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The nonequivalent groups with anchor test (NEAT) design involves missing data that are missing by design. Three equating methods that can be used with a NEAT design are the frequency estimation equipercentile equating method, the chain equipercentile equating method, and the item-response-theory observed-score-equating method. We suggest an approach to perform a fair comparison of the three methods. The approach is then applied to compare the three equating methods using three data sets from operational tests. For each data set, we examine how the three equating methods perform when the missing data satisfy the assumptions made by only one of these equating methods. The chain equipercentile equating method is somewhat more satisfactory overall than the other methods.  相似文献   


The main purposes of this study were to develop bi-factor multidimensional item response theory (BF-MIRT) observed-score equating procedures for mixed-format tests and to investigate relative appropriateness of the proposed procedures. Using data from a large-scale testing program, three types of pseudo data sets were formulated: matched samples, pseudo forms, and simulated data sets. Very minor within-format residual dependence in mixed-format tests was found after controlling for the influence of the primary general factor. The unidimensional IRT and BF-MIRT equating methods produced similar equating results for the data used in this study. When a BF-MIRT model is implemented, we recommend the use of observed-score equating instead of true-score equating because the latter requires an arbitrary approximation or reduction process to relate true scores on test forms.  相似文献   

This study addressed the sampling error and linking bias that occur with small samples in a nonequivalent groups anchor test design. We proposed a linking method called the synthetic function, which is a weighted average of the identity function and a traditional equating function (in this case, the chained linear equating function). Specifically, we compared the synthetic, identity, and chained linear functions for various‐sized samples from two types of national assessments. One design used a highly reliable test and an external anchor, and the other used a relatively low‐reliability test and an internal anchor. The results from each of these methods were compared to the criterion equating function derived from the total samples with respect to linking bias and error. The study indicated that the synthetic functions might be a better choice than the chained linear equating method when samples are not large and, as a result, unrepresentative.  相似文献   

In this article, linear item response theory (IRT) observed‐score equating is compared under a generalized kernel equating framework with Levine observed‐score equating for nonequivalent groups with anchor test design. Interestingly, these two equating methods are closely related despite being based on different methodologies. Specifically, when using data from IRT models, linear IRT observed‐score equating is virtually identical to Levine observed‐score equating. This leads to the conclusion that poststratification equating based on true anchor scores can be viewed as the curvilinear Levine observed‐score equating.  相似文献   

Test equating might be affected by including in the equating analyses examinees who have taken the test previously. This study evaluated the effect of including such repeaters on Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) equating using a population invariance approach. Three-parameter logistic (3-PL) item response theory (IRT) true score and traditional equipercentile equating methods were used under the random groups equating design. This study also examined whether or not population sensitivity of equating by repeater status varies depending on other background variables (gender and ethnicity). The results indicated that there was some evidence of repeaters' effect on equating with varying amounts of such effect by gender.  相似文献   

Using data from a large-scale exam, in this study we compared various designs for equating constructed-response (CR) tests to determine which design was most effective in producing equivalent scores across the two tests to be equated. In the context of classical equating methods, four linking designs were examined: (a) an anchor set containing common CR items, (b) an anchor set incorporating common CR items rescored, (c) an external multiple-choice (MC) anchor test, and (d) an equivalent groups design incorporating rescored CR items (no anchor test). The use of CR items without rescoring resulted in much larger bias than the other designs. The use of an external MC anchor resulted in the next largest bias. The use of a rescored CR anchor and the equivalent groups design led to similar levels of equating error.  相似文献   

Three local observed‐score kernel equating methods that integrate methods from the local equating and kernel equating frameworks are proposed. The new methods were compared with their earlier counterparts with respect to such measures as bias—as defined by Lord's criterion of equity—and percent relative error. The local kernel item response theory observed‐score equating method, which can be used for any of the common equating designs, had a small amount of bias, a low percent relative error, and a relatively low kernel standard error of equating, even when the accuracy of the test was reduced. The local kernel equating methods for the nonequivalent groups with anchor test generally had low bias and were quite stable against changes in the accuracy or length of the anchor test. Although all proposed methods showed small percent relative errors, the local kernel equating methods for the nonequivalent groups with anchor test design had somewhat larger standard error of equating than their kernel method counterparts.  相似文献   

