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In the Netherlands there are 400 Dalton schools, while Dalton education has all but disappeared elsewhere, including in its country of origin: the USA. Following a brief period in the 1920s in which it enjoyed strong international interest, it disappeared from the scene. How can it be that the Dalton Plan still exists only in the Netherlands? This article compares the history of Dalton education in the Netherlands with that in Britain and the USA. Circumstances were more favourable in the Netherlands in the 1920s, although the growth was modest. Factors that inhibited the increase of Dalton education in the Netherlands in these early days are similar to those that presumably hastened its disappearance elsewhere. There was a growth spurt in the Netherlands from the 1980s onwards. This seems to be a side effect of the introduction of a new Education Act and the pressure on schools to market themselves.  相似文献   


The Dalton Plan is well known in educational historiography. But there are also unanswered questions such as: how is it possible that a pedagogical experiment begun in the United States in February 1920 had, by the month of March, already come to be known first hand by a visiting English educator? The objective in this article is to find an explanation for the rapid expansion and huge popularity of the Dalton Plan in Great Britain in the early 1920s. This is attempted theoretically by using the concepts ‘educational network’ and ‘pedagogical product’, and empirically by using unexplored documents and correspondence concerning Helen Parkhurst’s trips to Great Britain. It ends with the conclusion that, in Great Britain, as early as 1922, the Dalton Plan became a commercial product that was exploited in similar ways to the work of Maria Montessori.  相似文献   

我国近代道尔顿制实验始于20世纪20年代,对近代教育改革产生了深远的影响。其中,东南大学附中堪称当时教育实验科学性与系统性的典范。在简要回顾其实验概况的基础上,深入反思其存在的问题,并为我国当前的课改提供借鉴。  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,我国聋教育先后经历了以1956-1957年聋校班级教学计划、1984年教学计划、1993年课程计划、2007年课程实验方案和2017年课程标准为代表的课程变革。在此进程中,聋校课程发展经历了从模仿借鉴到本土化课程探索再到中国特色聋校课程体系建立的内在发展逻辑。这个过程既是聋校课程与普通学校课程良性互动的过程,也是兼顾国家统一要求与地方和学校特色发展的调适过程,是培养社会公民的一致要求与发展学生个性的特殊需要的平衡过程。经过70年的发展演进,我国已逐步建立起具有中国特色的聋校课程体系。  相似文献   

道尔顿制曾于20世纪20年代在中国风行一时,其在中国的兴衰可以用"其兴也勃,其亡也忽"来形容。文章通过考察道尔顿制在中国的历程,提出道尔顿制在中国兴衰的四点启示:教育改革既要适应潮流更应观照国情,应重视教育实验在教育理论或模式推广中的作用,进行教育改革的时候一定要重视教师素质的提升,在推进教育现代化的过程中应重视中国传统教育的价值。  相似文献   

文章介绍了实验小学的基本情况、实验小学突出的管理方法以及实验小学学生的培养目标,旨在为小学教育教学管理提供参考.  相似文献   

Dalton education is the largest educational reform movement in the Netherlands. Around eighty years ago it spread throughout the world; Dalton education was found in the USA, England, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, the Soviet Union, India, China and Japan. Today there is a revival of interest in England and Germany. We examine the origins of Dalton education by comparing the work of its founder Helen Parkhurst (1886–1973) with developments in American education towards the end of the nineteenth century. From 1870 onwards, in numerous American cities, there were experiments with alternatives for lockstep teaching, including experiments with individualised instruction, individual assignments, differentiation, self-direction, self-pacing, freedom, tutor learning and co-operation. In part, these innovations stemmed from methods that were already customary prior to the dissemination of lockstep teaching – methods which, at the onset of the twentieth century, were actually still common in rural one-room schools. The Dalton Plan proves to be not very original. Parkhurst recycled various ideas and methods which had already been developed and tried out in the preceding decades. Her pretension of having introduced something new and authentic is implausible. That raises two questions: how to explain the discrepancy between the image Parkhurst presents of her own work and the image derived from historical comparison, and how to explain the popularity of the Dalton Plan in the 1920s, given that it was not unique or particularly innovative.  相似文献   

