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In Japan, the mobile phone has become an increasingly popular medium of accessing the Internet and e-mail, especially among those who may not have affordable access to a computer. The lower startup costs and the easier overall accessibility of mobile phones relative to personal computers suggest that the mobile phone may be a possible alternative for overcoming unequal access to information communication technology in Japan and elsewhere. Using microdata from 2001, we compare and contrast the determinants of mobile versus computer-based Internet in Japan. Our findings show that mobile Internet access, as compared to computer access, is determined less by demographics, socioeconomic status, and technological readiness, suggesting that barriers to Internet access are lower for mobile phones than is the case for computers.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, information and communication technologies have become an essential part of daily life, affecting education, employment, and leisure, among other activities. Nonetheless, many individuals still reap few or no benefits from these technologies, and there are resilient gaps in their use. Within this larger context, the authors examine the Internet digital divide between people with and without disabilities from a multidimensional approach. Rather than analyzing the gap in terms of “haves” and “have-nots,” a range of Internet-related dimensions—affordability, motivation and attitudes, skills, usage, and others—is taken into account.  相似文献   

Universal high-speed Internet access can productively transform a nation's economy. However, many municipalities in the United States have been left behind in terms of Internet penetration. Some municipal governments have tried to address this by launching initiatives that aim at offering citywide, universal broadband access. Unfortunately, most of these initiatives either have been discontinued or have ended in failure. Drawing on actor-network theory, we conducted a 3-year study to investigate the evolution of the Internet TV initiative in LaGrange, Georgia, in the United States. The results reveal distinct interpretations of the initiative by different actor groups (the government, the service providers, socioeconomically advantaged residents, and socioeconomically disadvantaged residents), at different stages of implementation, pointing to tensions among the various groups. These tensions reflect the structural problems embedded in the macro political, economic, and societal context. The findings offer insights for policymakers who intend to achieve universal broadband access.  相似文献   

刘金玲 《现代情报》2012,32(8):12-1
移动互联网已逐渐渗透到人们工作、生活的各个领域,正在深刻改变着信息时代社会生活的方方面面。在这样的背景下,图书馆以传统图书馆、数字图书馆的发展成果为基础,结合最新的移动通信技术应用,开辟出新的服务技术和服务方法,建立基于移动互联网的移动搜索服务、移动阅读服务、移动自助服务、个人移动空间、移动学习社区和移动身份认证及移动支付服务等全新服务体系,以满足读者在移动互联网环境下的信息服务需求。  相似文献   

移动阅读的授权访问技术在数字图书馆中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现授权读者对图书馆数字资源的可移动阅读。本文首先介绍了移动阅读的特点与方式,其次介绍了URL重写和VPDN的移动阅读访问方式,采用了基于MVC框架的授权访问平台与图书馆统一身份认证系统挂接一站式登录的方法。最终实现授权读者访问图书馆数字资源的合法权益与跨地域移动阅读需求。  相似文献   

The mobile Internet (MI) has been hyped as the next big thing by telecom operators, handset manufacturers, and content providers. However, recent studies indicate that the usage of Internet via mobile phones has remained quite flat. The authors inquire into this discrepancy by focusing on actual usage of the MI and the motivating factors behind its use. Based on focus-group interviews in Norway and Hungary, they argue that MI usage is interrelated with and is an extension of the personal computer (PC)–based Internet. The key motivation behind MI use is to attain information in situations in which the PC is out of reach. In effect, MI has not led to the development of new usages. The expectation that the development of new killer applications will lead to an explosion of new usage is therefore misguided. MI usage is and will perhaps continue to be a mere extension of PC-based Internet usage—and such use activities are the very nature of MI.  相似文献   

Digital inclusion research has focused overwhelmingly on access to information. But access to information by itself is of limited value unless the intended beneficiary has the capacity to use it. It is the use of information that delivers the benefits. However, in information and communication technologies for development literature, there is little empirical work on the process by which use of information delivers benefits. This study fills the gap by studying information use by poor female mobile phone users in rural India. It identifies six stages in the information use process and models them.  相似文献   

针对开放式实验室使用与管理方面存在的问题,提出基于移动互联网的开放式实验管理系统的解决方案,阐述了该解决方案的主要功能、总体架构及应用。通过建立移动互联网的开放式实验管理系统,提高了开放式实验的开放程度和使用效率,促进了学生创新能力提高,同时也减轻了开放式实验室管理员的工作压力,为开放式实验教学提供了一体化解决方案。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的普及和移动用户的增长,移动APP在我国取得了快速发展,然而应用商店APP数量超载、同质化严重成为用户寻找APP过程中的主要问题。基于环境心理学视角,在信息采纳模型基础上构建超载APP可发现性的影响因素模型,通过发放调查问卷进行实证研究。研究结果表明:网上评论的质量、网上评论的数量、APP评级和同伴影响对用户感知信息的有用性有显著正向影响,从而影响APP可发现性。该研究填补移动APP可发现性相关研究的不足,同时为应用商店和开发者在改进APP可发现性方面提出建议,促进APP应用市场不断发展。  相似文献   

Despite the promise of broadband to improve the lives of persons with disabilities, there are wide disparities in access and usage between disabled and nondisabled populations. This article examines ten case studies of policies and programs promoting ICT and broadband access for persons with disabilities in the leading economies of the Asia-Pacific region, in order to identify factors behind programs that succeed on the basis of effectiveness and cost efficiency.  相似文献   

