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In this article the changing role of sexuality in the definition of the boundary between youth and adulthood is discussed. Sexual activities as well as knowledge of it used to be strictly reserved to adults after marriage, but this deep artificial segregation could not be upheld in the modernization process. Examples from the debate on sexual education in the Netherlands in the last two centuries are given to illustrate the deep ambivalence educationalists felt in the removal of this distinction between young and old by the gradual spreading of sexual instruction and by lowering the age at which younsters become sexually active.  相似文献   

The rise of mass education systems in 19th‐century Europe and North America was often followed by establishment of programmes of compulsory moral/civic instruction. Few of the “new” social history's techniques have been applied to the latter phenomenon, although those techniques have produced broad reassessments of public education.

Using the example of France at the turn of the twentieth century, this paper offers such an application. It shows how a social history of moral/civic education would lend itself to comparative historical research, help our understanding of the roots of public social policy, throw new light on the question of social class, and invite reformulation of traditional administrative and intellectual history of education. The closing section outlines possible avenues of research, and offers bibliographical guidance on the development of moral/civic education in France, the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is the evolution of the Theobgical Faculty in Pavia from the late Middle Ages to the end of the 18th Century. At the down of the Modem Age, the Medieval educational model underwent a deep crisis, mainly for extemal reasons. The educational model promoted by the University, based on open access and ment, no longer fulfilled the expectations of an increasingly closed society, jealous of its privileges. At the same time, internally coherent educational programmes were offered by the schools and colleges of the new religions orders, which were both rigorous in moral education and open to the new cultural orientations of Humanism and the Renaissance. As a conseequence, the University lost its central place to become an element within a complex System of educational institutions. It was only during the last decades of the 18th Century, under Austrian rule, that the University regained its central role: with the closing of the religious schools, the University became the only institution allowed to grant legal degrees.  相似文献   

Individuals in eight different types of administrative positions in two‐year colleges were asked to rate the importance of a variety of external and internal issues in the next five years. The purpose of the study reported here was first to identify those internal and external issues that administrators viewed as being of high importance. A second purpose was to assess the degree of consensus among differing types of administrative positions. The third objective was to identify differences between public and independent two‐year college, between men and women, and minority and white administrators perceptions of issues identified as being most important. There was a high degree of agreement across administrative groups as to the importance of five external issues; and when asked to indicate the two most critical issues, administrators were almost unanimous in their assessment. There is less agreement on the two critical internal issues. Some differences by gender and racial/ethnic group were noted, but the differences were not as great as might have been expected.  相似文献   

There are limited empirical data on curriculum in two‐year colleges; this study is designed to address that lack. A literature review is used to identify the functions served by credit courses: transfer, general education, preparation for work, and remediation. Secondary analysis is made of data gathered on a 1977 survey of science, social science, and science‐related technical courses. Instructor perceptions of course purpose(s) are used to determine if the identified functions are served. The findings indicate these functions are served, but predominately as combined functions rather than the discrete functions identified in the literature. Patterns of multiple course functions are identified by academic area and by course. Further, the methodology used is presented as a useful tool in developing empirical data about college curricula.  相似文献   

Prospective two‐year college students often lack adequate information on the range of educational alternatives available to them. Increasingly, state level agencies are playing a role in responding to that need. This article reports on a. national study of state two‐year college agencies to determine the extent and comprehensiveness of the postsecondary educational information they provide to students. Results indicate that most states have information they send to prospective students, but it varies widely in quality and often overlooks information students say they want to know. States with model information are identified.  相似文献   

The Society of Jesus, which was founded at the University of Paris in 1540, aimed at developing both humanism and Catholic faith by means of teaching the youth. This Jesuit order insisted on a standard formation of its teachers in the humanities t'litterae humaniores'). To this purpose, they established special classrooms in the main provinces for novices who wanted to enter the teaching profession. But the diversity in age and school level of the future teachers was so great that these classes could not have had a uniform function. Only in the northwestern provinces a professional and academic formation could be organized since those who attended it had already finished their studies in humanities and philosophy.  相似文献   

This study presents an in‐depth meta‐analysis of transfer shock, the grade point average (GPA) drop experienced by many community college transfer students. The purpose of the study was to identify all possible studies dealing with transfer shock and to report the magnitude of GPA change from the last quarter or semester at the community college to the end of the first quarter or semester at the senior institution. The study also researched the amount of recovery of GPA obtained by the community college transfer students at the 4‐year institution.

The search revealed 62 studies that reported the magnitude of GPA change. The studies showed that although community college transfer students in 79% of the studies experienced transfer shock, the majority of the magnitude of GPA change was one half of a grade point or less.

Of the studies that showed that community college transfer students experienced transfer shock, 67% reported that students recover from transfer shock, usually within the first year after transfer. Significantly, 34% of these studies showed community college transfer students recovered completely from transfer shock, 34% showed nearly complete recovery, and 32% showed partial recovery.

