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This article explores the establishment of Queen Elizabeth School (QES), the first government secondary school for girls in Northern Nigeria in 1956, and commemorations in 1961, 1981 and 2016. Connecting past and present, several invented traditions were deployed to socialise students, secure QES’s reputation and status, and foster national unity among Nigeria’s diverse peoples. In 1961, British Woman Education Officer Kathleen Player, the foundation principal, highlighted QES’s alignment with the traditions of the British Public school and its commitment to ‘unity in diversity’ following Nigeria’s independence in 1960. She was honoured during QES’s twenty-fifth anniversary in 1981, and new traditions promoted institutional and national loyalties. However, the 2016 commemoration coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of Sir Ahmado Bello, the Premier of Northern Nigeria (1954–1966). In this context, Player’s legacy and the colonial past were marginalised in favour of Bello as founder of QES and symbol of national unity.  相似文献   


In 1893, Annie Besant touched the shores of India as a leader of the Theosophical Society. In India, Besant is widely known for her involvement in the Home Rule Movement and as president of the Indian National Congress, the chief political organisation in the Indian freedom struggle. Before entering into the political arena of the country, Besant was actively involved in the religious education of Hindu youths. After six years of establishing a college and a school for upper caste Hindu boys, she founded a school for upper caste Hindu girls in the city of Benares in the United Provinces of British India. The formal education of girls was in a nascent stage in the United Provinces compared to those in the presidencies of Bengal, Bombay, and Madras. One of the reasons behind this lag, particularly in Benares, was the deep-rooted orthodoxy which was either opposed to the formal education of girls or enforced restrictions on it. The paper aims to throw light on Besant’s engagement with the question of female education not only in terms of physical access to school but also with regard to “what” the girls were being taught at the school. Did Besant strive for “true” education of upper caste Hindu girls enabling them to liberate themselves from the fetters of orthodoxy or did she perpetuate the orthodox ideals to make them “ideal” Indian women?  相似文献   

The terms “reflection” and “reflective practitioner” are now common currency in articles about teacher education and teachers’ professional development, especially in British and North American research. In this chapter, the term “reflection” as it relates to teachers and teacher education will be problematized, drawing particularly on Schön's (Educating the reflective practitioner. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass) terms “reflection-in-action” and “reflection-on-action.” Differing definitions of reflection will be put forward, their inter-relationship explored, and how these relate to courses of initial teacher education in a variety of countries and cultural contexts. Questions about the value and purpose of reflection will also be raised, as well as to its practical relevance to teacher education.  相似文献   

自由教育是美国著名教育思想家康德尔教育思想的重要组成部分。康德尔身处的动荡时代激发了其民主主义的社会理想,早期的生活经历和教育背景则奠定了其历史人文主义的思想底色。康德尔的自由教育思想试图在历史人文主义(传统)与进步主义(现代)之间求得平衡。这种兼容并蓄的特点使康德尔可被称为“现代的传统主义者”。康德尔之所以在美国教育史上未获得足够的关注,是因为他的自由教育思想迥异于当时占主导地位的教育“进步化”和“科学化”潮流。康德尔的自由教育思想不仅具有重要的历史价值,同时对于学界系统地理解其比较教育思想也有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

在中国传统文化中,“劳动”这个词最初并不具有人们今天所理解的“生产劳动”“生活劳动”等方面的含义,而“劳”“劳力”“劳心”“劳作”等词却已基本具有了人们今天所理解的“劳动”的基本内涵。中国传统劳动教育渗透于人们日常生活之中,主要通过礼仪制度渗透劳动教育,在学校教育中采取耕读结合的劳动教育模式,通过家训家风等途径实施劳动教育。中国传统的耕读结合的劳动教育模式、普及大众的劳动教育规范、身体力行的劳动教育典范、脍炙人口的劳动教育读本,可以为新时代的劳动教育提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

“生活·实践”教育在继承杜威“教育即生活”、美欧新教育运动以及中国近现代教育理论本土化探索成果精髓的基础上,充分汲取陶行知生活教育学说和马克思主义实践哲学理论精华,紧密结合习近平总书记实践育人重要论述,具有深厚的历史渊源和坚实的理论基础。其对当下落实“双减”政策,推进劳动教育,促进个体全面发展,培养符合未来社会所需人才以及构建中国特色教育学术话语体系具有深刻意义。  相似文献   

英国现代主义女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫在其最后一部小说《幕间》中通过对现实生活与历史剧的交替描写,展现了战争阴影笼罩下英国乡村的生活图景。以巴赫金狂欢化理论为依据,分析《幕间》中的“狂欢化”因素,包括历史剧与观众的互动、历史剧中的戏仿以及小说中的文字游戏,从中暗示伍尔夫在环境的影响下小说创作形式的改革及其对完善英国文学、唤起人们社会责任感所做的最后努力。  相似文献   


