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With the future shape of Britain's post‐16 education and training still undecided policy makers are increasingly looking abroad for new models to follow. The educational debate has become internationalized. As in the late 19th century it is the pressure of economic competition from Europe which has galvanized British interest in the relative ‘success’ of training in countries such as France and Germany.

This paper examines the current use and misuse of comparative examples in British debates over reform. It analyses the systems of vocational education and training (VET) in France, Germany, and Sweden and assesses what lessons, if any, we can draw from them for the reform of British VET.  相似文献   

In the 1920s, French scholars and bureaucrats created the Cité Universitaire in Paris. The institution housed university students from around the world. The Cité founders formulated a model for the Cité that reflected ideological concerns in interwar Europe with a focus on pacifism, international education and cultural internationalism. The organisers of the Cité attempted to adhere to these theories to make the organisation viable in the politically strained interwar era while simultaneously demonstrating the continued excellence of French education. The French attempted to combine the goals of international education with the continued hope of national educational superiority. This article describes Germany and France as the earlier ‘national competition’ model of education. It traces the early history of the Cité as it incorporated the new international education model. Finally, it examines sports and social gatherings at the Cité, which was used as a specific venue to show examples of cooperative exchange.  相似文献   

‘The Franco-German Institute: an example of cooperation in higher education focusing on technical disciplines’. In 1978 the Franco-German Institute of Higher Education for Technology and Business (DFHI) was founded, with the aim of strengthening higher education on both sides of the frontier. Being integrated into the existing educational systems, it offers the first common course of study within German and French higher education. It should be noted that the DFHI is unique insofar as it trains binational engineers who are fluent in French. The DFHI is run jointly by the Fachhochschule des Saarlandes and the Universities of Metz and Nancy I; it is binational both in its administrative and its academic structures. Graduates are qualified, from a language and a technical point of view, to work in Germany as well as in France, thus meeting the growing demand for experts in trans-frontier cooperation. At present, the DFHI offers courses in the fields of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Business Studies for some 160 students coming from the whole of France and West Germany. They are selected on the basis of a written application and interviews. Tuition centres on practice-orientated technical, economic and legal aspects of international cooperation and on language proficiency. Studies at the DFHI begin after two years of previous study in higher education and consist of two years, the first being spent at the Fachhochschule in Saarbriicken and the second at Metz or Nancy I (Civil Engineering only). After a total of four years, graduates are awarded a German and a French diploma as well as the Certificate of the DFHI.  相似文献   

A case study of secondary experimental science instruction in Belgium demonstrates the importance of cross-national communication in the study of science education. Belgian secondary science education in the years 1880–1914 had a clear internationalist dimension. French and German influences turn out to have been essential, stimulated by the fact that Belgium, as a result of its geographical position, considered itself as the centre of scientific relations between France and Germany, and as actually strengthened by its linguistic and cultural dualism in this regard. This pursuit of internationalist nationalism also affected the configuration of chemistry and physics as experimental courses at Belgian Royal State Schools, although the years preceding WWI are usually characterized as a period of rising nationalism in science, with countries such as Germany and France as prominent actors. To what extent did France and Germany influence Belgian debates on science education, science teachers’ training, the use of textbooks, and the instalment of school laboratories and teaching collections?  相似文献   

This article analyses whether graduates in university vocational courses benefited from better labour market outcomes in France than those in academic courses. We focus on bachelor degrees in France, comparing ‘general’ or ‘academic’ degrees with ‘vocational’ degrees. The vocational bachelor degree was created in 1999 in the continuity of the education policy of expanding the number of vocational courses in French universities and in the framework of the Bologna Process. It aimed to lead to a new qualification at the intermediate level between the qualified technicians’ diplomas and the engineering or senior management diplomas. We use a French survey on higher education leavers in 2001 who were interviewed in 2004. In order to take into account the selection in the vocational track, we applied statistical methods which allow us to compare graduates with similar characteristics. Our results show that education mismatch is less great for vocational bachelor graduates, which is coherent with the idea that the vocational track better responds to employers' needs. In addition, we find empirical evidence that vocational bachelors tend to be associated with higher pay even after accounting for the heterogeneity of students. Our last findings suggest that the university-employer link specifically developed for the vocational bachelor course influences the way vocational graduates find their job: they are significantly more likely to use university-based contacts to obtain their first jobs.  相似文献   

The article compares how the success of the ‘Asian Tiger’ countries in PISA, especially PISA 2009, was depicted in the media discussion in Australia, Germany and South Korea. It argues that even in the times of today's ‘globalised education policy field’, local factors are important in determining whether or not a country becomes a reference society for educational reform. The article aims to uncover some of these factors, identifying the globally disseminated stereotypes about Asian education, economic relations and the sense of ‘crisis’ induced through the relative position and change of position in PISA league tables in the countries in question.  相似文献   

