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The authors in this article argue that the Francisco Maestas et al vs. George H. Shone et al (1914) case is one of the earliest Mexican American challenges to school segregation in the United States. Unidentified for over a century, the lawsuit took place in southern Colorado, a region of the nation where Mexican Americans have deep historical roots. This case was unique because the racial background and linguistic needs of Mexican American children were contested. First, plaintiffs (Mexican Americans) argued their children were racially distinct as Mexicans and used the Colorado Constitution to challenge segregation because the state prohibited public schools from classifying and distinguishing children based on color and race. Defendants (school board members and the superintendent) countered that Mexican American children were Caucasian and claimed they were no different from other White children in the school district. Second, school district officials maintained that non-English speaking Mexican American children were placed in a separate school in order to serve their linguistic needs. The district court judge discovered that school officials had created a policy that sent all Mexican American children to the separate school. To the extent that many Mexican American children were English speaking, the district court judge ruled in favor of Francisco Maestas on the grounds that school officials could not prevent English-speaking Mexican American children from attending schools of their choice in general and schools that were closer to their homes in particular.  相似文献   

通过琼脂平板扩散试验和双倍稀释试验,对青木香(Aristolochia debillis Sieb.et Zucc.)的石油醚提取物、乙酸乙酯提取物和甲醇提取物进行了抗细菌和抗真菌作用的研究,在三种提取物中,只有甲醇提取物对试验的所有革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌都表现出显著的抗菌作用,乙酸乙酯提取物只对测试的部分细菌显示出抗菌作用,石油醚提取物不具有抗菌活性.甲醇提取物比乙酸乙酯提取物具有更强的抗菌作用和更广的抗菌谱.三种提取物对所有试验的真菌都没有显示出抗菌作用.  相似文献   

Comment se sont articulées les notions de peines et de récompenses dans l’histoire de la pédagogie? Telle est la question à laquelle cet article se propose de répondre à partir des écrits pédagogiques du pasteur-pédagogue Gauthey (1795–1864). Nous retracerons un pan de cette histoire telle qu’elle s’est déroulée dans les écoles du dimanche et dans les écoles protestantes de la Société pour l’encouragement de l’instruction primaire parmi les protestants de France, au milieu du XIXe siècle, pour vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle, pour Gauthey, directeur des écoles normales de Lausanne (1834 à 1845) et de Courbevoie (1846 à 1864), la fonction de l’éducateur ne se confond pas avec celle du magistrat en ce que, in fine, le but du maître est toujours le perfectionnement de l’élève. Il agit par le levier de la conscience, dans un cadre où prime sa parole intime et féconde sur un rituel extérieur et public comme le juge s’y emploie, au nom de la loi, pour la société. Les récompenses et peines servent de “signes” pour encourager l’élève à pratiquer le bien et haïr le mal.

How are notions of punishment and reward articulated in the history of education? This is the question that this article seeks to answer, from the writings of pedagogue-pastor Gauthey (1795–1864). A piece of this story will be traced as it unfolded in Sunday schools and in Protestant schools of the Society for the Encouragement of Primary Education among the Protestants of France, in the mid-nineteenth century, to verify the hypothesis that for Gauthey, Director of the Normal School of Lausanne (1834–1845) and Courbevoie (1846–1864), the function of the teacher should not be confused with that of the magistrate inasmuch as, in fine, the aim of the pedagogue is always the development of the student. It is the lever of consciousness, in a context where his/her intimate and fruitful words prevail over outward and public ritual, as the judge employs it, in the name of the law, for society. Rewards and punishments serve as “signs” to encourage students to do good and hate evil.  相似文献   

通过琼脂平板扩散试验和双倍稀释试验,对青木香(Aristolochia debillis Sieb. et Zucc.)的石油醚提取物、乙酸乙酯提取物和甲醇提取物进行了抗细菌和抗真菌作用的研究,在三种提取物中,只有甲醇提取物对试验的所有革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌都表现出显著的抗菌作用,乙酸乙酯提取物只对测试的部分细菌显示出抗菌作用,石油醚提取物不具有抗菌活性.甲醇提取物比乙酸乙酯提取物具有更强的抗菌作用和更广的抗菌谱.三种提取物对所有试验的真菌都没有显示出抗菌作用.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - It is easier than ever to provide video feedback. Research has shown that video feedback, among other things, can help increase conversational and...  相似文献   

虽然我国已在《商标法》中做出了商标反向假冒的规定,并且在《反不正当竞争法》以及《民法通则》中也做出了要求经营者在商业活动中要坚持诚实守信的原则,但由于上述立法中仅涉及了商标的反向假冒而没有涵盖所有的商业活动中的反向假冒问题。所以,除商标反向假冒外的行为,国家都只是在立法中给予了原则性的指导,而没有做出认定在除商标反向假冒外的行为是否为反向假冒的具体标准。因而,文章以Steven SALIM,et al.诉Fox Kids案为例,分析美国在认定所有商业活动中反向假冒的标准,以期能够为我国的立法完善提供经验。  相似文献   

我们常说的上午、下午用英文表示是a.m.和p.m.,这两个单词都是缩写形式,是由拉丁文转化而来的。a.m.=ante meridiem(=before noon)上午p.m.=post meridiem下午ante表示……前  相似文献   

何琰 《甘肃教育》2011,(14):74-74
孔子说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”培养学生学习数学的兴趣,引导他们自主发展,是培养学生具备各方面能力的需要。课堂上如果学生有了积极参与、合作交流的兴趣,就会有思维碰撞的火花.才会有发展和创新。教师只有顺应学生的心理特征,循序渐进,适时激发学生学习数学的兴趣,才能促进学生主动学习。通过近几年的教学研究,我认为,抓住“爱、境、争、动”四个字,就可以很好地培养学生学习数学的兴趣。具体做法如下。  相似文献   

坚定的目光中有一种感动叫执著,跳动的心脏里有一种信念叫希望。让我们在激昂的音符中和F.I.R.一起感受音乐!初听F.I.R.的歌,是自己在住院时那个百般无聊的下午。呆呆望着窗外并不灿烂的阳光和阴沉的建筑,幽幽地想逃离开来,不再呼吸着充斥浓烈消毒药水的空气。  相似文献   

大家都知道a.m.(或A.M.)和p.m.(或P.M.)分别表示“上午”和“下午”,但你们可知道它们从何而来吗?原来它们来自拉丁语,a.m.是ante meridian的缩写形式;p.m.是post meridian的缩写形式。这种形式多用于书面语。  相似文献   

★这注定是一次不平凡的访问,因为访问的对象注定是三位不平凡的人。Z.O.S.——中国第一个男生文学组合,在2006年第一场雪到来的时候,横空出世了。其实在成立这个组合之前,三个阳光帅气大男孩的头顶上就已经闪现了一大串夺目的光环,他们干练的身影和精彩的文字也频频出现在读者的视野之中。Z.是曾尹郁的“ZENG”第一个英文字母。这个1983年出生的男孩,现在还是湘潭大学三年级的学生,但他从中学时代起就在《美文》《少男少女》《少女》《好同学《》男生女生》等杂志报刊发表了十万余字的作品。一路高歌走到大学,春光灿烂走到现在,书架上…  相似文献   

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