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新时代"立德树人"已成为我国教育实践和教育理论领域关注的热点问题。立足于文化自觉的视角,从历史溯源看,"立德树人"体现了对中华文化历史地位的深刻认识,是对中华优秀传统文化和传统教育思想的寻根、继承和弘扬;从实践反思看,"立德树人"是对知识本位教育的自觉扬弃,"立德树人"重塑立德为先,修身为本的人才培养基本逻辑,是对人才培养的规律把握及其在信息时代人文价值更加彰显;从价值引领看,"立德树人"是党的教育基本方针,体现了对教育创新历史责任的主动担当,是引领新时代人才培养的行动指南。  相似文献   


Cosmopolitanism is often seen as a western concept associated with liberal individualistic values. It is also associated mostly with the urban educated middle-class. However, cosmopolitan thinking has been also prevalent in the East. Scholars in the twenty-first century are increasingly arguing that, there are multiple ways of thinking about cosmopolitanism originating from different regions of the world. Among Eastern thinkers, Rabindranath Tagore from colonial British India has been considered by many as one of the most cosmopolitan thinkers. The uniqueness about Tagore’s cosmopolitanism is that, it did not uproot him from his rural Bengali roots and sense of ethnic identity. He was very much a “rooted-cosmopolitan”. In his book, ‘Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a world of strangers’, Kwame Anthony Appaiah had agued that, a “rooted cosmopolitan” is someone who was rooted in his own cultural context while having an open-mind to feel literally at home in the world. This article draws on archival research at Rabindra Bhawan in Shantiniketan and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Library archives to further this argument and demonstrates how Tagore’s school and university were built drawing on his “rooted cosmopolitan” ideals and international mindedness. In conclusion, this article highlights some of the challenges of sustaining the reformist educational institutions led by Tagore’s unique personality traits, social and pedagogic reform movements in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century colonial British India.  相似文献   

The author has a thorough knowledge of the educational scene in the USA. His critical analyses of the “modern” educational theories developed by J. Holt, H. Kohl, Ch. Silbermann, I. Illich and others, and of their — as yet unresearched — application to institutionalized learning and socialisation processes provide very informative insights into the on-going discussion on reform, even outside his own country. Stopsky points to four factors which have had a pronounced influence on the objectives, direction and progress of curriculum reform:
  1. The student movement and the stimuli it generated in the civil rights movement and the relations with the “Third World”.
  2. The subculture of youth, accompanying this protest movement and partly caused by its lack of success, with its typical phenomena of drug consumption and social disintegration.
  3. The disappointment at the failure of the propagated educational reform to establish, e.g., equality of chances and improve the quality of life, and the effects of raising the standards of performance demanded of under-privileged pupils by means of drastic restrictions on admission and entrance examinations implying social selection for higher educational courses.
  4. The development of “anti-curricula” in the form and content of “open” or neohumanist education. The favourable reports on experiments with these “pupil-centred” curricula in British schools created a fascinating response from teachers and pupils in the USA, but most colleges rejected the innovation as being anti-intellectual and decided in favour of a “competency based” or “performance based” curriculum.
In this future-oriented paper F. Stopsky attempts to free school from the odium of suffering individual oppression and the resulting fear of the pupils, and to turn it instead into a place where children and adults will work without repression.  相似文献   

The dominant conception of educational equality in the United States is meritocratic: an individual's chances of educational achievements should track only (natural) talent and effort, not social class or other morally irrelevant factors. The meritocratic conception must presuppose that natural talent and effort can be isolated from social class — and environmental factors in general — if it is to provide guidance in the world of educational policy and practice. In this article Kenneth R. Howe challenges that presupposition and related elements of the meritocratic conception having to do with the role of competition and education as a positional good. Howe argues that, in use, the meritocratic conception unavoidably distributes education based on developed talent and motivation that cannot be isolated from the effects of social class, thus masking the real basis of the distribution and contributing to the perpetuation of illicit group privilege. Howe then entertains and rejects several rejoinders to his critique, including that the meritocratic conception might eliminate the presupposition of isolatable natural talent. Finally, Howe sketches an alternative conception of educational equality based on Elizabeth Anderson's adaptation of Rawls's “democratic equality.”  相似文献   

