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This essay studies how tragedy works in William Shakespeare'sKing Lear.It presents the argnments througt,the illustration of a paradox of the play.It concludes that,it is the powerful presentation of the worst side of human nature thatachieves the play's greatness.  相似文献   

When a snail crossed the road,he was run overby a turtle.Regaining consciousness in the emergency room,he was asked what caused the accident.  相似文献   

It was late afternoon.Farmer Lure was walking home from his fields.His feetsank deep in the thick dust.A dry,hot wind blew dust across the brown fields.Theleaves on the bamboo had curled with the heat and dry air.The rainy season was latethis year.Everything needed rain.Even the water in the village well was getting low.  相似文献   

A smile costs nothing,but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it , and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it . A smile creates happiness in the home. fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friend- ship. It brings rest to the weary,cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and is nature's be…  相似文献   

In China education is carrying on a new reform.In this essay, the author talks about the situation of language teaching and what a language teacher should know and what to teach to cope with the situation.  相似文献   

自函叭吧.粉二‘翩兹巍亥八、今夭.攀‘谊甲旬二夕,洲,,褚臀姆彝卿,铆碑旗尸哪….哗号_拼至阉娜·Howr imPortantitisto know母一胆印叫’Ia胆甘叩e!这句话的意思是钾掌握第二种语言是多么熏到包!是一个感叹句。英语的感叹句常用“what’’和“h。衬”引导,不过大家要注意  相似文献   

Two years ago I transferred to a new school.Everything seemed strange to me at first.On my frist day to the new school I was in a great hurry.I was almost running when a girl riding a bike offered to give me a lift.We came into the same classroom together.Oh,she knew me after all!She was my classmate!I thanked her,but she just gave me a big smile.  相似文献   

OnceIgotafakenoteof10yuanduringmyshopping.Itwasunluckytoapoorfamilylikeours.SoIguessedmyparentswouldscoldmeiftheyknewanythingaboutthefakenote.Thatafternoon,Iwenttooneofmyfriendsforhelp.“Dontworryaboutit.Ihaveagoodidea,”myfriendreplied.  相似文献   

ThestudyofThemonotonicityofaclassofExponentialsequencesZengChoHuaAbstractInThepaper,Wediscussaproblemofthemonotonicityofseque...  相似文献   

1. Introduction and main results 1.1 Introduction Let 0T> and nW be an open bounded domain with with Lipschitz boundary, consider the following initial-boundary value problem : () 0div (,,)(,) in (0,)(,)0 on (0,) (0,)|()tTtuuftTPutTuuxeeeeeWWeeW-==?洞=xaxxxin the space [0,;]pXLTV=, where 1,0(,)pVWemW= is a weighted Sobolev space, p is a constant larger than 1, and e is a positive constant, t and x are variables of the functions a and u. The degenerati…  相似文献   

<正>Trying to teach English well gives many teachers a headache even though they try very hard.One of the major reasons is that these teachers lack the art of English as a classroom language,which they stillhaven’t realized.Here,the writer would like to discuss the problem with readers from four points of view.  相似文献   

从性格的角度去剖析苔丝的悲剧,不该是通常所说的性格弱点导致其悲剧,而是苔丝那超尘拔俗的高洁美好天性。换言之,除去外在的因素外,苔丝本人至真至纯的性格,是造成其悲剧的直接原因。哈代通过苔丝的悲剧,既佑证了性格即命运的思想,也探索了性格与环境、人与命运之间的关系。  相似文献   

A perception that some boys are performing poorly both socially and academically is evident in the research literature. This perception has been linked to broader concerns around the transition of boys to manhood. Schools are increasingly paying attention to their role in this transition. This paper discusses the implementation of a rites of passage programme to a New Zealand all-boys secondary school. Experiences of staff and students involved in the programme are reported using their own words as far as possible. Of particular note is the impact of the programme on the teacher–student relationship. The study raises some significant points for consideration, applicable beyond the specific programme discussed and relevant to all schools concerned about supporting boys.  相似文献   

中西文化习俗的比较与变流是外语学习的一个重要方面。本文从我国民间盛行的丧事后吃“豆腐羹饭”这一令西方人感到有趣的习俗出发,介绍和讨论了中国传统观念对“今生”与“来世”的认识及其文化内涵。  相似文献   

每个人都有梦想。有些人坚信梦想,并坚持不懈直至成功;另一些人则在现实的困境中选择放弃,也就与成功擦肩而过。那些选择了放弃的人永远不会知道梦想的力量有多大,它能战胜任何的困难。不信.读一读这篇文章,看这个女孩是如何追梦的吧。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of science graduates who are employed in positions outside their discipline specialisation. The research was designed to uncover the reasons for them choosing to study science at university, the competencies they utilise in their work and their lives, and how these relate to their undergraduate education in science. The study is seen as important in that already about one‐half of science graduates are in such positions and it is argued that there is a need in scientific and technologically based societies to have a greater representation of such people in decision‐making positions in government and industry. The directions for the science degree that can be drawn from the data gathered are congruent with those arising from other relevant studies. That is, attention should be paid to widely used skills, such as communication and problem‐solving, and to developing an understanding of science within its social and ethical context. An argument is mounted for considering the way the science degree is presented to potential students and to the general public.  相似文献   


One of the great teachers of our time was the French essayist and philosopher Emile Chartier, better known to countless thousands of devoted admirers simply as Alain. Following in the steps of La Chalotais, Rousseau, Jules Ferry, and Durkheim, Alain believed passionately in the importance of moral education as a fundamentally secular enterprise. We neglect it, he wrote, at our peril. In the introduction to this article an attempt is made to outline briefly some of the reasons for the remarkable influence which he had upon several generations of French men and women. In the second part I have attempted a critical assessment of his views on how morality should be approached in the atmosphere of a secular school. In particular, I have considered his views on the teaching of education for citizenship, social ethics, sociology, literature and good manners. Finally, I have sought to elicit from the study some of the most significant implications for the teaching of moral education in our own schools and have concluded with a plea that there be no doctrinaire limit set to the kinds of subject areas which could in theory illuminate the nature of morality and contribute to the formal teaching of moral education in the classroom.  相似文献   

In this paper,by proving a differential identity,we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition of nonoscillation for a second-order differential equation.We also improve the known results of nonoscillation for a second-order differential equation.  相似文献   

~~The permanence of a higher order discrete time system@朱伟$Institute For Nonlinear System, Chongqing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, P.R. China~~the Technology Research Foundation of the State Ministry of Education (No. 02130)…  相似文献   

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