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儿童的亲社会行为对儿童以后的人格、性格和身心健康都有很重要的影响.儿童亲社会行为的培养策略主要包括三个方面:(1)利用榜样的作用包括教师、家长和同伴三方面;(2)培养儿童的移情能力;(3)利用表扬和奖励的方式.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine differences in (a) the amount of affectionate behavior expressed by boys and girls and (b) the types of recipients of boys' and girls' affectionate behavior. Data were collected by conducting naturalistic observations of 76 children (32 males and 44 females) in six daycare centers. The affectionate behaviors observed were smiling, affectionate words, and active and passive affectionate physical contact. The results indicated that children's affectionate behavior was not gender typed as defined by social learning theory. However, there were gender differences related to the recipients of children's affectionate behavior. Children expressed more affection to (a) individual children and teachers than to groups and (b) same-gender peers than to opposite-gender peers. The specific behaviors making important contributions to the overall differences between boys' and girls' expressions of affection to male and female children differed. The results indicate there is a need to include the interpersonal context of the behavior when examining gender differences and to expand theory and research on the role of affection in children's development and relationships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine differences in (a) the amount of affectionate behavior expressed by boys and girls and (b) the types of recipients of boys' and girls' affectionate behavior. Data were collected by conducting naturalistic observations of 76 children (32 males and 44 females) in six daycare centers. The affectionate behaviors observed were smiling, affectionate words, and active and passive affectionate physical contact. The results indicated that children's affectionate behavior was not gender typed as defined by social learning theory. However, there were gender differences related to the recipients of children's affectionate behavior. Children expressed more affection to (a) individual children and teachers than to groups and (b) same-gender peers than to opposite-gender peers. The specific behaviors making important contributions to the overall differences between boys' and girls' expressions of affection to male and female children differed. The results indicate there is a need to include the interpersonal context of the behavior when examining gender differences and to expand theory and research on the role of affection in children's development and relationships.  相似文献   

儿童的攻击性行为具有年龄和性别差异两个方面的特点,对儿童的身心健康和社会发展具有极大地危害;它的影响因素主要是包括生物、环境、认知等方面的因素,矫正策略可以通过教会儿童正确地宣泄情绪、教育者使用正确的教育方法和培养儿童移情能力等方法。  相似文献   

幼儿亲社会行为的培养策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培养幼儿的亲社会行为及其意识,是幼儿园教育的重要组成部分。幼儿园在进行亲社会教育时,应利用区域游戏,让幼儿体验亲社会行为;抓住日常生活的点滴,强化幼儿的亲社会行为;利用文学作品,激发幼儿的亲社会意识;在课程实施过程中培养幼儿的亲社会意识;提升保教人员的示范行为,促进幼儿亲社会行为的发展;利用家园及社区活动,凸显幼儿亲社会行为的培养成效。  相似文献   

Maternal negativity in parent-child interactions related to both the presence and persistence of child externalizing behavior problems. We examined how behavior of 120 mothers and their children in an interaction task at preschool related to assessments of child behavior problems at preschool, first grade, and third grade. At preschool and first-grade, children were assigned to three groups: comparison, moderate externalizing, and pervasive externalizing; at both timepoints the pervasive externalizing group had greater maternal negativity assessed at preschool. Maternal negativity was predicted, beyond the child's disruptive behavior in the task, by two variables: mother's perception of low spousal agreement and support related to child problems and depression. At third grade, child symptoms and diagnoses of ADHD and ODD were predicted by mothers' commands and repeat commands, though not negativity, in the preschool interaction task. Implications of these findings for early family intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Maternal negativity in parent-child interactions related to both the presence and persistence of child externalizing behavior problems. We examined how behavior of 120 mothers and their children in an interaction task at preschool related to assessments of child behavior problems at preschool, first grade, and third grade. At preschool and first-grade, children were assigned to three groups: comparison, moderate externalizing, and pervasive externalizing; at both timepoints the pervasive externalizing group had greater maternal negativity assessed at preschool. Maternal negativity was predicted, beyond the child's disruptive behavior in the task, by two variables: mother's perception of low spousal agreement and support related to child problems and depression. At third grade, child symptoms and diagnoses of ADHD and ODD were predicted by mothers' commands and repeat commands, though not negativity, in the preschool interaction task. Implications of these findings for early family intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

儿童合作行为研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作行为是儿童社会性发展与教育中重要的一环。梳理国内外学者对儿童合作行为的研究状况,将有助于我们明确未来的研究方向,更好地培养儿童的合作行为。  相似文献   

采用自然观察方法研究某幼儿园75名儿童的分享行为,得出以下结论:在性别方面,男童实施分享行为的频率低于女童;在年龄方面,随着年龄的增长,儿童的分享行为逐渐增加,大多数分享行为发生在教育区域活动中;亲密的朋友和同伴之间更多地产生分享行为。以此,提出培养儿童分享行为的建议。  相似文献   