社会转型期的时代背景推动了智能时代的教育改革。如何系统化地认识与研究当下的教育改革,同时科学合理地设计教育实践的干预策略,是当下教育改革与发展面临的两个核心问题。本研究从历史学、社会学和教育学三个视角出发,通过探讨教育实践及其理论发展的历史背景,从认识论的角度梳理了教育社会实验生成演化的四个阶段,包括教育实践理论启蒙与初步探索的"前认识阶段"、教育实验形成与规范化的"前研究阶段"、从教育实践社会化到教育实验社会化的"后实践阶段",以及从关注教育实践到关注教育社会实验的"后研究阶段"。作为价值回应,"教育社会实验"在提升对教育改革的认识上起到了认识论的作用;"教育社会实验研究"在加深对当代教育改革认识的基础上,为实践干预提供了方法论指导。  相似文献   

信息技术支持的学与教变革是教育信息化系统改革中的关键。我国信息技术支持的学与教,在理论层面已开始由“要素观”逐步转向“生态观”,但实践层面的变革思路上存在着“技术导向”的倾向,这导致研究者热衷技术应用而忽视学与教本身。通过对比中外教育信息化政策以及分析新加坡的典型案例,发现国际上学与教变革的新措施均体现出“学习导向”的特征,并有四个主要动向:关注信息时代学习者的能力结构、挖掘教育“大数据”以分析学习者行为、构建个性化网络学习空间以培育新型学习方式、倡导“以学习者为中心”的新型教学模式。我国应将信息技术支持的学与教变革思路逐渐由“技术导向”转到“学习导向”。  相似文献   

During the 1960s and 1970s, “traditional” secondary educational systems in various Western European countries made way for comprehensive education curricula. In contrast to the reforms within the “intellectual” subjects, the field of physical education (PE) remained largely underexposed in research. This study focuses on PE reform in Belgium, the first country in the world (apart from Sweden itself) to introduce, in 1908, so-called “Swedish gymnastics” in all levels of state public education and, in 1968, the last country apart from Portugal to abandon it. The question arises as to who was responsible for Swedish gymnastics being applied for so long and, ultimately, how and by whom reform was implemented. The results show that the power of the past and the positions of “Swedists” in the Government Inspectorate, universities and professional associations, perpetuated the domination of Swedish gymnastics in Belgian education. The final “dynamisation” of the subject of PE around 1968 did not come about through “revolution” but a “natural” generational transition, whereby a new guard of young government inspectors with a drive for reform took over from their Swedish-minded predecessors. The educational climate prevailing in Belgium at the end of the 1960s facilitated this reform. The state university PE institutes lost their position as pedagogical profile keepers during this process of transformation, while the hidden curriculum of the (Catholic) university institute in Leuven implicitly shaped the educational climate. Further comparative international research into the (changed) profile, position and power of school inspectors in educational reform appears necessary.  相似文献   

全球教育变革的意义、动力与实践模式正在发生新的范式转变。面对全球以新自由主义为主导的教育改革运动,国际知名教育变革与教师教育学者丹尼斯·舍利教授与同事提出了旨在促进可持续发展、创新和包容的全球教育变革的"第四条道路"。目前,"第四条道路"变革模式已经在芬兰、加拿大、新加坡和韩国等国家开展。针对教育变革所面临的一系列新紧迫性,丹尼斯·舍利教授分析了他提出的以"中间引领"与"社区组织"为突破口的教育改革模式。鉴于教师教育在全球教育变革的重要性,丹尼斯·舍利提出了正念型教师的概念,探讨了教师教育中需要发展的5种类型的专业资本,即人力资本、社会资本、决策资本、道德资本和符号资本。同时,丹尼斯·舍利还关注教育变革背景下教师的幸福感与不同样态的教师文化。针对人类面对的全球性问题,如新型冠状病毒和气候变化,丹尼斯·舍利呼吁通过跨文化对话和交流,同时加强人文课程来应对这些挑战。就上述问题,本次对话从理论进路与实践样态两方面开展了深入的学术对话,以昭示"第四条道路"关照下的教育领导变革与教师专业发展。  相似文献   

