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This paper examines the impact of war on African-American education. This question is considered in three different periods: the eras of the American Revolution, the Civil War and the Second World War. Large-scale conflict, such as these instances of total war, can afford historical moments when oppressed groups are able take steps to improve their social status, challenging the forms of domination that have subjugated them in the past and demanding rights and liberties long denied them. This is an especially noteworthy case because of the highly developed system of racial oppression that African Americans became subjected to historically. In each of these cases, disruptions of existing patterns of social and political inequity provided openings for African Americans to realise new opportunities for education and social advancement. Implications of these historical patterns are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Feminist theorists are raising questions about assumptions still common in the fields of family and child development which are relevant to early childhood educators. This article discusses why content and pedagogy work together in feminist classrooms and reviews research on the stages that many students and instructors move through as they learn about ways in which women continue to struggle for equal status in modern American society.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末期,美国第二次女权运动在众多因素的综合作用下进入衰落时期。正是在这样特殊的背景下,贝蒂·弗里丹的著作《第二阶段》于1981年问世。在这部著作里,她总结了兴起于20世纪60年代的美国第二次女权运动的得失,并提出进入女权运动第二阶段的历史任务及在第二阶段需要采用的新模式——贝塔模式。  相似文献   

张扬与消解反抗与回归--《简·爱》的女性主义阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏洛蒂·勃朗特以独特的叙事形式创造了一部完全自信的、充满挑战性的强有力的现实主义小说《简·爱》 ,她通过简·爱的个人言说、反家庭的叙述 ,让简·爱顽强地一路“反抗”、“否定”了父权社会给女性施加的压力。但是 ,由于夏洛蒂·勃朗特所处的时代 ,女作家模仿传统的流行模式 ,将创作的艺术标准和社会作用内在化 ,以迎合父权社会的文化消费观念 ,所以简·爱的女性主义个性化又受到一定程度的消解  相似文献   

Parents often find themselves ill-prepared for the moment at which questions of a sexual nature arise, or when children display signs of playful behaviour that can be interpreted as sexual. How these behaviours and questions are dealt with establishes the foundations on which children begin to interpret relationships, their bodies, those of others and the sexual world in which they live. In this study, the views and experiences of dealing with early childhood sexuality education, along with the ways in which communication had occurred, were collected from 110 parents in London and southern England during focus group discussions and analysed using thematic analysis. Parents who had chosen to communicate with their children reported a range of justifications as to why childhood sexuality communication was considered necessary and had, indeed, occurred. Six key themes were identified: communication prompts, the need for truth, the threat of ignorance, exposure, healthy and positive relationships and openness. Findings reveal that many parents are making strategic decisions about how to discuss relationships and sexuality with their young children. By highlighting the central trigger points for early parent-child sexuality communication, findings can be used to aid the development of relevant practice responses to support less confident parents to communicate effectively.  相似文献   

Students as partners (SaP) has seen an increase in focus as an area of active student engagement in higher education. Many complexities and challenges have been shared in this evolving field regarding inclusivity and power. We discuss, in this dialogue, insights that can be uncovered by exploring SaP through a feminist lens – illuminating the fact that both fields seem to be seated in similar radical processes of challenging, questioning, destabilising, deconstructing, and empowering. We unravel issues of power and exclusion by exploring: what feminist theories might add to SaP; embedded binaries and what they reveal about power relations within the language of SaP; and ways of writing about SaP that are inclusive. We aim to step away from dominant understandings, incite acts of self-reflection, and open possibilities for future research and practice by questioning the boundaries and binaries that currently shape the institutions of higher education.  相似文献   


Whites have long designated people of color as "pgood" when they were "friends of the white man." In a reverse move, some antiracist whites now identify themselves as "good" whites - as friends of people of color. A number of antiracist psychologists and teacher educators have argued in support of this move. To develop a coherent and abidingly antiracist stance, they say, white students and teachers must feel positive about their racial identity. If the "anti" aspect of antiracist white identity development is given too large a role, learners will have no room to measure themselves in proactive as opposed to reactive terms. Accordingly, white students need to be able to think of themselves as "pallies" of people of color. Although less likely than students to aspire to the status of friend of people of color, progressive white professors, too, insofar as they pride themselves on "getting" race issues, congratulate themselves on being exceptional whites. Both forms of white exceptionalism rely on an indispensable "anti" status: antiracist whites are invited to see themselves as not that kind of white and to embrace only those aspects of whiteness that can be construed as positive. This paper argues that progressive whites must interrogate the very ways of being good that white identity theory offers to protect, for the moral framing that gives whites credit for being antiracist is parasitic on the racism that it is meant to challenge. In order to move towards new conceptions of white antiracism, the paper argues, we need to adopt emergent approaches to both cross-race and intrarace relations.  相似文献   

