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本文通过对一些新老教师的问卷访谈,分析了目前新手教师课堂教学决策的现状,并且总结了影响新手教师课堂决策的因素,进而提出了能够提高新手教师课堂教学决策能力的一些可行措施。  相似文献   

文章从教学的计划与准备、课堂的反馈与评价、教学的控制与调节、课后的反省四部分比较了专家型教师与新手型教师在教学监控能力上的差异,并对其影响因素进行了分析,以期能为新手型教师尽快成为专家型教师提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

本研究选择了四对专家教师与新教师,运用录像观察法、刺激回忆访谈法对教师的教学决策进行了量与质的比较分析。结果表明:与新教师相比,专家教师无效教学决策较少,有着更多的有效的促进学生学习的教学决策,这在于专家教师有更多的有目的的决策,且每一次决策提取了更多的与学生学习相关的知识。  相似文献   

我国每年都有大批新手教师步入教学岗位,然而其教学技能却不尽如人意。利用微格教学对新手教师进行培训不仅能帮助新手教师提高教学技能,尽快适应工作环境和教学岗位的需求,而且能促进教师队伍专业化的发展。  相似文献   

刚进入工作职场的新手教师为处理教学难题,常常移植其他优秀教师的教学经验。新手教师进行教学经验移植时是按照一定的步骤进行的,首先是选定移植对象;其次是"父本"的生成;再次是"母本"的确认;最后是实现融合创新。新手教师进行教学经验移植需要考虑移植的条件,并采用一定的方法。  相似文献   

邓旭  侯恕  王磊 《中学物理》2023,(9):15-19
将高中物理新手教师的学科教学知识分为六个维度:物理教学信念、物理课程知识、关于学生的知识、物理教学方法知识、物理教学策略知识、物理教学评价知识,运用问卷调查法对高中物理新手教师六个维度的学科教学知识进行测量.结果显示高中物理新手教师具有正确的教学信念,但每一维度的学科教学知识仍处于发展阶段,还有很大的提升空间.  相似文献   

范津 《林区教学》2020,(3):109-111
教学反思是推动教师发展的重要动力,教学反思日记是指把教育教学活动中的特殊事件加以分析思考并以日记的形式记录下来,是教学反思的重要途径。对于新手教师来说,撰写教学反思日记不仅能够增加新手教师的知识储备,还能够提高教学水平和科研能力。以一位新手教师为例,对其日记内容从课堂教学、学生发展和教师发展三方面进行展示,并针对反思日记的写作提出培养教师反思意识、切忌反思日记形式主义和提高教师反思水平三条建议。  相似文献   

帮助新手教师提高教学设计能力,使其尽快成长为专家教师是教学设计研究人员的重要职责.本文以专家教师为研究对象,通过对专家教师的教学设计情况进行相关的文献调研、课堂观察和深度访谈,总结了专家教师的教学设计专长特征;在此基础上,为新手教师教学设计专长培养提供了三点建议:(1)要求新手教师进行整体备课,转变新手教师的设计思维;(2)提倡新手教师开展“一课多案”的多样化教学设计,培养解决教学问题的能力;(3)鼓励新手教师进行深层次的教学反思,增强教学设计水平.  相似文献   

新手教师在入职初期,由于学校管理不善或其它原因,常陷入困惑,产生消极情绪,影响工作热情。本文旨在提供一些具体建议,目的帮助新手教师取得积极的专业成长。  相似文献   

随着我国教师年龄年轻化,新手型教师数量的增加,如何实现由新教师到专家型教师的过渡.以促进教师的专业成长就显得尤为重要。本文试图通过新手型教师与专家型教师教学内容设计的比较,寻找两者之间的差异。并从差异当中寻求新手型教师的需要,从而为帮助新手型教师过渡到专家型教师提供有效的途径。  相似文献   

幼儿园生成性环境是指既基于幼儿,又为了幼儿,从而促进师幼双方生命意义完整的幼儿园物质环境和精神环境的总和。它以动态性、故事性、关系性和联通性为特点,对幼儿教师提出了相应的环境创设能力要求。当前,主要存在着忽视材料的选择与价值、忽视多重互动、忽视家园协作、忽视幼儿的生活与生长等能力不足问题。因此,要努力通过更新、支持、理解、整合等多种策略,促进幼儿教师生成性环境创设能力的健全,实现幼儿园生成性环境的创设。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化发展的作用下,国家与国家间的文化交流变得日益频繁化,而这就需要高水平的翻译人才来更好的应对各种高难度的翻译事件,为文化交流双方提供高质量的交流活动。影视翻译研究的重要地位日益凸显。而作为翻译人才培养主阵地的高校而言,面对社会对翻译人才水平要求的提升,也必须在教学方面积极做出相应的改革。尤其是翻译教师,其作为翻译人才的直接培育者,教师翻译实践能力的高低对学生学习质量的好坏将产生直接的影响。为此,本文首先从高校翻译教师的教学、科研以及日常工作现状入手,借助对影响翻译教师实践能力提升影响因素的分析,详细介绍了翻译教师实践能力提升的具体策略。希望借助以下研究对高校翻译实践型人才的培养具有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Although data-based decision making can lead to improved student achievement, data are often not used effectively in schools. This paper therefore focuses on conditions for effective data use. We studied the extent to which school organizational characteristics, data characteristics, user characteristics, and collaboration influenced data use for (1) accountability, (2) school development, and (3) instruction. The results of our hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analysis from this large-scale quantitative study (N = 1073) show that, on average, teachers appear to score relatively high on data use for accountability and school development. Regarding instruction, however, several data sources are used only on a yearly basis. Among the factors investigated, school organizational characteristics and collaboration have the greatest influence on teachers’ data use in schools.  相似文献   

