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We are all busy talking about and using the Internet(因特网),but howmany of us know the history of the Internet?  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is the evolution of the Theobgical Faculty in Pavia from the late Middle Ages to the end of the 18th Century. At the down of the Modem Age, the Medieval educational model underwent a deep crisis, mainly for extemal reasons. The educational model promoted by the University, based on open access and ment, no longer fulfilled the expectations of an increasingly closed society, jealous of its privileges. At the same time, internally coherent educational programmes were offered by the schools and colleges of the new religions orders, which were both rigorous in moral education and open to the new cultural orientations of Humanism and the Renaissance. As a conseequence, the University lost its central place to become an element within a complex System of educational institutions. It was only during the last decades of the 18th Century, under Austrian rule, that the University regained its central role: with the closing of the religious schools, the University became the only institution allowed to grant legal degrees.  相似文献   

As we all know,Walt Disney is a famous animationcreator.Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck,Gooly,all theselovely cartoon roles had given at least 3 generalshappiness and joy.But do you know when the originalanimation appeared?Let me fell you the story beforeDisney. A forerunner(先驱) of today’s comic strip con befound in an Egyptian wall decoration circa(大约)2000B.C.In successive panels(小组) it depicts(描绘) theactions of two wrestlers in a variety 0f holds.In one of  相似文献   

Peter Dudek, Jugend als Objekt der Wissenschaften. Geschichte der Jugendforschung in Deutschland und Österreich 1890‐1933 (Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1990) 438 pp.

Johannes‐Christoph von Bühler, Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion des Jugendalters: Zur Entstehung der Jugendforschung am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts (Weinheim, Deutscher Studien Verlag, 1990) 446 pp.  相似文献   

美国为我国著名篮球运动员姚明拍了新片《姚明年》,影片详细记录了姚明首个NBA赛季的经历,从成为NBA状元秀,到最初表现糟糕,再到适应NBA后突然爆发。同时,影片还反映了姚明在美国打球的时候,如何努力学习,跨越语言和文化障碍,适应比赛和生活……THE YEAR OF THE YAO  相似文献   

ArichfarmerinEnglandoncehadafriendwhogrewverygoodapples.Onedaythisfriendgivethefarmerafineyoungtreeandtoldhimtotakeithomeandplantit.ThefarmerwaspleasedwiththepresentbutwhenhecamehomehedidnotknowWheretoplantthetree.Hethought:"IfIplantitneartheroad,strangerswillstealtheapples.IfIplantitinmyfield,myneighbourswillcomeatnightandrobme.IfIplantitnearmyhouse,mychildrenwilltaketheapples."  相似文献   

漂亮的发卡倾诉着爱的浪漫,精致的表链承载着爱人的良苦用心。这一切正是因为爱着你的爱,梦着你的梦,所以快乐着你的快乐,幸福着你的幸福。  相似文献   

影视俱乐部公告:外出的家长请注意,离开前请叮嘱你的孩子不要和陌生人玩,尤其要当心一只戴帽子的猫!  相似文献   

1.Awolfhadn蒺teatenanythingforseveraldays,sohefeltveryhungry.Herovedaboutinsearchoffoodtoeat.一条狼有几天没吃东西,它饿极了,便四处走来走去,想找点东西吃。2.Whenhepassedbyadoor,heheardachildwascryinganditsnursechidingit.当它从一家门口路过时,从这家传出小孩的哭声和保姆的呵斥声。3.“Stop,stopcrying,orI蒺llthrowyoutothewolf熏”saidthenurse.Hearingwhatshesaid,thewolffeltverygladinhisheart.Hethoughttheoldwomanwouldbeasgoodasherword?“你再哭,就把你扔出去喂狼!”那家的保姆说。狼听了暗暗高兴,它想这老太太…  相似文献   

How will the world be like in the year 2100? Scientists think that it will be a world full of scientific wonders.The cars will have no wheels and they will not have to use petrol. They will use sunlight and even laser. The aeroplane will travel at the speed  相似文献   

Characters:MotherGoat,SevenKids,andBigBadWolf.Scenes:goat'shutandgarden.Narrator:MotherGoathassevenlittlekids.Shelovesthemverymuch.Onedaymorning,MotherGoatisgoingtothewoodstogetfood.Beforesheleaves,shecallsthemalltoher.MotherGoat:Dearchildren,Iamgoingtothewoods.DonotopenthedoorwhileIamaway.IftheBigBadWolfcomesin,hewilleatyouallup.KidNo.1:Howcanweknowhim,mum?MotherGoat:Youcaneasilyknowhimbyhisroughvoice andhisblackfeet.KidNo.1:Weknow,mum.KidNo.2:Werememberyourwords,mum.MotherGoat…  相似文献   

Everyone knows that whales are huge However,they are technically mammals although they look like fishes thus they do not count as the largest fishes in the world  相似文献   

With the approach of ubiquitous access to distributed learning resources, the old regional basis for community colleges is rapidly evaporating. In order to survive as vibrant and relevant institutions, we will be challenged to re-think the nature and purpose of our institutions and to develop new services for our students and the communities we serve. These new services will augment and extend our traditional roles and will be firmly based on the enduring values of the community college movement. But distributed learning programs and courses are expensive to develop. If colleges are to fully deliver on distributed learning's promise of increased access and flexibility, then we will need to learn to both compete and collaborate at the same time.  相似文献   

PatandBobweretwoverylovelyneighbourhoodboys.Patpossessedseveralbeautifulbirds,whileBobhadonlytwoorthreebirdsandthesewereplainandordinarytypes.OnedayacoupleofPat’sdovesflewintoBob’saviary(鸟舍),andbegantobuildanest.Thepoorboythought:“HowhappyIwouldbeiftheyweremine。Theyareaswhiteassnowandtheirheadsandtailsareasblackascoal.OfallofPat’sbirdsthesearecertainlythemostbeautiful.”Allofasuddenhethoughtofkeepingthebirdsandsayingnothing.“No.”hereflected,“Iwon’tdoit,becauseitwouldbeaseriousm…  相似文献   

This study constitutes an assessment of the relation between the number of students leaving school (dropouts) and the magnitude of teacher life changes in conjunction with selected teacher performance variables in terms of pair‐wise and multiple correlation procedures.

Findings support the thesis that the selected teacher performance variables taken in conjunction with teacher life changes and the number of student dropouts are significantly associated.  相似文献   

对落料回收器的磁场原理进行了动力分析和结构设计,并从能量角度分析了落料在永磁体产生的变化磁场中所受的耦合力,解决了落料在铁基台面上被永磁体吸引的技术难题.  相似文献   

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