I use this paper to reexamine my role as a White researcher on a multi-racial research team. I reanalyze data I collected during an evaluation project to reveal how I avoided seeing race in the schools I visited and how I dodged discussions of race with members of those school communities. By analyzing my own discursive practice, I introduce a series of logics enacted through a variety of strategies that I used to manage race talk. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: (1) an analysis of the strategies I used to sustain White privilege and (2) an examination of the logics of those strategies in order to understand the power they have in reproducing inequity. Only by understanding the self-perpetuating nature of White privilege will we be able to begin to dismantle it. Jenny Gordon is an assistant professor in the Division of Education, School of Education and Human Development at Binghamton University. She teaches foundations courses for elementary education and courses on qualitative research methods. Her scholarly work includes articles on methodological issues pertaining to qualitative research methods and narratives on the impact of race on research and teaching.  相似文献   

中国的工程伦理建设:背景、目标和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以美国为代表的发达国家正经历着工程伦理的宏观转向:超越工程师对雇主负责的微观工程伦理,关注工程师群体和工程职业对当下以及未来,在环境、生态、可持续发展等方面的社会责任的宏观工程伦理.这是中国工程伦理建设的重要背景.在此背景下,中国能够而且应该以宏观工程伦理的建设目标,通过奠定宏观工程伦理的学理基础,促进工程职业理念和工程伦理理念的传播,加强工程伦理学科和工程职业伦理考核的制度化建设,重新塑造积极的工程文化,促进中国的宏观工程伦理建设.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the concerns expressed by three female Muslim educators who are support staff at an English comprehensive school. Consistent with the debates associated with multiculturalism, group rights and feminism, the article illuminates spaces of gender constraint and possibility within the discourses shaping these women’s lives and the lives of the Muslim girls they educate. With reference to an initiative at the school designed to support these girls’ greater self-determination – an Islamic discussion group – the article highlights the significance of a justice politics that begins with overcoming relations of status subordination rather than on differentiated group identity.  相似文献   

作为美国中学教育的一种重要模式,跨学科课程的关注度越来越高.关于跨学科课程研究的讨论存在的主要问题之一就是缺乏系统的论述,也没有科学的标准和原则.研究者在纽约和加利福利亚州选择了11支跨学科课程团队,用了两年的时间重点观察了三所学校不同年级的三种不同的跨学科课程模式,组成了一个连续统一体,代表了跨学科教学的不同方式、学生认知的活动以及教师的合作关系.这种分类方式与以往有着很大的差异,在理论和实践上都有所突破.  相似文献   


This paper argues that race and class inequalities cannot be fully understood in isolation: their intersectional quality is explored through an analysis of how the White working class were portrayed in popular and political discourse during late 2008 (the timing is highly significant). While global capitalism reeled on the edge of financial melt-down, the essential values of neo-liberalism were reasserted as natural, moral and efficient through two apparently contrasting discourses. First, a victim discourse presented White working people, and their children in particular, as suffering educationally because of minoritised racial groups and their advocates. Second a discourse of degeneracy presented an immoral and barbaric underclass as a threat to social and economic order. Applying the ‘interest-convergence principle’, from Critical Race Theory, the discourses amount to a strategic mobilisation of White interests where the ‘White, but not quite’ status of the working class (Allen, 2009 Allen, R.L. 2009. “What about poor White people?”. In Handbook of Social Justice in Education, Edited by: Ayers, W., Quinn, T. and Stovall, D. 209230. New York: Routledge.  [Google Scholar]) provides a buffer zone at a time of economic and cultural crisis which secures societal White supremacy and provides a further setback to progressive reforms that focus on race, gender and disability equality. The existence of poor Whites, therefore, is not only consistent with a regime of White supremacy – they are actually an essential part of the processes that sustain it.  相似文献   

美国环境外交:发展、动因和手段研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
生态环境问题日益成为美国外交日程中的重要问题,环境外交在美国外交决策中的影响也愈发明显,并从多方面折射出了美国与发展中国家及其他发达国家之间、美国政府和国内各利益集团之间的矛盾与冲突.美国的环境外交政策具有两面性:一方面美国努力与他国合作推动人类可持续发展和防止地球生态环境的进一步恶化;另一方面,美国所施行的环境外交是建立在捍卫本国利益的基础之上的,起着扩大其国际影响并巩固其全球地位的作用.美国奥巴马新政府将在生态环境问题上回归到多边主义轨道上来,并将会对其他国家进行环境外交施压.  相似文献   

