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INTRODUCTION Recently, a new type of artificial compositematerials (so-called left-handed media or negativerefractive index media) whose electric permittivityand magnetic permeability are simultaneouslynegative (corresponding to a negative refractiveindex) over a certain frequency band has attractedconsiderable attention due to its extraordinaryelectromagnetic properties (Pendry, 2000; Shelbyet al., 2001; Grbic and Eleftheriades, 2004; Chen eal., 2004). The negative refractive inde…  相似文献   

简述了环保住宅工程内涵,提出了给水排水与水环境的环境质量技术要求,探讨环保住宅工程给水排水技术指标与认定要求的确定。  相似文献   

做好就业创业工作是提升毕业生就业质量的保障,因此准确评价就业创业工作成效与质量十分重要。根据就业创业工作的内涵和具体内容,从工作成效、管理体系、指导服务和工作满意程度四个方面建立了就业创业工作质量评价指标体系,选取多目标归一模型作为评价方法。同时,以山西农业大学园艺学院为研究对象,对其2016—2019年的就业创业工作成效和质量进行年际评价,研究分析了学院近年来就业创业工作中存在的短板以及今后开展工作的方向。结果表明,作为地方农业院校,应结合办学特点,重点做好基层项目就业以及创新创业的指导服务工作。  相似文献   

衡量我国工业经济和环境协调发展指标的选择和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用定性和定量的分析方法论证能源消耗量可作为衡量我国工业经济和环境协调发展的指标,并运用这个指标构建了衡量中国工业经济与环境协调发展状况的环境库兹涅茨曲线,为定量探讨我国工业经济和环境的协调发展提供了依据,也为如何协调环境与发展提供了定量的决策依据。  相似文献   

本研究基于CIPP评价模式的理论框架,以教育部《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》等政策文本和质性访谈结果为依据,在初选课程思政教育活动评价指标的基础上,通过测量工具(量表)收集研究样本,在对样本数据进行项目分析、因子分析和信度检验后,形成了稳定的“背景评价、输入评价、过程评价和结果评价”四维结构,并分离出政治环境、课程资源、教学方案、教学效果等11个二级指标(公共因子),同时以因子分析过程中所产生的因子得分系数对各级指标进行权重赋值,从而完成指标体系的构建。本研究所构建的指标体系既关注了课程思政教育活动的过程性与覆盖面,也注意引导评价者坚持形成性评价与结果性评价相结合,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to address this problem by applying a new hybrid fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making model including (a) using the fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique to construct the fuzzy scope influential network relationship map (FSINRM) and determine the fuzzy influential weights of the fuzzy DEMATEL-based analytic network process (DANP) as well as (b) the modified VIKOR method combining fuzzy influential weights of fuzzy DANP to integrate each criterion of fuzzy performance gaps into dimensions and, overall, to examine the interdependent and feedback problems among various dimensions/criteria of cloud e-learning services for creating the excellent improvement plan based on the FSINRM to implement the strategic orientations. An empirical case of the network communication service industry was used as an example to show the proposed methods and ultimately present the most effective improvement plan for decision-makers to achieve the aspiration level.  相似文献   

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