随着高职院校的不断发展,师资水平的不断提高,已经逐渐为社会输送了大量的高技能人才,促进社会经济的高速发展。目前的高职院校较多,拥有的专业门类教学也多样化,基本对各个专业领域都有所涉猎,但是都会有自己学校主打的专业技能培养,也为广大同学提供了多方面的选择。随着现代化水平的不断提高,许多师资队伍已有的知识储备和专业技能已经较为落后,限制了学校的发展空间。针对该问题,本文进行了高职院校教师教育技术能力提升策略的研究,通过对国内外研究学者的理论和观点探讨,总结了现阶段教师教育技术能力存在的制约因素,并通过实际的考察和理论研究提出了可行性建议,为高职院校提供有利的理论依据。  相似文献   

近年来,高校的扩招和新老教师的更替,越来越多的青年教师开始进行高校执教。调查显示,这些青年教师虽然大多具有较为丰厚的专业知识,但是对于高校教学的理论和实践,尤其是教师方法、教学手段等方面,却十分有限。他们大多都十分重视本专业的知识积累和科学研究,但由于没有教学经验,对教学方法的研究也十分有限,这使得他们对自己所从事的高校教学工作缺乏理性的思考。在实际教学过程中,他或多或少存在着敬业精神的缺乏、对教学理论及实践的研究较少、教学观念陈旧等问题。因此,提高高校青年教师的教学能力是进行高校教学改革必须重视的一个方面。  相似文献   

增强教师执教能力之途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从教师的主观态度、扎实的基本功和合理的教法三个方面。探讨增强教师执教能力的方法。  相似文献   

The content of research methods courses in tertiary education, as revealed by popular textbooks, tends to focus largely on procedural aspects of research investigations. Although following proper procedures is essential for reaching valid and reliable outcomes, there is another attribute of good quality research that is often missing from research methods courses and textbooks: appropriate decision making and the avoidance of cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias and base rate neglect. In this essay, some of the more common cognitive biases are highlighted with examples from everyday life in order to illustrate how these biases can influence decision-making processes when reading about or conducting research investigations.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to investigate the manner and the degree to which science teachers consider the nature of the subject matter in their decision making addressing the planning and the delivery of instructional tasks. An assumption of the study is that considerations for the nature of the subject matter should be a factor in a teacher's decision making about what to teach and how to teach. Relevant research literature reviewed includes (1) human decision making and the development of cognitive models of reality, (2) modern philosophies of science, and (3) philosophy of science and science education. Methods of data collection and of data analysis followed Spradley's Developmental Research Sequence guidelines for conducting ethnographic research. Validity of research findings was established from the triangulation of observations, interviews, and documents and surveys. The goal of the research was the development of grounded hypotheses about science TEACHERS' pedagogical decision making. Based on the results of this study it is hypothesized that science TEACHERS' decision-making models of reality for the selection, implementation, and development of instructional tasks are dominated by considerations for (a) student development, (b) curriculum guide objectives, and (c) pressures of accountability. Little, if any, consideration is given to the nature of the subject matter by the science teachers in decision making. Implications exist for the disenfranchisement of teachers from the task of making decisions concerning what to teach.  相似文献   

高等工科院校中青年教师队伍作为高等工程教育的主力军,承担着培养国家高级工程人才的重任,在分析了高等工科院校青年教师实践教学能力提升紧迫性及其实践教学能力现状的基础上,从学校层面和青年教师个人2个层面,提出了在9个方面提升青年教师实践教学能力的对应策略。  相似文献   

Recent research on teacher thinking and decision making is reviewed, together with the models that gave rise to this work, to show first that scant and insufficient attention has been given to the content of teachers' thinking, specifically their beliefs and principles, and second that because of this, the inferences made in these studies are flawed by assumptions, especially by the assumption that teachers and researchers share perceptions and so understand language identically.An alternative methodology for acquiring an understanding of teachers' beliefs and principles is described and illustrated with a case study. This methodology is an adaptation of Kelly's Repertory Grid Technique.  相似文献   

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