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随着东南沿海城市的发展,对人才的需求越来越大,推动了城市教育由传统走向现代。文章以福州为例,探讨这一转型过程。教会学校的创立启动了福州教育的现代化,传统书院开始改为新式学堂并建立了一批现代学校。到20世纪30年代,形成了包括学前教育、小学教育、中学教育、高等教育、师范教育、专业教育等较为完备的现代新式教育体系。女子教育有了很大发展,市民教育程度提高,为城市现代化提供了人才基础。  相似文献   

Madaris (plural of madrasa) face a multitude of challenges in preparing students for life in rapidly modernising societies and emerging globalised knowledge economies. The complexity of the role and tasks of madaris, which are caught in the interface of modernity and tradition, the challenges they face, and the strategies they develop to address these challenges, suggest the need for a very cautious approach when attaining a clear picture of madrasa education and making conclusive statements about them. The literature has contributed more to confusion than clarity about the number of madaris, their rationale, purpose, pedagogy, curricula, funding, administration, relations with the state, and global violence. This paper presents an account of current debates of madrasa education and reform focusing on madaris within the diverse Sunni schools of thought and denominations located across South Asia and Southeast Asia. Based on an extensive review and analysis of over 90 articles, an overview of madrasa education and an examination of the issues and challenges facing Islamic schools that struggle to uphold tradition, and those that have begun to embrace modernisation and integration in the global process of change is given. The extent that some Islamic education systems are willing to collaborate with non-Muslims and in the process potentially enrich their circle of interest while engaging with the rest of the world in dialogue offers promising glimpses and a sense of hope for religious-based education in Muslim communities in the 21st century.  相似文献   

阐述农村轮会在传统宗族性视域下的模式、特点,分析农村轮会从传统宗族性迈向现代性过程中所形成的"内卷化"困境,得出农村金融改革中除了注重单维现代性方案的构建,也应对农村传统文化所形成的网络格局予以重视和吸收,形塑宗族的传统性和普世的现代性的"互以为力的双元体"。  相似文献   

近几十年来,西方的现代设计理论逐渐传入中国,设计事业也日益受到人们越来越强烈的关注.但是,如何处理好"传统"和"现代"的关系依然是现代设计中遇到的普遍的、却是很重要的问题.设计工作者要从中国传统的文化中吸取营养,古为今用,达到"传统"与"现代"的有机结合,开拓具有中国特色的艺术设计新天地.  相似文献   

The underrepresentation of women (and men of color) in science has motivated many science educators to develop innovate classroom pedagogies aimed at making science courses and curricula more attractive and inviting to all students. One dominant approach to reforming science education is to transform how students learn by implementing collaborative approaches to learning in the classroom. Feminist pedagogy is an alternative approach to science education reform that is concerned with transforming both how students of science learn and the science curriculum that students are expected to learn. This article first compares and contrasts collaborative learning and feminist pedagogy. It then addresses the implications and consequences of each for science education. The theoretical and epistemological foundations of each approach demonstrates that choosing a classroom pedagogy is not an apolitical act. Collaborative approaches to science education serve to reproduce the dominant discourse of existing science systems. In contrast, feminist pedagogy resists the dominant discourse and invites all students to learn science, but more important, it invites them also to critically analyze existing scientific systems and the relationship of those systems to power, oppression, and domination. J Res Sci Teach 35: 443–459, 1998.  相似文献   

The literature on curricular integration in Jewish education has tended to focus on two basic paradigms. In the first paradigm, the integration of Jewish and general studies curricula represents the aspiration that the graduates of the institution will likewise integrate Jewish and general studies (or “Americanism” or “modernity”) in their lives. In the second paradigm, the integration of Jewish and general studies is conceptualized as a specific form of the more general educational desire for connection making. In this article, I critique specific articulations of these paradigms and argue instead for attention to the pedagogy of integrity.  相似文献   

This paper maintains that post Lave and Wenger VET has overlooked the relation between vocational curricula and workplace practice. The paper attributes this oversight to Kant's legacy in the ‘situated’ tradition in VET and critics of that tradition. The paper argues that when Vygotsky's concept of mediation is allied to the recent work of Robert Brandom and John McDowell, it is possible to formulate a non‐dualisitic conception of the relation between mind and world that goes beyond the Kantian separation of mind and allows us to grasp the interdependency of theory and practice. The paper concludes by outlining the implications of this philosophical and theoretical claim for vocational curriculum and vocational pedagogy.  相似文献   

民国时期考古学界的新与旧   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
民国时期是中国考古学从传统转向现代的一个特殊时期,有着金石学根底的本土学者与有着留学背景的新型考古学者之间,既有一定的学术承续,又有明显不同的学术取向,构成中国考古学发展史上新旧并存的一个独特阶段。  相似文献   

