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产学合作中影响知识转移的因素:全景式解释模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产学合作中知识转移促成学术方所拥有知识的商业化进程,有助于增强国家和地区经济竞争力,成为知识管理研究中较为关注的方面.哪些因素便利产学合作中知识的转移更是学术界关注的焦点.通过梳理国、内外学者对产学合作中知识转移的研究,提炼影响产学合作中知识转移的因素,提出一个全景式解释模型,以整体的视角来分析影响产学合作中的知识转移的因素,为政策制定者及产学合作双方提供促成知识转移的决策依据.最后,总结产学合作中知识转移对经济的影响及前景.  相似文献   

官产学R&D合作、知识溢出与区域专利创新产出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
"官产学"R&D合作、知识溢出与区域专利创新产出的关系研究不仅是一个重要的学术问题,而且具有重要的政策含义.本文以2000-2006年中国大陆31个省级区域为空间样本,基于改进的知识生产函数,对以专利创新产出和R&D经费投入衡量的区域R&D合作与知识溢出进行了截面计量分析.经验估计结果显示,我国各个地区的企业自身R&D经费投入对专利产出的作用明显但不稳健;大学研究对企业创新产出具有明显而稳定的知识溢出效应;政府直接对企业进行R&D支持对企业专利创新产出并不是一种有效的制度安排;在政府引导下的产学R&D合作不论对企业还是大学均为一种良好的制度安排,是促进我国专利创新产出的一条有效途径.  相似文献   

在经济转型期,产学联盟的技术创新行为和绩效在很大程度上受到来自各级政府的约束。通过考察产方(企业)与学方(高校及科研院所)的行为逻辑,将政府行为引入产学双方的目标函数,构建了一个"考虑政府行为的企业技术创新决策模型"。模型分析表明:(1)若提高对公共资源的干预力度,企业单位创新产出所耗费的资本与劳动将增加,即地方政府干预行为会导致企业创新要素利用低效率;(2)随着地方政府干预力度的不断增强,产学联盟双方会更加偏好于创新产出目标(以产值计),更多的公共资源被配置到创新与研发领域,进而有利于扩大整个社会的创新产出;(3)产学联盟收益分配应该遵循"要素相对重要性"原则,企业的创新收益或政府补贴应该向人力资本倾斜。由此引申出的政策含义是,在中央政府鼓励和支持产业(企业)创新的政策导向下,地方政府有动力加强对公共资源的配置,从而直接或间接提高了社会总的产出总量,但这是以牺牲创新资源利用效率为代价的,长远来看应该正确处理政府与市场的关系,建立以企业为主体的技术创新体系。  相似文献   

国家利益主导下的科技政策发展趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜宝贵 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):395-398
在分析科技政策含义的基础上,探讨政府在科技发展中的主导性,大力加强基础研究的科技投入,积极促进官、产、学的科技研发联合,积极开展国际科技合作,建立完善的国家创新系统等科技政策发展趋势。  相似文献   

正1产学研组织机制的特点几乎每一个进行创新行为的企业都与外部伙伴在创新过程的某个阶段有所合作[1]。日本将科研院所、大学与企业的合作称作"官产学合作",欧美一般称作"校企合作"。产学研合作的组织机制、激励机制、利益分配机制等成为研究的热点,政府为了促进产学研合作制定实施了建立大学技术转移办公室、大学联合研究中心、提供税收优惠等政策。  相似文献   

低碳经济转型与我国低碳政策规划的系统分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低碳经济转型背景下,低碳政策系统中的政策行动主体子系统强调政府、企业和公民社会组织的多元网络与合作共治;政策工具子系统区分并综合运用强制性、混合型及自愿性工具;政策变迁子系统聚集于政策移植与政策创新的交互作用.我国政府低碳政策规划应基于各子系统间交互作用的系统运作模型分析,通过改善政策环境,制定适应各地区实际的低碳发展目标,实现全社会共同参与低碳经济转型的良性机制.  相似文献   