This paper uses a socio‐historical approach to explore the emergence in French theoretical literature in the mid‐1960s of a new notion, the ‘relationship to knowledge’ (rapport au savoir), and its success in the emerging field of professional adult education within the Complex of Nancy, France. The increasing use of this notion, first, in the research on adult pedagogy, and then, more generally, in educational research, will be used as a starting point in this paper to question the effects in France of the said research on the shift from teaching to learning from the late 1960s onward. Finally, this paper will present an attempt to compare ‘relationship to knowledge’ with ‘way of knowing’.  相似文献   

This paper takes the vigorous political debate unleashed in Germany by the results of the PISA study as a stimulus to take a closer look at the strategic aims and effects of the current education reforms, of which the PISA study is only one example. It shows that the reform measures underpin a powerful process of normalisation. In this context, the PISA study, along with other reform measures, can be seen as a ‘power stabiliser’. The paper indicates how techniques of political domination are linked with ‘technologies of the self’ and how the ‘discourse of self organization’ can be seen as the core of a governmental strategy to assimilate education more thoroughly than ever before into a network of disciplinary procedures and ‘voluntary self‐control’.  相似文献   

Maria Edgeworth’s pedagogical short stories ‘Mademoiselle Panache’ (1800, 1801) and ‘The Good French Governess’ (1801) portray contrasting French instructors, and illustrate a transformation in English girls’ education in French at the end of the eighteenth century. While ‘Mademoiselle Panache’ looks back to the disingenuous French instructors of eighteenth‐century comedy, demonstrating English anxieties about the supposedly corrupting influence of the French on young girls, ‘The Good French Governess’ shows the positive influence of French émigrés in late eighteenth‐century French instruction. In contrast to critical assumptions that the English public’s outraged response to the French Revolution terminated English interest in all things French, these and other contemporary texts show that English girls’ education in French was not diminished by anti‐Jacobin attitudes, and indeed flourished into the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Drawing on Bourdieu’s theory and using Durkheim’s concepts of ‘social fact’ and ‘regulation’, this article examines the place held by public universities within the French higher education (HE) system, breaking with the purely bureaucratic vision prevailing in France today. By setting aside some of the main received ideas about the effects and meanings of student selection and drop-out, the article suggests that public universities play an essential role in regulating the successive flows of first-generation students through French HE. It is precisely because public universities are non-selective that they are able to play this role. Finally, the distribution of HE choices and students’ dropping out are both considered as products of a structural and institutional process of regulation.  相似文献   

In France, there is no religious education in state schools. ‘Convictional education’ appeared by drawing its perimeter around three educational subjects: philosophy, teaching about religions, and moral and civic education. Today, the French school is facing new challenges in a highly secularised society on which religion is laying new claims. As an institution, it is not neutral insofar as it proceeds from a political philosophy that evolved from the French Revolution. It is within the operative framework of this philosophy and with specific teaching practices that it intends to combine unity and plurality within itself.  相似文献   

Using the insights of the French sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu, this article considers the role of the science department chair in the reform of school science education. Using Bourdieu’s ‘thinking tools’ of ‘field’, ‘habitus’ and ‘capital’, we case study the work of two teachers who both actively pursue the teaching and learning of science as inquiry. One teacher, Dan, has been a department chair since 2000, and has actively encouraged his department to embrace science as inquiry. The other teacher, Leslie, worked for one year in Dan’s department before being transferred to another school where science teaching continues to be more traditional. Our work suggests that there are three crucial considerations for chairs seeking to lead the reform of science teaching within their department. The first of these is the development of a reform-minded habitus, as this appears to be foundational to the capital that can be expended in the leadership of reform. The second is an understanding of how to wield power and position in the promotion of reform. The third is the capacity to operate simultaneously and strategically within, and across, two fields; the departmental field and the larger science education field. This involves downplaying administrative logics, and foregrounding more inquiry-focused logics as a vehicle to challenge traditional science-teaching dispositions—the latter being typically dominated by concerns about curriculum ‘coverage’.  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,法国教育面临诸多问题和挑战:如青少年失学辍学量不断增加;校园暴力时有发生等。为此,法国政府和民众积极开展教育改革大讨论,并在此基础上开展了面向21世纪的教育改革。  相似文献   

