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In this study, we investigate the relationship between academic-preparedness diversity within small learning groups and individual academic performance in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) university courses. We further examine whether academic-preparedness diversity impacts academically more- and less-prepared students differently. We use data from 5367 university students nested within 1141 science, engineering, and mathematics learning groups and use a regression analysis to estimate the effect of group diversity, measured in two ways, on course performance. Our results indicate that academic-preparedness diversity is generally associated with positive learning outcomes, that academically less-prepared students derive greater benefit, and that less-prepared students fare best when they are not alone in a group of highly prepared students. Implications for teaching and small-group facilitation are addressed.  相似文献   

Although secondary Vocational-Technical Education (VTE) is highly prevalent in low-income settings in the developing world, this sector remains understudied in the Economics of Education literature. Situated in the Chilean context, this study examines the effect of exposure to a female VTE teacher on STEM pipeline persistence from secondary to post-secondary level. We find that having at least one female teacher in secondary STEM-VTE programs increases overall enrollment in STEM higher education programs by 2.1 percentage points, primarily driven by women choosing postsecondary VTE diplomas in STEM fields. The effect of female VTE teachers in enrollment in these diplomas reaches 4.0 percentage points, equivalent to an 18% reduction in the observed gender gap. We argue that female VTE teachers, acting as role models, have the potential to mitigate the traditional barriers that young women encounter to persist in the STEM pipeline, thereby contributing to closing the STEM gender gap.  相似文献   

This paper draws on findings from an analysis of interviews with young people aged 14–18 years, to explore the peer influences in young people's informal social networks which can affect their access to sexual health services. The research focuses on the social meanings of a C-Card condom distribution scheme in North East England. Such schemes are widespread in the UK as a way of providing access to condoms and sexual health advice for young people in health and community settings. Focusing on one aspect of a broader study, the paper outlines the important social, emotional and practical resources provided by young people's chosen friendship groups in the process of acquiring a C-Card, which offers a route to accessing sex and relationships advice and condoms. Informal peer networks inform attitudes and expectations which can influence gendered patterns of behaviour. Through a focus on the educational possibilities of the C-Card scheme, the study suggests a need to revisit the dynamics of young people's peer relationships and harness their potential to influence sexual attitudes and behaviour in positive ways, rather than simply seeing these always as a source of negative pressure.  相似文献   


To better understand students’ experiences while learning in an online computer-science course, we adopted a dynamical systems analytic framework in which we tested linked patterns of confusion and interest over time and investigated whether and how those patterns might change as a function of students’ exposure to a utility value (UV) intervention and gender. We assessed interest and confusion via event contingent experience-sampled questionnaires that displayed immediately after students had engaged with key examples or exercises. Results indicated that students’ exposure to a UV intervention and gender affected the levels of confusion that students reported and the associations between interest and confusion levels over time. Implications for educators and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

“女耕男儒”表面上看似是海南古代社会的一种特殊性别分工形态,但从社会性别角度出发,视其为一种性别权力关系,会发现其背后蕴含着两性之间权力和地位的博弈.“力田”、“负贩”的行为让海南女性从家里走到家外,极大挑战男性的尊严和地位.但流行于古代海南地区的“男子生来即读书”的价值观将“女劳”与支持男性“向学”的目的相挂靠,使女性“主外”行为成为服务于男性的从属性行为.在这种情况下,女性“主外”行为的从属性和服务性使其社会价值被贬低,相反,男性的权力和地位却得到维护和加强.“女耕男儒”的性别关系最终演变成海南独有的“女劳”且“女卑”、“男逸”却“男尊”的父权文化表现方式.  相似文献   

