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在美国教育现代化的进程中,联邦宪法立教条款在政府与私立学校之间所设置的严格壁垒开始瓦解.自20世纪初,在一系列联邦最高法院判例法的主张之下,美国政府对私立学校逐步形成了资助与管理并行的责任与立场.美国政府对私立学校的资助是在公、私学校对等的原则框架内展开,以学生资助为其基本的形式;政府对私立学校拥有管理权,但管理有合理的限度.联邦政府是私立学校的主要资助者,州政府的资助相对有限,但州政府是私立学校外部管理的主体.进入21世纪,越来越多的州通过教育券和教育费用税赋宽减等政策逐步加大对私立学校的公共资助,随之而来私立学校的政府规制将会增加  相似文献   

The policies of the Australian federal government are clearly intended to bring about a fundamental transformation of the country's higher education system. The Australian case, however, presents several paradoxes. Policy changes are being initiated by a federal government that has no legislative control over state chartered higher education institutions. While the federal government wishes to see a more diversified and adaptive higher education system, it seems to be implementing a reward structure for individual institutions and academics which encourages imitation of the elite universities. Although government claims that its new policy initiatives are designed to debureaucratize the system, a significant proportion of the Australian academic community claims that government is centralizing control. This article explores these and other issues facing Australian higher education, not for the purpose of resolving the seeming paradoxes, but to suggest a particular research agenda for investigating change in higher education.  相似文献   

党校是培训轮训党员领导干部的主渠道,是党的哲学社会科学的研究机构。长期以来,县级党校在同级党委的领导下,围绕党和国家的工作大局,结合本地经济社会发展的需求,精心开展党员干部的培养、培训工作。新时期,党校如何更有效地提高当地党员干部的思想、业务素质,提高干部培训效果成为县级党校的新课题。  相似文献   

Community colleges in America are now very visible and highly respected institutions of higher education. More than 1,000 community colleges in all 50 states now comprise nearly 25% of all colleges and universities in the U.S., with over 6.5 million students, or about 45% of all college students.

State and local governance and coordination of community colleges vary from single-state governing boards to minimal state control and strong local governing boards. The relative degrees of state and local control of community colleges generally “follow the money,” in that accountability to state and local governing board and state legislatures is generally about proportional to the funds provided by each level of government.

Funding for operational support of community colleges comes primarily from state and local governments, with considerable federal support for grants and subsidized loans to students. In 2000–2001, the largest proportional funding sources for community colleges were: state governments (44.6%), local governments (19.5%), tuition and fees (19.5%) and the federal government (5.4%). State lotteries in at least 38 states represent a relatively new source of funds for community colleges, often in the form of student scholarships.

Many of the earliest public junior colleges charged no tuition, especially in California in the early 1900s. Now many community college students pay $3,000 or more per year in tuition and fees, and recent annual tuition increases in many states have been in double digits. This is a troubling trend that threatens to reduce access to higher education for poor people.  相似文献   

Over the last decade education in the United States has undergone perhaps its most significant transformation. Where in the past public schools have been primarily under the control of the local community, control has shifted to the state and federal levels. Furthermore, state and federal governments have introduced standardized testing and accountability as a means to hold teachers and students responsible. These reforms have been successfully introduced because reform proponents have provided three principal rationales for the reforms: they are necessary within an increasingly globalized economy, they will reduce educational inequality and they will increase assessment objectivity. After describing the reforms implemented in New York and Texas and by the federal government through the ‘No Child Left Behind’ Act, the author discusses a range of evidence that the reforms have not achieved their ostensible goals and that resistance to the reforms is beginning to emerge from US educators and citizens.  相似文献   

美国基础教育财政体制与税收体制紧密相关,联邦、州、学区共同负担基础教育经费。近年来,联邦和州政府对基础教育经费的分担比重逐年加大,并向比较贫困的地区倾斜,以促进基础教育的均衡发展。  相似文献   

School education in Australia is a complex interplay between federal and state governments, and between government and non-government schools. This article explores the supervision of schools in Australia through school accountability systems. Utilising publicly available documents a systematic analysis of the state and territory systems for government schools is provided. It is a paper that attempts to document rather than critique school accountability, although a conceptual framework utilising contractual, moral and professional accountability is used to analyse the different accountability processes reported upon. Contractual and moral accountability is supported by most systems, whilst there is potential to foster professional accountability in only two systems. Fostering professional accountability is important because this is where the internal motivation of teachers helps to drive school improvement. When compared to leading-edge systems, Australian accountability systems are lacking in judgements on teaching practice in individual classrooms, and the use of sophisticated measures of learning and value-added analysis.  相似文献   

