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文章阐述了高等院校INTESS Call Center 用于招生的设计思想与系统结构。  相似文献   

教育学以学校教育为研究对象而确立了其学科地位,但这种微观的学术框架难以反映教育科学分化与综合的快速发展。经济学从微观融合宏观的成功发展道路表明,教育学的发展也只有将教育问题的微观与宏观有机地结合,才能适应教育理论与实践的发展需要,走出传统微观视野下的“普通”教育学体系,形成更富有生命力的现代教育学。  相似文献   

豪族的士族化过程,是权力与文化互动的过程。从王权支配看,权力起着决定性因素,权力是转化的起点也是转化的终点。王权支配,引导着豪族形态的变化,儒学独尊、通经入仕是豪族士族化最主要的途径,除此之外,赀选、任子制度的实行,同样在豪族士族化的过程中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   


Using the experiences and perspectives of practicing environmental educators, the author identified the elements that contribute most to effective environmental education. First, interviews were conducted with 18 experienced environmental educators from 11 states. Factors that appeared fundamental to the teachers' successes were assembled into an initial elements-of-success framework, consisting of 42 elements arranged in 3 categories: teaching conditions, teacher competencies, and teaching practices. The framework was then sent in survey form to environmental educators across the country. The survey yielded strong and consistent confirmation that environmental educators across the country believe the framework provides a valid and useful representation of the major elements that contribute to successful environmental education.  相似文献   

幼儿的祖辈主要教养人与隔代教育的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在园幼儿以祖辈为主要教养人的家庭中,祖辈参与的力度在不同的家庭中是不同的。本文就隔代教育的状况如何、幼儿家庭的哪些特点促成祖辈成为孙辈的主要教养人、祖辈主要教养人具有哪些个人特点、祖辈主要教养人的隔代教育对幼儿带来了什么影响等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   


A statewide assessment of the status of environmental science (ES) in Texas school districts was conducted in 1985. Respondents were 126 science curriculum supervisors and 278 teachers (grades seven through twelve) representing 339 (38 percent) of those independent school districts (ISDs) (N = 893) having at least one science-certified teacher. The assessment results characterized ES in terms of grade level, subject matter, and implementor; degree to which ES facilities external to the classroom are used and factors preventing their use; ES teaching materials used and needed; levels of emphasis placed on selected teaching strategies; those content areas emphasized in ES; and ES implementation difficulties and needed assistance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to help teachers become more responsive to the changing needs and contexts of families in their efforts to establish relationships and encourage family participation. Through this article, the authors describe the changing landscape of parenting and the stressors experienced by contemporary families. The authors then provide a review of research that describes strategies that have been successfully employed by teachers of young children to foster increased communication and family involvement. The article concludes with suggestions to help early childhood professionals change their paradigm of parent involvement from a school-centric perspective to one that is more family-centric.  相似文献   

Modern science, for the most part, constrains the kind of theories that it entertains, and selects the kind of empirical data with which theories are related, to accord with materialist strategies. These strategies are adopted, I maintain, not because the objective of gaining understanding that manifests cognitive values highly always requires it, but because of an elective affinity (the elements of which I detail) between the materialist strategies and a certain outlook on the control of nature. A social value, thus, serves to ground the adoption of the materialist strategies. This, however, does not undermine the view that sound theory acceptance is based on impartial considerations, provided that the role of social values is kept properly distinct from that of cognitive values.  相似文献   


Preschool attendance problems negatively impact children's school readiness skills and future school attendance. Parents are critical to preschoolers’ attendance. This study explored parental barriers and solutions to preschool attendance in low-income families. School-district administrative data from a racially/ethnically diverse sample of parents with children attending the district's half-day preschool program were obtained (N = 111). Subsamples of parents participated in a phone interview and follow-up, in-person interview. Parents valued early learning and preschool. Children missed school due to illness, problems with child care, transportation, and family life. Differences in attendance rates appeared by school, family demographics, and race/ethnicity. African-Americans and Hispanics experienced more barriers than Whites and Asians, and were more likely to miss school because of illness and medical appointments. Hispanics were more likely to miss for vacation. Parents noted a lack of social connection with other parents in the school/neighborhood, making seeking help to resolve attendance barriers difficult.  相似文献   

Understanding How First-year Seminars Affect Persistence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
First-year seminars are nearly ubiquitous fixtures in American higher education, and research has documented their positive effect on student persistence. Only limited research, however, has attempted to isolate the impact of various aspects of first-year seminars on persistence, especially on a cross-institutional basis. We use a survey of almost 20,000 first-year students at 45 four-year institutions combined with institutional-level data to understand how aspects of first-year seminars affect early intentions to persist. Because survey respondents are grouped within dissimilar institutions, we use a multilevel modeling approach to model intent to persist.  相似文献   

