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国内纺织工程本科院校数字馆藏研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过网上访问的方式对招收纺织工程本科专业的院校图书馆的数字资源进行了调研。从采购资源、自建特色数据库、自有资源和网络免费资源四个部分归纳了现状和问题。提出综合资源区域共享、专业资源学科共享,合作开发网络资源以及统计工作常规化等建议。  相似文献   


Building a library’s collection requires more than collecting print materials and shelving them in the stacks. The growth of e-books and e-serials over the past decade has been phenomenal. Given the scope of its collection building, the Library of Congress (LOC) has been required to actively pursue the acquisition and management of e-books and e-serials in its permanent collection. This article surveys how the LOC has taken advantage of existing structures and how it has pursued new paths to succeed in this undertaking. Finally, it lays out some of the outstanding problems that the LOC faces as it attempts to build a digital equivalent to its print collection.  相似文献   

白雪 《编辑学报》2010,22(3):274-275
以<纺织器材>为例,通过分析其紧抓特色延展经营的诸多事例,认为科技期刊在打响及升值品牌的同时,要把社会效益放在首位,以行业需要、为行业服务为己任,甘当行业"服务员".  相似文献   

科学仪器史的兴起是过去数十年科学史领域中一个令人瞩目的现象,很大程度上得益于博物馆藏品和博物馆从业人员对科学史研究的介入。这一研究趋势在国内仍未见波澜。清华大学科学博物馆自2018年筹建以来已经做出了一些尝试,在仪器和发明复原、科学仪器史等方向做出了探索,回应了自20世纪80年代以来国外科学史领域对科学仪器以及科学物质文化的关注,同时积极将自身的馆藏与科学的历史、清华的历史甚至中国的历史相联系。对相关研究的缘起和成果进行了分析总结,反思了既有工作,同时对国内科技类博物馆开展科学仪器史研究的相关方法论做了初步探索和展望。  相似文献   

展示技术的发展为博物馆展示科学技术提供了各种可能性,然而提炼和表达科学技术背后的科学文化,即科学精神、科学思想、科学方法、科学的价值观等核心内涵,并不是单纯的技术问题。工程文化是科学文化的一种类型,在黑龙江工程学院工程文化博物馆的策展实践中,通过情节化、重构展品语境和不同层次的参与等多方式,探索了在展示工程技术发展的同时,深入发掘背后的工程文化,让展览不仅传播科学知识,同时也兼具科学文化。  相似文献   


The National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, collects a vast amount of materials and information related to peoples’ life and culture, and makes them available to society through exhibitions and other activities. The number of collected items is increasing every year: 343581 objects have been collected from Japan and abroad as of March 2017. The continuous efforts have been necessary to improve storage conditions and to save space for both general and special storerooms. The former, which account for 90% of the storage capacity of the museum, are air-conditioned during working hours, with temperature and relative humidity (RH) settings varying with the seasons. The latter, which house objects for which strict conservation conditions are required, are air-conditioned for 24 hours with fixed settings of temperature/RH throughout the year determined by the nature of the materials from which the objects have been made or formed. Storage re-organization began with special storerooms, for which the number of objects and the storage area are far more limited in comparison with the general storerooms. The storage shelves for fur/skin/feather (almost 1000 objects) and for carpets (almost 550 objects) were all renewed in FY2007/2008. Then two large-scale innovation projects for general storerooms were conducted: construction of storage areas for ships equipped with a CO2-based and anoxic pest treatment facility (FY2015), and a complete refurbishing of the general storeroom for large objects (FY2016). Windows were set in the corner of this storeroom to provide visitors an opportunity to view and learn about the museum activities. In parallel to the above projects, daily storage improvement efforts have been undertaken. Storeroom No. 3, chosen as an example for general storerooms for small and medium-sized objects, was used to investigate the range of issues related to the shelving arrangement and storage conditions. Guidelines for storage re-organization were formulated according to the results of the investigation and according to the experiences gained through the renewal of special storerooms. Storage re-organization undertaken in storeroom No. 3 was conducted for 6 years at the rate of around 2000–4000 objects per year with a low budget and with reuse of existing shelves. In FY2016, all objects in storeroom No. 3 were properly redistributed. About 40% of the storage space was saved. Over these 10 years of storage re-organization, preventive measures have been taken for sustainable collection management. As early as FY1992, pest trap investigations have been carried out seasonally. Since FY2004, the results of investigations have been analyzed using a customized computer program. Subsequently, appropriate integrated pest management measures have been taken. In addition, since FY2014, energy-efficient air-condition control has been adopted for general storerooms. It consists of switching off air-conditioning in spring and autumn, and of starting it only when the temperature or RH values become too high in summer or too low in winter. Because the turning-off of air-conditioning causes comparable or even less climatic fluctuation, it was considered acceptable both economically and from a conservation perspective. It is estimated that turning the air-conditioning off during transitional seasons brings cost savings of about 3000000–4000000 JPY (about 26800–35700 USD as of 23 September 2017) per annum, which accounts for almost 30% of the electricity expenditures for all general storerooms.  相似文献   

