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自由教育与美好生活-施特劳斯学派自由教育观述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要梳理了以列奥·施特劳斯以及艾兰·布鲁姆为代表的施特劳斯学派的自由教育观。为了更清晰地理解这一学派的自由教育观念,本文首先评述了他们之反思的哲学起点(对现代性的反思与对相对主义的抨击)和现实起点(现代民主制度下自由教育的危机),继而就“美好生活”和“伟大著作”这两大主题提炼出该学派的自由教育主张及其背后的政治教育意蕴。本文认为,施特劳斯学派的教育主张是一种精英主义的教育观,他们对经典名著的推崇,对于德性与教养教育的标举,值得我们深入思考。  相似文献   

理想人格是人生价值的体现。这是由理想人格的本质规定性及理想人格与现实生活的内在统一所决定的。理想人格的塑造必以人生自我价值和社会价值的有机统一为前提,要实现自我价值和社会价值的珠联璧合,必须处理好整体利益与个体利益的关系和理想人格的层次性问题,理想人格的塑造及人生价值的实现离不开人类变革对象世界的现实过程。只有投身于改革开放实践,才以塑造富有时代感的理想人格和人生价值。  相似文献   

This article gives a bird's eye view of tertiary level environmental education programmes in Greece. As the author points out, environmental education in this country got off to a late start because of a late perception of the need for them. By the end of the 1980's, environmental components had been introduced into teacher training programmes, into the universities both as full course programmes in certain universities and as enrichment courses in most of them, and into the offerings of adult and vocational education. What has evolved is a satisfactory and pragmatic range of offerings to which more must be added to meet increased demand.  相似文献   

本文认为奥林匹克理想体系的形成正是现实与理想冲突的同步前进和相互转化的结果。它的形成过程也是人类受教育的过程。它的内容包含社会政治理想、道德理想、成就理想三个方面,其中社会政治理想是最根本、最重要的,它决定和制约着道德理想、成就理想,而道德理想和成就理想则从不同方面体现着社会政治理想,从属于社会政治理想。  相似文献   

教育的超越本质及其自由教育的理想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有两种力量在支配着教育的发展,一种是生活实在的力量,它使教育努力去适应它的需要,在这种力量之下,产生了功利主义的教育信仰。另一种是向往美好的力量,它使教育努力离开现实,不断超越自身,并将教育的最高理想指向于自由教育。  相似文献   

Abstract In every faith community, worship and education should be conceived and practiced as interdependent, interpenetrating dimensions of ecclesial life. Too often, however, worship and education are separated and compartmentalized to the detriment of both. This article explores a way to understand the inherent unity of worship and education and proposes a structure of ecclesial life in which each is necessary to the other. Putting education and worship in conversation yields new clarity regarding the liturgical nature of ministry and the micro- and macroscopic perspectives of education. Significant implications are drawn, especially with respect to the important insights that an educational perspective can bring to pastoral leadership in the community.  相似文献   

新的形势要求大学具有较高的理想层次。而现实却是相当一部分大学没有远大理想,志向过于功利化。因此,培养大学生树立一种与广大人民同呼吸、共命运的感情立场,教育大学生将个人的理想与人民的共同理想,崇高理想有机地结合起来,适时适度地结合大学生实际开展理想教育势在必行。  相似文献   

This article discusses what in the author's perspective are some of the most urgent aspects of certain questions which must necessarily be answered if one is to take seriously the basic ideas of the “One‐Europe” concept. As far as they concern institutions of higher education, they are first discussed in terms of the comparability of university degrees. For this purpose, the basic problem is stated with reference to two examples taken from Germany. Then the much more complicated situation involving many systems is sketched. It is not at all the intention of this article to recommend a strategy of “homogenization as far as possible”; however, it grapples with the reality that if graduates are to be able to obtain employment abroad, that is, to make a reality of international mobility, some system of comparability is urgently required. Another point raised refers to the effects of the constantly expanding educational sector on the opportunities of individuals and age cohorts, an aspect of the question which is frequently overlooked. Here the need for more information ‐ and planning according to the information received ‐ is obvious. The paper ends by suggesting certain changes in social conditions in order to improve opportunities for mobility.  相似文献   

作为国际商品的知识与教育:公共产品的消解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球化是 2 1世纪高等教育的核心部分之一。它带来了许多机会 ,同时又是一项挑战 ,对发展中国家来说尤其这样。全球化有许多不平等的因素 ,包括 :英语的广泛使用 ,这对那些不以英语作为教学语言的国家不利 ;知识产品如数据库等的所有权 ;发达国家大学在学术交流和其他联系方面处于主导地位。WTO和目前关于服务贸易协定的争论体现了全球化的复杂性。服务贸易协定寻求开放全球的高等教育市场 ,但与此同时 ,这也会影响到许多国家对高等教育决策的控制权  相似文献   

教育是以育人为本,高校不仅仅要培养出适应社会经济建设需要的人才,更要培养出全面发展的人才,也就是说能够让学生成为人格健全的一个完整的人。本文从分析生命教育的内涵入手,根据现实中的现象分析了生命教育在高校思想政治教育中的现状及必要性,讨论了生命教育在高校思想政治教育中的途径。即教育目标"成人"化,教育理念人本化;改变传统观念,引导大学生正确认识死亡,理性审视生命;引导大学生珍惜生命,充分挖掘生命的潜能,实现生命价值的最大化;运用多种方式和渗透式教育进行生命教育;借鉴国外的一些经验,设置独立的生命教育课程。  相似文献   

Academic disciplines with soft paradigmaticdevelopment tend to have an affinity for more readilyenacting practices designed to improve undergraduateeducation than do hard paradigmatic developmentdisciplines. This study extends the affinity disciplinehypothesis to Chickering and Gamson's seven principlesof good practice. The affinity discipline hypothesisgarners empirical support for four of the sevenprinciples of good practice: encouragement offaculty-student contact, encouragement of activelearning, communication of high expectations, andrespect for diverse talents and ways of knowing.Implications for theory and practice are suggested by the findings ofthis study.  相似文献   

儿童生活与儿童教育   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
儿童的存在不仅具有生物学的意义,还应该具有文化的意义。对于成长中的儿童,教育无疑是儿童生活的重要组成部分,教育具有重建生活的意义。儿童世界是由生活世界和科学世界组成,而生活世界里内在的精神生活和外在的文化(游戏的、童话的等)交织在一起。关注儿童的生活世界,就应从内至外展开,即从内在的精神生活开始向外在的社会生活铺开。  相似文献   

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