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对通识教育有关概念的辨析   总被引:69,自引:0,他引:69  
通识教育在国际高等教育界一直倍受瞩目,发达国家积累了丰富的实施通识教育的经验,国内一些大学也在进行积极的尝试。虽然目前我国教育界大都赞同在大学(特别是综合性研究型大学)本科实施通识教育,但不论是理论界还是实践界对通识教育及其相关概念的理解不仅不一致,而且很模糊。因此,有必要对通识教育的定义及其与专才教育、自由教育、人文教育、素质教育、专业教育以及通选课和公共课等概念之间的区别和联系进行辨析。  相似文献   

拉美地区的环境教育注重社会文化内涵,并在很多国家已经初步形成了推进环境教育的机制,而可持续发展教育目前仍在起步阶段。目前,拉美国家综合两者,提出为了可持续发展的环境教育。在拉丁美洲,环境教育与可持续发展教育本质上是一致的,可持续发展教育在全球范围内的推广促进了拉美环境教育政策的制定和执行。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to survey and report on the empirical literature at the intersection of science education research in Latin American and previous studies addressing international research trends in this field. Reports on international trends in science education research indicate that authors from English-speaking countries are major contributors of publications. Despite the internationalization of the science education community, as represented by the publication of the work generated in non-English-speaking countries, research trends in science education in Latin America are uncommon in the literature. Therefore, it was deemed important to explore the scholarly productivity of science education researchers from Latin America to learn about the research orientations pursued by scholars from this region. Collective review findings are presented with respect to author’s nationality, publication volume generated in each country, research type and topic, collaborative research, and areas for future research. Of the ten countries represented in this study, Brazilian authors were the most research active scholars followed by their colleagues from Venezuela, Mexico, and Argentina. The History, Philosophy and the Nature of Science (HPNOS) was the topic that most attracted the interest of Latin American science education researchers, and the Empirical Qualitative studies was the most frequent research type combination in the analyzed publications. Findings in this study suggest a relationship between investment power in Research and Development (R&D) and the scholarly productivity not only in science education but also in the scientific field in the countries of the region.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the aspects of the relationship between education and poverty as it has been constructed by international organisations and national governments in Latin America. The analysis is carried out from two separate angles. On the one hand, the paper highlights the main failings that underlie the positive and hoped-for relationship between investment in education and the reduction of poverty. On the other, it demonstrates how a good number of these failings can be attributed to an underestimation of the inverse relationship, i.e. the effects that poverty has on education. Though this analysis can be understood from a general perspective, evidence from Latin America is used to illustrate the consequences of these global absences.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a significant growth in the volume of research production in education ethnography in Scandinavia due partly to a regionally financed network. The present article makes some comparisons between Scandinavian and other education research contexts in relation to aspects of general ethnographic design to try to analyse this production. It suggests some typical points of identity for Scandinavian educational ethnography, such as a distinct role for theories in fieldwork. But it also suggests that these characteristics are even apparent outside Scandinavia. Some blind-spots in ethnography are also suggested around quantitative aspects, but again, these are not unique. Scandinavian ethnographic research in education is broadly influenced by a range of different traditions in different parts of the region that have travelled with key people and from place to place, but it is also noted that there is seepage between ethnography and other traditions.  相似文献   

拉丁美洲高等教育大众化探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
拉丁美洲国家在二十世纪六七十年代基本实现了高等教育大众化 ,采取的主要政策与措施包括改革公立高等教育 ,发展多层次的私立高等教育 ,创建公私立学校趋同的新型办学模式等。拉美国家高等教育大众化的成果是明显的 ,但也带来了职业分层化和投资效益低下等问题 ,其过度发展高等教育 ,忽视基础教育的教训应引起我们的警觉  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织在推动发展中国家高等教育发展中所起的作用越来越重要,参与跨国层面、区域层面的治理工作日渐频繁.拉丁美洲一直是教科文组织重点关注的区域,1997年,教科文组织特别成立了拉丁美洲及加勒比地区国际高等教育研究所,致力于完善该区域高等教育体系,提高高等教育质量,鼓励高等教育系统专业人员流动等,缩短拉美国家与发达国家的差距,推动该地区高等教育一体化的发展.联合国教科文组织在推动拉丁美洲高等教育一体化建设取得一定成效的同时,存在资金不足、政策实施不力、对不同地区支持不均衡等问题.此外,在拉丁美洲高等教育一体化建设过程中,拉美国家还应该进一步改善自我认同缺失、凝聚力不足、国别异质性显著等自身问题.  相似文献   

