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A bstract .  In this essay, James Scott Johnston asks what sort of liberalism is best for the educational systems of early twenty-first century, late capitalistic democratic nations, looking at the procedural liberalism extant. Two major models are John Rawls's Justice as Fairness and Jürgen Habermas's Communicative Action. Both owe their foundational movements to Immanuel Kant in various respects, and Johnston therefore examines Kant in those areas both thinkers draw upon. Johnston then turns to Rawls and to Habermas, discussing what is central to their frameworks. Johnston finally claims that neither liberalism will work without due attention to issues critics have raised regarding the distinction between Right and Good and suggests an alternative Kantian model in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Developmental Testing of Open University multi‐‐media packages as described in this paper is in its infancy. The project is unique in that the testing includes some evaluation of the radio programmes beforefinalisation. This paper concentrates on the testing of the radio component of the course  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Cris Mayo describes a tension between recognizing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (lgbt) people by law and giving (or denying) them certain legal rights on the basis of identity, on the one hand, and enabling queer people, not always fully recognizable as inhabiting particular identity categories, to live their potentials, on the other. Laws and rights regulate particular kinds of people, and while lgbt people have pursued civil rights energetically for the last sixty years or so, their queerness continues to complicate their attempts to gain legitimacy. Beyond civil rights claims, queer liberationist claims push the limits of the understanding of identity, sexual practices, and political life, because they prompt us to consider not just abstract possibilities and freedoms but the freedoms and possibilities of people barely recognizable. Mayo shows how these queer claims are often hard to frame in terms of liberal theory and actual law.  相似文献   

A significant number of studies have examined the cognitive components of basic academic skills, which has led to major changes in both teaching and early identification assessment practices. However, the majority of previous research has focused solely on reading. This study examines the cognitive components of academic writing skills across early grade levels (1–4) while controlling for basic word identification skills. Results from this study suggest writing skill requires several cognitive skills of differing emphasis depending on the level of writing skill. Perceptual and rapid perceptual processing skills are important during the early acquisition of writing skills followed by a transition to language and language retrieval skills and later still to working memory skills. Applications for education and cognitive assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

山位于湖南新宁县城南12km,面积102.28km2,海拔300-818m。资水上游─扶夷江纵贯南北。山在早白垩纪前为剥蚀区,白里纪初期断陷为NNE向长条形山间盆地,并沉积了厚达200-2320m的紫红色碎屑岩系。第三纪盆地挤压回升,形成立斜断决山。在岩性、构造、气候、水文、时间等因素的综合影响下,山形成了复杂的地貌类型,为典型的丹霞地貌及优良的旅游资源。  相似文献   

Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) conducted a two‐year follow‐up of its developmental mathematics students. The students left a statistical path that led to some important implications about the efficiency of VWCC's program and that identified some variables and relationships that other developmental educators may want to investigate. Some major findings were: (1) Blacks and males enrolled in and failed developmental mathematics at significantly higher rates than whites and females. (2) Female instructors exhibited significantly higher pass rates than male instructors, and there appeared to be an interaction between the sex of the instructors and the sex of the students. (3) The developmental program effectively prepared its graduates for all of the college level mathematics courses except business mathematics. (4) The pass rates of the developmental teachers varied significantly, but there was no correlation between their pass rates and the college level success rates of their graduates.  相似文献   

学习能力的培养,主要通过课堂教学模式和学习发展模式来实现。本文从学生角度提出了学习能力培养的发展模式。发展模式认为:学马动机的多元化是学习能力培养的起点,学习过程的程序化是学习能力培养的平台,知识的重复结构化是学习能力培养的主要手段,问题解决的过手化是学习能力的检验方式,自我反馈的意识化是学习能力培养诸环节形成闭合回路的关键所在。这五个方面是具有内在逻辑联系的整体。  相似文献   

Part-time faculty can make substantial contributions to institutions because they represent a flexible resource that allows the institution to respond more effectively to the environment. An area of concern is whether the part-time status imparts a level of commitment to teaching that undermines educational quality. This study examines one component of part-time faculty's teaching commitment by considering their efforts toward the practice of developmental advising.  相似文献   

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