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There is no segment of the broadcasting industry growing as rapidly as Christian Radio has since 1990. The number of radio stations with Christian formats has nearly tripled in this time frame, surpassing all other formats. This remarkable growth is due to a combination of factors, including changes in FCC channel allocation and licensing policies, innovations in software to identify available frequencies and plot coverage areas, the popularity of Contemporary Christian Music, the growth of Evangelical Christianity and conservative political organizations, and the dedicated efforts of many broadcasters who want Christian Radio to happen now.  相似文献   

Government and radio broadcasting stations have been debating the model of digital transmission to be adopted in Brazil, without having come to a consensus. The impasse is related to the technological characteristics of the available systems (IBOC, DRM, and DAB) that are not integrally adaptable to the model of radio broadcasting, to the regulatory laws, and to the rules of the radio market in the country. Tests done with IBOC reveal that the digital system does not provide the same coverage as a quality analogical AM radio. Other aspects are the technical conditions of the Brazilian broadcasting stations and their adaptability to a digital system: 37% of them still function with valve transmitters, most of them being between AM commercial and public radio stations. As they are broadcasting stations with few resources for investment in transistorized equipment, it will be necessary to create public policies of incentive for digitalization, which would collaborate toward the sustainability of the sector. The present study presents data from a sample of 750 stations, which corresponds to 96.45% of the profile of the Brazilian radio market, and integrates the data with national research.  相似文献   

基于深厚的地缘、商缘、史缘、亲缘等关系,台港澳与内地自古以来就以中华传统文化为本根,相互辐射,相互融合,形成了区域型文化综合体,具有了共同的文化深层结构,  相似文献   

This article considers the Radio Preservation Task Force’s (RPTF) recruitment efforts and current list of member archives, assessing its success in fulfilling its mandate from the Library of Congress’s National Recording Preservation Board to adequately inventory archival collections throughout the country and facilitate preservation of and educational access to materials within these collections. The RPTF’s membership, it argues, represents significant progress in overcoming initial favoritism toward collections of network broadcasting materials, enabling the creation of alternative forms of cultural memory and production of new histories that can speak to issues and constituencies neglected in traditional histories of radio broadcasting. At the same time, it proposes further attention to nonconventional archives that may not take radio or media as their focus, warns against privileging sound recordings at the expense of contextualizing paper documentation, and stresses the need to consider forms of radio content beyond broadcast programming and to actively preserve born-digital materials within the present as well as recordings from the past. While the RPTF has helped expand existing conceptions of the radio archive, significant challenges and opportunities remain for identifying and preserving the full range of American radio heritage for both current and future generations.  相似文献   

党中央,国务院高度重视法制宣传教育工作,高度重视广播电视法律宣传工作。胡锦涛总书记强调指出:”要加强法制宣传教育,传播法律知识,弘扬法冶精神,增强全社会的法律意识,形成法律面前人人平等、人人自觉守法的社会氛围。”2006年上半年,中共中央、国务院批转了《中宣部、司法部关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育的第五个五年规划》,全国人大常委会通过了《关于加强法制宣传教育的决议》。这两个文件都明确规定:新闻媒体要承担开展公益性法制宣传教育的社会责任,广播电视等媒体要开展形式多样、丰富多彩和生动活泼的法制宣传教育。  相似文献   

This article reports on ongoing studies of political satire in the seriocomedy genre produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and its French language counterpart, la Société Radio‐Canada (SRC). We compare and contrast examples of each network's way of imagining its respective society as well as each other's society. We situate the definition of seriocomedy in a discussion of the contrasting role of private and public broadcasting in the North American context. Then we present examples from programs produced in two historical periods. The definition of seriocomedy and the analysis of texts follows the dialogical theory of discourse developed by the Russian thinker, Mikhail Bakhtin. In the conclusion, we discuss how these examples of dialogical criticism help demonstrate the complex process in which the seriocomedy genre expands and reinstitutes the normative boundaries of what can be said or represented in public culture.  相似文献   

The Evangelical movement in the United States arose as an interpretive community in the late 19th century when the penny press permitted mass dissemination of shared media texts. Network radio in the early and mid-20th century then furnished an ecology for Evangelicals to share real-time media rituals and be socially integrated into a broadly coherent subculture. This study presents a new history of Evangelicalism organized around its media, following the movement through its three “waves.” In the present era, radio continues to sustain the subculture, even as Evangelicals have tactically “reread” their media texts in response to societal change.  相似文献   

This study assesses the radio as a source of health information and identifies contributing factors to listeners' intentions to change health-related behavior. After listening to a 1-hour health-talk radio program, 99 participants completed an Internet-based survey instrument. Results indicate 27.3% of participants regularly obtained health information from the radio and 68.7% from the Internet; 92.9% of participants reported an increase in knowledge and 65.7% reported intentions to change health behaviors. Participants were more likely to report behavior change intentions if they obtained health information from multiple sources (OR = 1.47). Implications of this study emphasize making radio content available via the Internet.  相似文献   

