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■档案库房修建时应注意什么 ?答 :档案库房是维护档案完整与安全检查的重要物质条件。因此 ,在修建档案库房时就要充分考虑档案的安全保管。从总体来讲 ,库房应按照国家有关规定单独兴建。单独兴建 ,要有适当的地址、专门的建筑规范要求和必要的设置等。但企业档案室一般不具备这样的条件 ,绝大多数是从现有办公用房中选取一间或数间而成 ,因此要注意挑选和改造。首先在档案库房的选址上 ,要避免选在底层或顶层 ,因为底层不仅存在难以解决的安全问题 ,而且比较阴暗潮湿 ,容易使档案发霉生菌。而顶层受阳光辐射的影响 ,夏天温度较高 ,存在雨…  相似文献   

The London and South Eastern Library Region (LASER) is an organisation for Library Cooperation. Its objects are the improvement of library facilities available to the public by the promotion of cooperation between libraries and other organisations. Co-operation maximises the use of scarce resources both of stock and staff expertise. Computer technology and extension into networking has allowed LASER members to make economic and multiple use of bibliographic records as well as stocks of books and periodicals. The use of internationally recognised standards also makes links with other cooperative organisations a practical possibility.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the evolution of Internet information servers in libraries, from their typical origin as maverick systems department experiments, to the current state where libraries must address the need to incorporate network-based information into the traditional work of collection management, acquisitions, and cataloging. Does the traditional model of information acquisition and organization apply to network-based information? where nearly anyone can be both a provider and a consumer of information from the comfort of their personal computer, what role do libraries have? How should the library profession respond to the proliferation of gopher and world wide web servers?  相似文献   

This study assessed the print collection of an Asian academic medical library using list-checking. The library''s book collection was matched to Doody''s Core Titles (DCT) subspecialties to identify strong and weak subject areas and understand temporal trends from 2014 to 2020. Basic sciences and nursing were the strongest subspecialties from 2018 to 2020, with many subjects having 100% matches, likely because most academic programs share the same basic sciences foundation subjects and nursing collections had been developed for many years as a long-standing program of the institution. Associated health-related disciplines was the weakest subspecialty. These subjects need to be prioritized in collection development. All subspecialties exhibited an increasing trend of matching between 2014 and 2020. Electronic books were included in the matching to DCT 2020; however, the match was low compared to print only or both print and electronic titles. DCT title matching can not only identify gaps in library collections that need to be filled but also point toward opportunities to develop strong and varied collections in medicine and allied health.  相似文献   

资源共享与虚拟馆藏   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
章简要回顾我国献资源共建、共和、共享的历史与现状,探讨网络环境下图书馆献资源建设的数据化与虚拟化,着重分析了虚拟馆藏的构成与建设及目前存在的问题,提出了采编工作如何适应新时期的工作需要。  相似文献   

电脑是迈向 2 1世纪必不可少的工具 ,电脑化也是博物馆藏品管理的必然趋向。在这样一个社会大趋势下 ,作为博物馆藏品管理的工作人员 ,其业务素质要求是怎样的 ,这是摆在我们面前的一个新课题。本文拟从藏品管理电脑化趋势及其与藏品管理人员业务素质两者之间的关系的论证出发 ,来阐述藏品管理人员所应具备的业务素质 ,以就教于各位同仁。一、电脑技术在藏品管理工作中的地位和作用计算机技术和计算机程序设计的发展 ,使博物馆使用电脑成为现实。而计算机本身所具有的特点 ,使博物馆使用电脑技术进行藏品管理成为必然趋势。自 1945年第一台…  相似文献   

孙晓强 《中国博物馆》2001,(3):81-82,87
博物馆里收藏的出土和传世文物 ,大都历经了几千年、几百年的沧桑 ,有些已经相当脆弱 ,有些在静悄悄地老化 ,有些因环境的不适 ,正加速损坏的进程 ,要控制或尽力阻止它们的损坏程度 ,要注重日常的科学保养 ,把质变降到最低限度。  一、适宜的保存环境防止藏品损坏 ,如同人体保健一样 ,首先是要为藏品创造一个干净、舒适的环境。博物馆的藏品库是藏品最后的栖身之地 ,环境适合与否 ,是保证藏品健康和延长寿命的关键。标准的库房使用的建筑材料要经检测 ,不释放有害气体 ,确保对藏品无害、安装的设施设备要保证藏品的安全。整个库房应做到恒…  相似文献   

书画为我国传统文化的重要组成部分 ,经千百年演变、流布。无数的精品随物换星移、沧海桑田的世事变幻而承传至今 ,分藏于各地的博物馆中 ,博物馆便成为保护与展示这一民族艺术的处所。然而 ,在博物馆 ,特别是经济文化相对落后地区的博物馆 ,搜集与利用书画藏品的情况 ,并不令人乐观。笔者在如下文字中 ,对博物馆书画藏品的征集、利用 ,谈些浅识。  一、书画藏品的征集谈及征集书画 ,笔者舍远就近 ,以所工作的贵州省博物馆为例 ,虽然有其特殊性 ,但也许在其他博物馆中仍可见到类似的状况。贵州地处西南一隅 ,经济、文化较沿海地区而显落后…  相似文献   

This paper discusses Nigerian university library buildings from 1948, when the first university institution was established, up to 1998. Through the use of a questionnaire, study visits to 12 of the 31 university libraries, interviews with library staff and review of the literature, it was found that all Nigerian university libraries started from temporary sites. While all five first generation universities had their first permanent library buildings erected within the first decade of their establishment, only five of the eight second generation universities have moved into their permanent library buildings after over 25 years of existence. Of the 15 third generation universities established in the 1980s, only five have erected and occupied their permanent buildings. Library buildings of the first generation universities were found to be very standard and grand in design while the same cannot be said of most of their second and third generation counterparts. For libraries with permanent structures, the designs were mostly modular. The paper recommends that library buildings be given priority in universities' physical development plans and that realistic library building standards be formulated with the co-operation of the National Universities Commission, the Nigerian Library Association and the Committee of University Librarians of Nigerian Universities (CULNU).  相似文献   

李伟  王磊  郭伟 《编辑学报》2021,33(4):397-399
GB/T 7714-2015《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》中没有专门的辑刊著录规定.建议根据出版物号确定辑刊的文献类型归属,进而按照对应的著录格式著录文献.其中,有连续出版物号(ISSN、CN)的辑刊归属"连续出版物",按"期刊"([J])著录;有标准书号(ISBN)的辑刊归属"专著",按"汇编"([G])或"图书"(...  相似文献   

基于CSSCI的图书馆、情报与档案管理一级学科文献计量评价研究;科学研究的信息化:e—science的产生和发展;面向应用的汉语句法分析辅助系统的设计与实现;美国的企业技术许可模式及其启示。  相似文献   

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