This article examines challenges in writing histories of feminist reforms in schooling and educational administration. The focus is gender equity reforms in Australian schools since the 1970s, looking at how those earlier interventions are now remembered, represented and forgotten, in policy memory and collective narratives. Such feminist endeavours were part of the policy landscape and the administration of schools during the 1970s and 80s. I argue that feminist agendas can also be examined as themselves sites for managing the conduct of teachers and students and for regulating new forms of identity and social relations. These paradoxical aspects of feminist reform are analysed through a Foucauldian lens. The discussion identifies contextual themes in JEAH before considering debates within gender and feminist history. A revisiting mood has initiated a stocktake of the stories told not only about feminism but also the accounts feminism gives of itself. Extending this, I propose that critical attention to memory and the movement of received and revised historical narratives is vital for analysing the legacies of feminist reforms and how they might be (re)animated in the present. More broadly, it is suggested that attention to policy memory offers fruitful directions for historical studies of educational administration.  相似文献   

社会组织是研究教育治理的重要组成部分。纵观美英两国的研究生教育治理体系可以发现,两国社会组织在参与本国研究生教育治理的具体方式和方法上虽有所差异,但在实施研究生教育质量评估、开展研究生教育咨询服务和多途径参与政策制定等方面存在诸多共性。借鉴美英两国社会组织参与研究生教育治理的方式,加快研究生教育治理体系和治理能力现代化建设,实现我国研究生教育的高质量、内涵式发展,既需要多元主体以协调思路助推社会组织长久发展,政府充分发挥自身的"元治理"作用,培养单位吸纳社会组织参与内部质量保障,更需要社会组织主动作为。  相似文献   

20世纪60-70年代,美、英等发达国家先后遭遇大众对教育质量及教育评价方式的质疑,催生了教育增值评价理念的兴起,并逐步拉开了增值评价实践之幕。我国开展增值评价研究一定程度是受到西方国家(尤其是美英)影响的结果,目前还处于理念的推进和实验阶段。了解和研究国内外教育增值评价研究和实践互相促进的过程和成果,对于我们客观估计我国教育增值评价的发展前景不无裨益。  相似文献   

This article analyses the manner in which the physical and sexual energy of the white, native South American and black populations was represented in reading books for elementary school children in Spain and Colombia between 1900 and 1960. Ninety reading books from representative authors were examined. It was found that the ideal of extraordinary physical vigour attributed to the white male was decisive in justifying Spanish imperialism, the superiority of the male in the patriarchal family and the intervention of authorities in administering people’s bodies. In the case of Spanish texts, the might attributed to the white race was shown as having a motive of pride, whereas in the Colombian case, the mixture with Native Americans and blacks tended to be used as an explanation for the ‘weakness’ of Colombians. Evidence is also found of the way in which education was implicitly conceived as a process of cultural ‘whitening’.  相似文献   

Selective universities regularly employ policies that favor children of alumni (known as legacies) in undergraduate admissions. Since alumni from selective colleges and universities historically have been disproportionately white, admissions policies that favor legacies have disproportionately benefited white students. For this reason, legacy policies lead to additional costs in terms of reductions in racial diversity. As larger numbers of minority students graduate from colleges and universities and have children, however, the potential pool of legacy applicants will change markedly in racial composition. This analysis begins with a review of the history and objectives of the preference for children of alumni in undergraduate admissions. We then consider the specific case of the University of Virginia and employ demographic techniques to predict the racial composition of the pool of potential legacy applicants to the university. Significant changes in the racial composition of classes that graduated from the University of Virginia from the late 1960s through the 1970s foreshadow similar changes in the characteristics of alumni children maturing through the next two decades.  相似文献   

美国"科学、技术、工程和数学"(STEM)高中形成于20世纪初,它的兴起缘于工业社会对有技能劳动力的巨大需求和二战后美国教育的新构想,它的发展响应了20世纪后期美国教育的改革,强化了美国科技创新人才培养战略。STEM高中在学校招生、课程设置、学生社团活动等方面具有突出的特点,对我国拔尖创新型人才的培养以及高中阶段教育多样化发展有一定的启示。  相似文献   

This paper reports on data drawn from a study exploring the educational strategies of 62 Black Caribbean heritage middle-class parents. In this paper, we consider the respective roles of race and class in the shaping of parents’ educational strategies, deploying an analysis that focuses on their intersection and seeks to hold both race and class in productive tension. Drawing on empirical data, we illustrate how parents’ classed and raced identities shape their interactions with school staff.  相似文献   

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