Some librarians embrace discovery tools while others refuse to use them. This lack of consensus can have consequences for student learning when there is inconsistent use, especially in large-scale instruction programs. The authors surveyed academic librarians whose institutions have a discovery tool and who teach information literacy classes in order to identify barriers to using them and to develop strategies to effectively integrate them into instruction. The authors used the survey results and recent studies on the research habits of undergraduates to propose strategies for integrating the discovery tool at the programmatic level in a more meaningful and sustainable way.  相似文献   

Today more than half of all radio listening in the UK is occurring through digital platforms. Within this context the BBC’s current arts proposition provides a valuable insight into how public service broadcasters are adapting and responding to this burgeoning digital audience. In particular, attention is drawn to the ways in which digital platforms are used to supplement and enhance the auditory listening experience. In doing so, the present article argues that radio continues to occupy a significant position in furthering public engagement with the arts due to, rather than despite of, advances in digital technology.  相似文献   

21世纪的第7个年头开始了。作为中国广播电视界最权威的学术刊物《中国广播电视学刊》将在新的一年里担负更重要的使命,即在构建社会主义和谐社会中发挥营造良好舆论氛围的重要作用。要充分发挥广播电视在构建社会主义和谐社会中的作用,  相似文献   

新闻广播在发布政令、传播信息、引导舆论的职能上处于厂播媒体最重要的地位,主要发挥着“喉舌”功能,其改革具有巨大的联动、示范作用。1983年的第11次全国厂播电视工作会议曾提出:“以新闻改革为突破口,带动整个厂播电视宣传的改革”。正如当日寸的厂播电视部吴冷西部长在这次会议上指出的:“新闻这种形式最为领导关心、群众关心,最能  相似文献   

Kazakhstan became independent after the fall of the Soviet Union and began the process of recovering Kazakh traditions and establishing a unique identity as a country. Key to this effort is establishing the Kazakh language as a titular or state language. At the time of independence an overwhelming majority of Kazakhstan’s population spoke Russian, which remains strong today. The state requires that Kazakh is spoken in at least 50% of all radio broadcasts, and state-sponsored radio takes the lead in this effort. Interviews were conducted with key members of Kazakhstan’s radio industry to learn the role of radio in establishing a state language and the challenges they face doing so. Interviewees were passionate about their role in re-establishing Kazakh culture through language, but the dominance of Russian language radio and a shifting media and language environment continue to present roadblocks.  相似文献   

Community radio is a form of noncommercial broadcasting designed to serve audiences in a specific geographic area. In recent years, community radio has become a viable alternative to both commercial and public radio, which produce nationally oriented programming designed to attract mass audiences. The value and impact of community radio can be seen through the work of Allegheny Mountain Radio, a three-station network serving a rural and geographically isolated region of southern West Virginia and Virginia.  相似文献   

In an attempt to learn more about perceived interactivity, this study explores the perceptions of radio listeners during the 1920s and 1930s. Radio provides an interesting case for exploring interactivity because, although the medium lacked interactive technological features, millions of listeners perceived that the opportunity to “interact” with radio existed through fan mail. The study finds that fan mail reflects several dimensions of interactivity often associated with the technological features of a medium: user input and feedback, medium responsiveness, two-way communication, and system monitoring. The results suggest that interactivity may be dependent on media content rather than media technology.  相似文献   

Air America is a self-identified liberal radio talk show network initiated in the months before the 2004 U.S. presidential election. This article examines Air America's efforts to gain legitimacy in politically tense times as well as attract audience through its use of comic genres. The article explores how its grappling with fundamental questions of political truth versus lies shapes the form and content of its shows. The growing popularity of Web logs may also contribute to the continued existence of the shows: Air America illustrates the reciprocal influences of talk radio and blogs, as well as the roles of both in political interaction.  相似文献   

进入新世纪,摆在中国广播电视人面前的是光荣而艰巨的两个任务:建设有中国特色的昌盛文明的社会主义广播电视事业;建设有中国特色的发达科学的社会主义广播电视理论。广播电视事业的现代化和昌盛文明有赖于广播电视工作者的艰辛努力和探索,更有赖于发达科学的理论给予正确的指导。毕竟,理论是实践的指南。  相似文献   

The Australian community radio sector has played an important role in the social movement of media democratization, both locally and more broadly, however, little attention has been paid to this sector as a social movement. This research maps the organizational history of Brisbane community radio station, 4ZZZ, to examine the impacts of institutionalism on the station, viewed as a social movement organization (SMO). It argues that while SMOs typically move from an oppositional position of protest to one that is increasingly institutional, this does not necessarily dilute the effectiveness of SMOs over time.  相似文献   

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