP status on resources, their utilization (teacher bonuses versus teaching hours) and key establishments characteristics such as class sizes, school enrolments, teachers’ qualifications and experience, and student composition and mobility. We then estimate the impact of the ZEP program on four measures of individual student achievement: obtaining at least one diploma by the end of schooling, reaching 8th grade, reaching 10th grade and success at the Baccalauréat (the national examination at the end of high school). We take into account the endogeneity of the ZEP status by using both difference in differences and instrumental variables based on political variables. The results are the same in all cases: there is no impact on student success of the ZEP program.  相似文献   

Le but principal de cet article est de comparer à partir des textes législatifs, des enquêtes ministérielles et européennes, et des revues spécialisées en France et en Espagne les propriétés de deux organisations scolaires singulières nommées «éducation prioritaire» ainsi que les mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique. En nous appuyant sur l'approche de la construction sociale, nous présentons comment ces deux pays européens organisent cet enseignement dans les milieux défavorisés. Une analyse des aspects visibles du système éducatif à l'aide d'indicateurs généralistes (organisation des études, formation des enseignants, dépenses publiques) aurait laissé envisager d'importantes différences. Cependant, la comparaison à l'aide d'indicateurs «plus fins» des mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique dans les écoles traditionnelles (poids de l'éducation physique, préoccupations gouvernementales et celles des enseignants, programmes d'enseignement) puis dans les milieux difficiles ZEP et CAEP (choix didactiques et pédagogiques) indique de fortes similitudes. Ces différences de résultats soulignent l'intérêt des analyses comparatives secondaires et la nécessité de considérer des analyses détaillées.

The main aim of this study is to compare two particular school organisations labelled ‘priority education’ in France and Spain, in relation to physical education using laws, ministerial and European surveys, and specialised journals. The social constructivist approach has been used to describe how both these European countries organise the teaching of physical education in under‐privileged environments. The analysis of the visible aspects of these educational systems with general indicators (organisation of studies, teacher education, public expenses) seems to imply differences. However, the comparison using more detailed data in the implementation of physical education in traditional schools (weight of the physical education in the system, governmental and teachers concerns, teaching programmes) indicates strong similarities. In addition, didactic and pedagogic choices in physical education in under‐privileged schools appear to be quite similar. These results underline the interest of secondary comparative studies and the necessity of taking into account detailed analyses.  相似文献   

Since the end of the 1980s, Brazilian histoty of education bas been redefined by new historiographical currents. The process of redefinition has taken on particular characteristics because of theoretical and institutional factors involved in the evolution of the discipline as afield of research. The new trends run counter to the historiographical model that dominated the post‐graduate programmes in education of the main Brazilian universities since the 1970s. This model originated in the 1930s and 1940s with the publication of reference works for educational history research. The present essay examines the process of reconfiguration of the discipline with a view to evaluating the restrictions that were imposed upon it.  相似文献   

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