Over the past 15?years, many state governments in Mexico have initiated local programs to introduce English at the primary school level. In 2009, the Mexican Ministry of Education formalized the Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica (PNIEB) as part of the national curriculum, based on the argument that increasing the number of English speakers in Mexico is necessary for the country to be globally competitive and to follow the trend in other developing economies of augmenting English instruction in public education. This paper focuses on the implementation of PNIEB and the state programs that preceded it. The authors document the practices and challenges associated with the program based on data collected from interviews with the main stakeholders involved (students and parents, teachers, school principals, and program coordinators) and from classroom observations. The total data-set consisted of over 200 interviews and classroom observations spread over several years from 2008 to 2012. Several challenges are described, including the development of materials, the role of English in relation to other subject areas, and the training of teachers who often speak English but have uneven formal preparation. The status of the teachers, both as second-class citizens within the schools and the instability and irregularities with their contracts, was identified as the most significant challenge to the successful implementation of the programs.  相似文献   

The Australian Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee has been asked to examine the principles of Commonwealth Funding for schools, with particular emphasis on how these principles apply in meeting the current future needs of government and non‐government schools and whether they ensure efficiency in the allocation of school funding. The Committee will also investigate accountability arrangements including and through the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs. This paper provides a critical discourse analysis of recent developments, tracking two themes: the construction of ‘efficiency and effectiveness’ in the allocation of school funding in Australia, and the impact of such a construction on a discourse of inclusive education for all schools in Australia. Through this analysis, it is argued that the current enquiry creates an opportunity for a substantial shift in focus — from funding government and non‐government schools in relation to government schools, to both government and non‐government schools — within a framework of presumptive equality and inclusion. It is also argued that extant policy, removing the substantial Catholic sector from its hitherto hybridized and separate funding position and bringing government and non‐government schools into sector‐specific funding competition with each other, realigns and rearticulates federal involvement in school funding policy areas that have been the traditional preserve of state governments and territories. In the process, responsibility for instilling and supporting inclusive educational practices is currently solely that of the states and territories where, in many cases, funding as well as inclusive education policies and programmes have been determined at local levels. The endorsement by the federal government of new principles in funding, as proposed here, linked with renewed requirements in relation to school access and participation, creates a space that potentially enables new strategies for inclusive education to be conjoined with funding allocation policy in Australian schools, to the economic and social benefits of all schools as well as the polity.  相似文献   

公立学校的质量问题一直困扰着美国历届联邦、州政府以及基础教育界。作为对学校质量最具效率、最直接的学区来讲,如何领导区内学校走出困境、减少科层制的弊端、提高管理效率是摆在学区领导面前的一个难题。这不仅需要政策的支持,更需现代管理理论的指导以及相应的国家级学校质量评价标准的驱动,当然,还需要学区学校领导与教师的智慧与勇气。在日益强调学校管理权下移的今天,关注并做好学区层面学校管理的规划和实施将是一个研究亮点或是焦点。而美国得州BISD的成功实践已经为我们做出了很好的示范。  相似文献   


The current interest in governmental assessment and accountability practices appears to result from: (1) an emerging view of higher education as an “industry” (2) concerns about efficient resource allocation; (3) a lack of trust and confidence between governmental and institutional officials; (4) a desire to reduce uncertainty in government/higher education relationships; (5) lack of confidence in institutional governance. Based on these concerns, governments increasingly are engaging in data‐based quality assessment processes. These processes appear to assume that: (1) faculty and administrators know how to improve quality but fail to do so; (2) government officials can assure the public interest in quality; (3) measures of quality can be identified and agreed upon; (4) improving quality requires strong bureaucratic coordination and control; (5) information systems can provide the evidence government officials need to address quality concerns. An examination of literature on organisation decision processes suggest these assumptions are inaccurate.  相似文献   

为了解决乡村教师的发展问题,美国联邦政府、州政府、高校和社会组织等多方协作,发挥了重要作用。联邦政府通过制定教育法案,为教师培训提供了宏观支持,并组织实施了多种项目和计划。州政府根据乡村地区教育实际,采用多样形式推行教师培训计划。高校深度介入乡村教师培训,解决关键问题,促进乡村教师的长远发展。社会组织为乡村教师培训提供了外部支持,减轻了乡村教师的发展压力。美国乡村教师培训的经验为我国提供了有益借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