Five methods for equating in a random groups design were investigated in a series of resampling studies with samples of 400, 200, 100, and 50 test takers. Six operational test forms, each taken by 9,000 or more test takers, were used as item pools to construct pairs of forms to be equated. The criterion equating was the direct equipercentile equating in the group of all test takers. Equating accuracy was indicated by the root-mean-squared deviation, over 1,000 replications, of the sample equatings from the criterion equating. The methods investigated were equipercentile equating of smoothed distributions, linear equating, mean equating, symmetric circle-arc equating, and simplified circle-arc equating. The circle-arc methods produced the most accurate results for all sample sizes investigated, particularly in the upper half of the score distribution. The difference in equating accuracy between the two circle-arc methods was negligible.  相似文献   

This article presents a method for evaluating equating results. Within the kernel equating framework, the percent relative error (PRE) for chained equipercentile equating was computed under the nonequivalent groups with anchor test (NEAT) design. The method was applied to two data sets to obtain the PRE, which can be used to measure equating effectiveness. The study compared the PRE results for chained and poststratification equating. The results indicated that the chained method transformed the new form score distribution to the reference form scale more effectively than the poststratification method. In addition, the study found that in chained equating, the population weight had impact on score distributions over the target population but not on the equating and PRE results.  相似文献   

Two important types of observed score equating (OSE) methods for the non-equivalent groups with Anchor Test (NEAT) design are chain equating (CE) and post-stratification equating (PSE). CE and PSE reflect two distinctly different ways of using the information provided by the anchor test for computing OSE functions. Both types of methods include linear and nonlinear equating functions. In practical situations, it is known that the PSE and CE methods will give different results when the two groups of examinees differ on the anchor test. However, given that both types of methods are justified as OSE methods by making different assumptions about the missing data in the NEAT design, it is difficult to conclude which, if either, of the two is more correct in a particular situation. This study compares the predictions of the PSE and CE assumptions for the missing data using a special data set for which the usually missing data are available. Our results indicate that in an equating setting where the linking function is decidedly non-linear and CE and PSE ought to be different, both sets of predictions are quite similar but those for CE are slightly more accurate .  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of equating with very small samples using the random groups design. Of particular interest was equating accuracy at specific scores where performance standards might be set. Two sets of simulations were carried out, one in which the two forms were identical and one in which they differed by a tenth of a standard deviation in overall difficulty. These forms were equated using mean equating, linear equating, unsmoothed equipercentile equating, and equipercentile equating using two through six moments of log-linear presmoothing with samples of 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, and 200. The results indicated that identity equating was preferable to any equating method when samples were as small as 25. For samples of 50 and above, the choice of an equating method over identity equating depended on the location of the passing score relative to examinee performance. If passing scores were located below the mean, where data were sparser, mean equating produced the smallest percentage of misclassified examinees. For passing scores near the mean, all methods produced similar results with linear equating being the most accurate. For passing scores above the mean, equipercentile equating with 2- and 3-moment presmoothing were the best equating methods. Higher levels of presmoothing did not improve the results.  相似文献   

This paper examined observed score linear equating in two different data collection designs, the equivalent groups design and the nonequivalent groups design, when information from covariates (i.e., background variables correlated with the test scores) was included. The main purpose of the study was to examine the effect (i.e., bias, variance, and mean squared error) on the estimators of including this additional information. A model for observed score linear equating with covariates first was suggested. As a second step, the model was used in a simulation study to show that the use of covariates such as gender and education can increase the accuracy of an equating by reducing the mean squared error of the estimators. Finally, data from two administrations of the Swedish Scholastic Assessment Test were used to illustrate the use of the model.  相似文献   

This study applied kernel equating (KE) in two scenarios: equating to a very similar population and equating to a very different population, referred to as a distant population, using SAT® data. The KE results were compared to the results obtained from analogous traditional equating methods in both scenarios. The results indicate that KE results are comparable to the results of other methods. Further, the results show that when the two populations taking the two tests are similar on the anchor score distributions, different equating methods yield the same or very similar results, even though they have different assumptions.  相似文献   

Two methods of local linear observed‐score equating for use with anchor‐test and single‐group designs are introduced. In an empirical study, the two methods were compared with the current traditional linear methods for observed‐score equating. As a criterion, the bias in the equated scores relative to true equating based on Lord's (1980) definition of equity was used. The local method for the anchor‐test design yielded minimum bias, even for considerable variation of the relative difficulties of the two test forms and the length of the anchor test. Among the traditional methods, the method of chain equating performed best. The local method for single‐group designs yielded equated scores with bias comparable to the traditional methods. This method, however, appears to be of theoretical interest because it forces us to rethink the relationship between score equating and regression.  相似文献   