Parents' Attributions for Their Children's Behavior   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Parents' attributions for children's behavior are of interest both as a form of adult social cognition and as possible contributors to children's development. This article reviews work on the determinants and the effects of parents' attributions. Included in the discussion of possible determinants are characteristics of the target (e.g., age and sex), characteristics of the judge (e.g., mothers vs. fathers), and characteristics of the behavior to be explained (e.g., positive or negative). Included in the discussion of possible effects are effects on parents' affect and behavior and on children's development. The evidence suggests that parents do form attributions for their children's behavior and that these attributions vary in predictable (although not perfectly consistent) ways across judges, targets, and outcomes. The evidence also suggests, although less certainly, that attributions affect both parents' behavior and children's development. The review concludes with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

幼儿攻击性行为的成因非常复杂,包括生理因素;遭受挫折;认知偏差与敌意归因;愤怒情绪与移情水平低;攻击性行为受到强化等。要纠正幼儿的攻击性行为,就必须采取各种策略措施,如创设良好的幼教环境,促进幼儿的身心健康;提高幼儿的道德认知水平,帮助幼儿学会正确归因;实施幼儿移情训练,开展幼儿角色游戏;学会表达倾诉,合理宣泄攻击性情绪;依据强化原理,实施奖惩措施。  相似文献   

社交退缩行为影响儿童中后期的心理适应。社交退缩一般分为安静退缩、活跃退缩和焦虑退缩三类。社交退缩的干预主要沿着三个方向:儿童的社会技能训练、儿童的社会认知干预和改善儿童的同伴关系。  相似文献   

儿童行为问题包括行为和情感两个方面,其成因不外乎先天自身因素和后天环境影响,课题组通过综述国内外儿童行为问题现状及成因的研究结果后,首次用流行病学病因轮状模型解释儿童行为问题的因果联系,并提出构建“家庭、学校、社会”三位一体支持系统的儿童行为问题干预策略。  相似文献   

幼儿的撒谎行为是幼儿成长过程中面临的普遍问题,如果忽视这一问题,将会对幼儿的健康成长造成影响。对幼儿的撒谎行为教育者既不可漠不关心、任其发展,也不可过分斥责、大打出手。文章分析了影响幼儿撒谎行为的内外因素,提出了一系列矫正幼儿撒谎行为的有效策略,以促进幼儿身心健康发展。  相似文献   

Group Social Context and Children's Aggressive Behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Very little is known about the influence of the social-psychological context on children's aggressive behavior. The purpose of this research was to examine the interrelations of group contextual factors and the occurrence of aggressive behavior in 22 experimental play groups of 7- and 9-year-old African-American boys. Group context was examined before, during, and after an aggressive act as well as during nonaggressive periods. The results showed that there are dimensions of group context (i.e., negative affect, high aversive behavior, high activity level, low group cohesion, competitiveness) that were related to the occurrence of aggressive behavior between 2 children in the group. Group context influenced how children reacted to aggression between its members (e.g., siding with the victim), which in turn influenced the quality of the postaggression group atmosphere. This study suggests that individual-within-context information be incorporated into theories of aggression among children.  相似文献   

攻击性行为是儿童身上常见的一种问题行为,对于被攻击者和攻击者的身心健康都会产生严重的伤害.功能性行为评估分为收集信息、建立假设、验证假设三个基本步骤,这一评估理论强调通过了解问题行为的前提和结果,推测问题行为产生的原因,从而有针对性地制订干预策略,有效消除儿童的问题行为.  相似文献   

幼儿合作行为的发展与影响因素研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前有关幼儿合作行为的研究主要集中在其发展阶段与影响因素方面。研究者对幼儿出现合作行为的时间与发展趋势尚未取得一致看法,对影响合作因素的分析则开始从强调外部因素转为关注内部因素,越来越多的研究者开始探讨个体人格与认知对合作的影响。未来有关幼儿合作的研究应在研究方法与内容上进行拓展或创新,应更多关注幼儿在真实生活情境中的合作行为,运用更为成熟的脑成像技术与微观发生法深入地探究幼儿合作的内部认知神经机制与心理发展过程。  相似文献   

吴丽  孙山 《林区教学》2020,(5):117-120
叛逆心理一般在幼儿3岁左右出现,其行为表现主要有:我不要上幼儿园、我的玩具、我的零食、破坏性行为、哭闹、喜欢的东西自己选、跑着逃避、否认与说谎、暂时承认错误等,其原因主要表现在幼儿心理发展、家庭教育及学校教育三个方面。导正策略为:尊重幼儿心理变化规律,稳抓关键期;顺应幼儿的心理变化规律,有效引导;以“幼儿为中心”的发展教育;家园合力共促幼儿发展。  相似文献   

本研究采用结构性行为取样的方法,对4个年龄段的儿童在校欺负行为进行观察和分析,结果表明:学龄前儿童欺负行为的发生频率要高于学龄儿童,不同年龄段的欺负者、受欺负者及旁观者人数均有显著差异;欺负者中男生明显多于女生,受欺负者中女生明显多于男生,旁观者中各角色也存在显著的性别差异;在欺负行为中,5岁之前以攻击欺负为主,5岁之后以被动欺负为主;5岁之前儿童主要是身体欺负,5岁以后以言语欺负为主,7岁以后关系欺负行为增多.  相似文献   

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