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Factors identified to cause deterioration of library and archival materials in the Delta region of Nigeria are discussed. They include the influence of the environment, the physical and chemical effect of the paper used and the devastating effects of animals and plants. Man's attitude to book use is also discussed as well as the present economic influence on maintenance and security of materials.  相似文献   

冯舫女 《北京档案》2008,(12):12-13
时间过得飞快,转眼就到了2008年岁末,我们即将迎来充满希望的2009年。2009年是中国的俄语年,在这辞旧迎新之际,我们特地采访了跟俄语打了一辈子交道、为我国档案事业做出了突出贡献的韩玉梅教授。  相似文献   

试论档案的保存价值及其鉴定标准和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试论档案的保存价值及其鉴定标准和方法□曹忠档案保存价值的鉴定问题,在档案的理论与实践特别是档案的收集和管理中是个非常重要的问题。这是因为根据我国档案法的规定,档案必须是“对国家和社会有保存价值”的文件材料,因此鉴定文件材料有无保存价值,是档案收集整理...  相似文献   

There is a noticeable gap in the archival literature concerning the preservation of braille and other tactile print formats that, since the eighteenth century, have been produced by and for blind and visually impaired persons. Based on the insights gained from interviews with information professionals and additional research conducted by the author into the historical usage and production of braille, this paper aims to highlight factors that may affect the preservation and accessibility of braille in archives. While this article will not generate specific preservation guidelines, policies and procedures for braille – measures to be created in a future study – the purpose of this article is to draw an initial awareness to the issues that influence the preservation of and access to these archival records.  相似文献   

选题,是档案编纂学中最为基础、最富灵性、最能体现编研工作者主体创造精神的一项工作,是对高校档案信息资源开发利用的一种整体设计和精心策划,是对利用者情趣的逻辑归纳和准确把握.因此,本文着重就档案编研的选题问题作分析与讨论.  相似文献   

A nordic archival tradition   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper reviews the historical roots of the Danish-Norwegian and the Swedish-Finnish archival traditions, which form a basis for the cooperation between the archives in the Nordic countries. Reprinted from F. Daelemans (ed.),Miscellanea in honorem Caroli Kecskeméti (Bruxelles-Brussel 1998) (=Archives et bibliothèques de Belgique, numéro special 54) pp. 357–370.  相似文献   

蔡元培档案思想浅议蔡元培(1868—1940),字鹤卿,号孑民,浙江绍兴人,是以“开明正直,笃厚诚挚,博大谦抑”而著称的伟大教育家、杰出的学者。他在文化事业的很多方面卓有远见,对档案的看法也表现出睿智的建设性的眼光。一蔡元培先生认为,档案是历史研究最...  相似文献   

Whispers and rumors about the iSchool movement lead some to fear that this represents yet another shift away from the valued traditions of library schools, threatening something far different than what library science pioneers ever envisioned. Predating the iSchool movement, however, were other programmatic shifts such as those that led to the formalization of graduate archival education. This essay argues that such evolution is essential to our future, as iSchools tackle the increasingly complex issues confronting a digital society. We consider the mission and history of iSchools and of archival studies, the basic elements and concepts of archival studies that are critical to iSchools, and the relationship between iSchools and the changing nature of personal and institutional archives.  相似文献   

档案政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
档案政策研究档案政策是国家在一定历史时期为实现经济、社会的发展目标而规定的档案事业建设应遵循的行动准则。它是确定档案事业发展方向的依据,是指导档案事业发展的策略、原则和战略一、档案政策的基本性质档案政策作为国家政策的一个重要组成部分,具有阶级性、严肃...  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the place of books in archival collections and outlines the methodology used to incorporate Germaine Greer’s publications and personal library in the Greer Archive. Identification and inclusion of metadata documenting context, significance to the creator and relationships to other records in the Archive, demonstrate the value that can be added to bibliographic records.  相似文献   

如果有人问:在新的世纪,最宝贵的财富是什么?应该说,新世纪最宝贵的财富是社会公众的"注意力".这是因为,如果缺乏社会公众的注意力,再先进的科学技术也不可能转变为现实的生产力,再优秀的人才也只能成为"埋在土里的金子".我们常说"档案是党和国家的宝贵财富".但如果缺乏社会公众的"注意力",恐怕再珍贵的档案也是一堆故纸.  相似文献   

一、网络环境下档案价值的变化 在网络环境下,档案提供利用的方式由传统的需要通过提供实物进行利用变为脱离原始载体直接提供信息内容的利用,这是档案价值规律发生变化的根本原因.  相似文献   

陆小妹 《北京档案》2006,(6):29-30,33
在网络环境下,档案提供利用的方式由传统的需要通过提供实物进行利用变为脱离原始载体直接提供信息内容的利用,这是档案价值规律发生变化的根本原因。在传统的提供实物利用中,由于受到时间和空间的约束以及实物本身的因素,只能是单用户线型接力式传递,档案价值运动的速度、规模都受到极大的限制。然而在网络环境下,档案信息传递方式由实物变为信息内容的传递,档案价值规律发生以下变化:  相似文献   

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