The paper printed below is based upon a lecture given by Sir Geoffrey Chandler, former Director General of the National Economic Development Office. The lecture was delivered at a school based in‐service conference of the staff of Northgate High School, Ipswich on 23rd September, 1983. The conference venue was the Research Headquarters of British Telecom, Martdlesham, Suffolk and the conference organiser was Ray Dalton of Homerton College, Cambridge. The editors wish to record their thanks to Sir Geoffrey for his permission to publish the lecture in the Cambridge Journal of Education.  相似文献   

随着我国基础教育发展转型和新课程改革深入推进,利用高中学业水平考试信息开展教育教学质量评价成为大家共同面对的课题。本文针对普通高中学业水平考试取代高中毕业会考初期,天津市普通高中学业质量评价过渡方案存在的发展性评价理念贯彻不足、评价指标权重欠合理和结果呈现形式显单一等突出问题,阐述了天津市通过调整评价指标结构和指标评分权重、及改版评价报告形式等完善过渡方案,更好地发挥评价促进新课程改革和提升教育教学质量功用的实践探索。  相似文献   

On the wings of the spring breezes of reform, the Zhaoyang Street No. 1 Primary School in Shenyang Municipality created its own "five glorious years." During the period of the Eighth Five-Year Plan, that school, taking a "love the motherland, love science" educational experiment as a breakthrough point, powerfully enhanced the quality of the school's quality education and was publicly recognized for its accomplishments.  相似文献   

办学特色是高校在长期办学过程中形成的适应经济社会发展需要,符合高等教育发展规律,有利于自身生存与发展的优良办学风格和办学特征。我校的"十二五"发展规划,紧紧围绕教师教育和高原地域两大特色,在创建办学特色方面提出了明确目标。  相似文献   

1904年春,皖籍志士李德膏在长沙创办安徽旅湘公学,旋迁至芜湖,更名安徽公学。李德膏先后聘请了一批著名革命党人和留日进步学生来校讲学,在传播革命思想、培养革命力量、创建革命组织等方面对安徽革命运动产生了重要影响,安徽公学被誉之为“中江革命之策源地”。  相似文献   

Links Between School Absenteeism and Child Poverty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports a study, undertaken in London Boroughs, which aimed to explore the link between school absenteeism and child poverty. The writer begins by exploring issues of definitions of child poverty and school absenteeism in the last fifty years. He then goes on to describe the design of this study and to report his findings. His conclusions are that school absenteeism is strongly associated with child poverty, with pupils at primary school being much more likely to be affected by an area's economics and employment deprivation than their counterparts at secondary schools. School absentees normally start the habit of non–attendance when they are at primary school, with child poverty as a main associated factor. Addressing family welfare issues early is seen as a key intervention.  相似文献   

This article explores the entanglement of gender, education and empire in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Habsburg period throughout the analysis of a unique institution: Sarajevo’s Muslim Female School. Established at the very end of the nineteenth century, this pedagogical institution was the only school in Austria-Hungary specifically devoted to Muslim girls. The article begins by presenting the development of the Habsburg Empire’s educational policy in Bosnia after 1878 and demonstrates that it was deeply bound with its imperial ‘civilising mission’. Through an analysis of the programmes taught at Sarajevo’s Muslim Female School, the article detects the model of ‘Hapsburg Muslim femininity’ promoted by this institution. By investigating the reports the teachers sent to the authorities, it explores how this school was perceived by the Muslim population. The last section is devoted to the schoolgirls’ experience of this school, and especially to their access to the written word.  相似文献   

