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This article highlights the importance of nurturing preservice teachers as they develop the dispositions essential to establish empowering relationships with children’s families. The authors identify and describe several key dispositions necessary for working with families and offer suggestions for ways that these elements might be integrated into early childhood teacher preparation programs.  相似文献   

This study describes a programmatic effort to examine dispositions perceptions of teacher candidates entering the profession. Study participants included 114 master's level teaching candidates in their first semester of a nontraditional teacher education program. Teacher candidates scored themselves on a department disposition rubric designed to evaluate their professional behaviors and wrote reflective rationales to support their scoring. Results indicated that candidates positioned themselves as no fault, accepts fault, and assigns fault in writing their rationales. These positions were used as lenses to analyze candidates' positioning in relation to the program and faculty expectations. Candidates' disposition performance rationales relied on their novice status, the demands of work and family, and an admitted minimalist approach to some course demands. Insights gained from the study may allow teacher education faculty to better understand and support candidates' dispositional growth and development.  相似文献   

This article describes the Parent Teacher Education Curriculum, a Web-based curriculum focused on instructing teachers about best practices in family involvement and assesses its impact on the knowledge and attitudes of preservice teachers related to family involvement. Pre- and post-measures of preservice teacher candidate knowledge of and attitude toward parent involvement were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and paired-samples t-tests. Findings revealed a significant multivariate main effect for the time of knowledge assessment administration (pre vs. post): Wilks' λ = .613, F(6, 449) = 47.308, p < .001, partial eta squared = .387. This suggested that overall Knowledge increased significantly from pre- to post-administration. In addition, multivariate analysis for the time of attitude assessment administration (pre vs. post) was Wilks' λ = .982, F(3, 1548) = 9.65, p <. 001, partial eta squared = .018. This suggested that overall Attitude increased significantly from pre- to post-administration.  相似文献   

Since PreK–12 student achievement is the primary focus of schools, all teachers are called to serve as teachers leaders and improve learning on their campuses. Rather than waiting until they have gained experience, teachers can begin acquiring the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of teacher leaders during their preservice programs. Drawing upon published literature, this synthesis paper recommends reflection, service learning, and involvement in university-level student professional organizations as ways to prepare preservice teachers to become teacher leaders.  相似文献   

赋权予教师:教师专业发展中的教师领导   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
教师专业发展中的教师领导有两个方面的意义:一是领袖教师对其专业群体的引领;二是教师自主的专业发展。鼓励同侪协作,发挥优秀教师的示范-引领-辐射等作用固然重要,但教师的自主才是专业发展持续且有效的基础。在中国大陆,教师在职的专业发展受到行政部门的主导,骨干教师们在各种专业发展活动中发挥着重要作用,然而也呈现出精英化、等级制与工具性等特征。此外,由于处处受到行政干预,教师的专业发展充满着功利色彩、被迫与被动。我们认为,只有赋权予教师,留给教师自主发展的空间并提供更多选择,才能促成教师持续而有效的发展。教师领导的专业发展应成为教师专业发展的原则之一。  相似文献   


Preservice teachers can be considered simultaneously students and teachers and therefore likely have both academic and professional goals. However, once in a professional program, predicting professional outcomes becomes somewhat more important than academic ones. This distinction may have implications for the selection of measurement tools used in research on preservice teachers’ motivation. We used a multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) design that included tests of alternative confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs), within and between method correlations, and relations with other variables to compare two measures of achievement goals: Elliot and Murayama’s (2008 Elliot, A. J., & Murayama, K. (2008). On the measurement of achievement goals: Critique, illustration, and application. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100(3), 613628. doi: 10.1037/0022-0663.100.3.613[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) measure of students’ achievement goals and Butler’s (2007) measure of teachers’ achievement goals. Results of the CFAs suggested that the scales are measuring separate constructs. The MTMM correlations, however, revealed evidence that certain factors may function similarly. This was most evident for the homotrait-heteromethod factors of mastery approach, which correlated similarly with sense of self-efficacy, emotions, and classroom mastery goal structures.  相似文献   

要使教学效果达到最佳状态,教师必须发挥教学机智,有高度的灵活性和智慧,善于根据情况变化,创造性地进行教学活动,给人指导和启发。教学机智是教师专业素质的综合体现,英语作为第二语言,英语教师的教学机智在教学过程中更为重要,这对英语新教师来说,更是一个挑战。本文从教师专业发展的角度来阐述如何培养英语新教师的教学机智。  相似文献   

建立教师专业标准应当考虑的三个问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
檀传宝 《教育科学》2004,20(2):36-37
在教师专业标准的建立过程中,一些前提性的理论问题需要引起研究者和政策制定者的高度关注。如对不同教育文化的尊重放到制定教师专业标准的总体原则上予以肯定;教师专业标准应当考虑覆盖教师生涯的不同阶段等。  相似文献   

