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This study analyzes measurement learning expectations involving area and volume in grades 1–8 across several U.S. states and high-performing TIMSS Asian countries, including Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan. Based on a review of official curriculum documents, results of this study indicate that the mathematics content, grade placement, and cognitive level of learning expectations related to selected measurement topics vary markedly across states and countries. This variability in learning expectations results in striking differences in students’ opportunity to learn.  相似文献   

The Society of Jesus, which was founded at the University of Paris in 1540, aimed at developing both humanism and Catholic faith by means of teaching the youth. This Jesuit order insisted on a standard formation of its teachers in the humanities t'litterae humaniores'). To this purpose, they established special classrooms in the main provinces for novices who wanted to enter the teaching profession. But the diversity in age and school level of the future teachers was so great that these classes could not have had a uniform function. Only in the northwestern provinces a professional and academic formation could be organized since those who attended it had already finished their studies in humanities and philosophy.  相似文献   

I — Reminiscences Deuteronomy 32:7

Back in 1925, upon graduation from the Teachers Institute of Yeshiva University, I started my career as teacher in the first and oldest Talmud Torah in the United States, the Machzikey TT on East Broadway in Manhattan. I recall with pleasure how boys and girls spent ten hours a week in Jewish studies: giving the 12-13 year olds intensive instruction in Torah, Neviim, Mishnah, Hebrew Grammar, Hebrew Literature and Yiddish. For many years the Machzikey TT had a school enrollment of one thousand students and more. When the '30s came and the enrollment fell considerably, it became necessary to consolidate the school with the National Hebrew School, especially when the Downtown TT closed it doors.  相似文献   

Scientific models and modeling play an important role in science, and students’ understanding of scientific models is essential for their understanding of scientific concepts. The measurement instrument of Students’ Understanding of Models in Science (SUMS), developed by Treagust, Chittleborough & Mamiala (International Journal of Science Education, 24(4):357–368, 2002), has commonly been used to measure SUMS. SUMS was developed using the Classical Test Theory (CTT). Considering the limitations of CTT, in this study we applied a Rasch model to validate SUMS further. SUMS was given to 629 students in 18 classes of grades 9 and 10 from six high schools in China. The results present both additional evidence for the validity and reliability of SUMS and specific aspects for further improvement. This approach of validation of a published instrument by Rasch measurement can be applied to other measurement instruments developed using CTT.  相似文献   

The present study describes high school students’ conceptions about acids and bases in terms of pH, pOH, microscopic level, strength, and concentration. A total of 27 high school students participated in the study. The data was collected using 3 POE tasks and a semi-structured interview. The data analysis demonstrated that most of the students had poor understanding related to a drawing of weak and strong acids. In addition, the findings revealed that the POE’s were effective in terms of gathering students’ predictions and reasons for the prediction of outcomes in an open-ended format. The POE tasks also revealed that some of the students had misconceptions regarding pH and pOH. The students believed that pH was a measurement of the acidity, while pOH was a measurement of the basicity. The findings obtained have certain implications for the secondary chemistry program.  相似文献   


This is Part 1 of a two‐part article on the establishment and activities of the Technical Instruction Committees established in Glamorgan County, Cardiff and Swansea in 1889/91. Local Technical Instruction Committees were given responsibility for given geographical areas, and were the first radical attempt to organise and finance a systematic programme of technical education. Each Committee inherited a haphazard system of evening classes sponsored initially by individual mechanics’ institutes and later by the Department of Science and Art. This system, such as it was, exhibited little pattern, varying in extent from place to place. Provision was dependent on local initiatives and utilised a variety of local buildings. Part 1 of this article describes the wider context of the establishment and activities of the Technical Instruction Committees before concentrating on the activities specifically of the Committee in Glamorgan County. Part 2 of this article (to appear in Volume 45, Number 2, 1993) will deal with the activities of the Technical Instruction Committees in Cardiff and Swansea before providing a concluding overview of the two parts.  相似文献   

我想,没有哪一个孩子不喜欢童话。“童话”,那几乎是“神奇”与“有趣”的代名词。想一想,平常走路都傻乎乎的,而且只会“嘎嘎嘎”叫的小鸭子,突然变成了“唐老鸭”,它不仅会说话,会动脑子,而且你能听懂它的语言,仿佛它就是你身边的老朋友。在这个你似乎早已熟悉的世界里,也许有一天,一朵朵花张开了它们的笑脸,一阵轻风中,它们舞着,并且唱起了歌。在你惊讶时,又听见它对你说:“我相信你和我一样美丽,因为我知道你是一个心灵美的人。”当早上推开窗户的时候,你听见了太阳公公的问候;在你一个人十分孤独的时候,书柜腆着肚子招呼你:“喂,朋友,…  相似文献   

Chip: Hi,Lori! Lori: Hi, Chip! Chip: What are you takingthis semester? Lori: Well, I hope I get ceramics.Juan: Hi. Shelley! Shelley: Hi, Juan!Juan: There's the bell. We have togo to homeroom. Shelley: Who's your homeroomteacher?Juan: Let me check the schedule. Let's see . . . my homeroom teacher is ...  相似文献   

对Qk(z,u1)Ω=Qs(z,u1)一结果进行了改进,所得结论更为精确。  相似文献   

J. Gillis's thesis of the relation between the social constructions of youth and gender is reconsidered on the basis of a case study of girls working at the Philips factories in Eindhoven in the 1891‐1960 period. Adulthood appeared to be unattainable for these girls within the context of their work at Philips. Only an able male worker, trained for his Job and earning a family wage, was considered to be an adult. Factory girls reached adulthood only when they left their Jobs to get married and follow their true vocation: domesticity and motherhood. Even in the post‐war period, when the girls attained a certain degree of autonomy and personality came to be seen as an important aspect of the development towards adulthood, young women in the Philips factories remained “girls”, outsiders in the mature world of male labour.  相似文献   

Ch ief Editor:Kahap·Aren Manasing Editor: Yan Ruorong Editorial BOard:Waflg Jue Wu XiaOZhi Liu Jia0Challg Wu Xiaocheng Xu Hongwu Cao Llhons EDeCudye Edi Ior:Yan Ru。r。ng Ellgl;Sh Tfsflslstof:Shi Yill C ONTENTConcentrate on the Constrisc【ion of the Chinese Communist Party ””’”””’””“””’”’”’“·”…··”…·’………··wu Xiaocheng(1)Literary and Artistic Talen二and Philosophical Thought ’”“·’”’…··’·’…………………………Zeng Yaonons(s)yivid …  相似文献   

一切交往都有不可超越的最后界限。在两个人之间,这种界限是不清晰的,然而又是确定的。一切麻烦和冲突都起于无意中想突破这个界限。但是,一旦这个界限清晰可辨并且严加遵守,那么,交往的全部魅力就丧失了,从此情感退场,理智维持着秩序。  相似文献   

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