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身份问题和认同问题对于文化研究来说至关重要。21世纪初的台湾受到了全球化和本土化问题的双重夹击,因此造成了广大民众在思想认同上普遍存在的文化迷思。面对全球化与本土化问题的双重焦虑,台湾公共知识分子纷纷撰文,在公共领域展开了一场文化大论辩,呈现了台湾公共知识分子对于国族身份认同与试图重建文化主体性的努力。  相似文献   

《海角七号》创造了台湾电影的奇观。作为一部具有"乡土"气质的电影,它是台湾文化本土化的结果,也预示了台湾电影和社会加快本土化的进程。电影通过现实生活和过往历史两个层面,探讨了一种体现台湾本土自觉的身份认同,其所引发的观影热潮,又进一步加剧了对于这种身份的确认。这是一种意味深长的文化现象,也是一种需要包容面对的客观现实。  相似文献   

当下台湾电影呈现出明显的本土“回潮”趋势,本土化题材的备受青睐、地域空间的在地特色、语言的归位等均是突出表现。电影叙事内容与表现方式的本土化同时也意味着电影对身份认同问题的介入方式正在向本土化靠拢,即以本土为立足点,建构同为在地人的本土认同。然而,表面上看似多元包容、美好稳定的本土认同实际上却具有一元霸权化的倾向,且充满矛盾与纠结。  相似文献   

马英九执政后,结束"台独执政",与大陆一起推动两岸关系和平发展,为扭转台湾"一个中国认同"走向提供了必要的社会氛围。两岸经贸关系更紧密,两岸文化往来更密切,两岸人员交流更频繁,两岸对话协商更坦诚,但台湾的"一个中国认同"状况没有明显的改善。分析马英九执政期间误导台湾"一个中国认同"的因素,有利于我们正确认识解决台湾"一个中国认同"问题的复杂性和艰巨性。  相似文献   

台独思潮及台独运动是一种非常复杂的社会政治意识及行动,它的产生有着深刻的社会、历史、政治及文化背景。它经由台湾岛内的“本土化”运动到所谓“台湾意识,”进而异化为国家分裂主义思潮,在政治、经济、文化多元化的掩盖下,以“去中国化”为内核,通过断绝、割裂海峡两岸的历史传承和交融,从民族精神、国家意识和民众灵魂等方面,悄然影响台湾民众对“一个中国”理念的认同和统独心态,直接或间接地危害祖国的统一大业。  相似文献   

指出在台湾广泛传播的妈祖信仰,已逐渐内化为台湾民俗文化的有机组成部分。介绍了台湾妈祖信仰的发展轨迹及相应的民俗风尚,并阐释妈祖信仰在台湾发挥着精神支柱、人格调适、社会整合、文化认同等特殊的社会功能。  相似文献   

乡村振兴背景下乡村教师本土化发展是乡村教师队伍建设的应然趋势."城市取向"教师发展的牵引使乡村教师呈现出不自觉的脱离乡村实体转向城市的趋同化发展趋势.解决乡土性被遮蔽、主体性被隐匿等问题是实现乡村教师本土化发展以稳定乡村教师队伍的首要任务,需要依托乡村振兴战略,发挥乡土社会的文化优势、地缘优势以及动力优势,实现文化、科技、教育的有效联动.乡村振兴背景下乡村教师本土化发展的路径是:凸显乡村教师发展的主体性,增强其乡土文化认同;激发乡村教师学习本土文化知识的能动性,增加本土化教育经验;增强乡村教师的互动性,使其厚植教育情怀;把握乡村教师的职业敏感性,重塑其身份认同.  相似文献   

阐述台湾戏剧家李国修身为外省第二代,在他的戏剧作品中呈现了外省第二代所特有的在生命、政治、文化认同等方面的困境,以及通过对于自身生命体验的忠实记录来建构庶民身份认同的努力。从身份认同的角度分析李国修的戏剧,既能深入理解台湾外省第二代的生存处境与复杂的心理状态,也有利于认识台湾社会族群生态的发展历史。  相似文献   

作为台湾后新电影的扛鼎之作,《赛德克·巴莱》通过对雾社事件后殖民再生产,再现了日殖时代的台湾原住民的悲情历史,反映了他们交织着现代性憧憬与原始性激情的抵殖民斗争。《赛德克·巴莱》以殖民时代的台湾原住民的反抗历史为媒介,表征了当代台湾社会不断强化的所在地认同与本土意识,其在形塑台湾社会之本土化认同的同时,亦导致了自我主体想象的异化,从而引发了更深层次的身份危机。  相似文献   

台湾问题涉及中国主权,牵动两岸人心,是中学生关注的热点。中学涉台教育要以尊重史实筑牢两岸互信的社会基础,以同宗同源激活两岸融合的文化基因,以“一个中国”作为两岸统一的政治基石,以经贸合作夯实两岸双赢的经济基础,促进中学生对台湾问题的历史认同、民族认同、政治认同和发展认同,引导学生系统思考台湾问题,理性表达爱国情感,不断厚植爱国情怀。  相似文献   