我国师范教育中开设教育学科课程的历史比较与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国师范教育具有“重专业知识、轻教育理论”的历史传统,这种传统的形成,与我国师范教育中开设教育学科课程较少有直接的联系。在我国师范教育的纵向历史比较中,我们可以发现开设教育学科课程较少的历史原因;在与世界发达国家师范教育的横向历史比较中,我们不仅可以发现“师范性与学术性”并重的师范教育大趋势的形成轨迹,而且可以发现我国师范教育在开设教育学科课程上同世界发达国家的差距。通过历史比较,以往鉴来,从历史给予我们的启示中,思考我们师范教育的改革与发展,推动我国师范教育改革不断深化。  相似文献   

在平面设计中,对传统与现代应该如何进行把握和处理,是现代设计中一个常谈常新的话题。本文通过对平面设计中传统与现代的分析,着重借用优秀设计案例,阐明了二者应该在相互借鉴,相互补充的基础上实现“融合与创新”。  相似文献   

The publication in 2011 of This is Our Faith (TIOF), the Catholic Church in Scotland's syllabus for religious education in Catholic schools, is a significant contribution to wider debates on the appropriate conceptual framework for religious education. Recent teaching of the Holy See has suggested that religious education in Catholic schools should adopt a scholastic shape and serve as a complement to catechesis. In TIOF, pedagogy, assessment issues and the relationship between cognitive and affective approaches to learning are merged in the context of a distinct faith tradition. TIOF's adoption of a catechetical vision of religious education shows how local churches can adapt Catholic teaching to their own circumstances.  相似文献   

高等教育教学模式的改革十分重要。发展经济学作为高校经济学及相关专业的一门主要学科,其传统教学模式存在许多弊端,如教学形式、手段及考核方式较单一、教学安排不合理、教师综合素质欠缺等。为克服这些弊端,必须突破传统单一的课堂教学模式,向现实性、多样性、现代性、全面性教学模式发展。  相似文献   

唐圭璋先生的词体传习思想包括传习指导思想与传习方法理论两方面的内容。在“上不类诗,下不类曲”的总则之下,他提出习词的读词、作词、改词三步骤及相对应的方法,同时,他以实际传授行为传达出对解词与训练作词的识见,从中可以见出系统而细致的传习理论与知行合一的传习理念。其传习思想上承宋元以来的传习传统,下启新中国成立之后的新传习系统,兼具传统与现代两种色彩,代表了近现代词体传习形态的转型特征。  相似文献   

略论西藏高等教育特色的形成与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从西藏高等教育的发展轨迹来探讨高等教育在发展进程中传统与现代的结合,可看出20世纪80年代至90年代末,西藏高等教育在办学中为适应西藏经济社会发展的需要,使传统与现代更好地结合,在继承和发扬民族传统文化的专业基础上,增设了符合西藏经济发展需要的新专业,形成了传统与现代的发展模式.要保持西藏高等教育在办学过程中的民族特色,必须不断探索办学思路与创新.  相似文献   

Approaching Christian education in light of Charles Sanders Peirce's Classical Pragmatism can help catechists make Christian tradition more intelligible to present-day North Americans; it can provide them with a rich framework for pedagogical practices; and it can help them offer a compelling vision of deeper participation in the Trinitarian life of God. A Peircean pedagogy of religious education emphasizes attentiveness, discernment, creativity, artistry, and the key role of the Holy Spirit.  相似文献   

The article proposes that the teaching of Islamic morality presents as an important if not urgent task for moral education. It offers the opportunity to inform a student body about a vital historical development in the formation of moral thought and action; to challenge and offset a blind spot in Western thinking about Islam in general; to challenge the ease with which radical Islamist views of Islam have captured the minds of Muslim and non-Muslim audiences alike; and, because of the contentious nature of the topic, to provide the kind of robust debate that should accompany moral pedagogy in general. The article focusses on select aspects of historical Islamic morality as exemplars of the contribution to morality made by the religious tradition.  相似文献   

This paper explores the experiences of secondary school students from religious backgrounds in Religious Education (RE). A total of 16 loosely structured, group, pair and individual interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 34 school-age members of four religious communities: one Jewish and three Christian. The findings make a useful contribution to ongoing debates concerning pedagogy and practice in secondary RE. Members of the religious communities consulted often found their tradition stereotyped and simplified in RE lessons. Respondents also found that at times they were expected to be, or felt the need to be, spokespeople or representatives of their religion. However, experiences of religious intolerance and prejudice, or the fear of it, were common. This led to some students being reluctant to reveal or discuss their religious identity in lessons.  相似文献   

在地化教学是一种开发课程和实施教学的方法.这种方法要求充分利用当地的人文环境和自然环境,从当地选取素材编制教学活动,旨在帮助当地学生更好地达到统一规定的教育要求,同时增进他们对当地社会、文化和生态环境等方面的了解,加强他们对当地的情感联结和责任担当.在地化教学在美国兴起主要是受到环境保护运动、反标准化教育改革以及农村教...  相似文献   

欧洲近代宗教改革的直接诱因是基督教会的腐败,但是教会的腐败是必然的,这种必然性根源于基督教的外在化。路德改教的宗旨就在于重建基督教的内在性。然而,时代精神的机缘,使得这一重建工作始料不及地催生了一种现代个人主体性品格,并因此成为西方现代性的历史开端。  相似文献   

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