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Africa has not been a huge success story in the 20th-century library and information world. What, if anything, can the rest of the developing world learn from the African experience? In many countries library and information services are more highly developed than in any countries of Africa. But others share many of the handicaps of library and information services development which characterize African countries. For librarians and information workers from such countries, the African experience may be quite close to home and it may offer some useful lessons.

This paper attempts to outline the state of library development in Africa at the turn of the century in the context of the challenges and opportunities presented on the one hand by the world-wide developments in information technology, and on the other by the hoped for African Renaissance. Six promising responses to these challenges and opportunities are presented.

Africa is a large and diverse continent. In this paper it is not possible to give a historical perspective on library development in Africa. Given limitations of the author's experience, the emphasis is on Anglophone Africa and on the countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and on public, university and national libraries.  相似文献   

IDRC has telecentre evaluation initiatives in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Each of these is in the process of establishing evaluation frameworks and each is adopting very different approaches. The current paper seeks to build on the outputs of IDRC's Far Hills Workshop on Telecentre Evaluation (September 1999) to explore the experiences in two of the three regions. These explorations will in turn contribute to IDRC's current initiative to develop a framework for ICTs evaluation.

The Far Hills Workshop, and the resulting report entitled Telecentre Evaluation: A Global Perspective, had as objectives to explore challenges and opportunities for telecentre evaluation; understand and compare emerging evaluation frameworks and methodologies; assess needs and resources available; identify salient issues affecting telecentre performance; and provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and lessons across regions.  相似文献   

(3) Scandinavia     
The lack of an understanding of the characteristics, skills, and searching abilities of a specific user group in computer-based information systems hinders library and information science professionals in making the best decisions when designing, acquiring, and managing information systems. The objective of this study was to provide information on the characteristics of a specific group of international college students from a developing country, in order to assist system managers in the selection of OPACs.

The major conclusions of this study are: (1) academic level of study and age of the students affect the preference for the type of OPAC system selected, but the academic major of the students does not affect the preference; (2) system designers should prepare more specific instructions regarding searching methods; (3) system designers should focus on the design of the system menu, since the most common method of learning about OPAC systems was the instructions in the menu; and (4) menu-driven systems should be the first selection of OPAC systems for Korean students.

Recommendations are proposed when designing, adopting, or managing a new OPAC system. Topics for further studies on the characteristics of OPAC systems and their use are also suggested.  相似文献   

恐怖空气笼罩下之生活桂林近自十月卅日、十一月二日连日遭敌机轰炸焚烧且及于市内以来 ,人心异常惶恐 ,故自晨迄下午二时 ,铺肆全都闭门 ,在此期内 ,几至百业停顿 ,街市冷落 ,而每晚七八时 ,市面反转趋活跃。他如学校上课时间及机关办公时间 ,亦因适应环境 ,全都改变。城内居民 ,因慑于空袭警报后 ,不及赶出城 ,故皆于每晨八九时左右 ,担箱携囊 ,奔赴城外预避 ,直至下午二时后始返城 ,实行其昼伏夜出之生活。在如此情形下 ,我们一家关于起居饮食的时间 ,亦不得不随着时势 ,略有变通 ,例如为便利晨间出城下午返家起见 ,将每日下午三餐 ,并作…  相似文献   

六、公密关系的内幕保密局对外是完全保密性质的,其下属省站,不准公开行使职权,无论是办公地点还是活动方式,都采用秘密形式。此外,保密局秉承军统时与同级多家特务机关横向联系的传统,毛人凤在傅厚岗通往玄武门的那条马路上买了一幢洋房,取名“诚庐”,每月邀请宪兵司令张镇、中央党部党员通讯局(中统局改组)[1]局长叶秀峰、内政部警察总署署长唐纵、国防部第二厅厅长郑介民等到此屋开会一次,统一对付中共和镇压民主爱国运动的步骤。这些在南京的特务机关中央,尽管有各自利害关系,以致互相拆台、火并,但在反共反人民、效忠蒋介石反动政权的…  相似文献   

周武 《档案与史学》2017,(12):50-53
<正>创建涵芬楼张元济在商务所办之事极多,其荦荦大者如主持编辑教科书,组织出版汉译世界名著,辑印古籍善本,改进新式排字机等,无不驰誉海内,影响深远。其中他创办涵芬楼与东方图书馆,更显示其博大的事业型努力。中国历史上有过许许多多名目各异的公私藏书楼,但大多着眼于藏,"嫏嬛深闭,检读为难,缥缃万卷,徒资玩饰",是故"见者未必能用,而用者常恨不得见"。同光年间,伴随西学的传播,西方  相似文献   