This study examines localisation endeavours in contemporary Taiwan to explore the history of the Taiwanese localisation movement as a way of reimagining meanings of Taiwaneseness constructed under different historical circumstances. It focuses on the xiāngtǔ (nativist) literature movement in colonial Taiwan in the early 1930s that was initiated by Taiwanese intellectuals to create real Taiwanese literature on Taiwan and for the Taiwanese masses. Besides being a social education initiative to improve Taiwanese mass literacy, the xiāngtǔ literature movement was a localisation effort to reform Taiwanese language and preserve Taiwanese culture under Japanese occupation. The reform discourse made a turn towards specifically Taiwanese linguistic and cultural traditions, instead of pursuing modern Japanese and Chinese language and culture, which were the then available cultural impulses in colonial Taiwan. Local Taiwanese language and folk culture were essential curricular materials in the social education agenda that created particular meanings of Taiwaneseness for colonial Taiwan.  相似文献   

The article examines the complicated interplay of globalization, localization and sinophilia that, along with associated social changes, determines reforms in Taiwanese music education today. Students are expected not only to be tri-lingual, in so far as they are obliged to learn English, Mandarin and a local language, such as Southern Fujianese, Hakka or an aboriginal dialect, but they must also become tri-cultural with respect to western classical music, traditional Chinese music and indigenous Taiwanese music. The findings of our questionnaires suggest that the processes of globalization, localization and sinophilia are unequal determinants in the transformation of Taiwanese music education. The survey, which was conducted among 2596 primary and secondary school students (1309 from Tainan and 1287 from Taipei) between May and November 2000, shows that schools are less inclined than the Taiwanese government to promote local music. Students in the survey much prefer western classical and popular music to local Taiwanese and traditional Chinese styles. They show little interest in promoting Chinese culture or in singing Taiwan's national anthem. By examining the major concerns of music education from the perspective of the complex dynamics of globalization, this study illuminates the tensions and dilemmas facing the music curriculum of Taiwan today.  相似文献   

This historical study reflects on history curriculum debates over the last 20 years in Taiwan. To open up possibilities for contemporary Taiwanese to rethink themselves in terms of national culture and subjectivity, this paper explores the construction of Taiwanese subjectivity in the past. It focuses on the history of Taiwan under Japanese occupation as a key issue in history curriculum debates. Particularly, it examines language issues in the 1920s, an important theme in the histories of the formation of Taiwanese consciousness, ideology, and cultural nationalism during the Japanese colonial period. Rather than addressing issues of identity (national or cultural), identifying who Taiwanese really were, or looking for Chinese or Taiwanese consciousness, this study explores how meanings of “Taiwanese” in the 1920s under Japanese occupation were constructed in the discourse of language reform for civilisation. The analysis of the New Culture Movement discourse suggests that the classical Chinese language of Hànwén as a valuable cultural resource and flexible linguistic instrument played an essential role in constituting Taiwanese subjectivities that shaped Taiwanese practices of the self for distinctive civilisation.  相似文献   

在明末以前,中华传统儒学一直未能在台湾地区形成影响。到了清代,台湾隶属于福建,闽都福州由于其特殊的政治、经济、文化地位,对台湾儒学的传承与发展产生了广泛而深入的影响。闽都文化对台湾儒学发展的影响,主要通过台湾的官学、书院、社会教育三方面得以表现。  相似文献   

西川满台湾民俗题材文学中的中华文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
台湾日据时期来台的日籍殖民作家西川满搜集、整理、创作了一些台湾民俗题材文学.其中的台湾民俗文化现象,大部分和闽南文化高度近似乃至完全一致,其实质是中国大陆文化向台湾的延伸与发展.西川满的台湾民俗题材文学恰恰成了台湾与中国大陆、台湾民俗与大陆民俗、台湾文化与炎黄文化血脉不断的反证.  相似文献   

The social status of teachers is one of the indicators reflecting the significance attached to education in each culture. This study found that teachers in Taiwan enjoy a relatively higher occupational prestige and an overall greater satisfaction with their jobs than their international counterparts. These outcomes may be attributed to the favourable policies in teacher education and schooling operations adopted by the Taiwanese government over past decades. The roots of these policies are in the cultural, historical and political development of the Taiwanese society. The Chinese cultural tradition, Japanese colonisation and Nationalist rule have all played a role in forming the relatively high social status of teachers in Taiwan. However, as Taiwan has been undergoing major political and cultural transformations in recent years, the policies and public perceptions of teaching may change accordingly; therefore the social status of teachers in Taiwan remains to be closely observed.  相似文献   

当今全球化的语境在造成全球文化日益一体化的同时,也给各民族文化带来了民族身份认同的焦虑.文化本土化的诉求正是民族身份认同的焦虑在文化领域的反映.以“失语症”和“中国古代文论的现代转换”等为例,分析文化本土化诉求的悖论现象,并在此基础上进一步探讨对此悖论的解决方案.解决矛盾的关键在于破除全球化和本土化二元对立的思维模式,破除对纯洁的民族身份的偏执,而着眼于其发展和建构,在书写“现在”中展现生命价值和民族性格.  相似文献   

后殖民论述在台湾的兴起与演变关涉到人文知识分子如何思考台湾和如何“阐释台湾”这个至关重要的当代命题。后殖民理论如何“在地化”?对这个问题的认识构成我们理解90年代后台湾思想史的一个重要脉络。“后殖民本土论”与“后现代民主”之间,在“后殖民本土”与“后殖民民主”之间,构成了一种意味深长的潜在论战关系。  相似文献   

在文化“全球化”的背景下,我国英语普及的趋势有目共睹。正当英语发挥积极社会作用的同时,英语在一定程度上表现出来的“语言霸权”特征和随之而来的西方文化对中华本土语言和民族文化形成了强大的冲击。如何顺应“全球化”,保护“本土化”,正确看待英语普及的现象,寻求语言与文化的和谐统一,成为英语教学界值得探讨与研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

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