Because admission criteria for community college transfer students are based almost solely on academic performance, it is important for admissions personnel to consider the GPA recovery phenomenon in the decision process, not just the transfer‐shock phenomenon.  相似文献   

By introducing a sinusoidal cylindric ripple of infinitesimal amplitude into aplanar interface when there is convection in the liquid,an expression q(ω)=(t)/δ(t)isobtained for determining the stability of planar interface.The destabilizing perturbationfrequency interval and dangerous frequency for planar interface during solidification of adilute binary alloy under the condition of a sinusoidal cylindric perturbation have been in-vestigated.In comparison with the sinusoidal planar perturbation,the results obtained aremore conformable with the actual situation.  相似文献   

A premise of the current criticism that community colleges are institutions that promote social tracking and inhibit social mobility was reviewed and analyzed. The relationship between the roles of the two‐year college and the research university as proposed by Harper and Lange was examined. The thesis that junior colleges emerged when universities supported their growth as feeder institutions was tested by the case history of the development of community colleges in Wyoming. Findings of this study were that: (a) the University's opposition did not halt the development of community colleges, (b) community colleges were comprehensive and community‐based from the outset in Wyoming, and (c) establishment of the transfer function was not predominant in the rationale for the community college movement. It was concluded that the stereotypic explanation of two‐year college development from transfer‐oriented “junior” colleges to comprehensive institutions may be incorrect, and that many two‐year colleges may have been comprehensive from inception.  相似文献   

J. Gillis's thesis of the relation between the social constructions of youth and gender is reconsidered on the basis of a case study of girls working at the Philips factories in Eindhoven in the 1891‐1960 period. Adulthood appeared to be unattainable for these girls within the context of their work at Philips. Only an able male worker, trained for his Job and earning a family wage, was considered to be an adult. Factory girls reached adulthood only when they left their Jobs to get married and follow their true vocation: domesticity and motherhood. Even in the post‐war period, when the girls attained a certain degree of autonomy and personality came to be seen as an important aspect of the development towards adulthood, young women in the Philips factories remained “girls”, outsiders in the mature world of male labour.  相似文献   

The Schools Council's evaluation of i.t.a. (Warburton and Southgate, 1969) did not seek to ascertain the attitudes towards i.t.a. of teachers using craditional orthography (t.o.) other than those involved in the British i.t.a. experiments in teaching control groups. This smaller‐scale research aimed to investigate the attitudes of t.o. users as well as i.t.a. users in the Berkshire College school practice catchment area.

The attitude measures distinguished clearly between users and potential users of i.t.a. and t.o. users.

No significant differences in attitude relating to the age of children taught, the age and service of the teacher or the position held in school were found for the t.o. sample, nor, contrary to some of the Schools Council findings, for the i.t.a. users. The sole exception was that older t.o.‐using teachers showed more feelings against i.t.a. than younger teachers.

About 10 per cent of t.o. users indicated that they were potential users of i.t.a., whilst 13 per cent of i.t.a. users rejected i.t.a. in a future situation. There was little demand for i.t.a. courses; only 3‐57 per cent of the t.o. users wished for these.  相似文献   

This study focused on the question of whether middle‐aged adults’ attitudes toward the aged could be changed through participation in specially designed educational experiences. It was expected that the adults participating in this study would hold negative attitudes toward older persons, but the pretest showed that they held slightly positive attitudes. “Purpose in life” was the only variable significantly related to pretest scores. The adults’ attitudes toward older persons changed significantly in a positive direction following the workshop experience, while those in the control group decreased. It was concluded the workshop had a significant impact on these differences.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONProteindeficiencyisoneofthemostseriousproblemsintheworld ,especiallyindevelopingcountries.Ithasbeenestimatedthatabouttwo thirdsofthepopulationintheworldaresufferingfromlackofprotein ,especiallyhigh qualityani malprotein (Liu ,1 992 ) .Itistherefore…  相似文献   

The necessity for parents and teachers to work together collaboratively to optimize children’s learning and development in early childhood education is well recognized. Yet, ways in which initial teacher education programs might prepare teachers for professional relationships with parents are rare in the literature. This paper reports on the use of field experience in family homes that occurred in the 1st year of a teacher education program. A case study of two student teachers is discussed to illustrate the potential of such an approach to this aspect of teacher preparation. These student teachers experienced the realities of the daily lives of families with young children. Six months later, their experiences appeared likely to have had a positive influence on their understanding of parenting and their attitudes towards establishing and maintaining effective partnerships with parents in their future professional role.  相似文献   

This special edition of IJMSE focuses on the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) project now that it has completed a full cycle of administration—reading, mathematics, and science—to look at ways in which PISA has been used in participating countries and with what consequences, and to identify potential research and policy directions emanating from this initiative. Articles were invited to (a) reflect international perspectives on the uses and consequences of PISA to date and (b) speculate on future directions for research, curriculum, and policy using the PISA datasets. The introductory article provides a brief overview of common aspects of PISA: Evolving definitions of reading literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy; technical design of the instruments and data analysis procedures; the changing emphasis of administrations; and recent research using the datasets. PISA, unlike other international assessments in reading, mathematics, and science, has provided a fresh perspective on ‘what might be’ by decoupling the assessment from mandated curricula to focus on literacies needed for a 21st century economy. This unique feature of PISA brings with it possibilities and cautions for policy makers.  相似文献   

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