针对移动终端由于频繁迁移而带来的跨域访问中数据访问稳定与安全问题,提出一种支持细粒度授权的角色映射跨域访问委托模型。模型通过委托实现云服务器中管理节点对移动节点在申请服务时的交互困难问题进行监控管理,结合已有的量化角色技术,将映射角色集进行量化处理,实现细粒度的角色映射。实验结果表明,该模型具有较好的实用性和安全性,能够实现在移动终端跨域访问过程中终端节点的准确定位,降低了恶意节点申请的风险。  相似文献   

我国互联网数字鸿沟分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俞立平 《情报科学》2006,24(1):29-34
本文以我国省市为单位,对互联网数字鸿沟进行了动态分析,主要方法是利用互联网发展较好地区的人均水平值与互联网发展较差地区的人均水平值比较,计算出互联网鸿沟系数,同时进行数字鸿沟的性别、年龄、收入、婚姻等进行分析。结果表明,我国地区间网民、域名差距正逐渐缩小,而网站地区差距则相对不变,互联网应用深度差距有增大的趋势,低收入者、青少年、男性是上网的主流,文化程度对上网影响程度较小。  相似文献   


There are concerns across government, industry, and academia over the inadequacies of data on broadband Internet connections. These inadequacies are important to consider because government policies and regulations, industry strategies, and scholarly research can be impacted by inaccurate or distorted data. Given that there are ongoing discussions about policy initiatives to improve these data, this article sets out to critically review publicly available data, identify important limitations of these data, and profile studies that have used these data successfully. In this review, the dynamic nature of broadband data will be discussed and the tradeoffs of pursuing further investments to create better databases evaluated. This evaluation suggests a more fruitful research path would be to recognize and work around existing data drawbacks, using the studies profiled in this article as examples, to explore a multitude of issues related to broadband availability, adoption, and use.  相似文献   

A healthy civil society has long been held as vital to a healthy democracy and there is interest in whether the Internet affects this linkage. This paper explores the relationships between offline and online modes of associational life and also analyzes offline and online interactions with local governments in the US context. Based on our empirical analyses of 1,203 respondents, we show that online participation is not simply an extension of offline participation, but can be distinguished in important ways. First, we find that political and community-oriented engagements cluster separately from more private-regarding engagements. Second, participants of online democratic engagement are not characterized by the SES markers associated with offline democratic engagement who are older, have higher incomes, and have lived in the community longer. Finally, we find significant links between democratic engagement with the political system and involvement with political associations (but not social and community-oriented associations).  相似文献   

国际互联网发展现状分析及思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际互联网在世界范围内飞速发展,联网计算机和网络用户数每天都在激增,互联网改变了人们的生活,但是,国际互联网发展的不平衡带来了数字鸿沟,造成发达国家与发展中国家的信息不对称,使得全球信息安全问题更加突出,从而使全球政治经济的稳定受到威胁,向世界各国,特别是发展中国家提出新的挑战。所有的国际组织和国家应该把促进国际互联网的平衡发展当作自己的责任,共同关注和确保发展中国家信息时代的发展权,建立公平合理的国际互联网价格体系,为实现全球经济的全面和共同繁荣而努力。  相似文献   

移动互联网下高职院校班级管理机制探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校班级是高校学生工作的基层组织和基本单位,是学校进行思想政治教育工作的主阵地,查找当前班级建设中存在的问题和不足,研究如何利用移动网络功能来弥补传统班级管理模式的缺陷,探讨并建立移动互联网下的班级管理新机制,以此加强当前高职院校班级建设,不断完善班级管理机制,提高思想政治教育工作的实效性。  相似文献   

随着智能手机的普及和各类APP的出现,目前智能手机已成了大学生的标配,手机互联网的使用,给大学生生活带来方便的同时,也给健康带来了一系列问题。本文就手机互联网针对大学生身体健康、心理健康、社会适应性和道德健康进行综述。  相似文献   

随着数字媒体时代的不断发展,广告设计实践课程教学面临的挑战也越发严峻。为培养符合移动互联网视域下的新型广告设计复合型人才,广告设计实践课程的教学改革必须顺应现在媒体发展的潮流,本文依托于调整相应的广告设计实践课程,转变传统的教学理念,通过具体的实例研究和对改革实践教学课程的探索,达到完善教学方案的目的。  相似文献   

New media studies are now benefiting from a burgeoning of empirical studies and theoretical analyses from diverse academic disciplines seeking to locate new media, especially the Internet, within longstanding traditions of social science research. By reviewing and reflecting upon findings from UK Children Go Online, a multimethod research project examining the role of the Internet in children's and young people's everyday lives, the present article takes the opportunity to draw out some general conclusions, and associated puzzles, to guide future research. These contribute toward an emerging framework for understanding questions regarding new media access, use, and consequences within the social, cultural, and political parameters of young people's lives. A range of research findings are discussed that illuminate the shifting balance of opportunities and risks posed by the Internet for children, youth, and the family.  相似文献   

李媛  李纶 《科教文汇》2013,(16):99-100
优秀的交互设计是以情感化的方式为产品注入灵魂,为用户带来卓越的用户体验。随着移动互联网发展的强劲势头,移动端的产品异军突起,但它的交互设计并不是PC端的盲目移植,而是有其与生俱来的特质。通过对其进行研究,以期获取一些关于移动端产品交互设计的启示。  相似文献   

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