This article deals with the problems of forming a scientific system for adult education. The first part contains different concepts of sciences of education in developed countries, with a special emphasis on the difference between pedagogy as ‘practical theory’ and the sciences of education than can withstand meta‐scientific criteria. This is followed by a survey of the educological system of the knowledge of education, and the scientific and non‐scientific knowledge of adult education are contrasted. To enable us to distinguish unambiguously between scientific and non‐scientific knowledge the survey contains some major criteria for determining whether a discipline is a science or not. In this context andragogy, as well as pedagogy, are defined as ‘technological’ disciplines with the task of applying the principles discovered by the sciences of adult education: the educational psychology of adults, the sociology of adult education, the economics of adult education and the educational anthropology. In other words, andragogy is the ‘praxiology of adult education’, i.e. the science of applying scientific knowledge about adult education in the practice of that education. Andragogy could become ‘the general science of adult education’ and acquire a supra‐technological character if it grew into a science of the effectiveness of systems of adult education. In that case andragogy would study the interaction between the elements of the system as well as the interaction between these elements and the subsystems of the educational environment.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, Latin American universities have experienced intense pressure to abandon the main principles established in the 1918 Córdoba Reform (i.e., autonomy and autarchy). While funding for public higher education has declined, they are pressured to relinquish a large portion of institutional autonomy in order to accommodate to market demands and to a new set of control strategies emanating from the state.We argue that current changes in Latin American higher education cannot be examined in isolation from larger political and economic changes in the region, which in turn are related to the dynamics of globalization. After the decline of socialist and welfare-state models, neoliberal regimes have become hegemonic in many parts of the world. In most countries, changes in financial arrangements, coupled with accountability mechanisms, have forced universities to reconsider their social missions, academic priorities and organizational structures. Concerns about equity, accessibility, autonomy or the contribution of higher education to social transformation, which were prevalent during previous decades, have been overshadowed by concerns about excellence, efficiency, expenditures and rates of return. The notion that higher education is primarily a citizens right and a social investment – which has been taken for granted for many decades – is being seriously challenged by a neoliberal agenda that places extreme faith in the market.Though we focus on the international dimension of university change, it is important to note that global trends are promoted, resisted and negotiated differently in each national context and in each individual institution. In the emerging knowledge-based society, the polarization between North and South is expected to increase even further if the scientific and technological gaps are not narrowed. Latin American universities have a crucial role to play in this regard. The paper is organized in two parts. The first describes the context of university change, focusing on issues of globalization and neoliberalism. The second examines the main features of university restructuring in comparative perspective, with a particular focus on Latin America.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2000,13(3):245-266
The steering and regulation of Continental European higher education systems remains, in general, dominated by State authorities. However, recent developments in public administration and finance have produced some changes in the traditional role of the State as the sole provider of funding and central regulator for higher education institutions. The idea of a “market” for higher education has also been used, in many countries only in a rhetorical way, but in other countries some market-like mechanisms are actually being employed by governments in order to increase the efficiency and the responsiveness of universities and colleges to societal demands. In Portugal, a very large private sector of higher education has been allowed to develop. By analysing the governmental policies vis-à-vis its results, we arrive at the conclusion that, despite this very large private sector, no “real” market has emerged, and that the simultaneous lack of efficient State regulation has resulted in a situation of deep crisis for the sector.  相似文献   

Although it is generally assumed that the thoughts of Ernst Mach and the scientific fields he influenced (in this case psychophysics and Gestalt psychology) emigrated from Europe during Second World War they apparently survived in Finland, influencing the Finnish education system. The following article evaluates this relationship and its implications from a historical and an empirical perspective. In empirical studies comparing the education systems of different countries, such as PISA, the Finns are in general regarded as being very successful with their school system. Does this apparent success have anything to do with a Machian influence? Our current research has so far revealed that the Finns have gone through an independent cultural development in two specific aspects: in the idea of the development of the individual personality (Snellman) and in a specific phenomenalism (developed primarily by Eino Kaila, in which Kaila was heavily influenced in this by Ernst Mach). The result can be regarded as a nation-wide “Experiment”, the empirical evaluation of which can be found partly in the statistics of the PISA Studies, especially the evaluation of Finland in relation to other countries.  相似文献   

This paper surveys sociolinguistic research into language and gender in Latin America, and identifies a gap specifically in the area of gendered language use in interpersonal interaction. It also notes a general paucity of gendered research on bilingual behaviour, which extends beyond Latin America. Through an analysis of the very small body of such research which has been carried out in Latin America, it examines some serious implications of these gaps for the model of `bilingual-intercultural' education now gaining currency with Latin American governments and international agencies. It seeks explanations for these absences in the Latin American context (in Latin American feminism, in the role of language in Latin American nation-building and myths of mestizaje, and in the way sociolinguistics has been institutionalised there) and in wider theoretical debates within the social sciences. Finally, it raises questions as to how this lack might be remedied, in such a way as to further the development of culturally appropriate education programmes for Latin America's indigenous peoples.  相似文献   