高校在国家创新系统中的重要作用体现在通过有效的技术转移将科研成果产业化,在这一过程中产学合作必将产生重要的影响。从高校、企业、中介三方面构建变量指标,测度产学合作的有效性,并通过回归分析发现,专利实施方式、大学促进专利实施的措施和专利技术的创新类型是影响产学合作的主要因素,对武汉市高校专利实施绩效有明显的促进作用。并针对实证分析结果,对如何提高产学合作有效性提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文从产学合作知识耦合视角出发,首次将产学合作与内部研发纳入统一的知识生产函数框架以考察区域创新系统中产学合作的创新效应。本文利用2005—2015年省际面板数据,通过建立动态面板模型开展实证研究。结果表明,产学合作知识存量显著提升了所在区域企业的创新产出,但同时对企业内部研发存在一定程度的"挤出效应",若干稳健性检验也证实了这一结论。区域异质性分析结果发现:研发强度高的区域产学合作的协同创新效应更强,反映了企业吸收能力对产学合作创新效应的重要影响;随着产学合作程度的加深,其对内部研发的"挤出效应"表现出增强趋势。  相似文献   

高校官产学合作创新对区域经济增长影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐盈之  金乃丽 《科研管理》2010,31(1):147-152
摘要:研究国家创新体系中高校与政府和企业开展的官产学合作创新活动对于区域经济增长的影响,对于构建国家创新体系,提高国家自主创新能力和经济发展水平具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文首先利用多元Moran’I指数对高校官产学合作创新活动的空间相关性进行了分析,同时构建基本模型、扩展模型和空间模型具体考察了高校官产学合作创新对区域经济增长的影响。研究结果表明:高校的官产学合作活动对经济增长具有显著拉动作用,并且在邻近地区间存在空间溢出效应。本文据此提出了若干对策建议。  相似文献   

陈霞  李真真 《科学学研究》2013,31(12):1804-1809
 随着产学合作成为推动技术创新与进步的重要模式,双方合作中的利益冲突问题日渐凸显出来,成为学界和政策管理领域讨论的重要议题。研究选取引起广泛社会关注的Olivieri事件,展开对产学合作中利益冲突发生发展过程的深入分析,重点关注政策在管理利益冲突问题中所发挥的作用。通过实证案例的探讨,结论表明:利益冲突是产学合作通常会遭遇的境况,因而不能忽视或无视其存在,需要认真面对;利益冲突可能会扮演“看不见的手”的角色,影响产学合作的进程,这种影响甚至可能是决定性的;因此制定相关政策来规避和管理产学合作中的利益冲突问题显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

