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Education was an instrument in Christian missions’ and colonial powers’ civilisation projects. At the same time, education was also instrumental in fostering opposition. This article approaches perceptions of education mainly from the perspective of Norwegian Lutheran missionaries in French colonial Madagascar during the 1940s. The focus is on how the mission, after several years under a secular French colonial government, related to the change in educational policy that came with the rise and fall of the anti-republican and pro-religious Vichy regime. When secularisation and assimilation policies were again implemented after the Second World War, Protestant missions struggled for influence. Madagascar experienced a bloody anti-foreign revolt in 1947 for which French administrators, among others, blamed education. Norwegian missionaries strongly opposed the revolt, but they were also in favour of leading education onto a Malagasy track. In this shifting colonial Malagasy context, mission education contributed to Christianisation, Frenchification and Malgachisation in the Malagasy society.  相似文献   

19世纪中后期,德国一跃成为世界科学中心。但由于战争和德国政府的科学政策以及国际社会普遍抵制,导致德国科学研究衰落并丧失了国际科学领头羊的地位。为了恢复德国在国际上的科学声誉,德国政府采取一系列措施来应对这些问题。  相似文献   

三四十年代我国小说创作蔚为大观。随着新文学创作自身的积累 ,加之作家在借鉴外国文学的同时 ,也有意识地从中国古典文学传统和民间文学汲取营养 ,不仅作家的文体意识渐次提高 ,使小说叙事在各方面都逐丰富纯熟 ,意义空间也不断拓展、深化 ,且见之于流派的形成与发展。但如果将其放在世界文学的大背景下加以审视 ,与同时代的外国文学相比也存在着一些问题。  相似文献   

现代市民小说是以现代市民为描写对象,在评判标准上反映并且肯定现代市民价值观的小说创作。随着市民概念的更新,市民小说内涵与外延的重组,一些习惯上认为是雅文学、精英文学的作品划入了市民文学阵营,而一些习惯上认为是通俗文学的作品却因其低俗性和小市民性被市民文学阵营清除出去。三四十年代上海现代市民小说呈现出显著的雅俗互渗与大众化追求特征,究其根本,是现代市民价值观在其背后的驱动力。  相似文献   

20世纪三四十年代国民党统治区的女子教育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪三四十年代,在多元教育结构体制下,国民党统治区的各级女子教育获得了较大发展,呈现出较为明显的地区、城乡、阶级和男女差异以及家政化教育倾向和民主化、多样化、科学化发展趋势,表明这一时期的女子教育是在保守与开放、落后与进步的斗争中逐步前进的。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代前后,安徽省的留学教育有其宏观背景。安徽省于30年代前后制订了相关留学政策并强调留学管理。30年代前后的安徽留学教育呈现出一些特点:留学生数量不多,但在全国并不落后;自费生多于公费生;男生多于女生;留学生生源籍贯集中在合肥、桐城、歙县等少数文化和教育发达地区;培养了一批人才。  相似文献   

徐Yu是一个集现代、传奇、通俗学于一身的小说家,他的作品既与形而上的哲理结合,又与形而下的大众趣味合成一体。与大众趣味的结合必然造成其小说具有通俗性特征。徐Yu在他的创作理论中就自觉契合了通俗小说要求,强调小说应具有娱乐消遣功能;在小说创作模式中重复使用了第一人称“内焦点叙事”视角和“多角”言情模式;在情节上运用富于传奇色彩的异域风情、奇特恋情及奇异人物等,在制造陌生化效果的同时,又满足了读的好奇心理。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代至抗战前后,"工业分散化"的呼声甚嚣尘上,政学两界对此均予以高度重视。学术界着眼于中国城市的畸形发展与农村破产的尖锐化,主张将工业分散到农村或就近兴办农村工业;国民政府则迫于形势发展,设想以工业分散化配合国防建设的需要。二者在发展乡村工业方面有着某些契合点,在一定程度上促进了战时内地农村工业的发展。由于受制于各种主客观因素,工业分散化思想未能得以很好的实现,但其思想对今天经济发展仍具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

上世纪三四十年代上海现代市民小说整体上具有阴柔的女性气质,在文本的叙事方式、情节模式和思维特征等方面都有鲜明表现。这种女性气质一方面来源于现代价值观的女性特征,另一方面来自当时现实语境的软性风潮。这种女性特征彰显了被“国家/民族”男性叙事系统遮蔽的女性叙事.体现了现代市民小说的独特性。  相似文献   