公共领域和私人领域的二元划分,作为哈贝马斯的理想图景,发挥其重要的理论建构作用,在学界引起广泛影响,同时也引起了持久的争论,并且受到多方的质疑和挑战。其中,女性主义对公共领域概念进行了颠覆性的改造。女性主义对此问题的关注,主要集中在女性与社会关系、女性的社会地位等方面,以社会性别的分析视角反思单一的总括性公共领域构想,女性作为弱势群体的作用长期被忽略了。公共领域既是形成话语意见的场所,也是形成社会身份的场所。由于在历史发展过程中,女性始终处于一种无语的状态,女性的话题一直被遮蔽在权力关系之外,即使自由主义时期,家务劳动的价值没有得到确认和展开。性别偏置的问题没有得到根本性改观,基于公共领域意志所形成的性别规范和性别制度必然呈现男权主义的特征。因此,公私二元的理论修正,对于性别平等这一价值和原则而言,是重要的理论支点。  相似文献   

STEM教育作为一种重要的科学教育理念,包含注重打破学科壁垒的整合教育、强调面向真实世界的情境教育以及培养问题解决能力的循证教育三重意蕴。然而,当前STEM教育的大规模发展使其陷入了功利化倾向与复制式扩张的困境之中,需要来自科学实践哲学视角的深度反思以指引其未来发展方向。在科学实践哲学的考察视域内,STEM教育是一种从沉思科学到干预科学的介入性科学实践,是一种从科学作品到科学过程的地方性科学实践。未来STEM教育的真正实现需要准确把握“开放式终结”的意涵并全面理解“实验室生活”。  相似文献   

文化建构理论是性别研究的重要观点.借巴塔耶的观点,从同质性与异质性、生产性消费与非生产性消费的角度,可以说明19世纪以来同性恋被作为一种科学(心理学、精神病学和医学等)范畴被建构的原因.性别研究的某种目的就是指出这种建构的本质,从而提出同性恋者对拥有自主权的主体诉求.  相似文献   

This study examines the underrepresentation of women faculty in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by comparing the intentions of attrition and turnover between genders in Research and Doctoral universities. It is found that the two genders did not differ in their intentions to depart from academia, but women faculty had a significantly higher likelihood to change positions within academia. The indications are that women and men are equally committed to their academic careers in STEM; nonetheless, women’s stronger turnover intentions are highly correlated with dissatisfaction with research support, advancement opportunities, and free expression of ideas. The findings suggest that the underrepresentation of women is more convincingly explained by an academic culture that provides women fewer opportunities, limited support, and inequity in leadership, rather than by gender-based differences such as roles in family responsibilities. Changes in academic STEM culture are needed in order to attract more women scientists and narrow the current gender gap.  相似文献   

以社会性别理论视角来考察和分析教育机会均等的问题,发现学生在入学机会、教育过程和教育结果上存在着种种性别不平等现象。要真正实现男女两性的教育机会均等,就必须要进一步完善相关的法律法规,建立各级性别公平化教育的监测机制,重新审视编订学校的教材,培养教师的性别平等意识并掌握相应的教育教学方法和技能,以有效促进性别公平化教育的实施和开展。  相似文献   

人们在辨认、理解和认同一些社会现象时,往往会受到长期以来形成的认识传统的影响。而在当今社会,人们的思维和认识传统的形成又和杂志、互联网、广播、影视等大众传播媒介的影响密不可分。本文通过对媒体中的性别角色定型现象的分析和对一份大学生调查问卷的研究,分析了大众传播媒介中的性别歧视现象,考察了年轻人对待传媒的性别角色定型现象的态度以及他们对这种现象的敏感性,进而阐述了媒介研究的重要性。  相似文献   

Learning from texts is an important part of STEM education, but linguistic text features can affect comprehension and learning. We synthesized 45 experimental studies that investigated the effect of linguistic modifications on STEM text comprehension and learning, with a total of N = 6477 learners. In a meta-regression, we distinguished between eight categories of linguistic modifications and several other moderators, including prior knowledge. We found a small positive mean effect of linguistic modifications (g = 0.15). In line with previous research, the results showed that learners with low content prior knowledge benefited more from linguistic modifications. Personalization and increasing clarity and elaboration had positive effects, while reducing complexity and increasing cohesion did not have significant effects. This study highlights the potential and limits of linguistic modifications in STEM texts and provides implications for educational practice.  相似文献   