集教育与康复技能于一身的教育康复人才是受到特殊儿童教育与康复双重需要而催生的紧缺型人才,社会需求量具大。而高校在教育康复人才培养方面普遍面临专业师资缺乏,理论课、实验课和社会实践课等教学资源短缺等问题。基于此,文章利用“互联网+教育”和“互联网+康复”新理念将高校教育康复人才培养的课程体系、实验室、实践基地虚拟到云平台,建立数字教育资源共建共享的人才培养机制,构建了集“在线课堂(C)、虚拟实验室(L)、智慧实践基地(P)”三位一体的教育康复人才培养CLP模式,旨在探索一套科学、高效、规模化的教育康复人才培养模式。  相似文献   

为了解决与其他教育工作相割裂、内容较为匮乏和路径狭窄单一等问题,社会主义核心价值观教育要明确“立德树人”的目标、凸显“文化观照”的视野并遵循“细小落实”的原则。社会主义核心价值观教育的内容,不只是表述核心价值观的24字,还要按照反映中国特色、民族特性和时代特征这三项标准,从中国传统优秀文化、中国近代先进文化和世界文化精华这三大来源中,选择丰富的文化元素作为相应的内容。社会主义核心价值观教育的路径创新,关键有两个层面:一是建构和完善“国家—社会—个人三位一体”的大教育框架;二是探索和使用“国民教育融入法、社会治理贯穿法、宣传教育引导法、榜样示范表率法和优良品德修养法”全面协同的方法体系。  相似文献   

就业难已经成为目前高校人才培养的“瓶颈”问题。本文以心理学专业人才培养模式改革为例,从普通高校开展“双证书”人才培养面临的主要问题出发,阐述了心理学专业开展“双证书”人才培养改革的一系列举措和做法,试图为进一步推动新时期我国高校的教育教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

公共实验平台是高校科研和教学的重要支撑。如何在“双一流”建设的机遇下,以把握学科建设内涵为导向,深化资源配置综合改革,高效发挥平台的服务保障作用、使之成为支撑学科发展、人才引进、科学研究、人才培养及社会服务窗口,是平台建设面临的普遍问题。结合学校公共实验平台的规划建设和管理运行,探索公共实验平台与学科建设、人才培养的最优协同方式,为“双一流”大学的建设与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

从基层教师角度探讨《深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案》中“为什么改”“改什么”“怎么改”的“三改”问题。“三改”是改革的基本性问题。为什么改?教育评价改革是中国社会发展的历史必然;改什么?当前最需要改革的是教育评价中的行政化问题;怎么改?让教育评价回归到评价教育科研成果内容本身。  相似文献   

随着信息技术日新月异、行业形态不断改变、新业态源源不断出现,社会对人才培养也随之提出更高的要求。在开放教育中,综合实践教学虽然处在战略性地位,但是在学习者专业技能培养中,往往只偏重于理论教育,实践技能教育存在流于形式、学习内容陈旧、实践资源缺失等问题,导致人才培养与实际岗位需求脱节。为了适应开放教育的发展趋势,结合当前开放教育综合实践教学中存在的实施不足、教学方式单一和实践基地弱化等问题,提出开放教育综合实践教学模式应以“学分银行”理念为基础,对综合实践教学进行行之有效的改革,以提升其教学质量和有效性。  相似文献   