八一三战役前后的情报特务工作"八一三淞沪战役"打响后,战地上经常出现由日本豢养的汉奸暴露我炮兵阵地及高级司令部地址引导敌机轰炸的事件。如何防谍,在当时上海战场混乱状况下已成问题。戴笠奉命以特制谍,多调人员赴沪担任临时情报及防谍工作员。由招商局护航总队长喻耀离领400人组成巡查大队,在京沪警备司令部指  相似文献   

十月十六号 今早十时,白搏九来行与余谈话.余约其往银行公会,因行中人多,不便聚谈也.所谈之事无非筹款.  相似文献   

组织社会局救济物资保管委员会我对时局的看法,自徐蚌(淮海)会战结束以后,即认定国民党非失败不可。其原因,在于抗战胜利以来,彼辈之所作所为,已完全丧失民心。政治、经济、军事,方方面面,俱告失败。有三民主义之名,无三民主义之实。而中国共产党奉行新民主主义方策,确为一股新兴力量。故我于就南京市社会局长之前,即通过在沪从事中共地下工作的内弟祁式潜的关系,拟与中共地下工作同志建立联系,以策万全。并认定从事社会救济事业,力图为民众做些好事,是没有错的。时内弟答应转知中共有关方面,与我联系。惟时至二月,尚未有人来联系,故又趁内…  相似文献   

乡村体制随着人民公社体制解体,全国开始恢复乡镇建设,大体上是一个公社为一个乡,一个大队是一个行政村,一个生产队作为一个村民组。撤社建乡后不久,1984年的夏天,民政部部长崔乃夫同志带着中央一个讨论稿文件到江苏来。他说,这是彭真等领导同志的意见,乡太大,不利于发扬民主,容易产生官僚主义。  相似文献   

四月初一 晴近来无时不以沪友为念 ,无论作事、酬应、散步、休息 ,鲜能去怀。日前岳兄之忠告 ,昨午公权之斥责以及七、九两儿及石贵之禀陈 ,俱望余保重身心 ,努力行务 ,意重情长 ,能无感动。即吾至友 ,亲睹余况亦必加以谅解 ,助我以力也。拟从今日起 ,振起精神 ,积极服务以了残年 ,以慰众望。昨闻公权言 ,中共总部将由延安迁至清江浦 ,因念余弟尚留故乡 ,消息隔绝 ,生活维艰 ,至感不安。意欲派人往视而苦于无门 ,因询岳军、公权两兄可否托周君恩来作书介绍 ,以便通行。淬廉谓 ,可请伉乃如君作介。岳、权两兄亦谓 ,由私友如伉君者介绍较为相…  相似文献   

通过以往“走出去”的探索,中国出版业在“走出去”的道路上,除了要面对有如文化差异等大的方面的困难和挑战外,需要面对的一此具体问题和挑战也不容忽视。诸如: 其一、钱与“钱”之间何区别。中国出版业要“走出上”,自然少不了要有资金支持,而且很可能要首先想到资金、做资金预算。然而,就资金而言,换算成货币资金,不同国家、地区所用的货币与其他货币换算,其间的  相似文献   

以数字交往论(DAT)重访传播学的关键词“媒介化”“中介性”,有助于厘清交往的演化本质,及数字化生存的基本观念:(1)中介性的意义是建构社会形态;媒介化的意义是演化社会基因;数字社会的媒介化,与数字媒介的社会化是同步的。(2)媒介-社会建构的整体化过程,是从“无机”到“有机”再走向“同一”的过程;媒介与社会处在“共同演化”之中,数字社会的本质、路径和前景,都是共同演化,而非媒介化。(3)理想的交往性,是“万类交往、互利共生”;共同演化应遵循自由平等、相互调谐的生态原则,避免技术驱动、资本垄断、价值缺失所带来的“偏害共生”,以建立理想的数字文明。  相似文献   

可获得性论的图书馆原理(三)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
梁灿兴 《图书馆》2004,(1):12-16
本文从用户需求对文献单元的性能要求、用户知识需要过程分析以及图书馆工作的具体目的等方面阐述了可获得性理论的真正含义。  相似文献   

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