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研究表明,语言发展的关键期是幼儿期,在幼儿阶段一定要注意语言能力的培养。儿歌是学前儿童最早接触到的一种儿童文学形式,它以其短小精炼、朗朗上口的特点,成为学龄前幼儿语言学习的范本最好的材料。本文对儿歌做了概述,并分析了儿歌对幼儿语言发展的教育功能,并对儿歌的语言教育策略进行了思考。  相似文献   

研究表明,语言发展的关键期是幼儿期,在幼儿阶段一定要注意语言能力的培养。儿歌是学前儿童最早接触到的一种儿童文学形式,它以其短小精炼、朗朗上口的特点,成为学龄前幼儿语言学习的范本最好的材料。本文对儿歌做了概述,并分析了儿歌对幼儿语言发展的教育功能,并对儿歌的语言教育策略进行了思考。  相似文献   

陈秀梅  韩小瑜  赵娜 《文教资料》2007,(19):184-185
兴趣是人力求认识、探究某种事物或从事某种活动的心理倾向。本文主要从以下几点来培养学前儿童的学习兴趣:1.保护好奇心,激发求知欲;2.创设良好的环境;3.成人要善于正确的引导;4.注重学前儿童动手操作能力的培养;5.通过游戏和组织活动,激发学前儿童学习兴趣;6.寓教学于愉快教育;7.学用结合,激发兴趣;8.正确使用表扬和奖励。  相似文献   

识字教学是阅读和写作的基础,是整个小学阶段语文教学的关键。笔者结合教学体会介绍几种识字教学方法:一、在游戏中识字兴趣是激发儿童学习的动力。游戏是儿童喜闻乐见的形式,儿童喜欢模仿,喜欢重复,喜欢表现。教师在教学中要利用游戏的形式调动学生学习抽象文字符号的兴趣,不断采用儿童喜闻乐见的形式来进行教学。如:猜字谜,找朋友,风车转转……将这些儿童学前生活中的游戏引入课堂,使课堂成为学生学习的乐园。学生在课堂上感受到了学前游戏的乐趣,对识字就会兴趣盎然。根据字形特点,编成谜语或儿歌。在新字教学中,青岛市城阳区仲村小学  相似文献   

汉语拼音是识字和学习普通话的有效工具,是第一学段语文教学的重要内容。随着学前教育的普及,家长对学前儿童的教育的重视,入学前大多数的孩子或多或少的学习了汉语拼音。如果拼音教学无法满足入学儿童已有的学情,仍然按照传统的教学进行,必会抿灭儿童学龄前期孕育的求知欲,错过语文学习兴趣最佳启蒙时间。以“儿歌”为主线来构建拼音教学,就是利用学生喜闻乐见、易于诵读的“儿歌”为载体,来设计拼音教学的教学板块,利用儿歌来听读拼音、巩固拼音、认读汉字、  相似文献   

学前专业的学生入学时大多音乐基础薄弱,音乐素质参差不齐,如何让其短时间提高儿童歌曲伴奏能力是一个重大的研究课题。文章对提高学前专业学生儿歌伴奏能力的策略进行研究。要苦练音乐基本技能,为儿歌伴奏做好准备;掌握伴奏理论知识,为儿歌伴奏打下基础;尝试各类伴奏方式,让儿歌伴奏精彩纷呈。  相似文献   

英语教学离不开活动。设计好活动,是英语教学取得良好效果的重要前提。从儿歌入手,培养学习兴趣“教学的艺术不在于传授本领,而在于激励、唤醒和鼓舞。”从儿歌入手教学英语,可以帮助儿童降低认知难度,树立学习信心,可以培养学生的学习兴趣。我在教学课文之前,都要安排“每日一歌”活动,教学儿歌之前,要对主要单词和一些基本的表达法进行教读。学生熟悉儿歌后,每隔数词去一词,然后让学生自主地加以补充,使歌词完整。由于儿歌有很强的节奏感,歌词中也有不少动词,边唱边加入动作,更能够强化学生对歌词的理解,激发学生的学习热…  相似文献   

学习兴趣在学习过程中起着不可忽视的作用。在非母语情境下,幼儿英语教学活动要从培养兴趣入手,让幼儿喜欢英语,以形象直观事物激发幼儿兴趣,借助游戏、故事、儿歌开展愉快的教学活动提高兴趣,用关爱儿童的积极态度激励幼儿学习兴趣。  相似文献   

