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After the Second World War, education in advanced capitalist societies has been perceived as the main ‘saviour’ of the meritocratic ideal. In this paper I will investigate some of the implications of the lasting emphasis that has been placed upon education in Britain, in the pursuit of a more just and equal society. Initially, I will present two main strands of thought vis‐à‐vis meritocracy. I will then show how these different approaches have shaped the pertinent debate. The main line of reasoning will be that the ‘meritocracy through education’ discourse can potentially conceal inequalities and injustices in contemporary market‐driven British society. This contention will be supported by evidence from social mobility research, which clearly indicates that the expansion of educational provision and the increase in educational qualifications of the past 60 years has done little to eliminate social class differences and associated privileges.  相似文献   

The development of pedagogical science in eighteenth‐century Germany unfolded in close connection with the emergence of the modern bourgeoisie and its emancipation from a still absolutist society. While social and political structures in Britain and France were changed by revolutions, the relative weakness of the German bourgeoisie led to the adoption of a reformist strategy to effect social modernization. In this context, pedagogics, education, schools and schooling became a vital means of political and economic transformation towards a modern, bourgeois‐capitalist society. Therein the emergence of modern pedagogical thought and the development of the bourgeoisie were mutual preconditions: several initially quite disparate strands of thought coalesced to form a new pedagogical thinking in Germany during the later Enlightenment. The essay reconstructs how new thinking emerged by charting the integration of two bodies of knowledge into this renewal and refounding of pedagogics: the transformation of elements of rhetoric into building blocks of modern pedagogical thought, on the one hand, and of gender anthropology as its foundation, on the other.  相似文献   


This article uses the biographies of three German teachers to explore nineteenth century German immigrants' efforts to provide education which upheld their ethnic traditions and prepared their children to take their place in the British colony of South Australia. Lutheran schools, German state schools and private schools initially performed these functions in both rural and urban areas. Once compulsory schooling was introduced in 1875, however, German state schools were marginalised as English became the only language of instruction in the rapidly expanding state school system, and many private schools closed. Rural Lutheran schools maintained their role as nurseries of the church but also accommodated the demand for English language and culture by using state school courses of instruction in many subjects. In essence, by 1900 schools were no longer the key sites for the maintenance of German language and culture in South Australia  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the work‐related values, preferences, and future expectations among female students at two elite business schools in China and Norway. The paper argues that while gender theory predicts no significant differences between these two groups, both cultural and economic development theory imply fundamental differences. The overall picture we get from this study is mixed, in that while both cultural dimensions and economic development dimensions generally have a significant impact on the variations in job‐related values between the selected Chinese and Norwegian female business students, there are also commonalities that are ascribable to gender. That is, while there clearly are differences between the two groups there are also a number of significant similarities.  相似文献   

While genetics has remained as one key topic in school science, it continues to be conceptually and linguistically difficult for students with the concomitant debates as to what should be taught in the age of biotechnology. This article documents the development and implementation of a two‐tier multiple‐choice instrument for diagnosing grades 10 and 12 students’ understanding of genetics in terms of reasoning. The pretest and posttest forms of the diagnostic instrument were used alongside other methods in evaluating students’ understanding of genetics in a case‐based qualitative study on teaching and learning with multiple representations in three Western Australian secondary schools. Previous studies have shown that a two‐tier diagnostic instrument is useful in probing students’ understanding or misunderstanding of scientific concepts and ideas. The diagnostic instrument in this study was designed and then progressively refined, improved, and implemented to evaluate student understanding of genetics in three case schools. The final version of the instrument had Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.75 and 0.64, respectively, for its pretest and the posttest forms when it was administered to a group of grade 12 students (n = 17). This two‐tier diagnostic instrument complemented other qualitative data collection methods in this research in generating a more holistic picture of student conceptual learning of genetics in terms of scientific reasoning. Implications of the findings of this study using the diagnostic instrument are discussed.  相似文献   



This article describes the results of an extensive study, which examined the interests of intermediate‐level secondary students, from the State of Hesse in the Federal Republic of Germany, in aspects of physics and technology.

