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With a view to attracting more students and offering flexible learning opportunities, online teaching and learning is becoming increasingly widespread across the higher education sector. It is now found across a wide range of disciplines (e.g., business, health, psychology, accounting, information technology) and program levels (e.g., from associate degrees to doctorate degrees). Online delivery is also strongly represented in the teacher education sector at many universities. Research of online delivery in higher education generally and teacher education specifically has pointed to a range of benefits and challenges associated with this mode of learning. Within the teacher education literature, many aspects of the online preparation of teachers remain poorly understood. More specifically, there is scant literature on the experiences and beliefs of teacher educators in relation to their readiness and preparation for online teaching as well as their beliefs in relation to the appropriateness of online education for preservice teachers. This article responds to this gap in the literature and reports on an exploratory study that worked with academic staff, teaching in a fully online teacher education course, at a mid-size Australian university. Twenty-seven teacher educators completed a 34-item questionnaire that consisted of closed and open-ended questions. With regards to readiness and preparation for teaching online, the majority of teacher educators reported lacking confidence and competence in the technological and pedagogical skills required to teach online. By and large, the study participants were welcoming of individualized “at-elbow” support that seemed to abate some of their fears of online teaching. The teacher educators were generally divided on whether the online classroom was an appropriate method for preparing preservice teachers. This article concludes with several recommendations for consideration by teacher educators who work in an online environment and sets the stage for a more ambitious study.  相似文献   

传统体育教学受科学主义和惟理智主义教育观的影响,以发展学生认知能力为目的,因而偏重于对教师知识、能力、技能等方面的要求,而相对忽略了个体的情感层面,忽略了对教师情感素质的要求。针对传统体育教学模式,相继提出了快乐教育、成功教育、小群体教学等情感教育形式,旨在通过情感的力量增强体育教学的效果。  相似文献   

现行的教育观认为教学过程是一种"特殊的认知过程",这种特殊性主要表现在人的情感上.教师要想很好地完成教育任务和实现教育目的,仅仅依靠思想、智力、职业道德等方面的素质是远远不够的,教师还应具备情感方面的素质,情感智力是现代教师必须具备的素质之一.为此,教师应致力于认知心理调适、情绪调节、个性自我完善,不断地加强教师自身情感智力修养.  相似文献   

采用<幸福智力量表>、<瑞文标准推理测验>、<情绪智力问卷>等对1 172名大学生进行施测,考察幸福智力与瑞文传统智力、情绪智力的关系.结果发现:(1)幸福智力与情绪智力有适度相关,但与瑞文传统智力相关基本不显著;(2)情绪智力的控制情绪因素在对幸福智力的回归方程中均作出了最大的解释率贡献,具体表现为:对感知和体验幸福...  相似文献   

The nature of science (NOS) has a prominent role among the national science education content standards at all grade levels, K–12. Results from a national survey of collegiate science educators indicate the perception that the greatest contributors to preservice teachers’ understanding of the nature of science were science methods courses, research projects, and science content courses. Implications of findings are discussed, including connections to current research concerning teacher preparation for effective NOS classroom teaching and student learning.The Nature of Science course on the authors’ campus was initiated in the early 1990s, has evolved, and remains in the required core curriculum for preservice chemistry, earth science, and physics teacher candidates. It is the capstone for NOS insights. It adds to and refines impressions garnered implicitly from science content courses, the methods course, and, for some, an undergraduate research experience.  相似文献   

The relationships between teacher praise and feedback, and students' perceptions of the classroom environment were investigated in six rural elementary schools (n = 747). The Teacher Feedback Scale and My Classroom Scale were developed as part of this study and used to collect the data. Structural equation modelling was used to test a hypothesised model. The results indicated that negative teacher feedback and effort feedback were both related to students' relationships with their teachers, while ability feedback was associated with perceptions of the classroom environment. Praise was not related to classroom environment or teacher-student relationships. Significant age and gender differences were found. Additionally, differences were found between students who were satisfied with their classroom and those who were dissatisfied. Satisfied students received more general praise, general ability feedback, effort feedback and less negative teacher feedback when compared to dissatisfied students.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法,以300名大学生为研究对象,探讨一般自我效能感和情绪调节自我效能感对大学生心理弹性的影响。研究发现:一般自我效能感与情绪调节自我效能感、心理弹性之间均有显著的正相关,情绪调节自我效能感与心理弹性之间有显著的正相关;情绪调节自我效能感在一般自我效能感对心理弹性的影响之间具有完全中介作用。  相似文献   

情绪智力是与班主任离岗意愿相关的重要的个体性情绪因素,为探讨情绪智力对班主任离岗意愿的影响,采用情绪智力、情绪劳动、情绪耗竭与班主任离岗意愿量表对587名中小学班主任进行测评。研究发现:情绪智力显著负向预测班主任离岗意愿;情绪劳动的表层扮演与深层扮演维度,以及情绪耗竭在情绪智力与班主任离岗意愿之间起部分中介作用。在对上述研究结果进行探讨的基础上,就降低班主任离岗意愿提出了建议:提高班主任的情绪智力水平;提高班主任工作认同感与保障水平;探索影响情绪劳动与班主任离岗意愿之间效应的调节变量。  相似文献   

Twenty-first century predictions forecast highly diverse, urban students and predominantly white, monolingual, interculturally limited teachers as the makeup of the new millennium's schools. To avoid a cultural crash, today's potential teaching force must be prepared for tomorrow's students by teacher educators in colleges and universities. Helping future teachers understand what they believe about education in general and, specifically, culturally diverse populations of students can provide an important key for that preparation. This article describes one college of education's efforts to make implicit beliefs explicit through survey data, its application of data to programs, and its plans for continuing research.  相似文献   