Understanding Nature of Science (NOS) is a central component of scientific literacy, which is agreed upon internationally, and consequently has been a major educational goal for many years all over the globe. In order to justify the promotion of an adequate understanding of NOS, educators have developed several arguments, among them the cultural argument. But what is behind this argument? In order to answer this question, C. P. Snow’s vision of two cultures was used as a starting point. In his famous Rede Lecture from 1959, he complained about a wide gap between the arts and humanities on the one hand and sciences on the other hand. While the representatives of the humanities refer to themselves as real intellectuals, the scientists felt rather ignored as a culture, despite the fact that their achievements had been so important for Western society. Thus, Snow argued that as these intellectual cultures were completely different from each other, a mutual understanding was impossible. The first European Regional IHPST Conference took up the cultural view on science again. Thus, the topic of the conference “Science as Culture in the European Context” encouraged us to look at the two cultures and to figure out possibilities to bridge the gap between them in chemistry teacher education. For this reason, we put together three studies—one theoretical and two independent research projects (one dealing with creativity in science, the other with scientific laws and theories) which contribute to our main research field (promoting an understanding of NOS)—in order to address the cultural argument for understanding science from an educational point of view. Among the consented tenets of what understanding NOS implies in an educational context, there are aspects which are associated mainly with the humanities, like the tentativeness of knowledge, creativity, and social tradition, whereas others seem to have a domain-specific meaning, like empirical evidence, theories and laws, and the role of technology. Thus, the cultural argument for understanding science invites us not only to consider domain-specific concepts but also to reflect on similarities between science and the humanities by way of examples.  相似文献   

一般认为,汉字是表意体系的文字,这种关于汉字性质的看法是不够全面的。近年来,有些学者提出了新的观点。但是,由于他们观察汉字性质的角度不够正确,因而,他们所提出的观点有的是不够完善的。因此,本文从汉字记录汉语的方式出发,提出汉字是“表意—谐音—记号文字”的观点。  相似文献   

“领导的本质是激励”是对领导活动诸要素和领导过程分析研究得出的结论。它的提出恢复了激励作为领导本质的地位,反映了社会发展的客观要求,适应了领导客体地位上升的现状,符合现代领导活动发展的趋势;领导本质激励论不是对领导本质服务论的否定,而是对其做出的领导学解释和实践层面的具体化。  相似文献   

19世纪美国超验主义代表人物爱默生在《自然》一书中颠覆了基督教反自然的传统,强调用直觉和顿悟的方式达到人与自然的融合。他的这种整体主义的自然观,启迪了一种新的整体主义的思维方式:把自然的本质归结于生命共同体,从自然共同体的高度在人与自然之间建立一种平等、和谐的关系。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学关于人的本质学说、温州实践、温州人意识的运行机制可以解开温州人的谜底。温州人的出生、成长、发展,是在温州人的社会关系及其意识的作用下实现的过程,而这一过程始终发生在温州实践之中,温州人的存在方式在于温州实践,温州人的独特优势在于温州人意识,温州人的本质在于温州人的社会关系网。  相似文献   

家园合作共育新模式的探索   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
家园合作共育已成为广大幼教工作者的共识。在新的历史条件下,家园合作共育必须建构新的模式,充分整合和利用家长教育资源,发挥家长的教育作用,实现幼儿园教育与家庭教育的同步协调发展。  相似文献   

五四时期的知识,在描写中国传统的家庭化时,主要着眼于对传统的批判,成功地树立了反传统家族化的旗帜。到了抗战时期,这一代的知识分子在错综复杂的局面下,面对家族化有了更多的选择。他们借各种类型的人物形象的活动,如长子,逆子、败家子等来印证社会历史,从而显示出处于传统向现代转型期的家族化观。  相似文献   

1.the man(the Man)大哥:厉害的人A: O. K. Your walkman is fixed. There should be no more problem(s) now.好了!你的随身听修好了。应该不会再有问题了!B:You've got it taken care of just like that?You're the man. 你这样(一下子)就搞好了啊!大哥真是厉害!  相似文献   

1.buck抗拒A:I hate this place.Evewthing is nasty here. 我讨厌这个地方,一切都糟糕极了。B: It is the system.You can’t buck the system. 你无法抗拒整个制度。2.hot number新鲜、迷人的人或事务,尤物A:Denny thinks Grace is a hot number. 丹尼认为格雷斯是个尤物。  相似文献   

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