阐述了新工科背景下应用型人才培养模式改革态势及存在问题,并对存在的问题原因进行了分析,结合应用技术学院人才培养实践探索了“产-学-研”三结合的教育培养模式,有效地解决了新工科背景下“应用型”人才培养的“难点”“重点”及“实施渠道”,为新工科背景下应用型人才培养教育改革提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   


This paper studies university students’ job‐selection criteria as an indicator of how socio‐economic forces have deconstructed the state‐supported value system in China in the course of reformatting a society in which money‐power has risen to combat not only political control but moral forces. The analysis is based on the surveys conducted by Chinese researchers in various institutes and different regions between 1990 and 1995. The study suggests the increasing importance of “a good income” in graduate job selection, which is a reflection of a set of new concepts competing with the official ideology. Growing market forces, translated into educational reform as “economic efficiency”, have undermined the effectiveness of political‐moral education. Because of the collapse of traditional values and the lack of new ethical standards of conduct, “money talks” has become a norm guiding social behaviours and personal relationships, and has helped form a force to resist the power of political‐moral education.  相似文献   

"新工科"是基于国家战略发展新需求、国际竞争新形势、立德树人新要求而提出的中国工程教育改革方向.中国矿业大学建筑环境与能源应用工程专业教师对新工科背景下的建环专业人才培养模式进行了深入研究与实践,针对大学生实践创新能力培养,建环专业从人才培养特色定位、优化课程体系、高水平教学科研队伍建设、综合特色教学资源平台、拓展学科...  相似文献   


Based on the data collected in a one-year long fieldwork in Zhong, a county located in middle part of China, this article reconsiders the concept of “useless schooling,” which was proposed in recent studies on the perceptions of value of education among lower-class rural residents in China. It calls for a understanding of those changes in the macro social structure, which becomes increasingly stratified, and the emerging patterns of educational opportunity structure in the era of social transformation, and argues that this is the base for the understanding lower-class rural parents’ perceptions on the value of schooling. This article employs Bourdieu’s concept of “habitus” and conceptualizes the process of how lower-class rural residents form their value on school education as a process of structural factors being internalized into individual dispositions. Based on the data collected, this article proposes to use the concept of “hopeless schooling” to capture their perceptions on the value of school education. It emphasizes that the emerging education opportunity structure and differentiated chances of social mobility by different social groups have gradually been transformed into a stratified pattern of “expectations” for education and social mobility, and proposes the need to examine the ongoing solidification of social structure in this period of transformation.  相似文献   

“新工科”建设是地方本科高校转型提升的客观要求,地方本科高校应从理念更新,学科专业群构建,应用型、复合型、创新型人才培养,技术创新服务能力提升以及高等教育综合改革等方面加强学科建设。福建工程学院交通运输工程学科的实践探索为“新工科”背景下地方本科高校学科建设提供了有益的经验。  相似文献   

Education reform and competency-based education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The core purpose of this paper is to describe a new educational paradigm as well as possible directions and tasks for education reform in the 21st century. The present-day education system has failed to nurture the kind of creative people who can play leading roles in development or to produce citizens of a good character and democratic tendencies. We need to look at education from the standpoint of expanding the totality of possibilities for national development. The current educational system of Korea can be characterized as one of “manpower-centered education. ” In this system, education functions to produce the human resources needed by the nation, and there is a strong belief in the classification and selection of high-quality human capital via the school system. We can think of an educational model that is parallel to the current system of manpower classification and selection and call it “competency-based education. ” In this model, the identification of individual ability, talent, and aptitude is deemed to be the most important, and the key task of education is self-actualization through recognition and cultivation of such talents and abilities. What educational values should be pursued within a new competency-based paradigm? First, we can reduce the relative weight of subject-centered education and introduce a competency-based curriculum in order to teach key competences for life. Second, new intelligence theories must be introduced into education in order to foster the development of students' talents, aptitudes, and potentials. Third, we can make use of positive psychology, which is a newly emerging field, the core concept of which is the belief that happiness in life depends on one's ability to develop and maintain positive feelings and emotions.  相似文献   

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