现存于河北省平山县博物馆的《大唐西临山石龛像记》,刻立时间为唐大历四年(769年),原位于平山县三汲乡西林山的山头寺.不仅历代金石著作、方志等未著录,就是当代考古和历史学界对其内容也鲜有涉及.它是继李宝臣纪功碑、神道碑之后,关于成德镇节度使李宝臣的又一重要文物发现,一些记载可纠正、补充传世文献之缺失.更重要的是,提供了...  相似文献   

图书馆“藏”与“用”的互动一直是图书馆人关注的焦点,也是图书馆的主要矛盾。文章从“藏”与“用”互动的矛盾性、局限性、有机性和使命性入手,对“藏”与“用”的互动效应进行分析,得到了几点有益的启示。  相似文献   

文章以集美大学图书馆为研究对象,分析了该馆的藏书概况、馆藏结构等,并针对其中的薄弱环节和不足之处,从明确学校发展定位、完善图书馆相关制度和加强采访队伍建设三个方面,提出了促进馆藏建设合理化的建议。  相似文献   

高校图书馆的地方文献收藏与公共图书馆有所区别,为更好地制定高校图书馆的方志专藏发展政策,以广州中山大学图书馆为例,对其建馆85年来收藏的方志文献进行抽样统计分析,分别从复本率、出版时间、方志地域分布等方面进行评估,并在统计过程发现不足之处。最后小结高校图书馆地方文献馆藏发展应考虑的因素。  相似文献   

历史档案资源是重要的数字人文实践对象,而众包是聚合与优化历史档案资源的信息组织形式。数字人文项目前端的历史档案资源众包具有面向项目需求贡献和转化资源内容、在网络环境下开放和共享资源与成果、基于共同目标实现全景式协作等特点,同时具有网络平台存在安全隐患、用户行为和任务质量难以掌控等风险。档案馆、图书馆、博物馆等发包方是历史档案资源众包风险控制的实施主体,从历史档案资源众包和数字人文项目的前后端关系出发,可以规划基于历时视角的众包风险控制路径:在前期阶段设计和构建平台并实施用户准入控制,在中期阶段进行指导协调并监督任务执行,在后期阶段检视、审核并发布众包成果。控制成效可在后端的数字人文教学和研究中得到检验。  相似文献   

This paper presents brief information and an analytical overview of the reports that were presented at the Fourth International Nanotechnology Forum in Moscow on October 26–28, 2011. It contains scientometric data on the participants of the Forum and the distribution of authors by cities and research centers. The problems and achievements of Russian and foreign nanotechnology science are outlined.  相似文献   

中国社科院近代史所图书馆核心藏书的建设及其特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国社科院近代史所图书馆核心藏书的建设及其特色●万燕ABSTRACTTheLibraryoftheInstituteofModernHistoryoftheChineseAcademyofSocialScienceshasacolectionofne...  相似文献   

This study introduces a hybrid approach (i.e., a social network analysis technique and triple helix indicators) to study certain aspects of the e-government (EG) domain that would otherwise remain hidden when using conventional analytic tools. Particularly, we provide network analysis of the EG research domain by focusing on the network collaboration between regions, nations and institutions. We collected and analyzed 1091 scholarly papers which were classified as being about “e-government” by the Web of Science database. The results indicate that hybrid method can be used to understand certain network-level structures and patterns in the EG domain which are beyond the scope of the predominantly-used systematic literature review (SLR) method. Particularly, the hybrid method is useful in understanding collaboration patterns between countries, institutions and regions in the EG domain, identifying key players by studying their network properties (i.e., degree centralities); and in understanding the pattern of relations among universities, industries, and government. The implications of these results in terms of research and practice, and study limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

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