The impact of log‐linear presmoothing on the accuracy of small sample chained equipercentile equating was evaluated under two conditions . In the first condition the small samples differed randomly in ability from the target population. In the second condition the small samples were systematically different from the target population. Results showed that equating with small samples (e.g., N < 25 or 50) using either raw or smoothed score distributions led to considerable large random equating error (although smoothing reduced random equating error). Moreover, when the small samples were not representative of the target population, the amount of equating bias also was quite large. It is concluded that although presmoothing can reduce random equating error, it is not likely to reduce equating bias caused by using an unrepresentative sample. Other alternatives to the small sample equating problem (e.g., the SiGNET design) which focus more on improving data collection are discussed.  相似文献   

The study examined two approaches for equating subscores. They are (1) equating subscores using internal common items as the anchor to conduct the equating, and (2) equating subscores using equated and scaled total scores as the anchor to conduct the equating. Since equated total scores are comparable across the new and old forms, they can be used as an anchor to equate the subscores. Both chained linear and chained equipercentile methods were used. Data from two tests were used to conduct the study and results showed that when more internal common items were available (i.e., 10–12 items), then using common items to equate the subscores is preferable. However, when the number of common items is very small (i.e., five to six items), then using total scaled scores to equate the subscores is preferable. For both tests, not equating (i.e., using raw subscores) is not reasonable as it resulted in a considerable amount of bias.  相似文献   

The synthetic function is a weighted average of the identity (the linking function for forms that are known to be completely parallel) and a traditional equating method. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the benefits of the synthetic function on small-sample equating using various real data sets gathered from different administrations of tests from a licensure testing program. We investigated the chained linear, Tucker, Levine, and mean equating methods, along with the identity and the synthetic functions with small samples (N = 19 to 70). The synthetic function did not perform as well as did other linear equating methods because test forms differed markedly in difficulty; thus, the use of the identity function produced substantial bias. The effectiveness of the synthetic function depended on the forms' similarity in difficulty.  相似文献   

In this study we examined variations of the nonequivalent groups equating design for tests containing both multiple-choice (MC) and constructed-response (CR) items to determine which design was most effective in producing equivalent scores across the two tests to be equated. Using data from a large-scale exam, this study investigated the use of anchor CR item rescoring (known as trend scoring) in the context of classical equating methods. Four linking designs were examined: an anchor with only MC items, a mixed-format anchor test containing both MC and CR items; a mixed-format anchor test incorporating common CR item rescoring; and an equivalent groups (EG) design with CR item rescoring, thereby avoiding the need for an anchor test. Designs using either MC items alone or a mixed anchor without CR item rescoring resulted in much larger bias than the other two designs. The EG design with trend scoring resulted in the smallest bias, leading to the smallest root mean squared error value.  相似文献   

The development of alternate assessments for students with disabilities plays a pivotal role in state and national accountability systems. An important assumption in the use of alternate assessments in these accountability systems is that scores are comparable on different test forms across diverse groups of students over time. The use of test equating is a common way that states attempt to establish score comparability on different test forms. However, equating presents many unique, practical, and technical challenges for alternate assessments. This article provides case studies of equating for two alternate assessments in Michigan and an approach to determine whether or not equating would be preferred to not equating on these assessments. This approach is based on examining equated score and performance-level differences and investigating population invariance across subgroups of students with disabilities. Results suggest that using an equating method with these data appeared to have a minimal impact on proficiency classifications. The population invariance assumption was suspect for some subgroups and equating methods with some large potential differences observed.  相似文献   

The equating performance of two internal anchor test structures—miditests and minitests—is studied for four IRT equating methods using simulated data. Originally proposed by Sinharay and Holland, miditests are anchors that have the same mean difficulty as the overall test but less variance in item difficulties. Four popular IRT equating methods were tested, and both the means and SDs of the true ability of the group to be equated were varied. We evaluate equating accuracy marginally and conditional on true ability. Our results suggest miditests perform about as well as traditional minitests for most conditions. Findings are discussed in terms of comparability to the typical minitest design and the trade‐off between accuracy and flexibility in test construction.  相似文献   

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