环境政策工具对企业环境技术创新的激励程度,是评估环境政策工具的重要标准。但是以往文献主要针对不完全竞争市场条件下大企业的技术创新激励效果进行研究,忽略了中小企业,而中小企业占我国企业总数的绝大部分,因此对中小企业进行相关研究非常必要;同时以往文献也没有对企业的清洁工艺和末端治理技术做出明确区分,而这两种技术创新对企业的作用机制是不同的。有鉴于此,本文从完全竞争市场条件下的中小企业出发,将环境技术创新严格区分为清洁工艺和末端治理技术,并通过构建企业利润变化模型和社会福利函数,得出了排放标准、排污费、补贴和排污许可证价格的临界值,以及社会福利最大化条件下的最优水平;同时,本文还为企业在四种环境政策工具下灵活选择技术创新方式进行了区分与比较;最后本文对四种环境政策工具的企业环境技术创新的激励效应做出了排序。本文的研究结果能够为政府选择环境政策工具提供政策建议,同时能够为中小企业在不同的环境政策工具下灵活选择环境技术创新方式提供参考意见。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(6):104535
While innovation policy mixes combining several policy instruments have been advocated as a response to complex problems, there is very little evidence of their effectiveness compared to that of individual instruments. By considering a set of Italian regional policy programmes implemented in 2011–2014, we analysed a policy mix composed of: (i) technology and innovation advisory services, the aim of which is to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to gain a better awareness of their innovation needs and of how to address them; and (ii) innovation vouchers, which are used to subsidise SME purchases of knowledge-intensive services. To draw causal inferences on their differential effectiveness, we adopted a propensity-score-matching approach extended to multiple treatment levels.We found that advisory services are more effective than innovation vouchers and as effective as policy mixes in increasing SME propensity to innovate and engage in R&D collaborations. Conversely, policy mixes are more effective than each individual instrument in increasing productivity. Hence, merely providing SMEs with technology and innovation advice is not sufficient to elicit productivity improvements; SMEs also need to act on such advice by working with external providers of knowledge-intensive services in order to implement efficiency-producing changes.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104585
Governments around the world try to accelerate sociotechnical change toward sustainability by introducing policy mixes that combine technology-push and demand-pull instruments. Beyond innovation and deployment, other objectives, such as domestic job and industry creation, are usually part of these policy mixes. However, little is known about how policy mixes should be designed and interactions between policy instruments considered when governments try to achieve multiple objectives simultaneously. We address these questions using an agent-based model of the sociotechnical system for solar photovoltaics in Germany that simulates technology adoption, industry dynamics, international spillovers and trade. By changing public spending on research and development and the solar feed-in tariff, forty-five variations of the historical policy mix in Germany are systematically evaluated. The results show that a narrow focus on innovation and deployment outcomes by academic researchers can lead to recommendations for the design of policy mixes that compromise key dimensions of sociotechnical change, such as job creation. Moreover, the simulations reveal that, because of path-dependent interactions between policy instruments, minor changes in the design of policy instruments can lead to vastly different policy outcomes. These findings have important implications for the literature on policy mixes, technology-push and demand-pull instruments, and sociotechnical transitions.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(6):104528
Business model innovation (BMI) is often complementary to technological innovation and offers novel and sustainable value creation opportunities. Enabling BMI through policy is difficult, however, and not yet well understood in practice or theory. We build on the quickly evolving literature on policy mixes to develop a theoretical model which explains how policy strategies and instruments shape the conditions for BMI. We derive the model inductively by studying the emergence of an off-grid renewable energy BMI in sub-Saharan Africa which proposes to actively create sustainable development in rural areas as opposed to merely increase energy access, drawing from 61 interviews with companies and industry experts as well as policy documents across six African countries. Our model has three core theoretical implications. First, focusing on policy strategies, policy instruments and their respective interactions, we uncover a set of mechanisms that explain how policy mix elements combine to create conducive conditions for BMI. Second, we shed light on the role of multiple objectives and goals within a policy mix for fostering BMI, which, if balanced appropriately, can create a productive tension between support and constraints. Third, we suggest the distinction between sector-specific and society-wide policy mixes as an analytical tool to study these tensions in policy mix research.  相似文献   

合作竞争与技术创新:合作是中介变量吗?   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
徐亮  张宗益  龙勇 《科学学研究》2008,26(5):1105-1113
 近年来,如何有效实施合作竞争战略被认为是企业获取竞争优势的关键。虽然许多学者相信合作竞争能够促进企业绩效,但却少有研究给出实证支持。本文通过竞争企业间合作在技术创新中发挥的中介效应考察合作竞争战略影响技术创新的路径,并利用重庆市116家企业与竞争者建立战略联盟的有效样本数据验证了理论模型。结果表明,企业间竞争与合作对技术创新都有显著的直接影响,而合作的促进作用更加显著;竞争企业通过合作的中介效应间接地促进创新绩效。因此,竞争性企业间的合作关系在竞争程度-合作关系-技术创新绩效中起到了至关重要的作用,是通过合作竞争提高技术创新绩效的瓶颈。  相似文献   