This study addresses the issues and challenges faced by university supervisors when providing content-specific and general pedagogical feedback to preservice teachers. Study data highlight the perspectives of six preservice teachers as they reflect on their supervisory experiences over the course of a licensure year. Survey, interview, and written observation data from preservice teachers and university supervisors reveal the influence of teacher development and content area conventions on how preservice teachers view their teaching abilities and their expectations of university supervisors. Findings will inform how others may approach mentoring, support, and the evaluation of beginning teachers.  相似文献   

This study explored how a study abroad experience affected preservice teachers' (PSTs') dispositions towards and plans for teaching English Language Learners (ELLs). This qualitative study involved 16 elementary education initial licensure PSTs who participated in a 2-month study abroad trip to Germany. Data in the form of surveys, interviews, and reflections were collected. The PSTs' experiences left them feeling like outsiders, fostering greater empathy for ELLs. As the PSTs faced the challenges of studying abroad, they developed ways of coping, which influenced their dispositions toward ELLs and the accommodations they wanted to make when teaching ELLs in their future classrooms. A model of the PSTs' learning progression within the study abroad experience is offered as a lens to consider their transformations. Findings suggest it would be beneficial for educators traveling abroad with PSTs to find ways to make explicit the connections between personal encounters and future teaching experiences.  相似文献   

Among the initiatives of the Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation (MCTP) is a summer research internship program that places preservice middle grades teachers in extended collaboration with professional mathematicians, scientists, and educators engaged in research and curriculum development activities. We describe the MCTP internship program including the rationale for and structural features of the program. We also highlight the effects of the internship experience on preservice teachers' conceptions of and beliefs about the nature and processes of mathematics and science, and the teaching of mathematics and science. Our findings suggest that the internship experience is a fundamentally significant life experience for preservice teachers. Furthermore, internships have the potential for realizing reform in mathematics and science education; that is, preservice teachers who have participated in MCTP internships intend to bring a holistic, conceptually oriented view of mathematics and science to their classrooms. The paper concludes with a summary of ongoing programmatic and logistical challenges of the MCTP internship program. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为了有效推进英语教师专业发展,湖北师范学院外国语学院在PDS模式的基础上,以“国培计划”为中心,探索了一条适合英语教师专业发展的新模式——通过指导顶岗生实习,参与教学观摩和大学讲堂等途径,使得英语教师的专业发展水平得到提升.最后,结合具体实践经验,为我国英语教师专业发展的模式提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

为了培养优秀的教师候选人,美国教师教育项目开展了教师品性评价。该评价贯穿于教师候选人的整个学习和实习期间,旨在使教师候选人的品性在不断的反馈中得到充分发展。美国各高校教师教育项目对教师候选人的成功至关重要的品性评价内容进行界定。评价所使用的方法包括行为检核表、评价量表、访谈和品性反思文章。品性评价的实施涉及教师品性评价介绍课程、签订教师品性评价协议、四次主要评价、不定时的评价和评价结果的应用。教师品性的改进采用发挥教授和导师的模范作用、教师品性研讨会、品性改进课程和PDR-PREP方法等途径。  相似文献   

“教师学习”研究的发展及其对职前教师教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代以来,人们对教师学习、教师专业发展、教师在教育改革中的角色的理解有了很大的转变。教师学习与职前教师教育密不可分,是教师个人专业成长的过程。近年来,有学者对国际上有关教师学习的研究领域的相关重要概念进行了梳理和分析,并探讨了其对职前教师教育课程的设计与实施的启示,他们的研究既能丰富教师教育中的实践元素,也能适时地补充当前我国教师教育课程改革的理论空隙。  相似文献   

大学英语青年教师专业发展途径的探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师专业发展是目前国內外教育研究的重点和热点,此外英语学科作为我国教学中的核心学科的重要性决定了不能忽视对英语教师专业发展的研究.青年教师作为英语教师的中坚力量,对其专业发展的探讨更是必不可少.本文针对大学英语青年教师的专业发展来展开讨论,试图提出大学英语青年教师专业发展的实施途径,希望能有利于大学英语青年教师的成长和英语教学质量的提高.  相似文献   

微格学习空间的社会性设计为解决职前教师微格教学中存在的问题提供了一种新的可能性。微格学习空间的设计可以吸纳社会制约、社会建构和社会服务三种社会因素,从可识别性、可达性和活力三个方面入手,力求营造出一种场所精神,形成一种场所感,从而增强职前教师的良性体验,提高微格教学的参与度和真实感。  相似文献   

从入职培训看美国新教师的专业成长   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
许明  黄雪娜 《教育科学》2002,18(1):51-55
针对新教师在头几年教学工作中出现的困难,国外一些学者开始时如何帮助新教师响利有效地完成这段时期的教学,从而为其专业发展奠定基础进行研究,并找到了一条促进新教师专业发展的新途径-新教育入职培训(NEW TEACHER INDUCTION),包括美国在内的许多国家已开始真正重视新的入职培训,把它看作是教师专业成长的一个重要的和不可或缺的阶段,逐步加以规范化和制度化。本文从理论层面上对症状国新教师入培培训加以介绍和分析,希望对我国的新教师入职培训有一定的启示。  相似文献   

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