Both boys and girls show greater interest in technological issues than in issues of pure physics. This distribution of interest is in contrast to the importance accorded to these subjects in school curricula. Children from rural areas seem to have a slightly better background of experiences involving knowledge of physics and technology than children from urban areas. A correlation was found to exist between out‐of‐school activities concerned with technology and the natural sciences, and academic achievement as measured by students’ physics grades. Girls display a general interest in natural phenomena which are not sufficiently covered by physics curricula.  相似文献   

There are three purposes for evaluation: evaluation for action to aid the decision making process, evaluation for understanding to further enhance enlightenment and evaluation for control to ensure compliance to standards. This article argues that the primary function of evaluation in the ‘Catherine Wheel’ computer‐based assessment (CBA) cyclic model is evaluation for action and secondary functions are evaluation for understanding and control. By studying segment and cyclic dependencies, conducting a risk analysis and identifying key stakeholders it is possible to identify where action evaluation has the most effect, what is required to be evaluated, who will perform the action and how it will be controlled. Each segment and cycle in the CBA model must therefore be monitored and the observations made must have meaning for the elimination or reduction of pedagogic, operational, technical non web‐based, web‐based and financial risks. It is important to consider stakeholders because they have differing views on what is most important in the evaluation process and inevitably will be involved in the evaluation process itself. CBA system stakeholders include management, academic, support and administrative staff together with external verifiers and students. The information gained from these stakeholders provides quality enhancement and assurance and forms the basis for change.  相似文献   

The interrelationship between senior high school students’ science achievement (SA) and their self‐confidence and interest in science (SCIS) was explored with a representative sample of approximately 1,044 11th‐grade students from 30 classes attending four high schools throughout Taiwan. Statistical analyses indicated that a statistically significant correlation existed between students’ SA and their SCIS with a moderate effect size; the correlation is even higher with almost large effect sizes for a subsample of higher‐SCIS and lower‐SCIS students. Results of t‐test analysis also revealed that there were significant mean differences in students’ SA and their knowledge (including physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences subscales) and reasoning skill subtests scores between higher‐SCIS and lower‐SCIS students, with generally large effect sizes. Stepwise regression analyses on higher‐SCIS and lower‐SCIS students also suggested that both students’ SCIS subscales significantly explain the variance of their SA, knowledge, and reasoning ability with large effect sizes.  相似文献   

In 1971 the government of Canada adopted the policy of multiculturalism. Since then Canada has become the first western country to announce and implement an official policy of multiculturalism. While i...  相似文献   

陆育红 《海外英语》2014,(18):294-295
In 1971 the government of Canada adopted the policy of multiculturalism. Since then Canada has become the first western country to announce and implement an official policy of multiculturalism. While it is not easy to achieve this policy. The policies seem just to strengthen the racial consciousness in some extent, and the immigrant groups have to tackle the problem of how to fuse into the Canadian culture. Multiculturalism will have a bright future only if it would experience constant adjustment and improvement.  相似文献   

Students’ engagement in first‐year university   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on seven calibrated scales of student engagement emerging from a large‐scale study of first year undergraduate students in Australian universities. The analysis presents insights into contemporary undergraduate student engagement, including online, self‐managed, peer and student‐staff engagement. The results point to the imperative for developing a broader understanding of engagement as a process with several dimensions. These must be acknowledged in any measurement and monitoring of this construct in higher education. The paper calls for a more robust theorising of the engagement concept that encompasses both quantitative and qualitative measures. It considers implications for pedagogy and institutional policy in support of enhancing the quality of the student experience.  相似文献   

Mathematics teaching and subject‐matter acquisition of two groups of linguistic minority students were studied; one in a minolingual second‐language class and the other in a traditional bilingual‐education model in the city of Oslo, Norway. The background of attempts at bilingual education in the Norwegian context is presented, and some aspects of bilingual education, bilingual pedagogy and research‐based perspectives on the role of bilingual education in subject‐matter acquisition is discussed. On the basis of an empirical study of the teaching situation of linguistic‐minority students it is concluded that linguistic‐minority students profit from bilingual mathematics teaching. The empirical research results indicate that linguistic‐minority students (LMSs) with a bilingual‐education (BE) background can achieve as good or better results in mathematics as monolingual students. The strength of bilingual education can therefore be said to reside in the favourable conditions that it creates for the comprehension of linguistic‐minority students of the content taught. By creating favourable conditions bilingual subject‐matter teaching also fulfils minorities’ expectations of participating in content‐area instruction: to understand what is being communicated in subject‐matter teaching and to learn what is normally expected to be learned in subject‐matter teaching. It is therefore legitimate to argue for bilingual education on pedagogical grounds without the support of old‐fashioned anthropological or psychological arguments.  相似文献   

For many years, higher education systems around the world have been reporting on “new”; and/or “non‐traditional” students which in many institutions represent the majority of all undergraduate enrolments. These students are older, have work experience, study part‐time, carry full‐time adult responsibilities, have to take on full‐time employment, take advantage of open admission policies, and focus their studies on vocational objectives. This article focuses on a small group of German non‐traditional students who enrol through special admission. Their backgrounds, their experiences, their motives, and their expectations will be described. Certain consequences for higher education will be sketched.  相似文献   

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