Public procurement has been at the centre of recent discussions on innovation policy. We embed it into the broader framework of public policies to stimulate innovation: regulations, R&D subsidies and basic research at universities. We synthesize the characteristics of all four instruments conceptionally and quantitatively compare their effects on innovation success for 1100 firms in Germany. We find that public procurement and knowledge spillovers from universities propel innovation success equally. The benefits of university knowledge apply uniformly to all firms. However, public procurement is especially effective for smaller firms in regions under economic stress and in distributive or technological services.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2021,50(10):104367
The study of research funding arrangements and the production of scientific knowledge has been marked by a lack of understanding about how research funding instruments interact and how these instruments shape policy-making and research fields. To fill this research gap, this study is theoretically supported by policy feedback and policy instruments’ interaction studies. It investigates the effects of the UK's research assessment exercise in the creation of the most emblematic national thematic research program for the field of educational research in the country – the Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP). Based on qualitative analysis of policy documents and semi-structured interviews with policy-makers and boundary-spanners, this paper shows how the research assessment exercise contributed to the creation of the TLRP and how the interaction between the two policy instruments shaped the field of educational research in England. In particular, the results show a) how the institutionalisation of the research assessment led to frame a “quality problem” in educational research that legitimated several policy initiatives, including the creation of the national thematic research programme (interpretative effects) and a shift in resources allocation (resource/incentive effects); and b) how the interaction between the two policy instruments contributed to methodological and epistemic drifts in the field of educational research.  相似文献   

在传统的创新系统、环境系统和能源系统等多重影响因素的基础上,尝试纳入政策工具系统,构建P-IEE分析框架,以太阳能技术为例,通过整体检验和分组检验综合探寻政策工具对可再生能源技术创新能力的影响。整体检验结果发现:需求拉动和技术推动政策工具对太阳能技术创新能力提升均有促进作用,比较而言,需求拉动工具中的价格型工具比数量型工具的促进作用更为显著;分组检验结果显示:资源不丰富地区太阳能技术创新能力主要受技术推动工具的影响,而在资源丰富地区,需求拉动工具中的价格型工具促进作用更为显著。  相似文献   

周华  崔秋勇  郑雪姣 《科学学研究》2011,29(9):1415-1424
 以往关于环境政策工具对企业技术创新激励效应的研究都是基于简单的线性回归分析,不能对环境政策工具的企业技术创新激励效应进行明确的比较与排序。有鉴于此,本文首先采用排序多元Logit模型,基于上海市相关数据,对排放标准、排污费、补贴及排污许可证,四种环境政策工具进行比较与排序。研究发现,工业废水排放量、废气排放量与政府对该产业施行的环境政策工具从补贴、排放许可证、排污费到排放标准的选择概率成反比;产业集中度、技术创新与政府对该产业施行的环境政策工具从补贴、排放许可证、排污费到排放标准的选择概率成正比。其次,本文通过模型预测发现,上海市各产业目前实际实施的环境政策工具与预测环境政策工具之间存在差异,并得出各产业的最优环境政策工具的选择。最后,通过离散计数数据模型得出,四种环境政策工具对企业技术创新都有正的激励效应,其排序为:补贴、排污费、排污许可证、排放标准。研究成果可以为政府选择最优环境政策工具提供决策依据。  相似文献   

S. Negassi 《Research Policy》2004,33(3):365-384
The scope of this paper is to report new empirical evidence on the determinants of R&D co-operation. Indeed, the literature on the capabilities of firms emphasises the role of knowledge in the performance and evolution of firms who use knowledge developed in others to build their own knowledge capital. R&D co-operation between firms is one of the many strategies by which this knowledge may be transmitted. Several theoretical models have stressed that R&D co-operation is more likely when the level of spillovers is high. While this supposition is used in many theoretical models, it has rarely been tested before. Our results do not lend strong support to this intuition. Indeed, our spillover variables (national pure spillovers, national rent spillovers and imports of machine tools), which were supposed to match the theoretical notion of spillovers used in these theoretical models have a positive but not a significant role when explaining R&D co-operation. The R&D co-operation increases with size and with R&D intensity, but not with market share. It also increases with the budget spent on paying license fees and on acquiring patents and labour from foreign firms. In this study, we also analyse the determinants of innovation. In more precise terms, we compare the effects of R&D co-operation to those played by traditional internal factors and those exerted by external, pure and rent spillovers on the innovation capacity of the firms. Our results show that the commercial success of innovations of French firms depends mainly on size, market share, R&D intensity and human capital. Inward FDI from industrialised countries exerts a positive and significant effect. The finding highlights the important role of the absorptive capacity of firms. Spillover measurements, such as the acquisition of machine tools, foreign patents, licenses, and technological opportunities have a positive impact on innovation.  相似文献   

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