“教师学习”研究的发展及其对职前教师教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代以来,人们对教师学习、教师专业发展、教师在教育改革中的角色的理解有了很大的转变。教师学习与职前教师教育密不可分,是教师个人专业成长的过程。近年来,有学者对国际上有关教师学习的研究领域的相关重要概念进行了梳理和分析,并探讨了其对职前教师教育课程的设计与实施的启示,他们的研究既能丰富教师教育中的实践元素,也能适时地补充当前我国教师教育课程改革的理论空隙。  相似文献   

From a pool of 102 elementary school teachers, 30 teachers scoring highest on a measure of personal teaching efficacy and 30 teachers scoring lowest on personal teaching efficacy were randomly assigned to view one of two videotapes of consultation. The two videotapes were identical, with the exception of the teacher's involvement in making decisions at each of three decision points in consultation: identifying the problem, selecting an assessment procedure, and selecting an intervention plan. After viewing the tape, teachers rated the consultant's effectiveness and the intervention's acceptability. Teachers with high personal teaching efficacy rated the consultant as more effective and the intervention as more acceptable. No main effect for level of involvement or hypothesized interaction effect was found. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

为探究教学效能感在特殊教育教师职场希望感与工作投入之间的中介效应,采用特殊教育教师职场希望感量表、教学效能感量表、工作投入量表,对随机选取的161名特殊教育教师进行了调查研究.研究发现:特殊教育教师职场希望感总分、教学效能感总分、工作投入总分均处于中等偏上水平;工作投入各因子及总分与职场希望感各因子及总分、教学效能感总分、个人教学效能感得分存在显著正相关,职场希望感各因子及总分与教学效能感总分、个人教学效能感得分存在显著正相关;特殊教育教师职场希望感显著正向预测个人教学效能感,个人教学效能感显著正向预测工作投入,职场希望感对工作投入的直接预测作用显著以及个人教学效能感在职场希望感与工作投入之间起到部分中介作用.  相似文献   

国内外有关情绪智力的研究并不少,对于“什么是情绪智力”,各家提出了自己的观点。目前再一次思考这个问题,不仅是对以往研究的总结,更是对该领域的新思考。然而现阶段对情绪智力的思考,和情绪智力产生之初的探讨相比,又有了不同的理论导向。本文从能力范畴界定情绪智力内涵,进一步分析其外延,即操作自我情绪的能力和操作他人情绪的能力两个维度。并在此基础上,比较与之相关的一些术语,以加深理解情绪智力的涵义。  相似文献   

作为经合组织成员国的芬兰和加拿大两国的中小学学生在PISA测试中连续取得骄人的成绩而引起国际社会的广泛关注,也引起了研究者对两国的职前教师教育的研究兴趣。芬兰和加拿大虽位居两大洲,但其职前教师教育的一些举措却有着惊人的相似之处。两国的职前教师教育均有着严格的师范生选拔程序、合理的教师教育课程体系和全面的教学实习等措施,从而保证了职前教师教育的质量。比较两国的教师教育举措,揭示其规律,可以给中国的教师教育以一定的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

在对在职教师进行教学、教研困难以及接受继续教育愿望以及现行教师教育体制进行的调查研究的基础上 ,笔者构建了全程教师教育体制的基本框架。全程教师教育是指师范院校、成人教育学院、继续教育学院和各级各类教研部门分工协作 ,按照教师成长规律 ,实施教师职前培养和在职培训 ,以促成其综合素质在整个教育教学生涯中实现阶段性突破并得以持续发展。全程教师教育包括准教师、新教师、合格教师、优秀教师四个阶段  相似文献   

Evidence of substantial growth in unionization among university noninstructional staff over the past 20 years (Hurd and Woodhead, 1987) and the emergence of a quality movement in higher education linking employee attitudes toward the work environment with increased productivity point to the need for additional research into union and nonunion staff perceptions of the work environment. This paper describes a conceptually oriented, exploratory study of the university work environment as perceived and defined by union and nonunion noninstructional staff.  相似文献   

K-12 teaching is a profession characterized by high levels of burnout and emotional exhaustion. Teacher burnout has been widely reviewed and studied; however, only limited literature examines the emotional aspects of teachers’ lives and its connection with teacher burnout. The purpose of this article is to review the literature on teacher burnout and teachers’ emotions and to examine the role of teachers' appraisal of their emotional exhaustion. Through reviewing the literature on teacher burnout and emotions, I argue that the habitual patterns in teachers’ judgments about student behavior and other teaching tasks may contribute significantly to teachers’ repeated experience of unpleasant emotions and those emotions may eventually lead to burnout. In order to ease teacher burnout, I argue that more studies on the antecedent appraisals that teachers make are necessary to help teachers better understand how their emotions were triggered and then learn how to regulate those emotions.  相似文献   

This mixed methods study investigated the extent to which preservice teachers' discipline orientations are consistent with their perceptions of what makes an effective teacher. The study's first purpose was to determine whether preservice teachers tend to possess a predominant discipline style. The second purpose was to ascertain the degree to which preservice teachers' endorsement of each of the three discipline styles (i.e., interventionist vs. interactionalist vs. non-interventionist) predicts their perceptions of characteristics of effective teachers. Participants were 63 preservice teachers enrolled at a large southeastern university. Both interventionism and interactionalism received significantly greater endorsements than did non-interventionism. A phenomenological analysis revealed seven characteristics that many preservice teachers considered to reflect effective teaching: student-centered, effective classroom and behavior manager, competent instructor, ethical, enthusiastic about teaching, knowledgeable about subject, and professional. A canonical correlation analysis revealed that the degree of discipline orientation was a predictor of some of these characteristics. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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