本文主要以趣味识字在学前儿童教育中的价值及其运用为重点进行阐述,结合趣味识字在学前儿童教育中的价值为主要依据,从培养学前儿童对识字的学习兴趣、通过游戏对幼儿的识字进行巩固、把文本作为依托对幼儿进行教学、创编儿歌指引幼儿进行识字这几方面进行深入探索与研究,其目的在于提升幼儿的认知能力,使幼儿形成良好的学习习惯。  相似文献   

爱因斯坦曾说过:"兴趣是最好的老师。"纲要也指出:兴趣不仅是学习音乐的基本动力,也是儿童与音乐保持密切联系、享受音乐、用音乐美化人生的前提。因此,培养学习兴趣对儿童今后学好音乐乃至一生的发展至关重要。在音乐教学中,如何培养儿童对音乐学习的兴趣,是广大学前音乐教师值得探讨和研究的一个重要课题。笔者结合自己的研究与教学实践,谈谈培养儿童音乐学习兴趣的几点做法。  相似文献   

This study tested the effectiveness of a facilitated educational program in a museum for promoting family conversations and children's learning about STEM. A sample of 130 families (71 European-American; 33 African-American; and 26 Hispanic-American) with children M age = 6.42 years were observed in a building construction exhibit. Prior to building, families were randomly assigned to conditions that varied in terms of the instructions about a key engineering principle and elaborative question-asking they received. Conversation instruction resulted in adults’ asking double the number of Wh-questions compared to families who did not receive the instruction. The building instruction was important in promoting increases in adults’ STEM-related talk during the building activity, as well as in the children's STEM talk when prompted for information about what they had learned. The effects of the instructions did not vary by families’ ethnic background. Implications for facilitating family conversations and children's learning related to STEM are discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the findings of a study that sought to identify how diversity (in the form of disability, appearance, and race) is presented in children's books written in or translated into the Greek language. The study focused on the plots and the portrayal of key figures. The sample consisted of 50 children's books written after 1990 that focus on diversity and target children aged 6–12 years. Content analysis framed within the interpretative paradigm was undertaken, and this resulted in the formation of categories representative of the range of plots and character portrayals. The analysis revealed the following key themes: the key figure is presented as different from the group; the key figure is often only accepted through the mediation of another character who is not considered different or an incident; different figures belong together and not with the figures that belong in the dominant group; and the key figure is an excellent character who might also be brave and unique for several reasons. Taking these findings as a starting point, the paper seeks to place the discussion about children's books, diversity, and education in the literature, and it discusses teachers’ role in developing students’ critical literacy skills in order to engage in discussions about diversity without reproducing stereotypes or focussing on the Other.  相似文献   

流浪儿童属于特殊儿童种类的一种,他们的出现已经引起了各级政府的关注,政府陆续出台了一系列法律和政策维护流浪儿童的合法权益。然而流浪儿童正当权益的维护随着社会的发展仍面临着更多的问题。本文从维护流浪儿童正当权益的角度,分析了流浪在城市中的那些无家可归的未成年人的特点,并通过对他们权益现状满足现状的阐述,发现在权益维护中存在的问题,进一步提出了对应的解决措施,便于更好的维护流浪未成年人的合法权益。  相似文献   

Young children's combinatoric strategies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Children aged between 4 years 6 months and 9 years 10 months were individually administered a series of novel tasks involving the formation of different combinations of two items, selected from discrete sets of items. An analysis of the children's performance revealed a series of six, increasingly sophisticated, solution strategies ranging from a random selection of items through to a systematic pattern in item choice (cf. Piaget and Inhelder's, 1975, combinatoric operations). A significant number of children independently adopted more efficient solution procedures as they progressed on the tasks, with many displaying an algorithmic procedure reflecting the odometer strategy (holding one item constant while systematically varying each of the other items). Given that children as young as 7 years demonstrated this systematic strategy, it would appear that, within the appropriate learning environment, young children can discover a procedure for forming n x n combinations prior to the stage of formal operations postulated by Piaget and Inhelder. The findings support the inclusion of the combinatorial domain as a topic of investigation in the elementary school curriculum.  相似文献   

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