唐末五代藩镇割据阴影下建立起来的赵宋王朝,是一个极为强调中央集权的王朝。在对地方的监控措施上,中央采取了通过控制地方官员,以控制地方的财政、司法和军事大权的策略。有宋一代,中央将大小地方官员的任命权抓住,并通过各项监控制度和措施,将地方官员的升迁降黜牢牢掌握。专制主义的中央集权在宋代大为加强。在此体制下。地方政府对中央以顺从为主,而这也带来了地方官员治理中一意向上的弊端。  相似文献   

This article describes the aggregate financing of student aid by the federal government, state governments, and institutions over the past 25 years. The major trends in student aid funding are sketched in historical perspective with attention directed to federal program changes that precipitated funding changes. All major programs are covered, and figures are presented in current and constant dollars. Trends in the composition of aid delivered (grants, loans, and work-study) are also discussed. Over time comparisons in the numbers of recipients and aid per recipient are given by programs. Changes in educational costs are compared with changes in income and aid to show the increased difficulty for families and students to pay for higher education in the 1980s.  相似文献   

美国社区学院的经费来自于联邦及州政府的补助约占2/3,来自于外界捐款及学员学费约占1/3。德国民众高等学校的经费60%来自于政府补助,40%来自于学员学费收入。我国台湾社区大学的经费主要来自于学员的学费收入和台湾教育主管部门及各县市政府的经费补助。我国大陆县级社区学院的发展刚起步,各地政府对县级社区学院的经费支持力度不同,我们可以借鉴美国、德国和我国台湾的经验,结合我国大陆的实际情况,找到适合我国县级社区学院发展的经费来源渠道。  相似文献   

我国政府与高校关系的调整,经历了从高度集权到适当放权的艰难曲折的过程。在高等教育大众化进程中,我国政府与高校关系调整的思路是:政府应朝着“小政府”和“国家监督模式”转变;政府应继续放权,使高校真正成为独立的办学实体;为了实现“双赢”,高校应准确把握与政府关系调整的“度”。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to outline the evolution of biology education in Soviet schools in the 1920s and 1930s. After some introductory consideration of the ideological changes taking place in the field of genetics that impacted on the teaching of science and led to botany being favoured over biology in schools, the first part outlines the development of the natural sciences curriculum in the context of the Soviet reform of the school, which, after the October Revolution, abolished traditional teaching methods in favour of the active methods of American schools. The second part reconstructs the evolution of the teaching of biology through analysis of the biological station for young naturalists, ‘K. A. Timiriazev’, a centre created in 1919 by the famous biologist Boris V. Vsesviatskii (1887–1969). The third part illustrates the characteristics of botany education in schools of the 1930s, with a focus on the dissemination of the new scientific anti-genetic conception (known as Lysenkoism) and teaching practices in city and rural schools after the publication of Vsesviatskii’s textbook. The fourth demonstrates a progressive assimilation of the anti-genetic doctrine of Lysenkoism by teachers, with particular attention to the question of the natural sciences school curriculum and teacher training in the field of botany.  相似文献   

自1990年美国联邦政府第一次制定国家教育发展目标以来,美国国家教育发展目标随着时代的发展而不断调整.在战略层面追求教育机会的均等和教育质量的卓越.在战术层面注重加强教育研究和成果传播;关注教育系统的灵活性与加大地方的责任,并建立与此相关的问责制;加强国家课程标准的建立和评估;教师和校长素质提高;信息技术的采用;发展安全的学校;家长和社区的参与与学生和家庭的选择;建立学工系统;提高管理的效率等.  相似文献   

以浙江省5个地、市小学为研究对象,发现小学普遍存在学校布局不合理、政府投入不足等问题,这主要归因于地方财政分权和地方政府竞争导致的公共品供给的扭曲。应该合理规划布局学校,实行分等分类管理,加大投入力度,为基础薄弱的小学提供专项资金补助,降低民工子女入学门槛,规范地方政府行为,从而实现基础教育的均等化。  相似文献   

The relationship between governments and higher education institutions has been changing in Europe over the last few decades. The mechanisms of steering and regulation have moved away from the model of centralised control by allowing more institutional autonomy. Even if the government has been using an increasing array of market and market-like mechanisms instead of more traditional regulation mechanisms, the state has not really stepped back in favour of the market, and this has led to a hybrid situation where increased institutional autonomy is still facing significant government regulation — the Janus Head effect. It is our opinion that the regulation of higher education cannot be left in the sole hands of the market, and for this reason hybridism can play a very important role.  相似文献   

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