Finnish school teachers are unlike their colleagues in many countries, for their ethos and skills have traditionally formed the basis for a profession which has been very loyal to the state and to the changing educational ideologies of the government. Critical historical periods of wars and social revolutions have, however, produced – to a small degree – different kinds of tendencies. This article discusses the political agency of comprehensive and upper secondary school teachers by looking at a particular point of rupture in the Finnish “master narrative” of a neutral and impartial teacher image. As an example of a counter-narrative, the paper presents a small leftist teacher association called the Democratic School Workers Association (Demko) which existed between 1973 and 1989. Demko’s manifesto texts are analysed with the help of A.J. Greimas’ actantial model in order to find the possible kind of political agency that is constructed for teachers. The analysis shows a major change between the 1970s and 1980s. The early Demko narrative draws from the vocabulary of the neo-leftist student movement, inviting progressive teachers to join the “common struggle”. Demko aims at lobbying the more established political actors, whereas individual agency is shackled by the ideals of monolithicity and unanimity. In the 1980s, along with the fading of societal radicalism, Demko’s narrative evolves into a more polyphonic space for identity debates. Political agency is transferred from the collective to individuals who are supposed to critically reflect Demkoian ideals against their everyday praxis. All in all, Demkoian narrative is interpreted as having enriched the gamut of “possible discourses” in the era of the early Finnish comprehensive school. With its distinctively socio-political orientation, Demko tested the boundaries of the political agency of Finnish teachers.  相似文献   

Anne Maddison is deputy headteacher, with responsibility for curriculum, at the Milestone School, a special school created recently after the amalgamation of three smaller schools. In this article, she describes the development of an outcomes-based curriculum for pupils with a range of learning difficulties aged from two to 16 years. Anne Maddison sets out the rationale for her work in the context of a need to promote shared approaches to teaching and learning at this newly formed school.
The curriculum development project described here was evaluated using questionnaires, interviews and the analysis of documents and practice as part of a case study in school-based enquiry. Anne Maddison used the outcomes of these processes as part of her Doctor of Education (EdD): Educational Leadership course at Lincoln University.
Since this article was written, the Milestone School has undergone its first Ofsted inspection. The report noted that teaching at the school is 'of very high quality' and the curriculum 'is very good'. Inspectors noted that 'the planning of schemes of work, which are being developed with different subjects being focused on each year, is exemplary, with clear outcomes for pupils of different abilities'. While Anne Maddison's article details the experience of one school, her analysis may be of interest to other school managers, teachers, governors or advisers who are seeking to promote the development of a more inclusive curriculum.  相似文献   

惠州商业学校是惠州市职业教育的龙头单位,其创造的惠州商校教育教学模式包括"阳光1000"成长计划——中职学生成长规划教育和职业人格教育模式,其创造的校园文化包括职业技能精英大赛、才艺风景线、一期一艺活动等,其更以系统化、规范化,健全的教学管理机制创造出教学改革的丰硕成果。研究惠州商业学校的教育教学模式,对办好任何一所职业学校都有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Richard Bailey 《Interchange》1995,26(2):185-191
Although most commonly known for his work in the philosophy of science and political theory, the late Sir Karl Popper gained his formal qualifications in Education and Psychology. Using interviews with Popper, this paper examines his early training as a school teacher, the early influences upon his intellectual development, his participation in the socialist School Reform Movement, and the views he held on education up to his death in 1994. Whilst Popper's views on education defy simple categorization, a number of his statements can be more closely aligned with progressive and child-centred theorists than with the Conservative policy-makers, over whom he was said to hold some influence.  相似文献   

武昌文华中学是武汉近代史上久负盛名的基督教中学。民国初期,武昌文华中学经历了独立发展的十年。同时,受到二十世纪二十年代后"收回教育权运动"的影响,其不得不加快了"本土化"的步伐。在此复杂的背景之下,武昌文华中学形成了其独特的校园文化:严格的学生管理、多彩的文体活动、规范的军事训练、丰富的社团活动,也给我们留下了深刻的现代启示。  相似文献   

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