Geographically isolated in the south-west Pacific but intellectually and culturally connected to Western Europe, Aotearoa New Zealand’s early childhood education sector is a unique mix of influences. The imprint of progressive education is evident in a legacy of “free play” programmes, yet its national curriculum is built on the construct of “mana”, reflecting the cosmology and aspirations of the indigenous Māori people. These influences are held in tension with contemporary economic drivers to expand the sector and to focus on politically approved “learning outcomes”. Within this dynamic tension, the place of play and of “free play” is paradoxically both visible and invisible both in the education of very young children, and also in teacher education. This study draws on oral history interviews that focused on “free play” across 60+ years. The analysis of these indicates a process of “educationalisation” evident across three “reform agendas”: Play, Unity, and Education.  相似文献   


The power of general education curriculum comes from the enduring classics. The authors apply research methods such as questionnaire survey, interview, and observation to investigate the state of general education curriculum implementation at N University and analyze problems faced by incorporating classics. Based on this, the authors propose that universities should rationally review the practical value of “classics” in general education and enhance the effective integration of classics into general education curriculum by improve the texts for teaching, instruction methods, teaching personnel, and assessment modes, to achieve general education’s objective of cultivating the “whole person.”  相似文献   


This article brings the Italian activist and thinker Antonio Gramsci’s theory of organic intellectualism and the Canadian historian Ian McKay’s theory of liberal state-formation to bear on the “Indian Question” – or how best to yoke Indigenous children and young people to the modern Canadian state. From the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century, often violent and disease-ridden “Residential Schools” were the primary means to this end. In the 1960s, a new approach was sought by the province of Ontario, culminating in the landmark education reform document, Living and Learning: The Report of the Provincial Committee on Aims and Objectives of Education in the Schools of Ontario (1968). Gentler forms of progressive educational “normalisation” informed by social science were pursued by the committee as a means of generating consent to a Canada now redefined as a postwar “Peaceable Kingdom”. This ostensibly kinder strategy nevertheless carried the colonial assumptions of the earlier period into the later one. This was made clear to the committee during the report’s preparation by Indigenous intellectuals advising them on Indigenous issues. They saw this liberal-technocratic approach for what it was – a novel form of neocolonial pedagogical violence. Though they were largely ignored by the committee, their dissent is instructive (as is the committee’s resistance to it) and allows us to put the darker corners of Canadian progressive education into historical perspective.  相似文献   

试论陶行知的生活教育理论及其现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代著名教育家陶行知在深刻批判封建传统教育的基础上 ,通过一系列的教育调查和实践 ,创立了以“生活即教育”、“社会即学校”、“教学做合一”为核心内容的生活教育理论。学习、研究陶行知的这一理论 ,对推动我国当前的教育改革 ,建设有中国特色的社会主义教育体系 ,具有重大的指导意义  相似文献   

On the December 25, 2020, Prof. Lu Jie, the Emeritus Professor and former Dean of the Faculty of Education at Nanjing Normal University passed away. The sudden news struck me and recalled my nearly 30 years’ friendship with Prof. Lu since 1991, stirring up also my memories of pre-1949 Christian colleges of China, and the promotion of “education of love” at Ginling College and Nanjing Normal University, from the time of Prof. Wu Yifang, Prof. Minnie Vautrin, Prof. Tao Xingzhi and Prof. Lu Jie. In this paper, I shall recall the various meetings with Prof. Lu Jie, and how her life has inspired my re-thinking of the development of “education of love” in China. I shall relate especially her humanistic educational ideals, especially the “education for life” and “cultivating human beings” with Prof. Tao Xingzhi’s “education of love.” Their educational ideals reflected the humanistic education taught at the University of Nanking and Ginling College in the first half of 20th century China. Though the two colleges had brought in a Western style of education, they had exemplified good models of indigenization, especially regarding how humanistic education could become Sinifized in Chinese soil today.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the series of 11 books about a young female pilot, Worrals of the WAAF, by W.E. Johns, creator of Biggles. The Worrals books were published from 1941 when recruitment for the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force was falling. Johns chose to ignore that the WAAF supported pilots through their work on the ground and did not themselves fly. The article discusses how historians of education can draw on fiction in order to identify aspects of informal education, especially during wartime, when so many children’s formal schooling was disrupted or non-existent. Drawing on Erica Jong’s 1970s metaphor of “flying” as representative of female freedom, it is possible to read Worrals’ character as a role model for teenage girls. The conundrum of why Johns chose to put Worrals in the WAAF, rather than in Air Transport with the likes of Amy Johnson, is further explored in the light of evidence that a number of WAAF were seconded to the SOE. It concludes that fiction read alongside a range of other evidence offers a rich source for the historian engaged in a search for the gendered nature of education beyond the classroom.  相似文献   