蝗神庙是以祭祀虫神为主的庙宇,它主要包括虫王庙、八蜡庙、刘猛将军庙。20世纪三四十年代,冀中地区的蝗神庙繁多,祭祀活动较为普遍,且祭祀方式多样化,这与日军侵华、民族危机加深以及冀中地区灾荒频仍、民间信仰有着密切的联系。中共冀中抗日根据地坚持民族解放与治蝗破除迷信并举的方针,有效抵御了严重的自然灾害,一定程度上缓解了民困,巩固了敌后抗日根据地,为争取抗日战争的最后胜利作出了贡献。  相似文献   

The Federation of Worker Writers and Community Publishers was set up in 1976 by a number of independent writing and publishing groups to support and develop the writing of working class and other marginalized people. Focusing on the development of individuals within a collective organization over the previous three decades provides important insights into their learning experiences even though the aims of these workshops were not conceived in educational terms. Many aspiring writers faced quite severe difficulties and opposition from those close to them although elements of working class life also fostered individual expression and development. In this context, the workshop provided a collective experience for people who both supported and challenged each other to improve their writing. Although workshops were inclusive and accessible to all some writers would go on to achieve considerable success. This undermines any simple notion of ‘relativism’ which has been used to characterize the movement. It also brings into question the idea of the individual genius who has emerged in spite of her/his roots. Finally, it helps us to better understand the changes and continuity in the idea of the mainstream.  相似文献   

Part II of this historiographical study examines British education policy in Africa, and in the many crown colonies, protectorates, and mandated territories around the globe. Up until 1920, the British government took far less interest than in India, in the development of schooling in Africa and the rest of the colonial empire, and education was generally left to local initiative and voluntary effort. British interest in the control of education policy in Africa and elsewhere lasted only from the 1920s to the 1950s, as territories assumed responsibility for their own internal affairs as a prelude to independence. Nevertheless, critics were not slow to attack British direction of colonial education in the 1930s and thereafter.In retrospect it is clear that colonial education policy was fraught with much confusion of purpose and lack of resources, apathy and hostility. The literature has ranged from close scholarly studies of education policy in individual countries to passionate and more theoretically based critiques of colonial schooling. But as immediate passions surrounding demise of the Empire have receded, alternative analyses have begun to emerge.  相似文献   

20世纪三四十年代宁夏省对科技的应用是在晚清基础上逐步展开的,先后应用于邮电交通、水利与农业、畜牧科技、工业、医疗领域,对区域社会控制、政治统治及社会经济生活产生一定作用。这表明民国时期宁夏经济已具有现代科学技术因素及现代企业制度雏形,也表明20世纪三四十年代宁夏经济及科技现代化的缓慢起步。  相似文献   

20世纪三四十年代,日本的侵略使中国面临近代以来最为严重的存亡危机,民族主义高涨。受此影响,中日两国在学术上也呈对抗之势,表现在从九.一八至抗战前,以傅斯年、顾颉刚为代表的中国大批知识分子转而从事边疆问题学术研究,以应对日本学者的中国边疆史地研究,以期唤醒国人、政府的边疆意识和救国责任。抗战期间,东部大批高校、研究机构及知识分子等的西迁,使中国边疆不仅成为知识分子抒发爱国情怀的场域,也成为他们运用西方社会科学理论与方法构建本土化的边疆学术研究的场域。  相似文献   

民国时期重庆市的保甲编查探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国时期,国民政府通过在重庆市进行大规模的三次保甲编查,建立了控制严密的基层行政制度——保甲制度。通过保甲编查,国民党势力渗透到重庆基层社会,为支持抗战时期国民政府在重庆的统治以及保证重庆市民生活的正常运转发挥了积极作用,然而国民党的腐败统治在重庆保甲制度上也有诸多反映。  相似文献   

公共卫生是一个城市近代化的重要标志之一,饮食卫生为其重要一环。研究民国时期西安市饮食卫生状况对于西安市城市近代化的研究以及现如今如何更好的管理饮食卫生有重要的借鉴意义。本文拟通过从肉食、乳制品卫生的监管以及对零售摊贩的卫生管理、井水管理等方面,来探讨20世纪三四十年代西安市饮食卫生状况,希望能够以史为鉴,吸取经验教训。  相似文献   

县级政府是中国政治统治的基本单位,县级财政是县级政府运行的基础。实证分析表明,20世纪三四十年代,广西县地方财政收入结构呈单一和畸形态势。受通货膨胀影响,1940年后,县地方财政的实际支付能力日益下降。另一方面,财政支出结构中"高比例的公共服务支出"与"适当比例的政府自身支出"呈现失衡状态,地方实力派治理下的广西县财政无法从根本上维持和支撑"善治"的县政目标。  相似文献   

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