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The Urban Review - In this theoretical essay, I argue that the contemporary over-disciplining of Black and Native youth can best be understood through understanding the culturally violent roots of...  相似文献   

答案与分析:一天David去商店买东西,看见一位老太太掉了一个小包。他还没来得及告诉她,一个在下水道旁边干活的工人拾起来装进了自己的口袋。他见那个工人人高马大,没有说什么,但那天晚上他感到懊丧。  相似文献   

Even in a society of meat‐eaters such as the United States, when diet is addressed in school at all, it is widely treated as matter of personal choice, the consequences of which are borne by individual consumers. Overlooked are myriad connections involved in human diet and the implications of consumption for other entities. In the first part of this essay, Suzanne Rice discusses ways in which diet, particularly meat‐eating, is connected to animal suffering, environmental harms including climate change and pollution, and risks to the health of agricultural workers and consumers. In the second part, she discusses ways in which education might be “ecologized” in efforts to help students gain insight into such connections. There are many ways to ecologize education, but regardless of how teachers proceed, they are likely to encounter not only simple ignorance, relatively unproblematic gaps in students' knowledge linked to youth and inexperience, but also willful ignorance, more problematic gaps linked to avoidance, manipulation, or rejection of evidence perceived as threatening.  相似文献   

There is currently a gap in the consultation literature related to how teacher and student gender may affect teacher perceptions of and responses to student behavior. In this study, 147 preservice and practicing teachers were presented with four “gender-neutral” student-centered problems in the form of short vignettes in which the gender of the student was rotated. Respondents rated these vignettes on problem severity, likelihood of seeking assistance, and from whom they would seek assistance. Data were analyzed by teacher status (preservice or practicing), teacher gender, and student gender. Results suggest teachers typically did not make different decisions based on student gender. However, female teachers often rated student situations as more severe than their male colleagues, with some differences between practicing and preservice teachers. The potential implication of this and related findings for the process of consultation are highlighted.  相似文献   

Itisnousetodosth.还是Itisnousedoingsth.□定西县东方红中学马瑞思关于这个结构中use后接非限定动词的问题不少教科书都认为只能接动名词即-ing,不能接动词不定式。笔者在翻查TheConciseOxfordDictio...  相似文献   

How to Use It     
Sorry is never good enough.对不起有什么用!A:I am sorry. 对不起.B:Sorry?Sorry is never good enough. 对不起?对不起有什么用!  相似文献   

How to Use It     
1.mess up打乱,弄砸了 A:I am terribly sorry I am late. 很抱歉我迟到了. B:Please!Your late arrival messed up our plan. 拜托!你的迟到已经把我们的计划打乱了.  相似文献   

How to Say It     
green(=new hand) (1)生手,没有经验的(2)妒忌I don't think I can handle it by myself.I'm still pretty green. 我认为我单独应付不了这件事,我仍然是个新手。He was green with envy. 他妒忌了。  相似文献   

How to Say It     
1.My lips are sealed.我的嘴巴被封住了。(表示自己口风很紧)“Don’t tell Mary,I want to give her a surprise.”“别告诉玛丽,我要给她一个惊喜。”“Don’t worry,my lips are sealed.”“别担心,我的嘴巴很紧。”  相似文献   

How to Use It     
psycho疯子A:I’ve had enough of that psycho.I don’t want to dealwith her any more. 我受够那个疯子了。我不想再跟她有任何瓜葛。B:Please,Jack.I believe it’s only a misunderstanding. 不要这样子,杰克。我相信这只是一场误会罢了。“psycho”和“psychopath”、“nut”等都是“疯子”的意思。被形容成疯子的人也许只是一时对一些事情反应激烈,而不见得是真正的精神病患者。“psycho”本身也是形容词,同样有“疯了”或“精神病的”意思。  相似文献   

Attention is asymmetric(不均匀的) at times. It can flow out of the system, as when the living pay attention to the dead. I was very painfully reminded of this just recently.  相似文献   

July20th,1969wasanimportantday.TwoAmericanslandedonthemoon.TheirnameswereArmstrongandAldrin.Theywenttherebyspace-ship.ItsnamewasApolloⅡ.ApolloⅡleftCapeKennedyonJuly16thandwentthreehundredandeighty-fivethousandkilometers.IttookthetwoAmericansthreedaystogetthere.OnJuly20ththespaceshiplandedintheSeaofTranquility,Armstrongfirststeppedonthemoon.Thetwomenwalkedonthegroundofthemoon.Theyweretiredaftertheirmoonwalk,sotheyrested.OnJuly21stApolloⅡleftthemoonandreturnedtotheearth.Threedayslate…  相似文献   

春节!春节!春节一直代表或被代表着中国本土的文化传承;无论是嚷嚷着有钱没钱回家过年;还是过年越来越没有意思,其实,对于春节的期待度,我们依然有着高涨的热情。或是期待接近一个月的放松与狂欢,也或是暂时逃避嘈杂的上课铃声,春节的鞭炮声回想在耳畔时,似乎一年的所有快乐都想在此刻绽放。  相似文献   

It tabes sb.some time to do sth.这一句式最先出现在J~(B3)《The Artist》一文中。原句是It took me more than a year to learn to drawa beautiful horse in five minutes.大纲和教材并未对此句式作任何强调解释。这一句式在J~(B5)  相似文献   

Peter,anAmericanboy ,ispayinghisfirstvisittoParis.Hesetsoutto  1 somefamousplacesinthecitywithafriend .Whentheycome  2 theEiffelTower(埃菲尔铁塔 ) ,Peteraskshisfriend ,“Howlongdidittaketobuildthistower?”“Twoyears,”sayshisFrenchfriend .“Twoyears ?”shoutsPeter,“Wecan  3 itjustinsixmonthsin  4 city.”Thetwo  5 attheTriumphalArch (凯旋门 )whenPeterasksthe  6 question .Afterhehearsthatittooksixmonths ,hecan’thelp  7  .Hetellshisfriend ,“Weonlyneedonemonthtodothejob .”…  相似文献   

法官:我真不明白,你为什么连续三个晚上闯入同一家商店呢?盗贼:噢,阁下,我为我妻子挑选了一件衣服,因为她总是不喜欢衣服的样式,所以,我才不得不换了两次。Judge:I don’t understand why you broke into the same store threetimes in a row?Prisoner:W ell,YourHonor,Ipicked outa dress formy wife,and Ihad to change ittwice because she didn’tlike the style.Had to Change It Twice@Blue…  相似文献   

“汤姆,你为什么用棉花塞住耳朵?它感染了吗?”“没有,老师,你不是说,你对我说的话我都是一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出,所以我要把它堵在里面。”  相似文献   

"一译到底"又与您见面了!欢迎同学们来这里一译到底!你喜欢这首小诗吗?把它翻译成中文,对你来说一定不是什么难事!那就快快拿起笔,看谁译得又快又好!把你的正确答案寄来,就有机会获得"小译王"称号,并有一份小奖品哟!好机会,别错过!我们的地址:哈尔滨市南岗区阿什河街11号《小学  相似文献   

While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can't be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress. Try physical activity.When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try. Physical exercise will relieve your anxiety and worry and help you do relax. Your body and your mind will work together to ease the stress in your life.  相似文献   

Attention is asymmetric(不均匀的) at times. It can flow out of the system, as when the living pay attention to the dead.  相似文献   

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