王伟  孙纪磊 《成人教育》2022,42(1):12-15
林德曼终身教育思想缘起于社会变迁对终身教育的吁求,进步主义教育思潮的驱动以及个人终身教育实践的引领,主要包括终身教育是贯穿人一生的学习过程、终身教育是社会生活的必要条件以及终身教育是个人价值的实现形式三个核心观点,为新时代我国终身教育改革创新提供了重要现实启示。基于此,未来我国应致力于构建“持续性”终身教育体系,营造“无疆界”终身教育生态,形塑“个性化”终身教育模式,以推动我国终身教育理论与实践的发展与进步。  相似文献   

This article provides a review and critique of scholarship on female education in Ireland, arguing that researchers have provided a consensual narrative in which women religious (nuns) played a central role in providing academic education to girls and higher education to women. The tendency has been to claim the activities of women religious as part of the impetus that drove the organised women’s movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and that brought about a “revolution” in female education. But there remains a need to stand back from this decidedly secular “cause and effect” narrative, and turn a critical eye on the urge which congregations themselves identified as central to their mission in education. This is a revisionist perspective, qualifying and modifying claims made elsewhere by this author, and challenging the way in which the work of nuns in education has been interpreted as a part of the female education “revolution”. Recognising the spiritual impulse within religious orders that found expression in acts of duty, vocation and mission, the article concludes that convent education had purposes that were quite distinct from those prescribed by official “state” education programmes and examination systems, and that these purposes demand greater scrutiny in order to provide a more balanced understanding of female education in Ireland.  相似文献   

当前,许多媒体正在构建着关于抑郁症的种种"神话",认为抑郁症是一种"天才病",高级知识分子更易得抑郁症,但是关于教育和抑郁关系的实证研究国内却很少。基于中国家庭追踪调查数据,在控制了原生家庭背景和个人健康禀赋的前提下,关于教育对成年人抑郁情绪的影响效应和内在机制的研究表明:(1)教育对抑郁有着显著的影响,但并非简单的线性关系,而是存在着"健康红利"的上限。随着受教育程度的提升,抑郁水平会存在先下降后上升的"U"型态势,其临界点在于是否接受过高等教育。抑郁症确实更加青睐那些拥有研究生及以上学历的高知识阶层。(2)教育对于抑郁的影响存在着明显的年龄效应,会伴随着个体生命周期呈现出不同的模式与特征。随着年龄的增长,高学历群体的抑郁水平会逐渐下降。(3)教育能够通过改善个体的健康与认知能力,以及提升个体的社会经济地位从而降低其抑郁水平。"社会化机制"在其中发挥着重要的作用,教育更多是通过改善个体的自我认知与自我管理能力从而增进个体的心理健康水平的。上述结论意味着:在常规的学校教育之外,政府还可协同企事业单位和社会组织等加强对于社会公众的健康知识宣传与教育,提升公众的健康认知能力,培育公众良好的运动习惯。  相似文献   

Susan Price’s “Odin Trilogy” (2005–2008) is a juvenile science fiction series that depicts a future where class relations have become polarised due to late capitalist and technological developments and where ways of doing gender continue to be strongly connected with class. The society in the novels is based on slavery: people are either Freewomen/Freemen or bonders. Here wealth and genetic engineering regulate normative ways of doing gender and class and define borders between humanity and inhumanity. By drawing on recent feminist theory and queer theorisations of Butler (2004) and Halberstam (2005), I will examine gender and class as both material and performative aspects of identity that are “un/done” in relation to heteronormative life trajectories. I focus on the two female protagonists and their classic role reversal: one escapes slavery while the other is forced to become a bonder. The classic scenario becomes more complicated when the girls escape together to Mars and start a new life there as a queer couple. The girls’ “queer life trajectories” (Halberstam) challenge normative ways of doing gender and class and open up possibilities for reading Price’s trilogy as a critique of neoliberalist and postfeminist discourses of gender, class, identity and choice.  相似文献   

近代以来,日本的保育事业逐步发展,保育思想也不断发展。今天其《幼儿园教育要领》和《保育所保育指针》的基本思想,就是重视孩子自身的各种感受,重视孩子的嬉戏和生活体验。从"健康"、"人际关系"、"环境"、"语言"和"表现"五个领域规定了比较具体的目标和内容,以确保孩子在各个方面都能够"体验"、"感受"和"享受"各种各样的事情。嬉戏作为孩子的自发的活动,是培养其身心协调发展的基础的重要的学习。日本学前教育机构的工作就是从五个领域指导孩子通过嬉戏和生活体验逐步形成生存的基础,逐步为生存能力的形成奠定基础。  相似文献   

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