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构建有效的图书馆团队精神,在图书馆内部建立起和谐与团结的气氛,是现代图书馆的不懈追求。加强图书馆团队精神建设,需要提高馆员的素质,也需要管理者与馆员互动。  相似文献   

Just as there are many types of library environments, the librarians working within those spaces represent a variety of experiences, job skills, and perspectives. Librarians develop these qualities through library curricula and on-the-job experience. While some librarians spend their careers in one type of library, others may travel between library environments and gain a wider range of experiences and skills. Decisions to transition between library types may be triggered by personal and professional motivators. Results of this survey confirm some librarians are actively and successfully transitioning between library environments as an alternative career path.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study aims to characterize the appropriate structure of the academic library in the information age according to the perceptions of the faculty members who use the library and the academic librarians operating it. Two main issues were addressed: centralization versus decentralization, and the provision of physical versus virtual services. The study population included members of the faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences in three academic institutions in Israel and academic librarians working in these institutions. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with 20 faculty members and 15 librarians, while quantitative data was collected through questionnaires filled by 191 faculty members and 50 librarians in the above-mentioned institutions. Analysis of these data reveal that faculty members generally prefer a concentration of materials—rather than decentralization—and they show a similar preference toward a faculty library model, a combined faculty/departmental library model, and a central library model. Similarly, the academic librarians prefer either faculty or combined faculty/department libraries, but their preference toward a central library model is lower than that of the faculty members. The decentralized, departmental library model was the least favored by both groups. In addition, our findings indicate that both the faculty members and the librarians appreciate the virtual services that the library provides as well as its physical presence, although fewer faculty members than librarians perceived the latter as an important role of the library. Taken together it appears that the preferred model for the academic library in the information age is of large, multidisciplinary libraries that contain materials from a variety of fields and provide comprehensive virtual services.  相似文献   

以全程媒体、全息媒体、全员媒体、全效媒体为核心的“四全媒体”是媒介融合的发展方向,四全媒体背景下高校图书馆用户服务质量受学科馆员胜任力素质的影响较大。论文通过分析四全媒体对高校图书馆学科馆员胜任力的现实性影响,围绕用户需求跟踪、资源数据呈现、社群化参考咨询、全链条数据服务等方面论述高校图书馆学科馆员需要具备的四全媒体胜任力素质,提出高校图书馆学科馆员应成为科研型馆员、全媒体馆员、咨询型馆员与数据型馆员,促进高校图书馆学科服务实现四全媒体转型。  相似文献   

新世纪台湾地区图书馆职业关怀研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪以来,海峡两岸的图书馆学研究者不约而同地采用实证研究方法对图书馆员表达了职业关怀,其中台湾大学的陈书梅女士的研究比较深入、全面。陈女士自2001年起从馆员工作生活品质、馆员负面工作情绪、馆员职业生涯管理、馆领导风格和馆员工作压力等方面进行了持续的研究,为图书馆管理、馆员生涯规划、图书馆学专业教育相关课程的设置都提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

基于图书馆员专业化的图书馆核心竞争力探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆员是图书馆核心竞争力的实现主体,图书馆员的专业化水平在一定程度上影响图书馆核心竞争力的强弱。图书馆员专业化与图书馆核心竞争力相互作用,图书馆员专业化是培育、提升图书馆核心竞争力的有效途径,而图书馆核心竞争力的构建又与图书馆员专业化的各方面密不可分。基于图书馆员专业化的图书馆核心竞争力可通过强化图书馆学教育、培育职业精神、确立行业准入制度等途径得以提升。  相似文献   

During the spring 2007 semester, a large cohort of undergraduates enrolled in the BUS110 course offered through the Stony Brook University College of Business. The business librarian and other library instruction librarians provided single library sessions to all sections of the course. Toward the end of the 1-hour library information session, the students were asked to fill out an online user satisfaction survey to assess how much they had learned and to evaluate the teaching tools and methodology of the librarians. Toward the end of the semester the business librarian posted a follow up survey to the BUS110 Blackboard site to assess whether the students had used the resources demonstrated by the librarians in the library session, whether they had had follow-up interactions with the librarians, and whether they had positive attitudes toward the library, librarians, and business databases. The majority of students had used the databases and had a positive attitude toward the instruction and the library.  相似文献   

图书馆是联系人类知识信息资源和有效利用资源的独特的组织,其主体要素是图书馆员。图书馆员能体现图书馆的整体精神风貌,是图书馆综合实力和核心竞争力的重要组成部分。通过分析图书馆员的不同特点和应具备的素养,对各层次的图书馆员进行类比。如何挖掘其潜能,利用与图书馆服务完美结合,更好地为读者服务,是目前图书馆领导者迫切需要解决的问题。图1。参考文献12。  相似文献   

Library orientations do their part to familiarize students with information literacy, and how the library fits within university life. But what if an orientation could give a student a strong introduction to their academic librarians? Research in academic libraries has noted that library anxiety remains a continual problem among current students. Valparaiso University librarians created the Get to Know Your Librarian program, which sought to make librarians accessible. Using humor and casualness, incoming students were “introduced” to librarians through a series of fun facts. This simple program was successful in helping alleviate incoming students’ library anxiety before their first semester.  相似文献   