This study seeks to explain macrolevel drivers of adolescent fertility rate using a panel data set derived from 17 Latin American countries over a period of 16 years (1997–2012). While many studies of adolescent fertility have focused on individual-level explanations, this study explores whether adolescent fertility rate is correlated to country-level determinants, specifically legislation adoption that guarantees access to school-based sexuality education, emergency contraception, and abortion. After controlling for other country-level factors, we find that countries that have adopted legislation on school-based sexuality education and those with legal access to abortion (under one or more restrictions) have lower adolescent fertility rates.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore teacher education policies in different countries of Latin America and North America through the comparison of policy documents. The training of teachers, a key component of education, faces educational challenges as a result of various reform policies in different countries. Critical discourse analysis offers the possibility of illuminating certain aspects of educational policies in specific historic moments. A comparative perspective allows researchers to explore similarities and differences between political statements from a number of governments and agencies, in order to characterize general elements and particularities of teacher education policies in the context of late capitalism. The corpus of this study consists of a selection of recent educational policy documents at national and international levels. This study continues a line of previous studies which apply critical discourse analysis to the research of educational policies.  相似文献   

“拉美陷阱”的成因、影响及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自19世纪中期以来,拉美各国纷纷跌入"经济有增长、社会无发展"的"拉美陷阱"."拉美陷阱"不仅长期困扰拉美各国,也困扰着与拉美各国有相似经历的广大发展中国家.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the circulation of educational models between Portugal and Brazil (from 1920 to 1935), within a broader context of an intensive international transfer of ‘ways of thinking’ about education. It describes and analyses the results from research on two educational journals, one Portuguese (Revista Escolar) the other from the Brazilian State of Sao Paulo (Education). Central to this text is the notion that educational journals constitute important vehicles for the production and regulation of knowledge as well as for the formation of specialized fields in education. Thus, the article gives particular attention to the selective mobilization of foreign educational models (countries, authors and educational organizations), within a framework of analysis committed to the articulation of the processes of diffusion and reception of educational knowledge. The article presents the characteristics of both journals, in the face of those (geo‐political and intellectual) international references, and compares the relations of affiliation and affinity with foreign models displayed by each journal. The analysis shows: (i) the centrality of authors and organizations associated with the New Education in the promotion of knowledge that proposes to mediate scientific production and pedagogical practice; (ii) the existence of differences regarding the foreign countries that are taken as models for education improvement at a national scale; (iii) the presence of different spaces for the (worldwide) circulation of pedagogical models (the New Education circuit and the Latin‐American circuit); (iv) the scarce referencing of the other ‘who speaks the same language’. Results are discussed by taking into consideration their relationships with the structuration of pedagogicalal discourses and organisations, in both national and international spheres.  相似文献   

This article examines the main trends in adult education policy in Latin America during the 1990s. During this period, in spite of the commitments made by national governments in Jomtien in 1990 and ratified in Dakar in 2000, adult education in Latin America has been marginalized and neglected, both in terms of public policy and public funding. This paper raises different hypotheses in order to explain this dynamic and the variety of strategies that have been proposed to garner support for the field. Adult education in Latin America is now at a crossroads, and the collective search for its mission, purpose and identity is as urgent as ever. In discussing the revitalization of adult education in Latin America, the debates undertaken in the region by governmental and non-governmental organizations in the preparation for and in the follow-up to the 1997 Hamburg International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA V) are described. In the final section, after summarizing the main issues and achievements, the article outlines several challenges for the future.  相似文献   

产学研合作教育的探索与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
产学研合作教育是高等教育改革尤其是高等工程教育改革重要途径之一。文章介绍了学校在长期的办学过程中,不断研究,探索和实践,逐步形成了产学研合作教育的几种模式,并取得良好效果。  相似文献   

教育研究,特别是教育的科学研究的重要性已为世界各国所公认。在概念上,教育研究和教育的科学研究是有区别的。就教育的科学研究而言,国际教育界已经形成了一套通行的研究方法:提出问题、形成研究假设、搜集资料、分析资料、检验假设并形成研究结果。我国教育研究与世界教育研究相比,存在很大差别,具有群众性参与、行政参与和以思辨为主等特点。一方面,可以说,我们形成了中国特色的教育研究体系,另一方面,在中国加入世界的进程加快的大环境下,我们不得不遵从教育研究的通行规则和方法。提倡基于科学的教育研究,规范研究方法,提高研究质量应该成为我们的选择,从而使教育的科学研究真正地科学化,为教育实践和教育政策制订提供真实可靠的依据。  相似文献   

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