Comparative education as a field of study in universities (and ‘comparative education’ as practised by nineteenth-century administrators of education in Canada, England, France and the USA) has always addressed the theme of ‘transfer’: that is, the movement of educational ideas, principles and practices, and institutions and policies from one place to another. The first very explicit statement of this way of thinking about ‘comparative education’ was offered in the early nineteenth century in France and was expressed in terms of the expectation that if comparative education used carefully collected data, it would become a science. Clearly – about 200 years later – a large number of systems of testing and ranking, based on the careful measurement of educational processes and product, have provided us with hard data and these data are being used within the expectation that successful transfer (of educational principles and policies and practices from one place to another) can now take place. A transferable technology exists. This article argues that this view – that ‘we’ now have a successful science of transfer – ignores almost all of the complex thinking in the field of ‘academic comparative education’ of the last 100 years; and that it is likely to take another couple of hundred years before it can approximate to being a science of successful social and educational predictions. However, what shapes the article is not this argument per se, but trying to see the ways in which the epistemology of the field of study (academic comparative education) is always embedded in the politics of both domestic educational reform and international political relations – to the point where research in the field, manifestly increasingly ‘objective’ is also de facto increasingly ‘political’. The article is about the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of that and what has been forgotten and what has not yet been noticed.  相似文献   

The Swedish physical education method has had a singular destiny in France. Originally created by the Swedish Per Henrik Ling (1776–1839), it first spread in France thanks to German doctors. From 1902, the Swedish method became the official method of the Ecole normale de gymnastique et d’escrime de Joinville. It caused serious dissension first within the army, between Georges Hébert, a naval officer attempting to spread his own method called ‘Méthode naturelle’, and Emile Coste, a major at Joinville school who was a resolute supporter of Ling’s method; then within Joinville school, where, from 1905, Georges Demeny, renowned physiologist, tried to impose his French method ‘Eclectique’. The three protagonists would use arguments focused on the rationality of the Swedish method to legitimize or criticize it. But this explicit stake based on the validity of the link between a scientific culture – anatomy and physiology – and a physical education method does not mask the implicit stake of real power.  相似文献   

为提升法国国际影响力、维护经济利益以及实现全球可持续发展目标,法国对外提供职业教育援助,在政府、院校与社会层面开展了援助实践。在政府层面,法国开展官方发展援助,由法国开发署提供一体化职业教育援助项目;在院校层面,法国高等职业院校积极招收留学生,建设跨国职业教育项目,促进与受援国院校间的合作与交流;在社会层面,法国企业、非政府组织以多种方式积极参与对外职业教育援助。法国对外职业教育援助呈现出援助区域广泛但重点突出、援助主体多元、援助策略因地制宜、援助管理过程注重质量保障的特征。  相似文献   

Although all industrialized countries regulate early childhood education and care establishaments, regulatory regimes differ substantially. Early childhood education and care regulation is provider-focused in France and Germany, child-focused in Sweden, and facility-focused in the United States. Regulatory enforcement also varies sharply, with France, Germany, and Sweden stressing technical assistance, while the United States stresses compliance. A review of controversies reveals opportunities for cross-national learning and for regulatory reform.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the performance of students from three European countries, namely Britain, France and Germany, on a common Business Administration course. It does not aim to deal with the policy implications emerging from the analysis. The analysis of the marks shows that the students average performance among the three countries is best in his/her own country, that is, the British students perform best in Britain, the French students perform best in France and the German students perform best in Germany. This may be a reflection of proficiency in language and familiarity with the education system and environment of their own country. The German students perform better than both the British and French students and this is independent of the country of study. The major reason for such a performance is their age, academic record when entering the course, experience, maturity and commitment to the Course.  相似文献   

As a neutral and multilingual country, Switzerland struggled with major domestic political conflicts during the First World War due to the two cultures of the French-speaking and German-speaking parts of the country. The divided cultural loyalties (‘fossé moral’, ‘Röstigraben’), consisting of Swiss-Germans supporting Germany and Swiss-French supporting France, were discussed intensively in both of the main teachers’ journals in Switzerland. Teachers felt the need to react and to promote unity from the beginning of the war. Despite the fact that the cantons are responsible for public education and, therefore, for the education of their students, teachers considered themselves called to educate their students to be national citizens rather than to be members of a language group. This threefold citizenship – communal, cantonal and national – was not scrutinised, but national unity became crucial due to the critical political circumstances. How did teachers promote and constitute citizenship for themselves and for their students in a nation united by free will during the First World War, a time of severe internal political conflicts?  相似文献   

面对欧洲高等教育一体化和全球高等教育的激烈竞争,法国围绕"欢迎来法国"战略,从优先促进科研国际化、变革高等教育组织、制定留学优惠政策、加强语言学习和使用的灵活性,以及完善接待能力认证机制五个方面增强高等教育国际吸引力。改革反映出法国在留学生教育"引进来"方面以巩固国际地位为战略引导、以促进经济收益为发展动力、以保证学术质量为核心旨归、以提高治理效率为路径支撑的价值逻辑。我国在某种程度上与法国面临相似的挑战,其经验对我国优化来华留学生教育有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

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