从《图书馆服务宣言》看参考咨询馆员的角色定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年10月,中国图书馆学会发布了《图书馆服务宣言》,它是我国图书馆界对社会作出的郑重承诺。在此背景下,对参考咨询馆员的角色进行分析,指出其在图书馆服务工作中扮演着重要的角色,即参考咨询馆员应成为图书馆良好社会形象的塑造者和提高图书馆社会地位的积极实践者。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):175-182

Reference librarians at St. Charles Community College discovered the benefits of cooperation when they began the process of creating an online library tutorial. In the fall of 1999, librarians realized that their walk-in library sessions were becoming ineffective due to poor attendance by students. The tours didn't fit into on-campus students' busy schedules, and failed to serve distance students at all. Two reference librarians decided to work together to create a web-based tutorial introducing students to library online resources. It was an informal process that started with information gathering on what tutorials exist, how they were developed and what type of software was used. After the librarians decided on the format and appropriate software, they brought together their creative and technical strengths to design an appealing and functional tutorial. To create a “virtual tour” of the library's physical layout, the librarians also collaborated with the Instructional Support Center, a group of educational technology specialists who are part of SCC's community college consortium. The tutorial was completed in only a year, partly because working in a small library allows for constant contact between the librarians, but also due to the efficiency of using cooperation. This successful collaborative project eventually won the Missouri Community College Association's 2001 Technology Innovation Award.  相似文献   

读者是图书馆的服务对象,馆员与读者的有效沟通,可激发读者利用图书馆的热情,为图书馆的发展营造良好的环境。通过分析馆员与读者沟通的障碍,从增强沟通意识、提高沟通能力、掌握沟通技巧、构筑沟通渠道等方面探讨了图书馆员与读者有效沟通的实现。  相似文献   


Orienting patrons to library spaces, collections, and services is an important, but time-intensive, challenge for many librarians. Library tours are one strategy commonly employed to familiarize patrons with library spaces and services. Augmented reality provides a new opportunity for librarians to develop engaging and interactive unmediated tours. Augmented reality tours provide participants with an opportunity to explore library spaces and service points while affording librarians the chance to share valuable information about those spaces and services. This article details how one library constructed an augmented reality tour and shares assessment-based insights into participant responses to the augmented reality format.  相似文献   

在图书馆的诸多要素中,馆员是最重要的要素,因为图书馆的各项工作和服务都是由馆员来完成的,也就是说,只有高素质的馆员才能生产出高水平的工作和服务。本文针对高校图书馆馆员素质不高的现状,提出了提高馆员素质的有效途径和方法。  相似文献   

美国高校图书馆中的学科馆员   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
学科馆员在美国高校图书馆的各项服务活动中起着十分重要的作用,其职责范围包括帮助馆藏建设,担任图书馆某一服务性部门的工作,担任图书馆与全校各系、各专业教员与科研人员之间的联络员,开设信息检索专业课,介绍各种文献及数据的查找方法,对现有服务项目和馆藏定期进行评估并向图书馆决策部门建议新的服务项目。最后以美国一所高校图书馆为例对学科馆员的聘用、培训、职责及服务进行介绍。  相似文献   

介绍了智慧图书馆建设的构成要素、服务创新和智慧图书馆员的作用,指出了智慧图书馆员应该具有的创新理念,强调了智慧图书馆的发展必将是和谐的发展。  相似文献   

This article describes an outreach activity developed and coordinated by academic librarians as part of a state program for low-income middle school students. Rather than offering a traditional library tour, the library organizers wanted to provide the middle school students with a meaningful experience that would encourage active participation, critical thinking, and alleviate library anxiety. As a spin on the traditional tour, students applied an ethnographic approach to learning about the library. The authors describe the development and implementation of the activity and provide recommendations for other librarians involved in outreach to K–12 students.  相似文献   

图书馆的能力主要表现为图书馆员的能力,图书馆的发展水平取决于图书馆员的能力。持续地关注图书馆员的能力建设问题,图书馆才能不断创新,持续发展。通过研究型图书馆员核心能力的技能模型构成和技能体现,提出适应新信息环境和发展需要的能力要求,能够让图书馆员积极地应对用户需求和行为变化,更新服务内容和方式,提高服务质量。  相似文献   

多媒体技术和网络通信技术的飞速发展使图书馆在收集、利用信息的手段和方式上都发生了重大的变化,对图书馆馆员提出了更高的要求。因此,提升图书馆馆员的素质和能力,加强图书馆馆员的继续教育和培训以适应数字时代图书馆事业发展的需要成为本世纪的重要课题。文章以同济大学图书馆为例,论述了对数字时代图书馆馆员进行分层次培训的思路和操作方式。  相似文献   

Ways are explored in which public library children's librarians can help sighted children increase their understanding of persons with visual impairment and their skills in communicating with them. Interviews were conducted with six children's librarians and six BPH subregional librarians, and searches were made in the public library catalogs and the Regional BPH Library fiche catalog for selected titles. Three areas for discussion emerged: reader advisory and reference questions, collection development, and programming. Public library children's librarians and BPH subregional librarians can jointly coordinate provision of children's services by identifying and building on present strengths in collection development and programming.  相似文献   

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