当前我国STEM教学中普遍存在课程设计粗线条化、缺少足够的教学支架、无法满足学生完成探究过程等问题。造成这些问题最为核心的原因是STEM教学设计过程中没有充分考虑如何激发学习者的学习动机。STEM教学所强调的自主、合作、探究的"做中学"学习方式和注重跨学科、情境、体验、参与的特色,有助于激发学习者多个层面的学习动机,从而提升STEM教学效果。基于STEM教学过程模式、学习动机相关理论以及动机层次模型,通过归纳演绎构建的面向STEM教学过程的学习动机序列模型,包括教学目标/结果层、教学活动层、教学干预/策略层三层结构,通过每层核心要素的横向推进以及层与层之间的纵向转化,最终指向STEM学习动机的激发。该模型的特色体现在,从情境、语境和全局三个层次划分了学习动机,并指出在各教学环节可以通过不同的教学活动设计来激发不同类型的学习动机,且情境、语境和全局动机之间存在双向循环递归关系。案例分析结果表明,该模型有助于指导教师更好地在STEM教学中激发学习者的多层学习动机。  相似文献   

Building from the classic Wisconsin model of status attainment, this study examines whether a specific style of parenting, concerted cultivation, and a close friend’s school-related attitudes and behaviors mediate the relationship between a family’s socioeconomic status and their child’s academic achievement in the United States. Using a recursive path model on nationally representative panel data of high school students (N = 10,350), the results confirm a direct association between socioeconomic status and concerted cultivation. In addition, concerted cultivation and close friends are shown to mediate the relationship between a family’s socioeconomic status and their child’s academic achievement.  相似文献   

通过对美国大学少数族裔STEM教育的现状分析发现,美国大学的少数族裔整体接受STEM教育的比率仍然较低,黑人学生STEM教育的参与度不高,原住民学生的STEM教育入学率低下,少数族裔女性学生在STEM职业发展中处于不利地位。这受到美国历史、文化、经济和教育等多元化因素的综合影响。为此,美国实施多元化的路径提升少数族裔STEM教育质量,例如,设置适合少数族裔发展的STEM教学培养模式,设立不同类型的STEM奖学金资助计划,建立有助于提升少数族裔STEM研究能力的研究机构,开发优秀的STEM大学课程资源等。这对我国少数民族的理工科教育的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《闺塾师》运用社会性别与中国历史相结合的方法,突破了传统的“五四”史观指导下的脸谱化的旧中国受害女性理论和“压迫——解放”的中国妇女史研究旧有模式,从女性视角出发,重新解读明末清初江南才女们的生活,不仅丰富了关于17世纪江南女性与文化的研究,更为今人重新认识“传统中国”提供了新观念、新视角。  相似文献   


Teacher education can benefit directly from experiences in non-formal settings. This article presents a research study with elementary teachers who were teaching in public schools in the state of Nuevo León, México, and participated in a STEM Continuous Professional Development (CPD) workshop. The workshop provided a platform for teachers to interact with scientists and disseminators of science, allowing the appropriation of scientific knowledge applied to everyday activities and settings. Participants improved the quality of their teaching practices in classrooms and gained a new understanding of STEM subjects, enabling them to promote inspiring learning experiences with their students, where dialogue, experimentation and elucidation became an important part of their lessons. The study was carried out using ethnographic tools for analysing recorded videos, 15 sets of field notes, and 49 questionnaires. The sequential analysis of talk and gestures in their participation in the CPD workshop demonstrated high levels of involvement, creativity, and collaborative solution of STEM problems.  相似文献   

社会性别视角下的韩国中小学教育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩国性别平等教育已开展多年,他们在禁止教育中的性别歧视与促进性别平等教育方面都取得了一定的成果。尽管社会性别视角下的韩国中小学教育仍存在明显的性别不平等,但他们为推进学校性别平等教育所采取的一些改革措施能够对我国学校教育改革提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

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